That time I [F] had an orgasm while my parents watched. (it’s less creepy than it sounds).

A few years ago and I’m on a family vacation to Greece. It was a big deal for my Mom who for some reason had always been fascinated by the history even though she’s Irish. But anyway, she’d been saving for the trip for years and wanted to do it right so it was a splurge for us that ended with a visit to Santorini (it’s beautiful, you should go if you haven’t!).
So it’s me, and my parents, and my sister. But also…the bf’s.

My sister, who’s two and half years older than me, got to bring her bf as that was the only way she agreed to come along. And I threw a hissie fit until my parents reluctantly agreed that my then first bf – Cameron – could also come as well after his parents agreed (and paid for his part).

Now I had only just turned 18 at this time and as far as my parents knew I was still a virgin. My sister has always been the wild one and nobody had any illusions about her history, but she was also in college and essentially a ‘grown-up’ so no big deal there. Me on the other hand was still trying to shed some residual baby fat and being the quiet type and a bit of a late bloomer in terms of my interest in boys I think they all assumed I was still at the holding hands and making out and not much more stage. Which was untrue. Cameron and I had been having sex for about half a year at that point. Only actually fucking (with him wearing 2 condoms – for safety – haha) on three or four occasions, but we’d ‘discovered’ oral sex and did that a LOT, because it was fun and safe in terms of pregnancy avoidance.

And so back to Greece.

We were staying in a hotel/villa kind of place. All white concrete packed on a hillside. There were I think six rooms in total and we had three of them – my parents in one and then the boys shared a room beside them downstairs and my sister and I in a room on the second floor above. Our room had a balcony that overlooked a patio kind of thing that led down to the pool.

It was late morning after brunch and a swim and I was on the balcony in my bikini taking in the view and stewing a bit. This was at the very end of the vacation and tensions had started to run high. Over breakfast everyone was getting on each others nerves and the boys had teamed up to poke fun at me a bit.

So I was happy to be away from all of them and was leaning on the edge of the balcony lost in thought when my sister and her bf came out onto the patio below me. She and I have never totally ever gotten along super great. Somehow our ages were always too close together and not far enough apart. Her pte name for me then was “little bitch” which she nicely modified around my parents to “Lil Bit” which my mother thought was adorably cute not realizing what it was short for. In turn I just called her Whore without real justification but it was something that I could shorten to ‘Ho’ and make it part of a sarcastic laugh whenever she related some dumb story “Ho ho ho”. Sigh, sisters, good times!
Anyway they saw me above them on the balcony and she suggested that I ‘lighten the fuck up’ and also they were going into town for a walk and that the plan was for everyone to meet up there for lunch later.

I watched them disappear and was just wondering where my annoying bf was when I heard footsteps behind me. A second later he had his hands on my hips and was playfully grinding up against my ass. I said a hard ‘no’ and that I wanted to be left alone.
He gave a frustrated sigh and let me go and mumbled a half-assed apology.
I was still miffed at the teasing and just the general frustrations of being with him and my family for three weeks without a break. I was probably (maybe?) as horny as he was but there wasn’t much we could safely do with my Mother circling constantly, and his attentions just made it worse.
He sat down beside my feet, with his back against the balcony wall looking back into the bedroom feeling sorry for himself.
I just stayed leaning on the edge and staring out at the sea and the other buildings on the hillside all around trying to block him and everything else out of my mind.

A minute later my Dad passed by on the patio below heading off towards the pool with a book in his hand. I could hear my Mom tell him she was going to have a shower. He passed out of view and then I felt Cameron running the back of his hand along my leg, first just along my calf but then passed my knee and along the length of my thigh. He tugged lightly at the dangling string tie of my bikini every now and then.

He said, “Sorry about before.”

I said nothing at first but when one of his tugs loosened the tie a bit I looked down and saw that it was still done up and saw him looking up at me.
“It’s okay, I’m sorry just feeling a bit pent up.”

He kept rubbing along my leg with occasional higher strokes to cup my ass with a light squeeze – which he knew was something I loved.
He tugged again a few more times on the bikini tie and it finally came completely undone, the front part falling open.

“Hey!” I said with some genuine annoyance.
“Oops,” he said with a wide grin.
I was beginning to stand up to redo the tie when he gave a slight tug on the other side and they slid off down the other thigh leaving me bare assed.
“Cam!” I gave a harsh whisper and a glare.
“Oh c’mon. Noone can see.”

