Getting Hate-[F]ucked by my Date’s Worst Enemy

First off, I LOVE this community. I’m not sure what has made me hornier, getting fucked like how I did in my last story or reading all the comments and PM’s I got from posting here!

Since the events of my last story, I have realized I have a fetish for being dominated, used as a trophy for type-A men to display their status, and even thinking of how I’ve been a submissive bitch recently is making me wet. Writing out my experiences and seeing your reaction has made me feel so empowered and in control of my body; I’m officially hooked!

In case you missed it last time, my customary background: I’m a 19-year old, 5’4, 135lb college girl with slightly wavy light-brunette hair that dips just below my shoulders, hazel eyes, 34C breasts, and a pretty nice bubble butt if I can brag a little. In high school I played soccer which gave me some killer definition in my ass and legs that I’ve maintained decently enough since then. I’ve always been a “good girl”, I got good grades, had a great relationship with my parents, and when I did cut loose, it always used to be in a safe, respectable way.

Also like last time, I’m a sucker for telling a long story and a lot of you seemed to get off on that. So if you want to go straight to the good stuff, skip to (*****) and if you want to go straight to the REALLY good stuff, skip to the (XXXXX).

Since getting fucked into oblivion by the biggest and most skilled cock I’ve ever dreamed of last Mardi Gras, I’ve become a bit of wild slut, but haven’t quite found a guy who could please me the same way that Andre did.

Since I first rushed my sorority, Danny, a guy in one of the frats we often party with, has been pining over me. We have had a few classes together and have become decent enough friends in that time. He was my “pledge husband” which is a meaningless game the older brothers/sisters do so new members have someone to break the ice with, but this guy fell for me; hard.

Honestly, it sucks because he has a great personality and sense of humor, we get along really well and it’s not like he’s a “nice guy” or a weirdo or anything. In fact, he’s dated/hooked-up with a few girls since we’ve met and he could do really well with someone else, I’m just not interested. He’s on the shorter side, not fat but not fit either, and he’s just so desperate and obvious about wanting a serious relationship with me, it makes me feel like being with him would be charity work. Nevertheless, whenever his frat is having a date party or formal, I’m always the first person on the speed dial and I’d have to scramble for an excuse not to go.

Danny and I were leaving class one Friday and joking about how thankful we were that with finals just around the corner, both our Frat and Sorority were done with partying for the year and how our livers needed the weekend off. I mentioned how I had completely cleared my schedule and planned on not leaving my Netflix until Monday morning. As if the party Gods heard my arrogance and decided to punish me for my hubris, Danny’s phone dinged for a message from his Frat’s WhatsApp thread “Grab a Date – Golf Bros and Tennis Hoes” Danny turned to me and said “well you just said you were completely free so no excuses this time; will you be my date?” I was trapped.

For those of you who don’t speak Greek, a Grab a Date is type of party where each member of a Frat or Sorority will be told with less than a day’s notice that the party is going down and they have to scramble to get someone to go with. This grab a date was country club themed and would begin with a pre-party at the Frat’s separate party house. Thanks to my big mouth, I would now be escorting Danny to his Grab a Date, the fate I tried to avoid for almost 2 years.

The more I thought about it though, the less bad it seemed. Danny’s Frat always throws some of the wildest parties and I’ve never been to one of their date functions. Also my friend Jen was asked too so at least I’d have someone to talk with if things went south. I even warmed up to the idea of Danny. We’d been to loads of parties together and no matter how drunk he got, he never tried anything on me. In fact it was the opposite, he was loads of fun at parties. Maybe since Grab a Date’s were more casual than normal date events, we’d have a fun time as friends with maybe me shooting down a kiss and it would be a better night than I planned!

I went over to Jen’s place that evening so we could get dressed together. I had a cute aqua colored Polo that made my bright hazel eyes and light chestnut hair pop. But more importantly, had four buttons that with my ample chest and a push up bra; put my 2nd and 3rd best assets on full display. I styled my hair in a twisted braid ponytail with some curl and volume given to the bottom. Just below the braid I wore a white tennis visor that matched my white tennis shoes. To complete the look, I borrowed from Jen a white pleated tennis mini-skirt.

