The Past Never Forgets : Ch. 1 – The Reunion[Part 1][Blackmail, Cheating, MF]

In response to one of my prompts with the same name as the title of this post, I found an amazing partner u/ScrittoreNotturno. Together we’ve written quite a few chapters about a man and his sugar-baby who left him years ago, but he’s now back in her life. The following chapter is heavy on story, and sex is minimal. It mainly deals with the themes of cheating, reluctance, risky public play, and banter. We hope you enjoy this as much as we did while writing this, and we would love to hear feedback.


(All characters are 18+)

It had been nothing but a distant memory for her after all these years. She had left everything behind, made sure she erased all records, and left no tracks as to where she was moving. She was done. She was no longer the naive young girl that she once was.

After ten years, she had found herself in a respectable career, working at a reputed position, and her power was enough to cause envy in even her closest ‘friends’. Her personal life was as fulfilling as her professional life. She had found an amazing husband, and her little son was about to be two years old. Oh, the things she had planned for his upcoming birthday!

Alas, one morning the dream was shattered. As she checked her emails one Monday morning according to her regular schedule, she found a name she thought she would never hear back again. *It was him.*

“Took me a long time to find you, but here I am. Meet me at Stratton Pubs tonight. 8PM sharp”

Attached to the email were certain photographs of her, were her face was clearly shown and she was in unmistakably compromising positions, remnants of a time far back in her past that she had so conveniently forgotten.


That morning, Addison Beaumont woke once more to the same relatively perfect life. The 5 o’clock alarm remained identical. The warmth radiating from the slumbering man beside her still forced a smile to her full lips. The hardwood floors beneath her feet sent the familiar shock wave of chills through her 5′ frame, making her crave the warmth of her bed. The tot in the next room remained sleeping as he usually did, curled onto his tummy and diapered bottom perched in the air. Even the coffee pot diligently brewed downstairs, working off its scheduled timer.

Addie quickly ran through the first steps of her routine, showering and brushing her teeth before dressing in a blouse and pencil skirt. She left her champagne curls to air dry, not bothering to put in the extra effort today. The clock switched to 5:45 am as she filled her mug, and then a second one for Roman. She breathed in the scent of freshly brewed coffee and set aside the second mug before finishing her morning routine. Addie brought the mug to her lips with one hand and began to skim her emails with the other. Most were from work, and she was able to answer them quickly and efficiently. A few were personal, and she tagged them to be read later. Her thumb immediately stopped scrolling, though, as she came across a name she hadn’t seen in ten years. It was him. And ten years hadn’t been long enough.

Her fingers began to tremble, and she hesitated for the longest moment before finally opening the email. “Took me a long time to find you, but here I am. Meet me at Stratton Pubs tonight. 8PM sharp.” A keen exhale left Addie’s lips as though someone had physically knocked the wind from her lungs. Reluctantly she scrolled passed the text to find the attachments he had sent. In a millisecond, her past came rushing to the forefront of her mind. She stared, dumbfounded, at the photographs of her in compromising positions. She remembered every second of the consequences her youth, choices she had long since buried; choices that could destroy the happiness she had created for herself.

That morning, Addison Beaumont had her relatively perfect life torn from her grasp. She exited the the email and placed her phone face down, trying desperately to catch her breath. Her next inhale shook, but she stood, knowing that she should have been out the door several minutes ago. Fear filled every fiber of her being, anger bubbling just beneath it, but she had responsibilities that would not wait for her to process. Still shaking, Addie donned her long, white medical jacket and slipped on her heels, deciding to focus on the tasks at hand before she considered what hell awaited her this evening.

The day had worn on slowly, patients being scarce and nuclear imaging machines running efficiently. It had left her plenty of time to think, which had been precisely the opposite of what she needed. Her thoughts were riddled with panicked what ifs and hows. What if the medical board got their hands on the photos? What if Roman found out about the past she had so painstakingly hidden from him? How would she protect her sweet son from growing up in a community who condemned his mother for lewd acts? Her imagination tortured her relentlessly, and by the time she pulled into the parking lot of Stratton Pubs, her usually confident demeanor had dwindled into exhaustion.

