The time I [m] decided to try to see my coworkers tits[f]…and a whole lot more! PART 3 and end unless she responds

Part 2

The time I [m] decided to try to see my coworkers tits [f] PART 2 from gonewildstories


So a bit of time passes and we decide to move out of the state. Me and Kelly had a few more take but nothing like that Saturday and maybe even shared some pics I really can’t remember. But once I turned in my notice I decided that if I was going to go for it, it was now or never. I started thinking about how I might broach the topic of a photo shoot or even more. But for days I couldn’t think of a way and was scared she’d get mad and it would spoil all the fun we’d had up until then.
Then one day I was hiding in the bathroom at work as I do and I just said fuck it, I’m going for it. I think maybe she had left for the day. And I was moving in like 2-3 days so if it went bad then I could drive out of the state forever and never look back. I composed a lengthy text to her and the jist was this.

Hey I know we’ve done some weird things lately but I’ve really enjoyed it and I think your beautiful and awesome. I’m leaving soon and I’ve been debating whether or not to ask you this but I’m just gonna do it. I want to see more nudes of you. I’m sorry if this is weird and please say no and I’ll drop it for ever if you don’t like it but just let me know what you think.

Yikes! I was nervous as hell hitting send. Then I waited. She soon replayed with something like. It’s not weird. And what did I have in mind. I told her that I had heard her complaining about money lately for her new apartment and that maybe we could work something out where she posed or danced for me nude and maybe I knock out a months rent for her. (Is it prostetution if it’s between friends?) she says no she’d be to embarrassed dancing. My heart sinks. But then she responds but I could let you take some pictures. Boo yah!!! I’m doing a little dance in the bathroom. We agree to meet up after I get off and do the shoot. I don’t nail down a price cause honestly I know I will want to negotiate for more. I mean I’m not ruling out sex at this point. I just wish I’d been working out a bit the last few months. No way I’m gonna be comfortable nude in front of her when she’s been dating hunky 20 year olds. But I’m all in. I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.

I go home after work and tell my wife I have to go back in for some bullshit. I get changed, no shower( stupid) and head up to meet Kelly. Now I’m paranoid cause small town and all about my car being seen at her place so we meet at a parking lot and she drives me to her apartment. I’m really pathetic here. Like head down ducking low in the seat paranoid. We get to her place and go in. I sit on the couch and she says what now.


I tell her I guess we could go lay on the bed( no) well then you can strip right here and I’ll take pics. She agrees but no face pics. I’m agreeing to anything at this point so I say ok. She then pops her shirt and bra off so fast I don’t know which way is up. I’m freaking out. This isn’t a picture. I’m feet away from Kelly’s actual tits!! And yes I’ve fucked plenty and seen lots of tits but never my coworkers and not in 10 years since I’ve been married. They looked good as ever and much bigger than the pics. Very round and full. Large b maybe small c and tiny nipples that were already hard.

She then stripped off her jeans and panties in one motion and was standing in front of me naked as can be as I sat on the couch. I asked her if this felt ok and she said it was no big deal. I was already getting a chub. I then remembered I better start snapping pics. She walked over to the door and I got several of her full body from behind. That god damn ass!!! And her thighs! Shit I was in heaven. Then she let me take some of her breasts. One at a time, then both, then pushed together. Then with me squeezing them. Yes I touched Kelly’s tits and actually thought “never forget what this feels like” to myself.

She bent over and I got some of her ass but no pussy showing. Then she stood above me while I sat on the floor and let me take some crotch shots. Her pussy was shaved completely but had afew days stubble. It was pink around the edges and looked tight as hell. It wasn’t a simp but nothing was sticking out. All neatly tucked away looking amazing. She even reached down and had a string of cum attach to her finger but didn’t go as far as rubbing herself. This was all so casual and seemed way to normal for what we were doing.

She then stood against the door and I leaned up against her. I put my hand down by her pussy and even straddled it with my fingers. One on each side but was careful not to tough her actual pussy as I think she must have said she didn’t want to do that. I spanked her ass and in the 30 sum odd pics I still have her pale skin is red from where I squeezed and spanked her. Must have done most of the roughing before I started snapping. Her juicy ass felt fucking amazing to squeeze and I didn’t want this to end. I’m sure I asked to go in the bedroom several times and probably even hinted about sex or eating her pussy but nothing else was gonna happen this night. I did manage to sneak one pic of most of her face from below with her tits in view.

