The time I had a one-night-stand affair [MF]

I once had a private online conversation for two years with a woman who was also married. We never exchanged photos or phone calls.

Katey suggested we meet. When we got past the nerves, we settled on a little town nestled in the mountains where both of us were sure no one knew us. She rented the room and texted me. Number 12 at an Econo 6 on the way in.

I parked well away from the door. I hesitated, unsure this was truly a Rubicon I wanted to cross. I blocked my worries and charged across the parking lot. I didn’t knock. It glided open. Standing behind it was a beautiful woman in her 30s.

It could have been anything standing inside. She must have been thinking the same thing because she sighed in relief. She had mousy blonde hair that fell straight to half way down her back and glowing pale skin. She was filled out, but fit. She smiled and nodded at me and I nodded back. She began unbuttoning her shirt. I followed suit, move for move. We were soon facing each other naked.

It was an odd situation. We had talked so much for so long through those nights about the most intimate things possible, it was as though no two people could ever know more about each other. At the same time, we were discovering each other for the first time in the most unusual of ways, as total strangers standing naked in the dim hall of a Motel 6 on the edge of a town neither of us had ever been to.

She wasted no time marvelling at the circumstances like me. Her palm pressed against my chest pushing me back against the door. She dropped to her knees and licked me lightly and sparingly, up one side of my cock and down the other. She kissed it a thousand little times all over. She held it in her fingers like it was a precious glass figurine. She moaned in hunger.

Then she pressed the head of my cock against her pursed lips. She again kissed the length of it before one more time pressing the tip against her tightly closed mouth. This time she pressed harder and moaned.

I reached around behind her head and pushed. She moaned louder at that. But still her mouth stayed closed. I twisted her hair up in my hands and pulled her face toward me. Her lips reluctantly parted just enough for the tip of my cock to squeeze through. But now her tongue pushed hard keeping me out.

Not sure of her game, I let go of. She immediately returned to gently cradling my cock in her hands and kissing up and down its length. She rubbed it all over her face. She looked up at me this time and brought the tip of my cock to her pressed lips. She moaned meaningfully.

I took her head back in my hands and this time pushed my cock hard against her mouth. She kept her lips tight but I burst into her, past her resisting tongue, and deep into her throat. She cried out, muffled, with my cock now shoved inside.

This was something that hadn’t come up in even our most intimate conversations. On the bed afterward, we talked for the first time. But we spent much more time in silent stroking, dragging our fingers over each others bodies everywhere. It was as though we had had enough talking over the past two years.

I rose above her. She clamped her knees together. I fell with my knees on either side of her closed legs. I dropped down so my cock touched her blonde tuft. She opened her mouth and her head lolled back. She seemed to be caught in some kind of ecstasy. I pressed my knee between her legs but she would not let them open. Nonetheless, she moaned in pleasure. I pressed down harder but she clamped them together tighter. Yet still she seemed to be getting nearly orgasmic with her game, panting and groaning.

I let more of my weight go down onto her legs, believing I was now hurting her. She cried in pain but finally relented, just enough for one of my knees. She fought me, squirming and twisting. Or was she was writhing in pleasure? I couldn’t be sure.

I brought my other knee to bear and pried her open more. She began thrashing on the bed, her head driving side to side. She cried out loud. I used all my force to pry her open further. She was nearly screeching. But her pussy was now open in front of me. I took my cock in my hand and steered myself in. She bucked and struggled and tried pushing and kicking me off. I pushed harder.

She was thrashing and flailing and crying out loud. She was hitting me and her legs tried to kick me. I couldn’t help noticing she was also dripping wet. When I pressed myself hard down and filled her, she screamed. But she also seemed to orgasm right away. I think she came a second time too when I began to pump into her hard and fast.

She yelled the whole time. I didn’t last long and shot deep into her, and thoroughly.

On the pillows later, I said, “What about your little game? What’s that about?”

She said, “Yeah. I really liked that.” She grew coy and buried her face in my pillow. She yelped into the mattress then spun around again to face the ceiling and remained in thought a while. “I don’t really want to get into why,” she finally said.

I said, “It was a surprise. After all the things we talked about, you never mentioned that.”

She yelped again and pulled the blanket to her mouth and bit it. “Okay,” she said. “It’s something I fantasized about a long time, okay?” She “phewed” as though a weight lifted off her. “But there’s no way I could ever tell my husband about it. I couldn’t even tell you about it, and I tell you everything.”

“Is it like, a fantasy about . . . “

“Yes! Yes! It is. Okay?” she laughed but stopped herself. “I didn’t plan it,” she said. “But,” she sighed, “It feels like I can trust you more than anyone. And yet, you just barged into my motel room looking like a complete stranger.”

“I felt a weird sensation too,” I said.

“Right?,” she agreed. “My mind just flashed to my most repressed fantasy of all time, and I just . . . I reacted.” She turned toward me on the pillow. “It felt like it wasn’t even me.”

“Why do you think you . . . “ I began.

“Said I’m not going into why,” she stopped me again.

After a while I had to ask her if it lived up to the billing.

She gave me a long, eye rolling, emphatic “Yes!” She snorted. “You think a woman just orgasms that fast that often just from screwing?” She shook her head in disbelief. “Yes, it was amazing.”

We showered and went out the door to go find a restaurant. Right outside was the pool. A family waded in the shallow end quietly all together and an older couple reclined on two lawn chairs nearby. They all stopped and stared. I noticed then that our window was open. We made short rapid steps to my car with our heads down and got away.

After we ate, we talked some more. We agreed that what happened was really good. And we both had the idea that if we parted right away, we would only remember the fantastic few hours maybe forever, as some kind of perfect moment sitting forever in one of those creases of time where it would never get tainted. In the spirit we had long established in our online conversations, we thought it made perfect sense to go home now.

Besides, neither of us wanted to deal with the motel neighbours again, and we were both still embarrassed. And so we did, driving off in our own different directions.


1 comment

  1. That was beautifully written, and very romantic.

    Are you still talking to her? Your first paragraph suggests you’re not, but I still wanted to ask what happened after you met.

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