Leaving her medical jacket in the car, Addison made her way through the entrance at 7:50 pm, her pumps clicking as she went. Carefully, her eyes scanned the crowd, uncertain of whether she did or did not want to catch sight of the man who had beckoned her here.


Michael had been thoroughly disappointed when she left him. One fine weekend he had taken her to one of his many summer houses far in the wilderness. She was by far the most enthusiastic, cheerful, and passionate that she had been in all of those two years that she had been his sugar baby. College was over now, and as far as Michael knew, Addie was going to stay in town to find a new job.

Within a week, he came to know that he was betrayed. His Addie had lied to him. She had never intended for this to continue beyond her college, and the overly affectionate demeanor on their trip was quite possibly her way of making sure he remembered only the best of her. He tried calling her, texting her, even looked up her Instagram. Nothing. Her phone was unreachable, her Instagram was de-activated, and just like that, Addie had vanished off the face of the earth, as far as Michael was concerned.

Over the years Michael tried to forget about her. The pain of betrayal was far more powerful than Addie leaving him. In the back of his mind, he knew somewhere that this couldn’t have lasted forever. Yet, he now yearned for closure. His wish was one step closer to being fulfilled when suddenly, years later, he happened to see that same familiar face in the background of a friend’s picture.

By a complete coincidence, he happened to be scrolling through his feed when he came across an old buddy ofhis, Johnson’s recent post about some birthday celebration at his office. Michael got the feeling that Johnson had the hots for the birthday girl. Regardless, what caught his interest was an innocent face in the background, who was joining in for the celebrations. He could never forget those sapphire blue eyes, those champagne curls of her hair, and the smile which was still the same after all those years.

Michael called up his buddy Johnson, made some small talk about how it had been a long time since they had caught up, and lulled him into comfort. Eventually, he got him to talk about his love life, where Johnson foolishly confessed about the girl. Michael’s suspicions were confirmed. He got him talking about the photograph, and ‘just out of curiosity’, he wanted to know about his co-workers. He had to struggle through keeping himself awake as Johnson droned about everyone in the picture, but when he finally talked about the blue-eyed woman, Michael’s face suddenly lit up as he heard her name – Addison.

From then it was only a matter of a few quick google searches, and he had her work-email. All those years ago, Michael loved to record their little moments of intimacy, and he pulled up those videos from his hard-drive. He took a few screenshots with Addison-Addie’s face clearly visible, while his own face was conspicuously hidden.


He was wearing a white shirt and a dark grey pair of trousers, and sporting a two-day old stubble when he reached the bar that night. He had not received any email confirmation from Addie, yet he had a feeling that Addie was smart enough to not ignore him. Throwing a few glances around the bar, he finally found that familiar face sitting in one of the dimly-lit corners. His face lit up when he saw her clearly. To him it looked as if not a day had passed since he last saw her on that weekend trip to his summer house.

Michael walked up to the table, his eyes taking all of Addie in and making no effort to hide his lust. Taking a seat opposite her, he simply let his eyes roam around her face for a while, looking for any expressions that might betray her inner turmoil.

“Long time no see, Addie. Or shall I say, Addison Roman Beaumont?”


Much to her relief, the pub held no familiar faces upon her arrival. Knowing him, though, he would be arriving any moment now. In attempts to calm her nerves, Addie requested an old fashioned from the bar and took a sizeable sip before finding a seat in a dimly-lit corner. The few minutes prior to his arrival seemed to take hours. Emotions raged within her, and the longer she sat and waited, the more difficult it became to remain seated and waiting. But she did, in protection of her family. Her career. Her life. Sighing, she took another sip of her bourbon and absent mindedly worried the ring on her left hand.