Now, if you measured Jen and me around the waist, I probably have the smaller figure. But thanks to a decade of soccer, a love of squats in the campus gym, and a lucky dice roll on genetics; I have a MUCH bigger butt than her. As a result, the skirt which would pass most high school dress codes for Jen, ended just below where my ass cheeks met my thighs with maybe a ½ inch of clearance. Normally, I would have worn white boy-shorts or a more covering underwear so nothing would seem wrong if you blinked and missed it, but since we were at Jen’s and we only had a few minutes before we had to leave, I was stuck wearing a sheer blue lace thong. With a stiff breeze or a slight bend at the waist, anyone lucky enough to be looking my way would be getting dinner and a show!

We arrived at the pre-party in progress and it was an absolute blast! The music was pumping, the drinks were flowing, and Danny, who actually looked kind of adorable in a green golf shirt, yellow Master’s hat, and matching plaid pants made sure our cups were never empty. Danny’s jaw dropped when he saw me.

“Oh my god Ash, you, you look incredi- WOW!” I just giggled and enjoyed the attention before asking if he was just going to gawk or bring us some shots?

Soon enough, one of the brothers announced we were all going to play survivor flip cup. For those of you who don’t know, survivor flip cup is the normal “drink some beer, flip the cup” game but if your team loses, you have to vote a player off and someone has to double up with their beer. You win when the other team is out of players. It makes every game super high stakes and gets you super drunk. Jen’s date, Danny, and a few others were on one team and Jen, the brother who announced the game, myself, and some others were on the other.

I vaguely knew the other brother on our team, his name was Mike and was probably Danny’s least favorite person in the entire frat. He was 6’4 and full framed. He was an all-conference linebacker in HS and led the Frat’s intermural teams. He has a close cropped jet black haircut, a stubble beard, and piercing blue eyes with deep set eyebrows that made it look like he was always scanning the room. A year ahead of us, Mike was Danny’s pledge educator when he rushed, basically the brother in charge of hazing. Danny had told me what an asshole he was and how he seemed to especially have it out for him. Their disagreements continued into this year where Danny was in charge of risk management and Mike was the social chair- diametrically opposed forces. Mike also had a reputation in my sorority as a complete fuck boi.

The game got underway and both teams did a decent job of trading wins but the trash talk, especially between Mike and Danny, was fierce. “Wow Pledge, if you bro’d out this well normally, you might have a real job on Exec”, “I didn’t know they taught flip cup in remedial math Mike, seems like you’ve been practicing!” Eventually it got down to just Danny and I, six cups each, and the game on the line. I’ve always been hypercompetitive and Danny winked at me and I smiled, I was having tons of fun! We were all cheering hard and it came down to the last beers which we both reached for at the same time but as Danny rose the cup, Mike slapped its bottom so the beer spilled all over his face and front, sending him coughing. Technically allowed, Danny doesn’t have to drink the beer but he still has to flip the cup but the disruption gave me just the opportunity I needed to win while Danny tried his best to dry his face and my team began to celebrate.

“Nice try pledge, better luck next time!” Mike ribbed Danny while someone handed him a dish towel.

I went to go help Danny clean up but I was intercepted by Mike who put his hands on my sides in a light hug to congratulate me.

While he had his arms on me, he applied just a little bit more pressure than you’d expect from a friendly victory hug. As he got closer, I couldn’t help but admire how strong his arms were, how good his aftershave smelled, and how easily he stopped me dead in my tracks. When he broke the hug, I couldn’t help but rub his strong forearms a little, look into his ice blue eyes, and notice how good looking he was.

“By the way, you look hot as fuck, is Pledge getting lucky tonight or what?”

I turned bright red with embarrassment and the forward attention.

“No, Danny and I are just friends HAHA.”

Mike perked up an eyebrow and dropped one of his hands around my hips. He pulled me in closer to him so that we were touching waist to waist. Near my beltline I could feel a stiff hard bulge through his khakis. “Holy fuck was that his cock? It’s so damn thick!” I thought to myself.

