Serial Fucker [Asian chick] [Narrative] [Crime]

Sweat trickled off my pec and fell into a pool of sweat, forming around her relaxed abs — we’d been at it so long all her muscles were spaghetti. I had her body up, me kneeling with a knee on either side with my ass bulging and firm as steel, her own ass blopping temptingly under my weight with each thrust *flop flop flopping* with a hard thud. Her legs were up over my shoulders, my arms pinning hers down, my dic in her vagina: missionary style. She moaned with a crackled voice, broken from screaming, and the thin white lines that were her beautiful Asian eyes, going back, were fluttering at the peak of her orgasm, her spot a water balloon that’s so filled it feels like a rock, even as her breasts were now so firm and impeccable, about to burst. My thick tool whanged inside with each thrust, aching hard with blood, and she finally burst — thrusting up her breasts as a CPR shock and moaning like a shot fawn as her voice and life drained out.

After about five minutes of silence and her breathing laboriously as sweat rolled off her hips and belly, she whispered, “Damn good.” I said the same to her. I rolled over and we went to sleep like babies at the teats of their mother. When I awoke, I grabbed her ass to say “Good Morning.” She smiled delicately and thanked me again. “My pleasure babe.” And we dressed and headed our ways.

I have a confession to make. I never wanted to start this, it was just — what made sense to me. My logic is often misunderstood. However, I want to make known this whole thing. So stay with me.

First, a little backstory.

That weekend I went to a volleyball meetup in town with my friends. It was a relatively small town, you know, like those cozy towns you see on tv sitcoms. Anyway, I texted Ally — that was my Asian fuckmate — and invited her along, and she said, sure, she hadn’t played in forever and she loved being active … and her booty and thighs told that story. I arrived at the park and about 5 other guys and gals were there, and my two friends as well, Alex and Coby. We got quick into playing when shortly after another guy arrived. He jumped right in on the other team and said his sister was on her way. Sure enough, a couple minutes later a gorgeous delicate faced angel with doe eyes and long white legs graced the net as her baby toes fiddled in the warm sand. Her eyes were electric yet inviting, crystal pools of water, a gateway to her soul; and the cascade of her soft blonde hair had a sheen to mock the sun and seemed soft as down. As she took two steps forward, the sunbeams bounced off her smooth, tan legs. “Hey guys,” she said. Her eyes met mine. We both froze a few seconds.

Okay then. Initiative taken.

“You serve.” Her bro whacked the ball to her, and she jumped up, little ass pert as plums. And we started playing. It was fun, and of course I was off focus the whole time (yeah, Ally felt that). When we were done, we shook hands and I got into a convo with my bros, when “the sister” came over to me. Us three stopped dead.

“Hey, so uh, you guys play often?”

Without waiting I answered, “A little, ya know.”

“Yeah. Same,” She said in a rich flirty voice. She kinda giggled.

“Damn, I couldn’t tell. We died out there.”

She laughed, “Ha ha. You put up one hell of a fight.”

By now my friends were just watching. “You gonna be here next week?”

“Well, work and shit, you know.”

“Right. Wel–” Just then I saw Ally in the corner of my eye observing several feet away, suddenly looking like, though I would never say it to her, boringly ugly. Those soccer player thighs looked like fat brown salami compared to these long, spindly, shiny legs and cute little booty. “Well, in the meantime, maybe we could grab something to eat.”

She smiled and perked a foot up.

“Six on Friday at Burger Bros? I can pick you up if you want,” I said.

“Sounds like a date!”

She gave me her number (and her name: Sarah) and walked away with her brother. I turned to see Alex and Coby smirking.

“You like a damn fly trap, bro,” Coby said.

“Wash, rinse, repeat. What can I say?” I said.

“Yo you got some kind of gift.”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m getting the next one,” replied Alex. “But tell us how that booty roll, aright bro…”

“No man, I’m not. I mean.”


“I’m taking life as it comes,” I said smartly.