Even lost in thought, Addie felt it the moment he began to walk towards her. It was a familiar sensation, one that she had long since compartmentalized and supressed. But being in such close proximity, it was an immediate response. Her eyes found him, striding towards her as though they had last seen each other hours ago. In the past, she had been wired to please him, to attend to his every need. It was an unsettling feeling to remember.

She shifted uncomfortably beneath his gaze, knowing full well what was on his mind; it was clear in his eyes. Once he took his seat across from her, she drew a steadying breath before speaking. “Michael,” she greeted him quietly, the name alone bringing tension to her spine. He said her name then, and at first, it felt familiar. As he continued, though, the color drained from her face, leaving only the freckles peppered across her nose. He not only knew that she was married, but he knew his name, as well. Addie averted her gaze, staring hard at the table.

Fear was the first to strike her, but her second response was unexpected. The way he had laced her husband’s name into the conversation so seamlessly rose a twinge of guilt, as though she had been caught red-handed by her lover. As though she had done something wrong in being with Roman. And she had no doubt that that was precisely the emotion he had hoped to emit. Slowly, Addie rose her glass tumbler to her lips, sipping gingerly before replacing it on the table in front of her. Finally, she rose her eyes to his and offered a calm smile.

“We both know you didn’t bring me here to discuss names.” Instead of waiting for a response, she tilted her head to the side, watching him. “What is it that you want from me, Michael?” Her tone was level, but she could feel the tremble in the pit of her stomach. It was a dangerous question and she knew it. With the leverage he held, however, she needed to know exactly what she was in for.


Michael took his own sweet time to relish the view in front of him. All these long years, he had fantasized about what he would do if he ever got to see his sweet old Addie again. All those years, it had felt just like a dream. He never was truly hopeful of finding her ever again. For all he knew, Addison could have died and he would have never got to know.

Yet, this moment was real. She was sitting right in front of him, his sweet Addie. All those once cherished moments came rushing by. How he used to kiss those lips, how he used to grab those hair, how he used to devour that body…he didn’t know if his eyes reflected the rising of his repressed lust for Addie from all these years, but even if he had known, he would’ve made no attempt to hide it. He had always unapologetically taken what he wanted.

Addison’s face let on much more than she did with her words. Michael could sense a struggle going through her mind as she brought herself to keep calm. She had dismissed him uttering the name of her husband as if it were inconsequential. Good. That was exactly what he planned to achieve by the end of this night. Make every other man in her life a distant memory.

A smile formed on his face as Addie came straight to the point. He had always known her to be smart, and even her first sentence reflected how she didn’t want to waste any time. Fine, so be it.

“Come on, I just came here. Aren’t you even gonna ask me how I am?” he chuckled, teasing her impatience

“Well, if that’s all you care about, here it is. Look, I know you’re married now, and your little one is quite adorable. Also, congratulations on your job by the way!” he continued as if genuinely impressed by all the achievements in her life, while he just wanted to convey how much he knew about her

“Now, it would be a shame if the email I sent you this morning *accidentally* happens to reach a few more people. Just think about it…which employer would want to hire a former sugar-baby? Which father would want a woman who once sold her body to mother his son?” he paused, letting the effect of his words sink in.

“There’s no need to worry though. You know me, I’m not a cruel person at heart. No one has to know anything. None of that needs to change.” he said, a sinister smile lurking on his face

“In exchange, all I want from you is….YOU!”


Addie could feel the color rise to her face as he took her in. He wore the same expression he had given her so many years ago, on so many occasions. A look that radiated both desire and possession. She shifted in her seat again, unnerved by the way her body responded to a simple gaze from him. Truth be told, he had been more than just a meal ticket to her. The attraction between them had been undeniable back in the day, and so had their sexual tension. It had made being his all the more enjoyable.