“In that case then, let’s do a shot.” He said staring straight into my eyes.

“But what about Dann-” I questioned before being cut off.

“Pledge is upstairs changing his shirt, let’s drink” he commanded before leading my by the arm to the back room.


Near the back of the house was a small empty room with a bar and a few lounge chairs around it. Mike went to the fridge opposite the bar to grab mixers and told me, “The drinks are just under the bar, grab the stuff on the bottom, it’s better.”

One of the couches blocked the bar entrance which looked too heavy to move and too inconvenient to squeeze past. I figured the best way to get the booze would be to just reach over the bar and grab it.

Maybe it was the multiple drinks clouding my judgement, or maybe it was my subconscious slut wanting to put myself out on display; but I completely forgot that straining on your tip toes to bend over a tall bar while wearing a mini-skirt that barely covers your ass is not a great combination!

When Mike turned around, he must have gotten one hell of a sight: me, bending over on my tiptoes, feet pressed together in my cute little white sneakers, highlighting the muscles of my tanned, toned legs culminating in the peep show of my fit ass halfway poking out of my lily white skirt with just a hint of baby blue lace thong peeking out at the bottom of my thigh gap, covering my taint and signaling what panties I was wearing that night.

I didn’t even realize what I was doing, I was completely oblivious to how I was presenting myself until I felt a strong calloused hand reach up under my ass, cradling it just under where my cheeks met my thighs, he lifted me up ever so slightly, just enough so that my tiptoes were maybe half an inch off the ground; forcing me to rest the full weight of my body into his wide flat palm and grind my pussy and ass into his hand.
I froze in place at the provocation for a second, not even sure what was happening but I quickly regained my senses and squealed at the molestation. I may have been caught completely off guard by what happened, no man had every grabbed me so brazenly like that. As much as a slut I might be, I still have my respect. I pushed myself off the bar and turned around to face the man who grabbed me so openly.

As I turned around prepared to curse him out, Mike took a step closer into me. He was right on top of me, forcing my back into the bar. I then remembered the skirt. I thought of how I must have looked when he turned around: a fresh teen bent over exposed and making little determined grunts to reach a liquor bottle that was just out of reach.

Any righteous indignation I felt turned to meekness in my throat as the full power disparity was laid to bare. Me, off balance and flustered and him, towering over me and confident. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing!” I blurted out, maybe ¼ as assertive as I would’ve liked.

Now, I have a nasty habit. When I get really aroused, my pussy will start to beat incredibly strongly in time with my rapidly increasing heartbeat. I have almost no control over it and my body always betrays me at the worst possible moments. This was one of those times. The exhilaration of it all got to me. I was red in the face, my breathing was quickening, and my efforts to break his grasp were pushing my breasts closer and closer into his chiseled chest, the pressure making my pussy and now nipples beat harder and harder. I felt my slit start to slick as it instinctively lubricated itself, my animal instincts preparing for a ravaging.

“STOP IT!” I gritted my teeth and cursed, pushing him away with all of my might; but he didn’t even budge. My pounding pussy was getting wetter by the second. I began taking stock of how turned on I was, how being pinned like this played into so many of my fantasies and how fucking hot Mike was.

At that moment, his hand began working its way up the inside of my thigh. Taking full advantage of my gap and positioning himself to move closer and closer to my pussy. I spread my legs just enough so he would be completely unopposed, Mike just gave a quick smirk at my easiness. One of his fingers pulled taught the quickly dampening fabric of my thong in just the right spot and it grazed over my clit’s hood. My eyes bulged slightly at the rush of pleasure and I let out of soft “hhmph”. It was all Mike needed: I gave up resistance after that. I wanted it and he knew it.

“You looked like you needed a boost?” he said, fearlessly and strongly, as if he had a right to touch me like that; relishing how he had me trapped and as if he was entitled to full access over my body.

“That’s exxacctly what I needed” I cooed out, enjoying how dirty this was and how it made me feel. We stood like that for what seemed like an eternity but probably wasn’t even 30 seconds, me spreading my legs in front of the bar, pinned in place while he stroked my pussy from the outside. Getting me wetter and wetter but not doing more than teasing my entrance. Every brush of his hand was getting me more and more turned on, all the blood rushing to my fresh lips and making me want it that much more.

