My [F]irst Fuck After 10 Years of Faithful [M]onogamy

It was my first physical encounter with someone after 10 years of a monogamous relationship. I was entirely faithful from the day we began dating to this night I’m writing of. Of course, I’m told I could have most any man I wanted any time I wanted, but I made a commitment that my partner would be my only for as long as we were together. I had chances. I also wanted to take them, but I didn’t. That’s ten years of depriving myself of my needs.

My partner and I opened our relationship after admitting we felt we missed out on getting to have more than just a few sexual partners. We agreed to be non-monogamous, and neither of us wanted to know about the others endeavors.

I am careful to reveal my arrangement where I live because of my work situation, so I’d talked to my first side piece for a few months as friends, and as I sensed he was trustworthy and non-judgmental, I revealed my secret.

We chatted over text for a few weeks before I planned to have he and his date over to dinner with my partner and me. I thought it would be amusing to invite him over and be seated less than 12” away while we both must pretend to have no interest. My partner and I have a rule that we don’t want to know who the other has been with, so that certainly made the night interesting.

I was drunk and the thought of being fucked by him..good god..

Details of the night are hazy, but not the way my body felt. The way my heart raced, how shocks surged through my entire body with every inhale, and how shocks became replaced with aches on every exhale.

Partner didn’t know R was my target, so I had to concoct a way for R and I to be alone. I’d have to settle for just a few moments even though I wanted hours. He left the room to get another round of cocktails, so I announced that I’d like to take R on a tour of my home. I wasn’t thinking logistically. I didn’t have a plan to keep the others out of the room I’d lead him to. My mind was clouded with a mixture of booze and intense desperation for his touch. I decided those few moments were worth the risk of being caught. I was in. No turning back.

I walked him down the hallway to my bedroom and through the bathroom to my closet. ( I’ll pause here to tell you this isn’t a broom closet. My closet has a vaulted ceiling and windows. I say this to help you understand the atmosphere. )

This. This exact moment was the moment I was desperate for. He was kissing me hard before we’d made it two steps into the closet. It was heavy, and it only made me wetter than I already was. Only made me more desperate for him to fuck me. I grabbed his face then moved to his hair. He pushed me further into the closet not letting my lips leave his. My aches only intensified as the seconds passed. We broke away for just a moment, but neither of us could stop. He went toward me again, but this time it wasn’t his lips to mine; It was his hand to my throat. Fuck. He was pushing me back further and brought his face to mine to kiss me again. Hard, and before I had time to react, he’d picked me up by my hips like I weighed nothing and sat me on the countertop. Now he had my face level to his. He pressed into me. Hard. I had to push him away and gasp for breath because I heard his date coming down the hall. When he looked at me as we broke away and I looked back, I’d never looked at anyone that way before. It was a look of desperation and intense longing for more, but that was all we had. Just a few moments. It didn’t satisfy me. I didn’t simply want more, I needed more.

A week later, we decided on a day I’d be available to stay the night.

The original plan was to meet for drinks to discuss guidelines. He was to drive us to the bar, but I needed my car at his house. I couldn’t have my partner see who was dropping me off afterward. I pulled into the drive, and barely got my seatbelt off before he scooped me out of the car and carried me inside with my legs wrapped around his waist. We weren’t going to make it to the bar. He carried me up the steps and in the front door with my legs wrapped around his waist. He slammed my back against the wall in his entry and pressed into me. Hard. I was already dripping wet before I arrived. He put me down only so we could hastily undress each other. We were both fucking finished with undressing after he had my shirt and jeans off, so when I was down to my lingerie, he ripped the bodysuit off of me. He picked me up again at the end of the trail of clothes we’d left and where my ripped lingerie was thrown. While he carried me back to the bedroom, he slid two fingers inside me. He made a comment on how wet I was. I was close to tears because of the physical and mental pain I was in from needing him to fuck me. I let out a whimper before begging him to fuck me. Only after he made me taste myself did he give me what I wanted. It was rough. He pinned my hands, choked me, covered my mouth so I couldn’t scream, and pulled my hair. He flipped me over and forced my face into the pillow while he pounded me from behind. I lost count how many times I orgasmed. He sucked on my clit and fingered my wet pussy hard enough to make me squirt over and over again. It was close to torture. I begged him to stop, but he kept at it until he and I were both spent. We’d already been at it for hours yet after I’d been torn apart from the last orgasm, he fucked me again until I let him cum on my collarbone.



  1. I couldn’t stop thinking about the closet. Vaulted ceilings and a window! Can we get pics…..of the closet?

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