In the present moment, however, her thoughts and emotions warred with one another. She had spent years suppressing any and all loyalties she might have had to him, and she wasn’t about to give in now. At his mention of not asking how he was doing, she raised a single eyebrow and pursed her full lips. The expression she flashed exposed her impatience, and she regretted it immediately, realizing that was precisely the reaction he had been hoping for. He had always been able to press just the right buttons at just the right time. Some things never changed.

The moment he spoke about her son, Greyson, all color left her face. Fury glinted against her sapphire eyes, and for just a moment, she considered slapping him. But she knew better. Her boy was everything to her, something untouched and sacred. The fact that he was bringing him into this situation made her stomach turn and her head dizzy. But again, she knew better than to react in a volatile manner. She wanted to yell and scream and demand that he leave her son out of this. But she was not in the position to be making demands, and he had made that damn clear.

During the pause following his congratulations, she set her jaw, staring hard at him. Words flooded her brain, but she spoke none of them. Anything she said in this moment could be used against her, and until he stated his demands, she knew she should behave. Her expression, however, became more grim with each taunt he threw at her. Listening to his speech about her husband and child, she lifted her glass to her lips one last time, throwing back the last shot of it and attempting to swallow her agony along with it. She had been so sure she was free from her consequences, and yet here he sat, ripping her from the life she created and plunging her back into the choices of her youth.

“Not a cruel person?” she finally blurted, but stopped short before she could finish her criticism. She simply trailed off, listening to the rest of what he had to say. Addie blinked at first, her brain refusing to process his words. Her? He wanted her? The audacity of the claim made her spine stiffen, but she breathed deep before she spoke, her voice trembling.

“Michael,” she breathed, her eyes locking pleadingly with his. “I am /happy/.” Although she was almost certain it would fail, she was appealing to the softer side of the man she knew, the same man who would have moved heaven and earth for her had she only asked. “I have made a name for myself. I have a /family/, Michael. I’m a mother…” She trailed off, her last words dipping in volume as she thought of the effects this could have on her son. Addie cringed before she found her voice again. “I can’t be yours,” she whispered, leaning closer to both the table and him. “I am with Roman. I am his /wife/.” She paused, sensing the ire that would follow her begging. “Please… don’t do this.”


Michael let out an almost heartless chuckle as Addie pleaded with him. It was the kind of mocking laughter one makes when they want to let the person know that what they said was far from funny, if they were even trying to go for a joke. His cold laughter, combined with the cold and dark environment inside the bar seemed to him like the perfect representation of his former sugar baby’s current internal situation. She was indeed in a very dark place, and he could make all the lights in her life go with one simple email.

“Addie, my dear Addie ” he began, in a patronizing tone, one that he used with his employees if he needed to reprimand them.

“What has happened to you over all these years? I thought you were a smart one! You didn’t think I’d go through all this trouble, just to have a little dinner with you, did you?” he kept smiling, the amused expression on his face in stark contrast with the confused and baffled one on hers.

“You are a wife, I know. You are a mother, congratulations. Like I said, none of that has to change at all. You just need to make sure that you keep me happy. And we both know how good you are at keeping me happy, don’t you agree?” he said, his grin growing wider as he recalled all that they did together all those years ago.

“I’m being reasonable, Addie. I’m not asking anything of you that you won’t be able to handle. You have done this before, and you simply need to do it again.”

He took his phone out and pulled up the Email app, and opened it to a draft which he had already prepared before coming here. The draft had some photographs in it, much like the ones he had sent to her, and many more of them. In fact, these pictures would make the previous ones look tame in comparison. In the subject line was written

“A history lesson”

And in the recipient lists, were the email addresses of her husband and employers.

“Look, I’m giving you a chance. I can press this one button here…” he said, as he brought his thumb close to the ‘Send’ button, without actually touching it “and destroy everything in your life.” he finished his sentence.