“I, mmm, I still need to get us that liquor bottle” I gently purred at him.

Mike took a step back and gestured, “by all means”.

With his permission, I once again assumed the position, bending over the bar. Except this time I wasn’t on my tip-toes for leverage, but to put on a show. This time my legs were spread and I flipped the skirt over my plump toned ass, giving mike a full view of my slutty thong, damp in all the right places, clinging to my engorged pussy, and leaving little else to the imagination.

“Aren’t you going to help me weach?” I asked in my best baby voice. Mike didn’t need to be told twice. In an instant he was on top of me, two fingers pushing my panties to the side and giving me manual doggy style, his rough finger tips brushing up against my G-spot.

I gave soft moans of pleasure every time he stroked over and into me but just as I felt myself building towards something greater, it came to an end as we heard walking down the hall “MIKE, BUS IS HERE!” Mike quickly released me and I did my best to regain my composure before we went out front and waited our turn to get on the bus to the bar. I found Danny, Jen, and Jen’s date standing on the lawn together.

“Where were you?” Jen asked. “You look flushed and red, is everything alright?”

“Yeah, HAHA, some brothers and I just went to do some victory shots and we must have lost track of time, you know me and whiskey!” I lied.

Soon enough we were on the Bus and headed to the venue. Danny seemed in better spirits after the flip cup incident but still had some choice words about Mike. I tried my best to laugh it off and told him he’s probably just jealous because Danny had the hottest date of the night and Mike’s date must have passed out at the pre-party because he got on the Bus alone. Danny laughed and said I always knew how to cheer him up.

At that moment, I realized I had two sets of eyes on me. Danny was telling me something that I wasn’t paying attention to, and Mike, with those hunter eyes, was talking to one of his friends but giving me that “I know you want me” look. I was already wet from the fingering I just received but the idea of repeating it, of fucking this big strong asshole, was turning me on immensely and keeping my still beating pussy from calming down.

I snapped out of my lust just in time to hear the end of what Danny was blabbering on about:

“…so anyways, yeah I guess I’ve always more than liked you and was hoping that if tonight goes well, we go out again, on a real date”

“OH SHIT” I screamed inside my head. My #1 fear of tonight just happened and I couldn’t even focus because I was stuck thinking about how this guy’s worst enemy was just bending me over and three knuckles deep!

I panicked and just said what I knew Danny wanted to hear but I didn’t feel. Better to just make the next few hours go smoothly and deal with letting him down gently later when I was sober. “Yeah I’d really like that Danny” I lied to him, again. Danny then leaned in for a kiss.

My only rule of the night was to avoid kissing Danny but I just didn’t see any way out of it this time. I leaned in and let him kiss me, long and deep. Clearly he had been thinking about this for a long time and I gotta hand it to him, he’s not a bad kisser!
His tongue was strong but he didn’t thrust it too deep, he delicately pecked my lips when he needed to and lightly scratched my arm as he went and I began to melt into him. Soon enough he got a little handsy and began moving up to feel my breasts over my shirt. I shut my eyes to enjoy the moment but every time I did, all I could fantasize about was Mike. How I wanted Mike to be feeling my breasts and how Danny’s hands felt so small in comparison. How I wanted to be grabbing Mike’s arms and how Danny’s were just so puny. Before I knew it, Danny was reaching a hand up my inner thigh. Caught up in my fantasy about Mike, my legs parted and Danny got to put a hand over my hot, still aroused pussy.

“WOW, you must really be into me!” Danny said, feeling how completely soaked my panties were.

That brought me back down to reality and I quickly removed his hand “Easy tiger” I said, “What kind of girl do you take me for?” I slyly gave back with a wink. But I looked to the front of the bus and there was Mike, just laughing at us and alerting his friends to our make out session.

“WAY TO GO PLEDGE! MAKE SURE YOU KEEP A CLOSE EYE ON THIS ONE!” Mike laughed to his friends at a joke only him and I truly understood.