I froze for a second looking around and realized that unless someone in another balcony in the distance had their binoculars out then he was probably right. I was just visible from my midriff down and though going into the bedroom would be safer it would mean that I couldn’t see if anyone was coming.

While I was pondering all this Cameron took my lack of answer for assent and scootched himself under me pulling my bottoms off my thigh and down to my bare foot and then planting his mouth on my pussy with a wet lick.

It had taken me (us) a long time to work up to oral sex but since we had many months before it was usually all we did. So I was totally comfortable with it and he was (I can now say looking back from a position of somewhat greater experience) pretty darn good at it!
He had never gone down on me in that position before though – always it had been me lying on my back, usually with knees up, and his hands on my boobs – a position that worked well for both of us.
However, standing up was actually my goto position for mastubating. That was typically the only guaranteed private space I had was in the shower so I gotten really good at hanging onto the shower head with one hand, with one foot on the side of the tub and my head and shoulder propped in the corner of the shower stall while I used my free hand to get me off.

But in this position Cam couldn’t reach my boobs like he usually did so he grabbed my ass instead. I went back to leaning on the edge of the balcony and dropped my head a bit my hair hanging down.
His tongue was making long light strokes over my lips. Sometimes more on one side of my outer lips, sometimes more on the other, and sometimes right down the center where it was slick and hot and his tongue would dive a little inside me before dragging firm but softly over my rapidly hardening clit.

It was hot. Not just sexually but literally as well. It was close to noon and the sun was blasting down. The whitewashed building was reflecting alot of light as well and it was blinding.
In barely a minute I was keenly aware that I was breathing faster and faster. With each stroke of his tongue my hips were involuntarily rocking to try and keep contact on my clit.
I dropped my head more so I could whisper down “Fuck ya.”
Which was code of sorts for us to go for it.

Cam grabbed my ass even harder in his hands and began a concentrated flicking attack on my now rock hard clit. I could feel each little wobble of it like an electric shock.
I began to gasp and pant as quietly as I could while the waves of pleasure ran through me. I leant hard on the railing as my legs shook a bit until Cam shifted his hands to help out by supporting me under my thighs.

I gave a little satisfied purr and began to stand back up but he moved his hands back onto my ass and held me close. There was no visible sign of movement down below but I could hear splashing from the pool and the sound of a hair dryer that was my Mom having finished her shower.

Cam had returned to giving me soft licks and little kisses and I was still in the happy afterglow so there didn’t seem to be any reason to stop him.
He was still doing that a minute or so later when my Dad came back into view.

“Hey Dude,” he called up when he saw me.

This was our little bonding thing. I was never a tomboy but somehow I went through a period where I called everyone Dude or Bro regardless of gender or age and my Dad had liked it as maybe it was a glimpse of the Son that he never had. Dunno. Anyway that was our thing despite my mother’s eye rolls.

“Sup Bro,” I said, aware that my voice was sounding a bit huskier than usual, and that Cameron was now lightly playing with my inner lips with his fingers.
“Just going to shower and head down for lunch. You coming?”

Even in that moment the irony of coming vs. cumming was not lost on me, and part of me so wanted to say “I just did a minute ago!” Haha. No.

I was squirming trying to get Cam to stop enjoying himself but he had one hand still hard on my ass and it was possible with his head between my thighs he hadn’t heard us talking.
“Okay,” my Dad said, “I’m just going to shower. Ready in five!”

And he went under the balcony out of sight. I could still hear my Mom’s hair dryer going so I just closed my eyes for a moment and was thankful for the close call being only that.
Cam was doing a mix of licks and finger strokes along me. Between the heat outside and inside of me I was a sweaty gooey mess and the slickness felt so good. Just another minute, I thought.

Cam went back to more focused strokes of his tongue and I gave into it and leaned back onto the railing, this time lying a big flatter, not just on my forearms but now with my head more over the edge and my breasts crushed wonderfully against the rough surface of the concrete. I shifted more of my weight onto my left foot when Cam shifted my right thigh half onto his shoulder. He’d only tried once or twice before to penetrate me with his fingers and I always rebuffed the effort. It had never been comfortable but somehow now the angle or the super relaxed post orgasm effects made all the difference. His tongue kept on my clit as he slipped first one and then after I’d given an encouraging buck of my hips as though to ride him, two fingers deep inside me. I quickly found that I could arch my hips in time with his hand movement so that each thrust would give contact between my g-spot and his finger tips. I didn’t at all know anything about g-spots at this time but I did know what felt amazingly, amazingly good!