“If you don’t want me to do that, go to the bathroom now and bring me your panties. Now”


The moment he laughed, Addie’s expression transformed from pleading to panicked. She swallowed hard, watching him relish in the control that he had grasped. His response made it crystal clear that she had cut him deep with betrayal all those years ago, and he no longer wanted to play nice. She had seen both sides of him in their time together. She had experienced the tender, loving side, the side he had once reserved for her. But she had also experienced his vengeance on those who dared to wrong him. It was terrifying being on the other side of this metaphorical fence.

Her name oozed from his lips in a soothing tone, attempting to lull her into a false sense of security. She had heard the tone before when he spoke to those he considered lesser than himself. The quip about her being smart stung unexpectedly, but she remained silent, her hands clasping together in her lap now. Of course she had known her pleading was a long shot, but Michael knew just the right thing to say to keep her in her place.

Addie averted her gaze as he reminded her of their previous adventures in ‘keeping him happy’. Admittedly, she had been damn good at what she did, and she had enjoyed it to her very core. Things were different now, though. The man she was married to was not a prop or an achievement that had been marked off; Roman was the love of her life, the breath that filled her lungs, the lighthouse that led her home if ever she was to stray…. He was a loving man. A good man. And in order to protect him from her past, she would have to betray him. Michael was leaving her no choice.

Tears blurred her vision, but she watched as he pulled out his phone. Her eyes scanned the screen, her lips pressing tightly together. “No,” she inserted during his pause. She brought one hand up in the same moment, coming dangerously close to attempting to knock the phone from his grasp. Hand midair, half an inch from his, she decided against it, dropping her arm defeatedly against the table between them. Her tears slipped over as she shut her eyes tight, willing this to be a nightmare she could simply wake up from. She could taste the salty liquid trickle over her full lips, and with a swift motion she wiped them away.

Once she reopened her eyes, they bore into Michael’s. Stubborn. Determined. Passionate. He had known exactly what lengths she would go to if only he threatened her family. His dominant tone sent shivers down her spine, but she gave no indication of full submission. Slowly, as dignified as she could, Addie rose to her feet. She looked down at him before she did his bidding. “If you ever loved me…” she murmured. “…you wouldn’t be willing to hurt me like this.” With that, she turned and strode angrily towards the restrooms of the pub, ignoring the eyes that flicked curiously her way.

She reappeared minutes later, an item gripped tightly in the same hand that wore her wedding rings. Addie sat across from Michael once more, eyeing the room to ensure no one was paying attention to them before stabbing her arm towards him under the table. Within her clenched and waiting fist was the requested pair of black lace panties.


Addie’s face was a whirlwind of emotions as far as Michael could tell. Fear on one hand, disgust on another. Anger at him for making her do this, anger on herself for being here. Her strong resolve – if there ever was one – could be seen slowly crumbling down to his will. No matter how determined she was to not give in to his demands, the truth remained that she was absolutely powerless. She could pretend that he didn’t get to her, but the facade could only last for so long.

He chuckled again as Addie mentioned him loving her. He might have had feelings of care and protection for her, once upon a time. But those emotions were long gone, only to be replaced by a burning desire for bending her to his will. No one who betrayed his trust ever survived to not regret it.

As Addie walked up and went to the bathrooms, his gaze was fixed on her, observing closely how her hips swayed and her gait was as enticing as ever. Within a few minutes, she was back again, her fist balled up holding what could only be the object of his desire inside.

He extended his arm under the table to hers, his hand finding her fist. His eyes locked upon hers, his fingers slowly covered her enclosed hand. As he ran his thumb all over her hand, he struck a little bump which could only have been the stone that symbolized her monogamy, the very thing that she was betraying right now. His eyes brightened up as he toyed with the ring on her finger, making sure that she knew exactly what she was doing. She was submitting her panties to him with the very hand that she wore the physical manifestation of her wedding vows on.

“See, it wasn’t so hard now, was it?” he said finally, prying her fist open and grabbing the soft fabric from her hand.