With that, we were at the venue, a local downtown bar popular with the Yuppies who lived in our college town that Danny’s frat had rented for the night. As soon as we got to the bar, Mike came up to us and grabbed Danny around the shoulders.

“Dan, dude, sorry about the flip cup HAHA, just couldn’t resist the joke! Let me buy you some shots and make up for it!” with that he grabbed Danny and Jen’s date and forced them all to the bar. Danny just shrugged at me while Jen and I went to the bathroom to freshen up. When we came back, there was still no sign of any of the guys so we just got some drinks and danced with ourselves.

Maybe 30 minutes later, Jen’s date came back up to us. “Hey guys, Danny’s pretty hammered, guess he had a few too many shots. I drew the short straw so I have to make sure he makes it back to the house alright. Will you girls be fine alone?”

Jen was obviously pissed but I was kind of indifferent and honestly a little relived. My night just became MUCH less complicated and tomorrow I can write up Danny’s date offer to drunk ramblings (if he even remembered making it). Ultimately Jen decided to go back with them which just left me alone.

The first thing I did was go to the bar and order a fresh G&T. The second thing I did was give a grunt and bite my lower lip as I felt Mike come up from behind and slap my underbun. Leaving his muscular hand on my left ass cheek and pulling me into him.
“Can I get you a drink?” He asked with a cocky glint of sincerity in his voice.

“I already have one” I shot back, waving my completely full gin and tonic in his face. “Do you normally offer to buy drinks for the girls you finger fucked over a bar before getting their dates too wasted to protect them from you, or am I just that special?” I took a sip from my straw, doing my best to look up at Mike with the best doe eyes I could as I finished my zinger.

“Normally I take whatever slut makes herself that easy straight up to my room and make her cum all night. You just seemed a little classier than that.” He joked back at me, his hand still firmly on my ass rubbing up and down my crack with his fingers lazily pulling on the string of my thong.

“Well, I wouldn’t know about that.” I retorted, taking a step forward and grasping between his legs. “You haven’t even made me cum once yet.” I said as fiercely as I could, trying my hardest not to react to the absolutely gigantic cock I just grabbed.

“I’ll call the Uber” he winked at me.

The Uber driver deserved 5 stars and a $20 tip for not crashing with the show we were putting on in the back seat. As soon as we got in we were all over each other. Mike’s strong hands pulling me in for a sloppy kiss, the exact opposite of Danny’s, with his hands being using to keep me in place as he jammed his whole tongue down my throat; not caring for what I might want, just how he liked to kiss. He would alternate between my mouth, my neck and my ears: lighting up my pussy on fire every time he went.

After a minute or two of intense making out, I completely abandoned any efforts to put on a seat belt. Mike pounced on me like an animal, laying me down on the back seat, splitting my legs open and dry humping his ever increasing bulge into me.
My sheer lace thong offered no buffer whatsoever and I felt every long stroke ignite my arousal and send me moaning deeply into his mouth as my clit hood was pushed up and my engorged knob was free to get direct contact. He pulled off my shirt and admired my body for a second. My chestnut hair and hazel eyes contrasting perfectly with my tanned springtime skin and matching lily white skirt, tennis shoes, and push up bra.

Mike dived back down to attack me, this time taking care to massage and knead my breasts, making me thrust my chest up higher and higher into his embrace. I went to unsnap my bra and give Mike the chance to have his way with my aching nipples but the Uber drive caught us and demanded we keep it PG-13 for 2 more minutes until we were at our destination. I giggled and Mike looked like a teacher just took his favorite toy and we continued to make out before arriving back at the Frat house.

I got up and reached past him to grab my shirt but he was too fast and snatched it from me. “You get this back when I say you get it back. Now get out of the car and go inside”. My heart sank, he was really about to make me go inside half naked!

I should have been mad, I should have cursed him out and made the driver take me home. Instead I was turned on more than life itself. My mind went straight how the last time I showed myself, it had been in New Orleans and how it drove me into a fuck slut animal. The thought of being forced to be an exhibitionist again drove my pussy into overdrive; beating hard in my ears with thinking of all the things that could go wrong.

