[MM][MF][Fantasy] Chamber of Seduction

**Hogwarts Castle**

“For the lads!!” Harry shouted as he grabbed the golden snitch during Gryffindor practice. His scrimmage teammates cheered as they made their way down to the ground and celebrated. “That’ll be all for today fooks, we’re gonna beat the shit out of Hufflepuff on Saturday”. As the team dispersed Cho Chang made her way onto the pitch, “Harry wait up!” she yelled. Harry turned and she caught a glimpse of his perspired face. She loved the way his eyelid muscles twitched after a long practice of searching for the snitch. “Wanna study together sometime, maybe even some hands on tutoring with your wand?”. “Sure” he replied, “How about tomorrow after Potions? “Ok great!!” she beamed and joyously skipped away. Harry chuckled to himself as he walked away “My wand certainly isn’t an elder but it’s never not gotten the job done”.

Back in the Gryffindor common room Harry and the lads were laughing about the “study” session coming up tomorrow afternoon. “What if I put it here?” Harry asked as he positioned his wand near his crotch poking through his robe. “Harry she’ll never believe that she can see how tall you are” Ron Weasley bellowed which sent Seamus Finnigan into a cackle. “You boys are gross I’m going to work on my Brown admission essay” Hermione Granger said as she stormed away from the scene. Neville Longbottom was across the room and overhearing the conversation drifted over. “Gggg Ggooo on Harry fook her in da pussy!” he exclaimed and chuckled slightly as he carefully watched the group’s expression. Harry turned his attention toward Neville, “Shut the fook up you virgin magician”. Ron then bellowed “Crucio” and sent sparks flying towards Neville which made him hit the floor. The room immediately roared with “Fook u Neville!!” chants as he twisted and turned on the ground in pain. Finally Professor McGonagall ordered Argus Filch to drag Neville’s lifeless body to the hospital wing.

Back in his dorm room Harry woefully looked at his pill box. Ron saw his discomfort and said “It’ll be over soon Harry don’t let him in”. “I know” Harry sighed as he snorted a Xanax and popped a Viagra into his mouth. “This shit tastes worse than GIllyweed lad” as he rolled over and drifted into sleep.

It started the same way every time. Flashes of green light and the burning of his scar until Voldemort’s dark cloak apparated into Harry’s vicinity. Then it would begin, curses would be thrown until eventually jinxes met halfway between and locked their wands together. As their spells struggled to overcome the others’ a sudden force that Harry couldn’t explain would draw each of their bodies closer and closer together until they were a mere meter apart. And then it would start. Harry and Voldemort’s lips would be locked, but faint hissing could be heard between the two bodies. “Oh I’ve missed you” and “You look full of blood today” would hit Harry and Voldemort’s ears as they were catching glimpses of parseltongue. Then it would happen. Each of their cloaks would suddenly start to slip off their bodies revealing 2 rock hard dicks. The dicks would be moving and spinning in circles at each other as they expelled more love poems. Luckily neither Harry nor Voldemort had to dick lip read (which can be quite tough) because they could all mutually understand parseltongue. Their dicks had become best friends, actually more than friends, they were lovers. “I can’t wait to twist all around you” Harry’s would say, as Voldemort’s would reply “You snuck the lube from Professor Snape’s potion cupboard right? I can’t wait to wrestle!”. Real Harry would scream “No I want to kill you Voldemort tell your dick to stop seducing my dick!” Real Voldemort would scream back “How can I be the dark lord if I can’t even control my own dick!”. Eventually their dick heads would get closer and closer together and just as they were about to touch tips…Harry wakes up in a panic, scar hurting like crazy, and dorm room ceiling once again painted with cum.

Walking out of potions class Ron caught up with Harry. “You let him in again last night, didn’t you?!” Harry nodded. Ron continued, “I wouldn’t have noticed but right as I was about to brush my teeth your cum dropped onto my toothbrush…” “I ALMOST FORGOT” Harry interrupted. “Gotta meet Cho to ‘study’” and took off. “Goodluck!” Ron shouted as Harry headed off down the hall towards the second floor girls’ lavatory.

Cho was waiting for him at the snake engraved sink. Harry ran up, apologized for being late, and said the ancient password in parseltongue “Open up bitch”. The sink opened and Cho jumped down the passageway shouting “Let’s make a baby in my chamber of secrets!”. Moaning Myrtle shrieked “Harry stay up here and bubble bathe with me!” but it was too late, he jumped down to the chamber as well.

Harry and Cho both plopped into the chamber giggling. They small talked a bit about Professor Sprout’s ridiculous homework assignment of keeping a bonsai tree alive all spring. Then it got down to business. Harry pulled out a condom that Fred and George Weasley had given him the previous summer. Cho closed her eyes and moaned “I can’t wait for you to choke me with a Basilisk fang”. As he started to open it the latex zapped his fingers with an electricity volt that exclaimed “You’re not a magnum Harry!” as it dissipated into thin air. Harry was embarrassed but Cho shrugged it off and said “We can do other things anyways”. She took off her robe exposing her bare chest. Harry noticed something immediately different. “You you…” she finished his sentence, “Yes Harry I got breast implants over winter break at Borgin & Burkes, do you like?”. Harry quickly found his speech “Yes of course!”. She replied, “Well that’s not even the best part, check this out” as she looked down at her nipples. Harry looked too and noticed them first pointing east west, but then they started twisting and turning which omitted some sort of language. It was parseltongue! “Hello Harry wanna motor boat me?” they sexually whispered. “I got them implanted with a parseltongue jinx so we could have a special and intimate bond in the bedroom” real Cho beamed. Harry was speechless. But his dick was not. “Voldy is that you? Oh how I have missed you” Harry’s dick instinctively responded back. Both Harry and Cho looked up at each other. “YOU’VE BEEN LOCKING DICKS WITH THE ENEMY THIS WHOLE TIME???” she emotionally screamed. Harry stumbled in response. “No no I mean I don’t want to it only happens in my wet dreams…”. “Who the fook still has wet dreams!!” she belted back. “You were suppose to be the `boy who lived`, not the `boy that gived` – I’m out of here!”. And just like that, she was gone, leaving Harry alone with his awakened dick in the Chamber of Blue Balls.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/cln6mz/mmmffantasy_chamber_of_seduction

1 comment

  1. This is the most addictive cancer I have ever experienced, congratulations.

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