He brought his hand back above the table, palm open and her panties shamelessly out for display. A simple glance from any random passerby could have known what was going on. As if on cue, a waiter appeared near the table to take their orders

“I’ll have a steak, medium rare. And a Caesar salad for the lady. And a bottle of Pinot Noir please. That will be all, thank you!”

If the waiter had caught any sight of what was on the table, and in so painfully obvious manner, he made no comment on it. He professionally noted down their orders, and went his way.

Just like the older days, Michael did not wait for Addie to order for herself, nor did he even ask what she would like. It was just another reminder of how much control Addie had got remaining over her life, and how much of it was in Michael’s hands now.

“Gotta start watching your diet, now that you’ll be spending a lot of time with me again!”


For the first time in 10 years, Addie felt his touch. Much to her despair, his fingers were warm, familiar, enticing… But the positive sensations quickly vanished as she felt his thumb twiddle the diamond on her hand. She cringed, swallowing the instant nausea. Every fiber of her being wanted to yank her hand, and her panties, away from him. She wanted to storm out of the building and return home to Roman. She wanted to feel safe, secure in his embrace. And she never would again, if she didn’t keep Michael happy. He had the power to take it all from her. So she remained still, eyes never leaving his. The pain he was inflicting was precisely what he wanted, and she would put it on full display for him.

The moment he pried her fingers open, she complied, relinquishing her grip and placing both of her hands in her lap. She had a brief moment of regaining a regular heartbeat, but it was brief indeed. Her eyes widened slightly as he brought his hand onto the table, opening his palm and displaying the token she had given him. “Michael,” she hissed through her teeth, leaning forward in her chair and contemplating finding a menu to prop in front of his hand. She had no chance, though, as a waiter appeared. Addie avoided eye contact with the gentleman, straightening her posture and forcing a smile to her lips.

She didn’t bother to speak, knowing that he would decide what she ate. It was an old habit that was easy to fall into. She blinked rapidly at his comment about a diet, though, anger flashing in her eyes. Mother or otherwise, Addison had kept her physique in top shape. She was slender, but strong, and the curves that graced her frame resided solely in her hips, ass, and breasts. “Oh?” she asked, raising a daring eyebrow. “You seemed to enjoy watching me walk away just fine a moment ago,” she backfired, and despite herself, a grin settled on her lips. She had forgotten how easy it was to banter with him, and guilt thrummed against her chest


After her initial resistance, Addie was slowly giving in. Despite pretending to put up a wall to keep him out, she was herself climbing out of it. And no matter how much she thought she would be able to control him, she ultimately conceded. It was apparent in the way her hand shot up to hide her panties, yet bowed down of its own accord.

When the waiter left, Michael was expecting some kind of a retort, some angry tirade at him for putting her embarrassment on public display in front of the waiter. Yet, for all the phony pretenses she was putting up at being angry at him, she had completely forgotten about the panties. Whether it was wilful ignorance or false concern in the first place, Michael cared not. For Addie was now beginning to take on the character of the girl he had known all those years ago. Instead of being the stuck-up wife, the married professional, the loving mother, her flirting indicated that she was slowly letting herself become *his* sugar-baby.

“Doesn’t mean it can’t improve” Michael replied simply with a wink to her quip, enjoying the flirtatious banter from her. She was opening herself up, little by little, no matter how much she would claim otherwise. Didn’t mean that Michael was going to be fooled so easily this time. She was still the same girl who had betrayed him, and she was as flirtatious and charming as ever. Only this time, Michael knew better.

“Here’s what’s gonna happen, Addie. You will continue to live your life like you have been. You will work your job, you will love your son, you will be a good, obedient wife to your husband. Like I promised, nothing has to change in that regard.” Michael started explaining

“However, when you are with me, you will no longer be the woman you pretend to be in front of the whole world. You’ll be what I want you to be, when I want you to be, wherever I want you to be. From tonight, you won’t let your husband *touch* you without my explicit permission. Is that understood?”

