A Wrestler no More (Rape Fantasy, Celeb)

***A quick note from the author (Me!) This story is a fantasy based on the WWE wrestler Liv Morgan. It was written by request of a fan, and involves some extreme elements including kidnapping, rape, and mild torture. This is NOT real however, it is just a fantasy, and I hope nothing be happiness and Well Being for Miss Morgan. That being said, I hope you enjoy the story!***

The car accident was the first thing she remembered, almost as if it were a bad dream slipping away on the first thoughts of a semi-conscious mind as she struggled to open her eyes. The sudden realization hit her that her eyes were open, she was simply surrounded by darkness. This revelation was soon followed by the fact that she couldn’t move her arms, the feeling of rope wrapped tight around her wrists prevented it. Liv tried to scream, the sound coming out as a gurgled groan around the foul-tasting clothe stuffed between her lips.

“Alright, calm down.” she thought to herself after more wiggling revealed rope bound around her ankles as well. “Maybe this is just some kind of twisted prank? Yeah, that’s it.” As her breathing regulated, she listened, trying to identify the gentle rumbling she could hear. It sounded so familiar…. “Oh, God…” She thought, as she suddenly realized what she was hearing. She was on a plane, and she had no clue where on earth she was going…

Liv had no concept of time, figuring out only that she was trapped in some kind of wooden box. Her eyes were uncovered, but that only afforded her small glimpses of light through the seams of the crate. Along with light, came the voices. She could hear here two distinct voices, both deep and speaking a language she didn’t understand. All she knew for sure was, their tone did not suggest that this was a joke at all.

After what felt like hours, she felt the plane begin to slow, entering into its final descent. Liv had spent the trip with her own thoughts, trying to figure out what was happening, or who might have taken her, but most of all, her thoughts were on her girlfriend Ruby, who had been in the car with her at the time of the crash. But now, the plane had landed, and she could only listen and wait as the crate was lifted off the floor not gently, banging her around inside. Her body began to shake with fear as she felt herself being carried, out of the plane, and into the unknown.

After some time, her crate was dropped on the floor, eliciting a grunt of pain from the woman inside. She heard laughter which was quickly snuffed by a third voice, a voice that spoke English.

“Easy you, idiots! I don’t pay for damaged property, you know.”

“Oh, god… Did he just say property?”

The creak of stressed wood was the only warning Liv had before the lid came off the crate, the light flooding in and temporarily blinding the captured woman. Before she could move, she felt two pairs of strong hands grabbing her by the arms and lifting her out of the crate. She began to scream and struggle against her attackers to no avail, as she was dragged across the floor, her eyes still squinted against the light. As much as she struggled, she couldn’t break free and soon found herself standing on her tiptoes, the rope around her wrists now attached to a hook in the ceiling, holding her hands trapped above her head. As her eyes adjusted, Liv looked around the well-lit room to see herself surrounded by four men, three of which were dressed like soldiers, with dark brown skin and masks wrapped around their face and heads. But the fourth man stood out, he was tall and well dressed, wearing what Liv recognized as expensive clothing. She could tell he was in charge by the way the men reacted to his presence.

Finally, the man stepped forward, his eyes roaming up and down her body, taking in the comfortable sweats and shirt she had changed into after the tag match she and Ruby had participated in the night before, the same clothes she had been wearing when they got in the car together to go home…

“It’s nice to meet you, Liv.” He said with a thick English accent. “I must say I am a huge fan.” His hand caressed her face gently before turning to one of the soldiers. “Strip her.”

Liv tried to lash out at the men as all three stepped forward, swinging her bound legs in their direction. One of the men quickly sidestepped and planted his fist in her gut in retaliation. She groaned under the force of the blow, the breath knocked out of her. Her attackers took the opportunity to grab her sweat pants and yank them down, revealing cute pink panties that matched her hair. The panties were soon gone, as well as the t-shirt and sports bra that they cut off her slender frame. One of the men said something in the strange language, pointing his knife at the small patch of pink pubic hair that Liv had so carefully dyed.