“Course, course.” We all kind of looked at Ally. She then looked at us for a second — I couldn’t read her face — and left her backside to gyrate in my direction as she headed to her car. Me and the guys made plans to meet up on Wednesday. Once I got in my car, I texted Ally. No response.

Saturday was my day off, but I went in on Sunday. I work at one of those shipping and receiving centers, so I’m moving around all day. Helps me stay in shape. Ally texted me shortly after lunch. “Oh so we’re still a thing huh,” It read. “Course babe,” I replied back. I didn’t really know what to say with the Sarah thing. I just told her I’d call her after work. She sent a few more texts: “whatever”,”I knew all along”, “fuckboys will b fuckboys”, and “I’ll be out.” After work I called her, she didn’t pick up, and I tried again, and she picked up. I told her how I was honestly sorry about asking Sarah out (I wasn’t at the time) and, of course, I told her I still wanted her but that we should start seeing other people. And she went off on a pissy fit. She wasn’t happy by the time she hung up, but I knew her too well. I went out to the bdubs, bought some wings and a beer, and got a rose, and went to her house. As soon as I rung the doorbell, I heard a “what,” and said “It’s your friendly neighborhood fuckboy.” Silence. Then the door opened and she stood there rolling her eyes.

“What this, make-up food?” By the way, I forgot to mention. She is a foreign exchange student, one of those hot as fuck ones. Her English is incomplete, but damn, that just turned me on more.

“Nah, no make-up required. You’re fine as hell without all that shit.”

She smirked and rolled her eyes again. But it was a classic try hard roll. I was golden, I knew it.

“Whatever.” She left the doorway for me to walk in.

“For you, my queen.” I handed her the rose and we sat down on the couch to eat. I placed the food on a little table in the center of the room.

“Spicy buffalo,” She said as she opened the bag.

“I can’t forget your favorite sauce.”

“You get the details. I give you that,” she replied. We both bit into a thigh. The window was open and a pleasant breeze was coming through.

“The devil’s in the details, ya know. Hey, I want to apologize … again.”


“You know. When I saw this rose, it reminded me of you.”

“Figures,” she cracked wisely.

“It’s a nice… cherry color. I like popping cherries.”

“I’d say fuck you, but you were way late to my cherry anyway so…”

“Damn…” I was genuinely surprised. “But this rose is also *so* delicate.” I scooted a little closer to her, and immediately she sensed it:

“So you’re still gonna date this blonde bitch?” she said loudly.

“Well, yes. And I want be honest about it, so there. Like I said, I recommend we start seeing other people.”

“If you want that, then go. Your call.”


“You want honest? You want loyal? Don’t think so. Don’t sound like to me.”

“I like you Ally. I do–”

“Of course, for what I can give you! Seriously how are you just go ask that girl out right in my face, and then expect me to not care? Pssh! You can go fuck yourself Mr. fuckpants!” I had nothing to say. So I just went with the vulnerable card.

“Yeah. You’re kinda right.”

“Uh huh.” No empathy. “And you come in here with food thinking you can change something? Of course. That’s not how it works. I’m not taking your shit. I’m done with you, you can go. Thanks for the food, but there are way better guys out there who would take me in an instant and I’d be happy to have beside you. You are such a dickhead. Who in the world would have the stupidity to try and fuck some other girl, and then try to come back and be a nice boyfriend. And you expect me to just forget Saturday? I mean…”

And at this point the whining was a little irritating. Remember how I said stay with me? Here’s that part. I got up and went to the bathroom. I’d been in there a lot, I knew exactly where it was. All the while she’s yelling at me saying I can’t use her bathroom, but eventually she stops. I came back out and sat next to her.

“Hey, you can go. Don’t want you here, anyway. You can–”

“This rose. You’ll never know why I brought it,” I said softly. She finally stopped talking. I looked her in the eyes. “Do you remember at Chicago pier.”

“Yes. What about it?”

“I remember it like it was yesterday… a cool breeze just like now. A clear blue sky, not too cloudy, not to sunny. ”


“There you were,” I mused. “But.”



“…but what?” She asked, somewhat interested.

“Butt. That’s what I saw first.”