Michael had always been a possessive bastard. He wasn’t one to share his toys, much less his beloved Addie.


Throwing a fit would get her nowhere. Sympathy would not be given.Michael had made these facts painfully clear. Therefore, she had swallowed her pride, knowing full well that a pair of panties on display likely paled in comparison to what he had in store for her. She had to play her cards right, and although it twisted her heart, she fell into her expected role flawlessly.

She playfully rolled her eyes at him at the mention of improving her physique. Having been with him previously, she didn’t take it personal. He had controlled everything in her life, including what she ingested. It was no surprise to her. But she had always confidently teased him about it. Their banter faded into nothingness within seconds, though, as he made more demands. Her head nodded once in acknowledgement, glad that, if nothing else, he was allowing her to remain in her own life.

Again, she nodded to the familiar demands of bending to his will. Becoming who he wanted and needed whenever in his presence was manageable, as she had done it comfortably for two straight years. Having a family of her own simply made things more… complicated. What she was not understanding about, however, was the restriction of Roman being unable to touch her without Michael’s consent. Her eyes flitted downward, looking at the table between them as though there were an answer etched into the grooves of the wood.

Slowly, she brought her eyes back to his, a wicked grin on her full lips. “Yes, sir. But…” she paused, drawing a breath and letting the ‘yes, sir’ fully sink in. “What should I tell Roman when he tries to touch me?” she asked innocently, tilting her head to the side. “I will need a damn good reason for needing space. He is a rather affectionate lover…” Her words trailed off, quite intentionally baiting him. No, anger and sympathy were not possibilities. But oh, did she know how to appeal to his sense of ownership and volatile jealousy. “…when I’m home, he doesn’t go more than a few minutes between needing his hands on my skin…”


Michael’s eyes lit up as soon as he heard Addie’s first words coming out in response to his orders. Her very instinct was to fallback to her sugar-baby days and address him as “Sir”. After all these years, he could have let it pass that she had forgotten the minor details and rules that he had imposed on her. Things like how she was supposed to talk to him. How she was supposed to act in his presence. How she was supposed to dress for him. Michael was ready to bring back those memories all over again, and had mentally prepared to start working on a blank-slate altogether. However, this one “Yes Sir” told him that perhaps it would take far less effort than he had expected.

Her question was reasonable, and not something Michael had expected to go through without resistance. It was easier to demand her abstinence from everyone but himself back when she was still in college. She had no one to answer to, and she could simply pretend to not be interested in the guys that hit on her. Not that he left her with much choice. But now that she was a wife, things were expected to be a little less than smooth, but nothing that would detract Michael from claiming her as his own.

“What you say or do to obey it is none of my concern” he said dismissively. It was clear from his tone that he only cared about the outcome, no matter what path she might choose to obey him.

“You can pretend to be ill, not in the mood, or as if you’ve been angry at him. If that doesn’t work out, you can simply spend less time in his presence. Act like you’re needed for more hours at your work, and go home so late that you can pretend to be tired and exhausted. Or better still, reach home after you know he’ll be asleep.” Michael laid out her options clearly, as if it were simply a matter of picking one of them and then conveniently following them through.

“Whatever you do, I expect full compliance with my demands” His sentence was abruptly interrupted by the waiter coming back and bringing their food. The panties were still lying next to Michael’s palm, him making no effort still to conceal it, acting as if it were an innocuous handkerchief lying on the table.

The waiter, as professional as ever, placed their plates on the table and served their dishes, all the while keeping his head down and avoiding eye contact, especially with Addie. He filled up their glasses with the wine and left the rest of the bottle on their table, greeted them with a “Bon Appetit”, and left them to themselves.

Michael picked up his glass and raised it in the air, as if proposing a toast

“To your new life!”


More parts coming soon.

[Next Part](
