Repayment (kidnapping, forced submission, humiliation/degradation)

“What a dumbass,” Cali chuckled to herself aa she left Sazeracs. Another highly expensive meal paid for by some poor smuck she convinced to take her there. This was the 10th week in a row that the dinner game Mara taught her about had worked. As she walked down the alley she noticeed 2 missed messages from her mom.

Her mom would not approve of Cali’s dating antics. Her mom and dad were the ultimate romance. High school sweethearts, each other’s first, all leading up to 35 years of marriage. Mom wanted the same thing for Cali. Cali just wanted to enjoy life and when her bestie Mara showed her the dinner game; enjoying life took on a whole new meaning.

Every Friday (and some Saturdays) she gets some guy from a dating site to take her to one of the expensive restaurants in the city. The bill is usually 250 to 400 dollars. Afterwards she blocks the guy and finds her next date. The guy is none the wiser.

She looks up from her phone and her self congratulations to where he car should be in the alley. Perplexed by the empty space where she parked, she thought of another of her mom’s rules. Always be aware of your surroundings. Before she could turn a bag was forced over her head and a knife pressed against her throat. A low velvety voice calmly spoke into her ear, ” Scream or struggle and you will be hurt. Do exactly what you are told and no harm will come to you. Nod your head if you understand. ”

Cali starts to struggle and the knife quickly pricks her neck. “What did I just say,” growled the voice. An arm wrappes tightly around her and the person who owned the voice started to move her foward. Cali was quickly cuffed and shoved into the trunk. As the car started to move she frantically struggled to get free. She kept think why me over and over.

Soon the car stopped and she was removed from the trunk. Any question she asked was answered with all will be revealed soon. The voice told her, “Don’t worry, you won’t be alone.” He chuckled as her guide d her down the stairs. She was led into a room thaay was cold and smelled stale and dusty
She was placed next to someone else.

Another voice greets them, “Hello ladies, please remain still as we remove your hoods. We don’t want anyone injured.” Cali blinks rapidly as the dim light hits hers eyes. She looked to the person to her left . Mara?? What is she doing here. She looks towards the crowd of men in front of her and gasps as she recognizes her last 10 dates. A similar gasp from Mara tells Cali she recognized some of her dates too.

A man steps up and Cali recognizes him as her dinner date tonight. Damien chuckles and starts to speak. “Well I am glad to see that you recognize us, even if you didn’t notice us around campus. We are the Kappa Kappa Phi fraternity but we call ourselves the Dinner Game Frat. That name came about whe n we realized so many of us fell for your trap.”

Another man steps up (Cali instantly wanted him) and starts to explain how the figured out the game and set up the plan to trap them. Cali was so focused on this man that she jumps when Mara stomps her foot and sarcastically says, “woohoo you caught us. So what? It is not illegal what we did. What do you want from us?”

The green-eyed man chuckled, “it is simple really. We want repayment.” He stared at Cali as she started to squirm and blush. What type of repayment did he want? Mara asked what Cali was thinking outloud, “What do you mean repayment?”

Green-eyes explained, “You will spend the weekend here doing exactly what you are told. You will do it immediately and without question or comment. If you have satisfied your repayment by Monday morning you will go free. No harm will come to you, pain maybe but not harm.”

Mara started to screech, “Sex?!?! YOU WANT TO FORC…. A resounding slap ended Mara’s tirade immediately. Cali stepped back as she had not even seen him move. Green-eyes looks down with disgust, “You think we want sex?? From the likes of you? Please tell me how that could even be seen as repayment.” As he turns away he added, “we would never force sex on someone. No Mara and Cali, for you theft; repayment will be done through your submission and humiliation. You will be degraded and treated as nothing.” Damien took over explaining the finer details of how they would dress, how they would address the people in the fraternity and what they were expected to do.



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