I got onto all fours in the back seat and opened the car door. As I began to get out I felt a hard THWACK as Mike brought a hand down, spanking my ass. The Uber driver laughed and I squealed, jumping out of the car. I stood as cutely as I could, with my hands behind my back and twisting at the hips, trying to look as innocent as possible in my matching skirt and bra set. Mike just casually got out the other side and began walking in, not even giving me a second look. Caught off guard by his change in attitude, I ran to catch up with him and we entered the frat house together.

I hoped we would be able to make it to the stairs without anyone noticing but I was wrong. Sure enough, about a dozen brothers and their dates, including Jen and her date, were all sitting in the front room playing Kings Cup. When they saw me walk in with Mike, half naked, a ROAR of cheers emanated from the crowd. I couldn’t help but go beet red from embarrassment. Mike was loving the attention and began waving my shirt over his head like a rally towel.

What I’ll never forget is the look Jen gave me. She’d heard the stories about Mike fucking half our Sorority, about what kind of guy he was, and she knew how Danny felt about me. The look she gave me was just a disappointed grimace as she shook her head, then scanning the room, she looked Mike up and down and for an instant- I knew she was insanely jealous.

Before I had a chance to say something or compose myself, Mike’s hand spanked down on my ass again.

“Bedroom, let’s go.” He nonchalantly said before walking past me to head up the staircase.

Still in shock over the crowd, and like a good little slut, I didn’t say a word and just ran behind him as another raucous cheers went up from the peanut gallery.


When we made it upstairs, Mike shut the door behind me and sat on the bed, leaning back onto his elbows.

“Panties off, now.”

I did as he commanded, bending over at the waist, making sure my hazel eyes never broke contact with Mike’s bright blues as I stripped out of my soaked thong, enjoying the feeling of my warm pussy being fully exposed to the air, feeling how much heat it was radiating off from how horny I was. I threw my little lingerie at Mike which he just considered for a moment before tossing them over his shoulder.

“Bra too.”

I didn’t expect how direct he would be. It was almost like a general giving me military orders. But here I was, at his mercy. All I could think of was what would come next. I of course knew we were going to fuck but the way he was clinically ordering me around, the way he had been so casual and non-caring since we got out of the car after a night of being all over me made me wonder if he would take it all back at any moment; play a big joke of kicking me out like the shamed naked slut I was, this all being another joke like the one he played Danny during flip cup.

Pushing my cares aside, I released my breasts. Doing my best job to stick my perky glass cutters out as far as I could, hoping Mike would approve and agree to mount me in his bed.

Mike beckoned me forward with one curving finger, the same finger that just a couple hours ago was nestled against my G-spot. When I got to him, standing between his spread legs with his face even with my nipples; his hands were all over me, playing with my ass under the skirt, kissing my heaving breasts and taking care to suck each of my nipples in turn before dipping down to my toned stomach while massaging my sides and my hips – sending pleasure waves all over my body.

I couldn’t help but let out a soft moan of agreement and run my hands through his raven hair, encouraging him to have his way with my body.

Suddenly Mike pulled me into him, hard. “What do you think is about to happen?” he demanded as he looked deep into my eyes, his other hand dipping between my ass cheeks and teasing my pussy lips.

“I think you’re going to fuck me. I think you’re going to fuck me hard.” I whimpered out, enjoying the game we were playing with me as helpless prey.

“And just how am I going to fuck you hard?” he demanded, making me jolt up as two fingers shot into my pussy. I let out a load “AHHHH” at the sudden entrance as the momentum forced my body into his, pushing me up and against him.

“You’re going to, mmhm, you’re going to…” I groaned and whimpered out as he used the hand firmly around my waist and my natural hip gyrations to ride my pussy into his hand, to grind my clit against hid body. “You’re going to make me cum fast if you keep that up” I moaned into him. “I want to ride you, I want to ride you so fucking bad” I just barely managed to get out.

Mike released me from his grasp before getting up and taking off his clothes, his corded muscles bulging from every inch of his body. I don’t know if I ever saw such a hard muscled frame before and when he took his pants off, his large thick cock was exactly how I’d been picturing it from the gropes and grazes I’d felt all night.