“Ohmigod…” She stood up.

“*Theeeen,* I looked up and saw your face. And your hair.” I slightly touched her hair. “And… your eyes. They were the most beautiful, lovely eyes I had ever seen. And I was going to come over and talk to you, remember? And that’s when my friends came and bade me to join them in a quest to the elephant ear stand, when I said ‘No. To hell no. I am going to talk to this woman or I will die with regret.”

She half chuckled.

I stood up next to her to roleplay. “And I said, ‘Excuse me miss. I grew up going to church…but I’ve never believed in miracles until now.’ And if you remember — that way.” I pointed in real life. “A ferry was coming in. You said…” I paused and looked at her.

“Like I haven’t heard that one before…” she mumbled, kind of playing along.

“And I replied that I’m usually better but you caught me off guard. We talked for a little, and then the ferry came in and we both looked. Somehow we got on favorite colors and mine was blue, and yours was red. I noticed the name of the ferry printed on it’s side: *s.s. Rosie. ‘*Like a rose?’ I said. And you said, ‘Roses are my favorite.’ ”

I held out the rose — I had it in my hand for a while — and after about three seconds she took it.

“I know what you’re trying to do.”

“What’s that?” I asked innocently.

“It’s pretty obvious.”

“I just saw an opportunity…” I looked at her intently. And stood over her. “…and rose to the occasion.” Eye contact. Ten seconds. I reached down and squeezed her ass, her eyes lit up, and I grabbed her thighs and we started making out, and she fell on top of me on the couch as the dusk light came through the window. Her lips were juicy and slick from the chicken we ate and our tongues danced. I could hardly get a breath — even so my hand was on her ass again. I slid my paw under her short shorts to feel her thick booty skin and ripped off bottoms, panties and all. She aided in undressing even as we kissed, she unbuttoned my shirt, and soon her lingerie bras and slender abs were on my chest and washboard. Like I said, my job keeps me in shape.

At this point I knew what I was doing, and here’s where my confession starts.

With her bras on my bare chest, only my pants were on. I jumped up and let her fall forward so she was on her back and gripped her soccer legs to my hips with my bulging arms, and then easily slid one leg each out of my jogger pants, and pinned my knees on either side of her bare legs as she was splayed out on the couch. I put my hands on her arms. She looked at me intently, eyes begging me to come closer, and I bent at the hips, still kneeling and started kissing her again. I kissed her face, past the freckles on her cheek and started eating her square jaw, nibbling around the beauty mark by her ear, and down her long delicious neck. My chest could feel her breasts hardening like hell underneath her bras, the goosebumps pricking out and nipples bursting out, as she made mmhm noises, drinking in my puppy kisses down her elastic golden brown skin; down her clavicle, her shoulders — her skin was leather, glossy, a gift from God.

As my lips traced the muscles in her chest, starting to quiver at my touch, I moved my hands to her breasts and felt the stiff juicy fruit — squeezing, she gasped — I pulled away the peel so that they’re bare for my face to brush them as I pass. And wrap my lips around her nipples to gently suck. Her breast harden even more, and my hands now move down her waist, curving the hourglass, to her wide thighs — she whimpers. I lick the dragon tattoo on her thigh and then move my mouth to her ear and whisper, “Now get ready for the fire, sexy momma.” I trace my big hands down her V, and back up, and down and up again to keep her in suspense (I can feel her start to shiver under my chest). As my eager lips drift the inside of her thighs, kissing as I go, I scoop up her ass and knead it like tender meat, and my lips feel droplets of sweat inside her thighs beginning to bead. I lift her ass up so her legs dangle over my shoulders and pry them apart in front of my face. I lick everywhere around her succulent lips: a three year old licking drips around the rim of an ice cream cone, and she moans. I lick painfully slow, missing her lips, and they throb expecting, aching for a touch. “Daamn…” I don’t stop. “Daaamn” she gasps, “please fuck me.” My fiery tongue edges closer, her lips throbbing. “Daaammmnn… ple–” I slap her ass.