“No, that can stay. I think it looks rather cute, don’t you?” The leader said with a chuckle. “Now Liv,” He started. “You have already seen just how easily angered my friends are, so why don’t you be a good little girl, and I’ll remove the gag so we can talk. How does that sound?” Liv responded with a glare, her anger, and fear at being so exposed raging across her facial expressions. She watched as the man stepped closer and gently untied the rag that had been in her mouth for so long. “Water.” He demanded, and one of the soldiers left for a moment before entering with a clear bottle, which he handed over with a bow of his head. “My name is Thomas.” He said as a way of introduction, unscrewing the lid and tipping it against Liv’s lips as he spoke.

She hated that he was so kind, but her mouth and throat were bone dry, so she parted her lips, accepting the room temperature liquid as it poured into her mouth and down her throat. After several gulps she turned her head away, indicating she was done. Now that she could see, she decided to figure out just exactly what was going on.

“Where the hell am I? Where is Ruby? Let me-” Her words were abruptly cut off as Thomas’s hand wrapped around her throat, squeezing tightly until she saw starbursts across her eyes.

“Now now Liv, it doesn’t have to be like this!” Thomas mocked her, finally releasing his hold on the woman’s throat. He watched as she gasped for air, a small grin emerging on his face. “You see Liv. I’m a big fan of yours, like I said. And I’ve been waiting a long time to meet you! But, I decided, why not just take you instead?” He began circling her exposed body as he spoke, his eyes roaming across every inch of pale flesh. It cost me a pretty penny, but you belong to me now. You are no longer Liv Morgan, the wrestler, now you’re my personal pet. The quicker you accept that, the better.” Still standing behind her, Liv jumped as she felt his fingers caress her ass, probing gently between her cheeks, his fingers touching her in ways no man ever had. It almost would have felt good, if it had been Ruby doing it, and she wasn’t bound. As much as she wanted to scream and fight, her stomach and throat still hurt from where the men had struck her before, and so, for the moment, she decided to play along.

“Please…” She whimpered, her voice barely more than a whisper. “Please, just tell me Ruby is ok.”

“Ah yes, your beloved lady friend. She wasn’t part of the deal, but my men pulled her out of the car anyway. Would you like to see her now?” Thomas asked, waving his hand at one of the soldiers who quickly stepped out and returned with a tablet in hand. Thomas’s fingers flew across the screen gracefully before turning the view to where Liv could see Ruby on it. She was horrified to see that her girlfriend was in a similar situation, stripped bare and being held with her face against the wall as another masked man slammed his cock into her asshole. Liv could only stare horrified as the man grunted as he came, his seed pouring out of Ruby’s swollen asshole, before stepping back and being replaced by another soldier. “You really should consider yourself lucky Liv. See, you’ll only service whoever I say, but Ruby… I gave her to one of my officers and told him to offer her as motivation to the troops.” Tears poured down Liv’s face as the pain on Ruby’s face continued to flash through her mind.

Thomas issued several commands in the unknown language, and Liv watched as one of the soldiers dragged a large hose from the corner of the room as he continued to talk to her. “You see Liv, you’re on my island now. Every man here works for me, and they are all paid extremely well for their services, which means they are infinitely loyal to me. You got lucky, because I will only share you with my most loyal of officers, but if you misbehave… Well, maybe you’ll join Ruby down in the barracks. Clean her up.” He ordered before walking out of the room.

Liv had no time to think about her predicament as the hose came to life, a harsh jet of freezing cold water splashing across her body. She spent the afternoon being groped and manhandled by the three men as the ran rough brushes across her skin, washing away the dirt and debris from her crash and subsequent incarceration with icy cold water.

Several hours later, Liv found herself trapped even further in a wooden stockade, her head and waist stuck between the thick blocks of wood. Her well-toned body was clearly on display, with the guards neglecting to give her anything to wear other than uncomfortable pink high heels which made her ass stick out obscenely, as well as a large bar that was strapped around her ankles, holding her legs open. She stood in her precarious position for what seemed like hours, as servants filled the room, setting up a large dining table. None of the servants would meet her eyes, looking away any time she groaned in discomfort or tried to speak through the o-ring gag that was stretching her jaws wide. With the stock holding her head in place, and another wooden beam under her hips supporting her weight, Liv knew there was no escape from this place, her mind reeling at the events of the last twelve hours, all the while terrified of what came next as she stood on display.

