[M]y life after moving into a share house with two beautiful women… (Part 3)

I ran from Kerri.

What was I suppose to say to her? She’d marched up to me drunk off her face talking about my penis in a sexy voice as if she wanted to see it, and hold it, and put it in her mouth forever and ever and ever… Of course I panicked. I would love to say that I was someone who had said something sexy, Kerri dropped her trousers and I took her then and there on the kitchen bench. But, unfortunately, I am not. And she kept her trouser firmly on.

Instead, I ran. Retreating to my room to touch myself ad nauseam. Again, I would love to say that it was spectacular session spent mentally undressing Kerri, seeing her huge-for-her-tiny-frame boobs and holding her within my arms, but that didn’t happen. Instead, I watched a poorly shot video about two blonde lesbians going bananas on each other on a boat.

It was awesome.

But that’s probably not the sex story you’ve come to read about. If I am wrong, apologies; just type “huge + fake tits + lesbo + boat” into PornHub. You’re welcome sickos! Also, for those interested, I believe they are currently working on a sequel to be released soon. Apparently it’s to be filmed on a mystery land-based motorised vehicle. My guess is something with more than four wheel… Saucy.

But I digress; after I finished adequately relieving myself, I thought about why I hadn’t been bolder with Kerri. Why hadn’t I done sexy things to her? Kerri was stunning. When I looked at her, I saw her long dark hair, I saw her deep brown eyes and her tan skin. Kerri was truly beautiful and if I was truly honest with myself, I was insanely out-of-my-mind attracted her. And yet when given an opportunity, I had chosen to give myself the old five-finger knuckle shuffle instead… I could have potentially banged a solid 9 out of 10 (she loses a point because NZ just beat Oz in the Netball World Cup Final and I remain salty). Why couldn’t I have been a real bloke and just gone for it like those two brave lesbians on the boat? I bet they wouldn’t have been scared into their bedroom by their 5 foot 4 roommate. Hell, they probably would have invited her onto their boat.

But I knew why! The sane, rational part of mind knew even before Kerri had even got home drunk and approached me in the kitchen. It was Claire.

We certainly weren’t together and it would be hugely presumptuous of me to assume or expect exclusivity from her without mutual consideration. But I know my mind; and already I felt an innate sense of loyal attachment to my thoughts of her. I didn’t know what we were – can two people be uncomplicated ‘best-friend/roommates-who-weren’t-in-a-relationship-but-who-had-seen-each-other-naked-and-had-had-sex’? It was one for a magic eight ball.

I knew I had to talk to Claire. Before another kitchen incident happened. But it was late… approaching midnight. And Claire and I both had uni tomorrow.

I picked up my phone.

*Hey, are you still awake?* I typed.

Claire responded a moment later. *Yah. What are you doing up so late? It’s a school night.*

*Wanna hang?*

There was a pause.

Is this a booty call? she wrote back.

Was it? Despite me touching myself barely moments earlier, Kerri sparked a fire in my blood. I was wide awake. My thumbs hovered over my now dark phone screen.

My phone buzzed.

*Come on in.*

I practically vaulted out of bed; a violent contrast to the quiet stealth I used to creep through the silent house towards Claire.


Claire’s room was dark when I crept in. Her door softly creaked as I closed it behind me.

“Quickly. Come get in. It’s actually cold tonight,” Claire’s voiced whispered from the darkness to my right.

I crept over, pulling Claire’s heavy doona over me as I got into bed. I reached towards her, hoping to steal some of her warmth. I touched bare skin.

“Ahhh your hands are freezing,” she said in a hushed voice twisting away from me. What part of her had I touched? I reached towards her again.

I found Claire’s hip. She tried to roll away from me but she’d run out of bed. I lay my hand flush against her hip. It was bare, exposed. She wasn’t wearing anything.

I froze.

Claire lay still.

A moment seemed to pass and neither of us said a word. The silence seemed to hold a heavy authority over our too still bodies. I felt acutely aware of my cold hand pressed against her naked hip.

Barely breathing, I slowly turned to face Claire. Her skin felt burning hot under my touch. I could hear my pulse, loud in contrast to the dark stillness of the bedroom. With nothing but darkness to feed my hungry eyes, my hands reached forward, the gulf between us giving my desire new brashness.

One slight movement – my finger, barely touching, running down her thigh – and Claire’s breath came rushing out. She let out a heavy breath.

“Cold…” she started, her breath catching.

“Shhhh,” I whispered into the darkness. “Don’t make a sound.” I could feel my excitement like a drum beat. The fire burned. With my other hand, I reached towards her, pressing a finger to her lips. Claire stilled and my hand flattened to cover her mouth.

I could feel my excitement growing. My body reacting to her. The fire. I wanted her to feel that same uncontrolled urgency I felt.

With careful slowness, I leaned forward, kissing Claire softly on the chin next to where my hand pressed against her mouth. I moved slowly. Deliberately. Consumed by Claire. She lay so close, her naked body inches away from me radiating warmth. Her soft curves minutely shaking beneath my hand. Everything else outside her small bedroom stopped. I forgot about uni, about rent. I forgot about even Kerri. Nothing but Claire and me and the feel of her body as I kissed down her jawline to the base of her neck.

