If I Admit I Want It [MF]

***sorry if formatting is weird, on mobile. This is only Pt. 1***

“Cheating bastard.” I mumble to myself, downing another shot of white rum.

Through my disheveled blonde hair I could see a concerned look on Daniel’s face, or as concerned as he could be after 6 shots. His sweet blue eyes seemed to ask me if we should stop or not and I shook my head at him as I shifted myself to laying flat on my bed.

“I’m fine, Danny.” I say with a sigh, closing my eyes to stop the room from spinning, “I’m just so pissed. how could he cheat on me? Bastard wasn’t even anything special! I mean, I think I’m not bad looking, right? So how could he- why would he-?!”

I opened my eyes for a second just to find Daniel staring at me intensely from the edge of the bed, clearly waiting for me to finish my thoughts. I couldn’t finish my sentence while looking at him from the embarrassment and flipped on to my side, facing away from him.

“…Maybe I’m just not likeable or… I’m uglier than I thought.” I mumble under my breath, twiddling my hair between my fingers while I fight the growing knot in my stomach. If even Patrick was willing to cheat on me, then maybe I am just that undesirable. Maybe I am-

“I don’t think you are.” I heard Daniel say, breaking the heavy silence and my rampant thoughts.

“What?” I ask, almost dumbfounded, not knowing how else to express my curiosity.

“I said-” He starts and I can feel the pressure on the bed shift as he crawls up further till I can feel him right behind me, “- I don’t think you’re unlikable. You’re certainly not ugly. In fact… I think you’re beautiful, Maxine.”

I lay there, stunned. In the 12 years I’ve known him, Daniel has never once said anything like this. He’s always been like a brother to me and we’ve been fighting like cats and dogs since we were 10. But he’s always been there for me, even on days like today when he agreed to drink with me to let me blow off some steam from my current break up. He’s always been good company but this.. this is new.

Then the bed shifted again and I could feel Daniel’s heat grow closer to me as he nearly pressed against my back.

“I’ve always thought you were beautiful, Max.” He seemed to say softly, “Patrick’s a bastard, you’re right. He never deserved you to begin with.”

I then felt the sensation of his finger lightly trailing my arm. It followed along my body from the tip of my elbow and sent a strange chill through me as it reached my shoulder and played ever so slightly with the strap on my tank top.

“Did you really like him that much?” Daniel asked, a bit more stern this time.

Quickly, surprised with the strange feeling coursing through me, I sat up, almost in avoidance, still turned away from him.

“L-Like him?” I stutter and huff, trying to laugh off the awkwardness, “Please, at this point I’m really starting to believe we only dated each other for sex.”

“Did you really like to fuck him just that much that you thought you needed to date him?” Daniel asks bluntly.

“No.” I snap a bit, “Yeah he was pretty good but that’s not why I dated him in the beginning, I think that’s just all our relationship really turned out to be. The only reason it lasted so long.”

Suddenly, there was no denying it. Daniel was sitting directly behind me, pressed up against my back as his arms coiled around my waist. My heart jolted and my face grew warm as his breath trickled my ear.

“If all you wanted was sex then why didn’t you just dump him and fuck me?” He mumbled close against my neck and my heart nearly stopped. His body was so tight against mine now that I had no problem feeling a hard sensation press against my lower back.

“Wha- What are you saying D-Danny?” I ask nervously, unable to hide my confusion and surprise anymore. His hand now starting to travel from my waist to my thigh and edge of my skirt, making me shudder and a small high-pitched noise of surprise caught in my throat.

“I’m saying, if you wanna fuck someone, then fuck me, Max.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/cm8dym/if_i_admit_i_want_it_mf