We even discussed everything that had happened between us up until this point. I told her and showed her the pics I had snuck off her phone. Told her everything and she laughed and seemed to not care. Even asking to see more. She had to go meet up with friends so she started to hurry me along. I got the last few pics then hinted about my dick and how hard it was. I think I suggested we shower. But she wasn’t down. She said she didn’t mind if I went and rubbed one out in the bathroom though. Not my finest moment but I did and while I was doing it she came over to the door and I told her my dick was so hard in here. I asked if she wanted to see how hard she made me. She said I could show her. I pulled my dick out of my fly and walked out. She even held it in her hand for a few picks. What a feeling! She said it was the second biggest shed seen. (She had told me previously about a guy so big you could see her belly move) so that made me extra hard. I finished up with what was probably the biggest load in ever shot. And we got back in her car to go.

That’s when the money talk started. I asked her what she wanted and she said she didn’t know. This is were I fucked up. I was fresh off the most exciting sexual experience in a decade and in my not a care in the world post cum refractory stage so I blurted out ( and I’m ashamed of this) 2gs!!! She of course said yes and I immediately know I went way to high. I mean I really appreciated this but would have felt great giving her 1g. But I’m a grateful guy and she did need the money and part of me probably was thinking about a repeat visit so there it is.

Since we were moving money was weird soo it wasn’t a problem to sneak out 1k right away and I paid her the next day. Then I sent her a few hundo every so often over the next year so as not to arise suspicion from my wifeZ she never asked about the money and may have though I would stuff, who knows. But eventually I was paid up and even suggested maybe flying her out to Vegas for a weekend and seeing what happened some day. I haven’t brought it up the last 3 years and we haven’t discussed this at all. I have thought many times about asking for more. Maybe 10 bucks a pic for some new things over text. And about a year and a half ago I moved back closer to her and had even lost a bunch of weight and thought for sure about hitting her up for a repeat or maybe more. She was engaged for a while which was great cause I love her to death and wanted to be happy so that kept me from asking. And then they broke up and I didn’t want to seem like I was pounding on a her at a vulnerable time.

We still text every month not so and each time I see her text me my heart begins to race and I start to have thoughts about asking again. It’s been 4 years and I know her body probably looks so different and I really wonder how good she looks now. She had told me I could send her some of her pics from the shoot if I wanted way back when we did it but I never did for some reason. I still have them in my phone and haven’t shared them with anyone. My wife and I sometimes look at porn while we fuck and I have a couple times worked in a pic of Kelly and asked her what she thinks. Of Cousteau she had no idea who it was, just some random porn girl for all she knows but she said her pussy looked delicious and her tits were so perky.

I thought I’d master bate daily to my pics but as things go the new becomes old and you start being less turned on by then. I look at them maybe once a month now but I’ve got em backed up on several drives so I’ll be looking for years to come. And who knows maybe I’ll get some more some day if I can ever work up the nerve.

Which leads me to the guilt. I had mention the me too stuff earlier and boy did I wonder about all this when that happened. I mean I was her boss. And ya it wasn’t some big job but still. She might have felt more pressure not to just blow me off than if I was just a regular friend. I wanted to reach out and apologize if anything made her feel weird but then I didn’t want to remind her of it if she had put it out of her head. And she didn’t cut me off and we have stayed in touch so I really think it’s cool but you know. I’d like to actually say sorry even if she enjoyed the whole thing. She did tell me once that if I hadn’t been married we would have fucked. If I wasn’t married now I’d drive down and knock on her door and see if she meant it. Hell I think about meeting up often lately. Feels good to finally share this story with someone. Sorry if it was long winded or didn’t have enough action but it’s ? what happened to the best of my memory.

Like I said before, I’m thinking about telling her about this write up. And maybe seeing if she’d like to put her two cents in. I don’t know. I’ve obviously changed names and some minor details but I’d hate to get s no I don’t want to talk about it from her and then feel about about the whole journey. Guys Kelly is so sexy and she’ll be married before you know it and it’ll all be over. Not gonna mess with that. I guess I can ask her to read this and see what she thinks about the whole thing. I ain’t got 2gs laying around anymore but you know maybe enough to wet her beak. Or maybe she’d just be dtf for the experience. Unlikely but who knows. What do y’all think? How should I proceed? I’d love your feedback. And no to any requests for pics. I promised not to share and will keep that promise. If she reads this and says otherwise then fine but that is so not likely. Maybe a butt shot and her holding my dick. I could see her being down for that possibly. But don’t hold your breath. She really is sexy and I hope I get to see her some more. But I really don’t want to pressure her. Thanks for listening.



  1. Just hit her up for more. Waiting for response now. I say 25 percent chance of a yes.

  2. If you tell her about these posts, remove the criticisms about her body and face. A girl doesn’t need that added into image issues.

  3. Being realistic, what is the worst that can happen from asking her for more. You can’t hit the target unless you shoot, my friend

    Hopefully you can negotiate a deal with her where we can see those pics lol

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