“No. You’re a fucking bad momma…so….fucking…delicious….so…” Breathing each word, my thirtsy lips miss her labia, each time, she breathes harder, begging, asking , pleading, and her lips below doing the same as if on their own. “You’re such a bad fucker…so deeelicciouus … so damn fucking delicious …” — with each pause slapping her ass now quivering and sweaty from suspense, tempting her bulging lips on fire from want of touch, she moaned and sighed.

“Ooooh! Gaaahd…” she started to moan purely in her native accent, unsheathable in the intensity. I don’t stop the insanity. “Ahhhh. Touch it. Touch iiiitttt!” I move one hand just above her vag and trace around the clit like my lips trace around her labia.

“Keep it up hot babe!” I knew what I was doing.


I got closer and closer to her clit and vag with my lips and hand, and backed away, and again, and backed away. Droplets of sweat tricked down her waist, around her slender clenched abs, off her breasts, out of her ass now quivering visibly, and running in between her legs. I let my hand touch her clit and she flinched. My lips brushed her labia and she let out a yelp like someone punched her, as her lips glared open like a butthole. Her legs were clenched around my shoulders for dear life and she was moving her whole parts toward my face in slight jerks; I focused, engulfing her lips, and made out with them. My hand massaged the clit. She was so wet that drops were coming out — she was still far from peaking, now going ever higher by my actual touch. I pryed her legs open harder and her thighs and calfs clenched tightly, baring sleek, pulsating, thick muscles, slick and dripping wet with sweat, and her legs gripped my shoulders with the strength of a wrestler as her parts uncontrollably convulsed to meet my face — still moving too slow for her body. My tongue frenched her inner parts as my other hand was now caressing her breasts. Stiffer than they’ve ever been for a fuck. I began rubbing that clit in a smooth motion, slowly, keeping the pressure. I kept this pattern up for five minutes, right up before she peaked, and let up. And did it again — still not over the hill. And she moaned all the way … until in one swift motion, I slid her down so my dic was level with her vagina. My hand was still rubbing her clit, with my other on her breasts, and my dic immediately took the place of my mouth, lodging into her labia; it was so thick with blood and hard as a rock and her labia so eager that it engulfed my dic like an anaconda. The tempo didn’t stop for a second. I pulled out and banged in and pulled out and banged in with such snchronization to her movement that our bodies couldn’t tell each other apart. She still hadn’t cum to and my hands and dic continued speeding up frequency as every muscle in her body bulged and sweat poured from her asscrack.

“Don’t stop! Dooon’t stooop! Bùyào tíng xiàlái! I love you!! Nǐ tā mā de tài shénqíle!!” She was screaming in Chinese.

I sped up over fifteen minutes. My muscles were sore just from kneeling and standing. A river a sweat was coming from between her legs and flinging off her entire body like a sprinkler, running around every muscle in her body as they convulsed with each thrust of my penis. Running down her face, around her chest, flooding her breasts as I rubbed them now being so slick my hand was rubbing butter, around her abs and legs that were clenching me with the force of 100 pounds like an lion had possessed her body. Her bulging juicy ass was rippling like whitewater and her parts now were moving so hard they seemed to jump out with each thrust. I could barely feel my dic.

“Nǐ zhēn tā mā! Nǐ zhēn tā mā! Nǐ hěn jīngyà!! Agggghhhhhh! Oh god! Oh god! Oh my god!” She screamed nonstop and wouldn’t stop blurting. I think she lost control of her ability to speak. Faster and faster, faster and faster, faster and faster. She lost control of her entire body. And then as she got to the top, my dic and hands were racing at the speed of sound. Her eyes fled into her head and with one huge convulsion, her body thrust upward, she threw back her head, and screamed so piercing and loud, my ears were literally ringing. From her vagina squirted a torrent all over the couch and back wall for several seconds. The look on her face I have never seen before. Then: she was relaxed. Literally no movement at all. I unwrapped her legs from around my shoulders and laid them on the couch. Like I said, my logic and the conclusions I make are often misunderstood. But this is my confession. It was as I intended, and there she lay on the couch. Dead.