When he was done stripping, he laid back on the bed and I began to wiggle out of my skirt.

“No” he commanded. “Leave it on, I like it.”

I giggled and said “yes sir” as I swung my legs over to straddle him.

“Is this what you wanted?” I seductively whispered, grinding my pussy against his 3/4 hard cock, feeling it pulse and grow between my legs. “Is this what you wanted when you saw me bent over the bar? A good little sorority girl in her little tennis skirt to fuck and ruin?”

Mike just laughed. “If you were actually a good girl, you wouldn’t let me do this!”

With one move, Mike pinned me down into his chest, my ass and pussy lifting into the air, just enough to release his now fully erect cock from being pinned between my legs. With one move of his hips, he was right at my entrance.

“WAIT!” I shrieked, not knowing how easily I could take such a large cock, but Mike didn’t care- he just took me, rough.
In one hard thrust, I was impaled. “EEEEH!” I grunted out, taking the full brunt of his assault, my eyes bulging and mouth gapping as the instant warmth of a hard cock shot up through my body. The pain of the sudden expansion dancing beautifully with the pleasure of my body getting what it craved. “EEEEH!” I grunted out a second time as he took me just as hard and as fast on a repeat thrust. His strokes were fierce and rapid but also deliberate, each one designed to be a symbol of his dominance over me as much as an act of pleasure. I tried to break free from his grasp, reach out for a handhold, a piece of leverage, anything to help me brace but he was too strong. I was at his mercy.

I’ve cum quick before, people who’ve read my other story can attest, but not like this. As Mike slammed into me on the third thrust, it was like he hit the instant jackpot on a vegas slot machine. A barrier in me was instantly breached and I was cumming; HARD. “AHHHHH! AHHH! AHH!” “OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!” I began rhythmically tapping out on his chest as he just picked up the pace, jackhammering into my pinned pussy while I begged him to let up, to let me catch my breath, but every pleading moan turned to more and more slick strings of grool oozing out of my pussy in a never ending orgasm before I was begging him not to stop, to never stop.

Eventually Mike let up and I did my best to steady myself, to lull and rock my pussy on his cock and catch my breath as I sat up. Each time I did so, Mike would give a subtle hard thrust up with his hips, making me yelp out and reminding who was in control.

“Oh my god, I’ve never cum that fast before. Do you do that to all the sluts you bring back here?” I asked, breathlessly.

“Just the ones not classy enough to let me buy them drinks” he threw back in my face.

We both started laughing, but soon enough he had a hand on my ass, forcing me to start riding him fast. My giggles quickly tuned into grunts as I realized we were back on.

“HAHAhaha oh, mmmhm, oh, okay umph, okay mmmhm, oh my, oh my god. OH. MY. GOD. OHHHH!” I built up with my squeals as Mike and I picked up the pace. Riding Mike felt like nothing I ever felt before, it seemed on every down thrust he was reaching deeper and deeper into me – tapping a part of my pussy that had never been reached before. It awoke a creature in me and soon I was rutting against him harder than I’ve ever fucked back against anyone. Years of soccer abdominal exercises and aggression built up from fucking lesser men with smaller cocks who frustratingly left me unsatisfied being exorcised on a bear of a man who could more than take it.

After my fierce tempo began to slow down from exhaustion, Mike lifted up my skirt and began rubbing my clit FURIOUSLY. My knob was already slick from my juices being spread around and his hand was like a plug on a bundle of electricity waiting to be unleashed on my body. I stopped dead in my tracks and began frantically scratching at the bed, the walls, looking for ANYTHING to gain purchase on as I tried to keep my balance while getting higher on my knees to give Mike better access while keeping as much cock in me as possible.

Someone was pounding on the door and screaming something, I didn’t care, I couldn’t care, probably some Brother pissed we were being too loud, but how could I not be loud when I was getting the fucking of my life?

Eventually the dual attack on my clit and pussy reached a climax and my body began convulsing and shaking. I knew a full-body orgasm was going to ripple through me at any second. I began the telltale moans, and announcing.