My fingers traced, but stopped to linger over her pelvic bone. Claire softly groaned under my hand. Her body was shaking ever so slightly. I softly bit at nape of her neck. She released a higher moan.

On the spectrum of sexuality perversion, I err on the side of ‘dominant’, with a caveat to distinguish my particular brand as ‘sensually dominant’. The act of silencing Claire’s gentle moaning as I ran my fingers across her body aroused the fire further, stoking the flames and causing me to breath deeply.

My fingers found her breast.

Despite the darkness, I could perfectly picture Claire’s naked body by touch. My fingers could trace the rise and fall of her breasts as they gave way to a flat stomach. Even without seeing, I could feel her slim hourglass figure under my hands. In my mind I could see her blue eyes looking up at me amongst the tangle of her messy blonde hair. She groaned into my hand, her voice mumbled.

I eased the hand, allowing her to talk.

“Jacob…” Her hands pulled at me. “Come here.”

My clothes were gone as quickly as I could kick them off. I wanted to feel her naked body pressed against mine. I rolled towards her, pressing my weight down onto her. My hand remained clasped over her lips. Soon, I was wholly on top of her.

“No noise,” I whispered softly into her ear. “…Kerri.” Claire nodded mutely in understanding. I could imagine her blue eyes looking up at me through the dark.

But I had no intention of fucking her softly and making it easier for her to stay quiet. I would fuck her hard. I knew it was irresponsible, especially in light of Kerri. But the fire burned and rationality is not always the easy victor.

I slid into Claire. She opened to me with a soft groan. I pushed my length all the way in. She let out a smaller moan, her teeth gently biting at my hand. I slid out, allow her wetness to coat my shaft. I thrust down hard.

This time she wasn’t so quiet.

I stopped. “Shhhh,” I whispered quietly into her ear. “I said no noise.” Claire mumbled. I didn’t let up my hand. Instead, I began grinding my hips against her clitoris while the full length of me remained inside of her. Slowly. My movements growing like a wave that moved against her over and over.

Claire tried to be quiet. But as I arched my back and pushed gently – slowly – in and out of her, her breath deepened and then escaped; deep in her throat despite my hand covering her mouth. My free hand explored her hip where her leg bent to wrap around me.

I began to move faster, grinding against her whenever I was pushed in deepest. I slid my hand up her body, over her waist and under the curve of her breast. It was her neck that I wanted. My hand found it’s target in the darkness.

A soft noise suddenly emanated to my left, stopping me. As I pressed firmly down into Claire, my weight supported by her body with my warm breath in her ear, I heard it softly. It was a soft panting but it wasn’t coming from Claire. It was different; higher than the deeper throat groaning that Claire was making.

It was so soft I could barely make it out.

It was coming from through the walls. From Kerri’s bedroom next to Claire’s.

I hadn’t heard anyone come in after I left her in the kitchen. Was she in there alone? My mind was slow, my focus diverged between two particularly distractible thoughts; beautiful Claire beneath me and the thought of Kerri touching herself.

Had she heard us?

I thrust suddenly and deeply into Claire. Harder inside her and with much less reservation than I should have. Claire moaned loudly. Kerri her softer but more frequent mirror. Like a panting. I heard Kerri slightly more distinctly now. My mind whirled.

Claire moaned into my hand, her body squirming beneath me. She groaned softly, my hand still around her neck. I could feel an urgency in the way she moved. I was familiar with that urgency. I pushed into her without reservation, any visage of my responsible mind a forgotten – or neglected – memory.

Our bodies matched speeds, my breathing in a race with Claire’s. I pushed deeply into her. Faster. I could feel myself losing control, my finish line just up ahead. Neither of us were quiet.

With a pump, I pushed into Claire. Her stomach contracted beneath me and her breathing caught. A warm wave of fluid filled the space between our ugly parts. I could feel myself lose control of my orgasm as I felt her stomach tighten. I was done. My race run. I shot my load into Claire. She clawed at my back as I filled her up.

And then stillness. But for the rising of my chest and the sounds of quiet breathing in the darkness.

Silence. No noise from through the walls. No noise from Claire.

I fell forward onto Claire, kissing her face. I dropped my head down into her neck. She let out a sigh and kissed my cheek.

We lay there in the silent darkness – her tickling my back, me kissing her neck – until I fell asleep inside of her. After a unknown amount of time I awoke and rolled off Claire. There was a patch of wetness on the bed.

“Come into my room to sleep,” I whispered to Claire. She grabbed my hand as I pulled her from the warmth of the doona.

Holding my hand, she walked completely naked through the dark house.


I slept soundly, not waking for my alarm in the morning. Claire had left by the time I surfaced. I picked up my phone with the intention of sending her a ‘thank you for fucking me’ morning message. However, I had a notification from Kerri which distracted me. Kerri had sent it after midnight. I had never gotten a message from her after midnight.

I quickly opened it. It read:

*Now we’ve both seen things we shouldn’t have seen.*

She had attached this [photo](https://imgur.com/a/VMj1hPC)…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ckeoh6/my_life_after_moving_into_a_share_house_with_two


  1. For those wondering: I received consent from Kerri to post the photo of her.

  2. “A warm wave of fluid filled the space between our ugly parts.”

    This is poetry.

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