Guests began to appear for the dinner party, mostly men, and they took no shame in staring at the young woman’s naked flesh. She could only glare at them balefully as different men walked around her, talking in a language she couldn’t understand, but surprisingly, no one laid a finger on her, merely watching as her legs shook from the exertion of holding herself up on her toes. Finally, Liv saw Thomas walk in, his very presence seeming to inspire the men around her. She watched as they all the gathered around the table, waiting patiently as servant girls entered carrying large platters of meat and vegetables. Liv’s stomach growled at the sight of food, suddenly aware that the last time she had eaten had been before the match the night before. She could only watch as the men dined, sharing laughter and stealing glances at her between bites. A hush fell over the room as Thomas stood, speaking to the men in the foreign language, before crossing the room to the stock, where Liv stood waiting.

“Comfortable Liv?” He asked, grinning at her as she tried desperately to speak through the gag, as drool began to drip from her lips. “Not to worry my pet. The fun starts here shortly for you.” Turning away, he began to address the men. Liv couldn’t understand what was being said, but she knew from the way they looked at her, that she was the subject of discussion. While she watched the men leering at her, she lost track of Thomas, still hearing his voice, but unable to turn her head to see where he went.

The crack of the belt against her ass boomed through the room before being replaced by the muffled screams of the vulnerable woman as well as the laughter from the men as they watched Thomas drawback for another swing, striking each of her firm cheeks multiple timed, leaving the young woman’s face a mess as tears and drool slid down her chin. Finally, the lashes stopped, being replaced with large rough hands that kneaded the flesh of her ass, spreading her cheeks open obscenely. “Oh Liv, I have waited a long, long time for this.” She heard Thomas mutter as she felt him step closer, positioning his body between her spread legs. Unable to look, but sure of what was to come, she was not surprised to feel something large and warm began to probe her pussy lips as Thomas gently rubbing the head of his cock across her flesh, stroking up and down as he pushed in a little at a time. Her tears began fresh as she felt him line up with her hole, pushing his thick shaft inside of her, his hands holding her asscheeks open so he could watch himself disappear inside of her.

“God your lesbian pussy is so tight Liv. I’m going to enjoy this.” He growled as his hands gripped the wood around her head for leverage as he began to thrust into her, taking the time to bury his cock to the hilt with each thrust. The men at the table had begun to reposition around her stockade, each trying to get a good look. Thomas spoke to them and seemed to encourage them to enjoy because Liv started to feel more hands caressing her body everywhere. One man crawled beneath the stock and began assaulting her breasts dangling beneath, twisting and biting her nipples until she cried out. All the while, Thomas continued to fuck her at a steady pace, his balls slapping against her clit as he raped her pussy. Finally, with a groan, he pressed his body tightly against hers, and she groaned as well, feeling his cum shooting into her unprotected pussy. The men around her cheering as he finished, knowing that their own turn was coming soon enough.

Thomas stepped back, admiring his own work as his cum began to seep out of Liv’s pussy, small drops of white resting amongst short pink pubes. “How did that feel Liv?” He asked as he zipped up his pants and stepped in front of her, kneeling down, so they were eye to eye. “Did you enjoy my cock?” Liv could only respond with a glare, her words unable to form around the hard steel ring in her mouth, but her hair waved around her face as she shook her head violently from side to side. “I’ll take that as a no then. Hmm, perhaps, if not mine, then we will have to find one that you do like, eh?” Her eyes widened in fear as she realized his intentions, babbling incoherently as she begged to be released. Her grunts were ignored as Thomas turned to the crowd of men now standing around the two of them. Liv scanned the crowd with her eyes, her head held firm by the wood, but she was unsurprised to see the lust in each man’s eye, and tents rapidly growing in their pants as well.

“Enjoy Gentleman.”

The men seemed to understand that, as they all began groping and fondling her body again. Liv could only watch as the first man stepped up to her face, his pants discarded, and his thick brown cock bobbing as he stepped closer, effortlessly sliding between her outstretched lips to press against her tongue. Her stomach churned at the salty taste as the man roughly began sliding his meat toward the back of her throat. She quickly began to gag as he bumped the back of her throat before pushing further. The men around them cheered and laughed at her discomfort, encouraging her attacker until he had slid entirely into her, holding his cock in place as she struggled to breathe, her throat cut off and her nose buried in his untrimmed pubes.

Just as she thought she was going to pass out, the man finally pulled back, only to ram in, again and again, his fingers burying in her bright pink hair as he fucked her mouth ruthlessly. As distracted as she was by the rape of her mouth, Liv didn’t realize another man was about to fuck her until he slid easily into her cum soaked pussy, quickly burying himself in her mound. She groaned around the cock in her mouth as she was double penetrated for the first time.