This was a whole new world for me.

“Fuck ya, fuck ya, fuck ya,” I tucked my head in so I could keep an a whispered encouraging mantra going. His tongue was flicking my clit that felt like it was made or iron, my inner lips were so engorged I could feel them slide rubbery from side to side over his tongue and lips. I kept rocking my pelvis, driving his fingers inside me desperate for that sweet contact. I leant my head back over the edge so that my hard nipples were grinding against the balcony railing through my bikini top. And then I began to cum like I’d never cum before.

I seemed to be leaking from everywhere possible. I was absolutely drenched in sweat. It was flowing out of me, cascading into my eyes that were tearing freely. Saliva was dripping out of my mouth. And of course my pussy was just pumping out girl goo in torrents. I could hear Cam lapping at me like he was a dog trying to finish a bottomless cup of melted ice cream.

I just kept convulsing over and over again, my legs completely gave way all of my weight fell onto the railing and on Cam. I eyes were closed tight, my hands clenched on the edge, mouth wide open with strangled giggling gasps that I couldn’t contain.
Time seemed to have stopped and it took a long moment for the rush of blood in my ears to subside, only to be replaced by a completely different sound.


My eyes shot open and I blinked through sweat and tears down past the soaked veil of hair to see my parents standing directly below me looking up with open mouthed concern.

“MOVE Harold! Don’t just stand under her she’s going to be sick.” My mother barked out.
“Are you going to be sick? My god you look horrible. Doesn’t she look sick Harold?”

“Ummm.” I managed to say.

“She looked fine a minute ago,” My Dad said in a defensive tone, as though he was worried my mother was going to blame him somehow.

I manged to use a very shaky hand to sweep my hair back and wipe my face to try and compose myself.

“My god you’re flushed! And sweating! Look at you! Harold look at her!! Is it heat stroke? I TOLD you to put on lotion. Did you put on lotion? Have you been drinking enough!?”

“Yes Mom. Lots of lotion. I am thirsty though,” I said truthfully.

“You look terrible,” my Mom repeated unnecessarily.

“I’ll be fine Mom. Just a cramp.”

This turned out to be an inspired lie as my Dad recoils from anything that might possibly be linked to ‘female trouble’ and he instantly looked away, content to let my Mother deal with whatever was bothering me.

“Oh!” My mother said.

“I’m good Mom. I’ll just shower, maybe pop a Midol and lie down for a bit. You guys go ahead.”

“Where’s Cam?” My Dad suddenly said. And I recall he gave me something of the squint eye at this point but it may have just been the angle of the sun and not necessarily suspicion.

“Cam?” I said all wide-eyed innocence. “I think he went down with the others.”

Which was also a lie of course, though he did go down with me anyway! ;)



  1. And just a note to add that I did manage to reciprocate the next day with a pretty decent blow job (if I do say so myself).

  2. Great story, and you’re a thoughtful detailed writer. Engrossing and hot as hell!

  3. Sidetracking but you guys might wanna consider just 1 condom. Wearing 2 makes both condoms more likely to break cause of the friction. Actually higher risk of pregnancy by wearing 2.

  4. >Only actually fucking (with him wearing 2 condoms – for safety – haha)

    That actually makes it *less* safe because the friction between the two condoms makes it more likely for them both to break. It’s one of the first things covered in any proper sex ed class.

    That being said, this is a very hot story, thanks for sharing. Looking forward to reading more if you happen to share another one. ;)

  5. Lovely story, very detailed and super super hot. Did you have an actual squirt at that time?

  6. That was great writing. Hot for a vanilla story.

    Did it inspire a life of public exhibition.

  7. Could have been worse, you could have been doing it Greek Style while they watched

  8. I wanted to like this story, but the fact that your then bf didn’t listen to your no isn’t okay, and I want you to know this. If you say no, the only acceptable reaction is a positive “okay!” The fact that he acted grumpy about it and then proceeded to take off your clothes despite your continued protests is called coercion. He guilted you and wore you down until your no turned into a yes.

    Maybe right now it doesn’t feel like a big violation–it didn’t when I was young either. But if it becomes a pattern in your sex life, it can really mess with your mental health. Glad he’s an ex! In the future, I wish you empowerment to trust your own needs and stuck to your no and call out men who don’t respect that! You deserve better!

  9. > a dog trying to finish a bottomless tub 9f 8Dr cream

    That is hilarious. What a hot story ??

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