“ohhhhh Ohhhhhh OHHHHHH”, I began building in volume and pitch as Mike slapped down on my ass, his hard hand snapping down on my fat ass cheeks as he demanded I tell him who my pussy belonged to. “It’s yours, oh god it’s yours, baby! OHHH, OHHH GOD I’m GOING TO CUM AGAIN!” I screamed out.

The knocking got louder and louder, probably because I was getting louder and louder. Someone was shouting out through the door and Mike shouted something back, but I couldn’t be bothered to care what they were saying, it sounded like drunk dude shit. Mike smacked my ass again and ordered me to say his name. FUCK, OH FUCK IT’S MIKE’S PUSSY! IT’S MIKE’S PUSSY! IT’S MIKE’S PUSS-“

Then the door slammed openly wildly. The brother in the frame began screaming “I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD MIKE IF YOU FUCK ONE MORE GIRL IN MY BED I’M GOING TO-….Ashley….?”

My eyes bulged in my head. It was Danny. He apparently slept most of the booze off on the couch only to go up to his room and hear Mike, his hated rival, fucking some slut in his bed. Little did he know I was that slut…

I was too far past the point of no return to react. My shame and embarrassment and Mike’s full assault on my clit made just turned me on more and made me a slave to my body. Mike knowing what was coming, thurst up into me harder and harder in time with his clit rubs until I was over the edge.

“OIHHHHHHHH I let out a long drawn out moan as I broke my eye contact with Danny to throw my head back. Mikes hand’s darted up to my chest to squeeze my tits, pointing them in Danny’s face, as if to taunt him. My body shuddered with my orgasm and my hips slowly began to slow down from the rapid grind on Mike cock.

Danny was speechless. He just stood there slack-jawed.

Mike pushed me over onto the bed. I immediately grabbed some sheets to cover myself with as Mike stood up, his fully erect cock swinging from side to side as he walked over to Danny, grasping the door in one of his giant hands. The height and power between them was comically apparent, Mike towering over Danny like a Greek statue, God, buff and nude over the miniscule child.

“I figured one of us should get some action in this bed tonight. I shouldn’t be much longer” Mike commanded as he slammed the door in Danny’s face.

There was no more knocking after that. As much as I’d like to say I was disgusted, as much as I’d love to write here how I rushed out to comfort Danny or told off Mike for being such an asshole, I didn’t. It was the opposite. Mike “won” me and he just signaled to his rival how he did it. Humiliating Danny turned me on like never before.

As Mike returned to the bed, I threw the sheets off myself and got onto my hands and knees, presenting my beet red Pussy for my new master, running a finger up and down the slit of my drenched hole.

“You won me, now claim me.” Mike didn’t need to be told twice.
He was on me like a tiger, fucking me with every inch of might he had in him and I did my best to match him blow for blow, taking zero precautions to be quiet and in fact embellishing my moans as much as I could, knowing Danny was either listening just outside or that every brother in the house would soon know what was going on and want a good story to tell the next day.

Mike and I spent the night fucking in every position imaginable in Danny’s bed and I came twice more. Once in doggy right before he blew a massive load all over my tits and once again when he fucked me missionary in the morning. When I walked out with Mike so he could drive me back to my apartment, Danny was sitting on one of the couches in the main room. He gave me the dirtiest look anyone had ever given me. I felt bad for him, but like it or not that’s what decent good men get in this world.

Luckily I was able to keep my head down for the rest of the school year with finals, never running into Danny and just calling Mike over for a couple of booty calls. But I can’t wait to see what the gossip mill has to say next fall.



  1. Truly, the most believable story I’ve ever read. This is definitely a real girl that’s interacted with people in a fraternity before.

  2. Damn, what a story. Sound like a perfect innocent looking college slut :)

  3. You should take these stories to Literotica, grade A-fuck meat with great writing skills.

  4. If when you entered the bar Danny had rejected Mike’s invitation to get shots. Do you think you could have ended up fucking Danny there? He did make out and feel you up pretty good in the bus. Also why the fuck did Danny leave and let Mike continue fucking you in his room??

  5. YTA

    … oh wait wrong sub, crosspost to r/AmItheAsshole for karma.

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