The night seemed to drag on forever as one man after another invaded her pussy and mouth, neither being left alone for more than a few seconds. Her chin was slathered in thick ropes of cum that had dribbled out of the sides of her mouth as man after man shot his load down her throat. She could feel that her backside was the same, with most of the men opting to cum in her pussy, the runoff sliding down her sore thighs. There was no escape, and Liv had resigned herself to her fate, her thoughts focusing on Ruby as she tried to distance herself from the men who were using her body so carelessly.

Slowly but surely, the room cleared out as the men who had used her left. Finally, the last man stepped forward, his deep brown cock hanging down nearly to his knee. Liv’s eyes bulged at the sight as he stepped in front of her, stroking his manhood to full rigidness. Liv was almost grateful as he began fucking her mouth, as he simply stroked his cock against her lips and tongue, not pushing that massive snake of a cock down her throat like she was sure he could have. She was surprised, however, when he stepped back, his cock making an audible Pop as it slipped from between her lips. Quickly stepping behind her, Liv knew what was coming next, and attempted to brace herself for one last fuck. Maybe this guy wasn’t so monstrous as the others? He had been gentle with her mouth after all… Her hopes were dashed as she suddenly felt his large hand come down hard, impacting directly against her now swollen pussy. Her scream come out garbled but loud and high pitched as he swung several more times, each time his open palm connected with her puffy red lips. Tears sprang to her eyes at the unexpected pain, her whole body thrashing in a desperate attempt to escape the pain. Her vision began to grow blurry as he continued to slap her pussy roughly, her body finally succumbing as she passed out.

A bucket of cold water splashed her in the face, her head jerking against the wood as she gasped for breath, suddenly wrenched back to consciousness. She was still on the stock, but now she was alone with Thomas and the two men from earlier who seemed to be his personal guards. He simply grinned at her, the bucket dangling from his hand. He turned toward his mean and began speaking. She assumed and hoped he was ordering them to release her, but she noticed one of the men had a bag in his hand as well. He stepped forward, opening it to reveal a collection of butt plugs and long thick dildos.

The first dildo he pulled out was thick and pink, with a ring around the base. Liv could do nothing to stop him as he shoved the pink cock into her mouth, pushing it until the o-ring hooked around the circle on the base, locking it in place, the thick pink head nearly in her throat. Another leather strap was attached to the ring, serving to further hold the rubber cock in her mouth. Once her mouth was gagged, the two men released her from the stockade and led her out of the room. She was quickly lead down the hall into a much smaller room which consisted only of a small cage. The men easily knocked the weak woman to her knees and shoved her into the cage head first, her face pressed against the bottom of the cage and her ass and pussy sticking up obscenely. She began to weep as she heard the cage lock behind her. Turning to look, she saw the men pull out two more dildos, both black, one with thick studs dotting it’s surface and the other much thicker. It didn’t take long for the men to slid the studded cock into her upturned pussy, before locking it against the bars of the cage, effectively trapping the thick rubber in her pussy. The shorter fat dildo made her scream as they roughly pressed it against her asshole, forcing the thick shaft into her virgin asshole before locking it to the cage in the same way, trapping the former wrestler completely, unable to move against the invading cocks in her small cage. The door slammed behind them, and Liv began to sob as she realized how completely alone and trapped she was.

Her eyes sprang open at the unexpected light pouring in, she groaned against the blinding light, terrified to know what was going to happen to her next.

“Morning pretty lady,” Ruby whispered in her ear. “Sleep well?”

Liv looked around to find herself in their shared bed, the blankets tangled around her body. She began to cry softly as she realized that it had all been a horrible, horrible dream. She threw her arms around her girlfriend, as she sobbingly told Ruby about her dream, and how real it had seemed. She expected Ruby to be repulsed by the end, but to her surprise, her girlfriend leaned close and kissed her deeply, their tongues dancing between each others lips.

“It’s ok Liv. You’re safe. And no one gets this, but me!” She said in a teasing tone, her fingers tracing down Liv’s toned tummy before swirling in her pink pubes. “But Liv… I have to ask.”

“Why are you so wet?”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/cmuwge/a_wrestler_no_more_rape_fantasy_celeb