She fucked him in the tent so hard she pushed right against me [MFM]

Keith suggested camping. There was one big tent. He seemed keen to make sure Joanne was going, and Joanne seemed to be making sure I was going. It looked like all four of us guys and her were in, but by the time Saturday came, it was down to just Keith, Joanne and myself. I tried to back out but Joanne wouldn’t let me. I was curious about why. I was trying to gauge Keith on this, but I couldn’t read anything.

I was staying in a cabin outside a small town with four student friends. We were looking for summer work. Joanne, the one girl, was from Quebec. The way she talked so openly about private things made the rest of us embarrassed and she would laugh at us for it. She was so free, and years ahead of us in ways.

She wore long brown hair that hung around her shoulders like a shining curtain or a cape. She couldn’t talk without it sounding like breathy porn and she couldn’t smile without it looking like everything had a hidden sexual meaning.

She was always touching. Even if it was just to get your attention to pass the wine, her fingers would drag across your neck, one nail would scratch, and her palm would cup your shoulder. When you turned to her, she’d look at you like a lover in post-fuck haze. And she’d leave her hand wherever it was.

The way guys sometimes crack jokes about having a sudden boner, she’d do the same about being wet. We all watched a movie together one night. She left in the middle of it then returned in 15 minutes. One of the guys asked if she went to jerk off the way he would joke with one of us. She just smiled back and said, cooing in her French accent, “Yes, but I had to, there’s no one here to give me a proper fuck.”

We all laughed and shouted, “Burn!” But I got hard.

The camping spot was fantastic. We walked, talked, and hung around the fire. I sensed at one point that I really was the third on a bike built for two. They were cuddled together at the fire, but not enough to make things clear. She would lean against anyone with a blanket wrapped around her. I wasn’t sure what they were going to do.

There was only the one tent and it had been sitting unused the whole night. They could have gone to it whenever they wanted and I would have given them time. But now it was really late. I said my goodnights and went inside.

Though I laid still, I couldn’t fall asleep. I had a feeling all week that Joanne had some plan to get rid of Keith at the last moment and take me camping alone. But it didn’t happen. Was it just my cock talking? And now I didn’t hear anything outside the tent when there should have been at least conspiring whispers or giggles. They surprised me by suddenly unzipping the tent.

They tried to be as quiet as possible. They discussed whether I was asleep. I was facing them but I didn’t move and I kept my eyes closed. They laughed a bit and then I could hear them kissing. In the silence of the forest at night, I could hear every lip and tongue like it was close to my ear.

They opened both their sleeping bags and made one bed of the two. They both undressed under the bag. She kept checking to see if my eyes were open or closed, sometimes by looking so close I could feel her breath on my lips.

Their hands began running over each other’s skin. I kept my eyes slitted open in a way she couldn’t see, but I could. She was facing me while he was behind her, spooning her. Her eyes were down. They were keeping as quiet as possible. I watched as the top sleeping bag slipped aside. I didn’t know that they were already doing it until I saw her hips in the light get bumped and saw his hips doing the bumping. I knew for sure they were engaged when she sucked air in through her teeth when he rammed her a bit harder than earlier.

She used her forearm to brace herself from getting pushed forward and into me. She looked like she became lost in the moment as he pumped into her from behind and she began pushing back into him. She didn’t realize that she inched closer and closer to me on the slippery sleeping bag. The palm of her hand acted as a brake on the floor of the tent, but it slid right into my forearm where it lay in front of me. She was in a state of ecstasy, I could see, since my eyes were now wide open. But still, I couldn’t tell if she knew I was awake and watching, or even that her hand was now against my arm.

She rose to one particular crescendo and grabbed my forearm with her hand. I still wasn’t sure if she knew what she was doing. Her eyes were clamped shut. She might have forgotten that there was another body in the tent and that this wasn’t his arm that she was grabbing. She had been pounding with him so hard for so long that her whole body now was pushed over to my side of the tent.

I raised my head, no longer able to reasonably hide the fact I wasn’t asleep. Keith didn’t seem to know that he had pushed her way over to my side. He was as lost as she was. Joanne was now nearly face to face with me. I decided not to move, but to let her come right to me. She was now “ahhing” and “yeahing”out loud, her voice breaking out of her whisper. It sounded like her voice was right inside my mind. Her fingernails dug into my arm. Her forehead began lightly bumping into my forehead with each thrust of Keith from behind.

I kissed her on her mouth when she was breathing fast and hard. I slipped my hand out of my bag and found her clit. I rubbed it lightly, avoiding touching Keith’s cock right below. They both came together like that with her hair spreading all over my face.

Then they both very quickly fell asleep. No one seemed to open their eyes the whole time. She remained most of the night naked up against me, now under her bag.

The next morning, there was no mention of anything. We headed back to the cabin chatting as if we had all slept soundly. I caught them smiling and nodding at each other a couple of times, as though confirming that they had managed to fuck in front of me without me waking up. But then at the cabin, I caught Joanne looking askance at me, one time biting her lower lip for me to see only.

That very day, I got a call for work at a remote camp. I packed my backpack and said my goodbyes within the hour. On my way out, Joanne alone came outside with me. She took both my hands in hers and she raised herself to kiss my nose. Then she said in my ear, “Si seulement c’était toi en moi.”

It was months later when I finally got the translation: If only it was you in me. She knew, however, that I couldn’t understand a word of French.



  1. always had this fantasy, of a woman who would fuck another guy in front of me to make me jealous

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