Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.8: The Sound of Silence [fM][oral]

Kerina arrived back at her dorm room, it was about 3pm. Pat accompanied her there, holding the large bunch of master keys in his fat hand. He was the picture of politeness, but he was in no rush and was enjoying watching this pretty little thing walking in obvious discomfort across the University grounds to her dorm room, dishevelled and dressed only in a blanket.

Arriving at her room, Pat pushed the key in and turned the lock, pushing the door open. Kerina was relieved that Lisa still hadn't returned home and she padded bare foot into the room.

"Uh thank you for…uh for letting me in," Kerina said embarrassed, desperately wanting to get dressed.

"No worries little lady." Pat said smiling, though it seemed the smile didn't touch his eyes. "oh one thing though"

"What is that?" Kerina asked standing there looking foolish in her room like this.

"Well the thing is Kerina, this report I write is gonna have to go ta the principal. You could be in a lot of trouble."

"B-but I explained, it wasn't my fault!"

Shaking his head, Pat looked trouble as he say, "Well, you didn't really explain anything. But I will tell you what, you do something for me, and I will think about it okay?"

"What do you want me to do?" Kerina asked perplexed, "I don't have much money."

"Oh no, not money, just, well heck, I will just say it," He said pretending to be shy, "I always wanted a blow job from a beautiful girl…how about it?"

Kerina went pale, feeling like she had been slapped in the face, "Now you wait a minute, you can't talk to me like that. You will be in so much trouble for thi…uh!"

Kerina grunted surprised as Pat moved forward surprisingly quickly and grabbed her arm. "Listen you little tart, I don't know what shit you are into, but I know if I tell the Dean exactly how I found you, as well as what is on those condoms of yours, you aren't gonna be studying here anyways. I haven't decide what to do yet for sure, but I reckon this is easier for you than me putting the report in…"

As Pats words sink in, Kerina's face goes white. She gets a sick feeling again, as she realises what will happen if the Dean hears about this.

"Please you can't tell the Dean," she says in a weak voice. Looking up at his mean sunken eyes, Kerina realises he wont stop with just this blow job. Thinking quickly though, Kerina realises it will give her some time. It is a disgusting idea, but if the Dean gets told now, she has no defence. If she can delay Pat however, she is sure she can find out who is behind this all. Maybe she can even get Pat busted as well.

Feeling scared, Kerina looks up at him, nervously, and relents.

"Well, okay, but I am not sure what to d…"

"Lose the blanket."

Kerina hesitates, but she reluctantly lets the blanket fall to the floor, and she stands naked in front of Pat. Smiling he grabs her shoulders and pushes her firmly to her knees, where she quickly comes face to face, with his hard fat cock, Pat was in no mood to wait.

Kerina opened her mouth to ask what she was to do, but Pat didn't want to listen either, he grabbed the sides of her head and pushed his cock between her young lips, pushing in roughly.

"No teeth bitch, or I definitely tell," he growls.

What happens next is animalistic and rough. Kerina gags and gasps for air as she gives her first blow job. Although it is taken, more than given. Pat pulls Kerina's pretty face vigorously onto his cock, and then he starts fucking it like it was a pussy. Despite Kerina's plan of controlling the situation, she is not ready for this and for a brief 80 seconds, the only sound is the slapping sound of Pat's cock slipping in and out of her mouth, of his balls slapping against Kerina's chin.

Suddenly a pulse of salty disgusting liquid splashes into her mouth, then another, then the cock is pulled out. Kerina kneels there stunned and more spurts of hot liquid splatter against her smooth skin. Ropes of cum hang off her cheeks, her lips, and off her breasts.

Pat finishes cumming on Kerina and he wipes his cock clean using a handful of her hair.

"Okay, I will talk to you later bitch," Pat says as he zips up and leaves, with Kerina still kneeling in the middle of the floor, naked, with ropes of cum hanging off her. The door slams as he walks out.

Kerina jumps unsteadily to her feet, and stumbles into the small bathroom. Washing her mouth out and washing her face, Kerina looks at her self disgusted. She starts to sob as she runs out to her bed and slips under the covers. She curls up in her bed, and soon falls into a deep sleep, wanting to escape everything.
