Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.7: Regrouping [fM][oral]

Kerina sits shivering on a cold steel chair. She is shivering, hugging a coarse blanket around her naked young body. She has been in this stark room for about two hours now. Her pretty blonde hair sits flat and lifeless over her shoulders, almost dry now, but looking quite dishevelled.

At first she sat here unable to think straight, or even come to terms what had happened to her. She had woken up this morning, happier than she had been for some time. It was her birthday today and she was finally no longer a kid, she was doing well in her classes proving that she could compete against the older students and she had made some friends through the University Church Group. Then somehow it had all been shattered, through a series of humiliating experiences, winding up with her stark naked and her head stuck in the sink of the girl's bathroom.

Her friend Haley had run off and left her there and the two girls that had discovered her had gone and found help, but they had told a couple of their friends, and by the time a teacher had got there (A male teacher!) there were about 10 girls hanging around looking on. Thankfully the teacher, a kindly middle aged guy called Mr Evans had brought a fire blanket from his office and covered her. Unfortunately he couldn't get her head out of the sink, and they had sent for the handyman instead, who had arrived ten minutes. Unable to manoeuvre Kerina's head out of where it was tightly stuck, the handyman unscrewed the tap to finally free her.

Even then, she may have gotten off with some anonymity, but one of the security guards (not Darren unfortunately, but an older, fat sleazy guy called Pat) had been nearby and heard the commotion and had come to investigate. He came in just in time to see Kerina's head freed from the tap. Pat had grabbed the blouse drying on the sink first and discovered the condoms in the pocket. Much to the amusement of the girls watching on and despite the feeble protests of Mr Evans, Pat had insisted that Kerina go back to the security office with him.

For twenty minutes or so, Pat had made Kerina sit on the steel chair waiting while he wrote up his report. Then he had 'interviewed' her, gruffly and for about 40 minutes, over and over.

"What were ya doin' in there?", "where's all ya clothes?", "What are these condoms for?"

Kerina had still been in shock and had been unable to answer in more than a few stammering incoherent sentences. He had not been impressed and informed her she was going to be in big trouble. Despite his gruff exterior, a heart of pure evil (well nearly) beat in his chest. He liked the look of this scared little bitch, but didn't want to waste his chance. So after finding out that she was locked out of her dorm room, he kindly offered to go and get the Master Key to help her get back into her room. That was an hour ago. For his part, once he had decided he wouldn't be bending her over the desk and sliding his fat cock in her straight away, rather that he would look into things a bit first to take best advantage of the situation; he was no longer in a rush and had stopped for something to eat on his way to find the keys.

But this gave Kerina valuable time to think. It all seemed so unreal, but now that she sat here and thought about it was suspicious. She had been so caught up in everything that had happened, even felt a bit disorientated, that she hadn't even had a chance to think about it all.

She had fallen asleep – twice, a bit unusual, but considering all the study she had been doing it wasn't too surprising. She had wet herself, not normal for her, but once again she had been under stress, so also perhaps explainable. Waking up half naked in the library, well that could have been some creep taking advantage of her sleeping, but the condoms; that was what cast everything in a different light. Someone had to have them made with her name on them.

Kerina leaned forward, still holding the blanket tightly around her and slid a condom packet off the security desk. Turning it over in her hand, she saw no brand name or other distinguishing feature, apart from her name printed on it. Kerina felt a stab of fear and hope. Printing meant someone had pre-organised it to happen, but it also meant that they may be able to be traced. Surely there weren't many chemists that sold personalised condoms. Closing her hand around the packet and pulling the blanket around her tighter, Kerina knew she could sort this out.

She considered the suspects, and while Jack was an obvious choice, he seemed too obvious, and someone going to this much planning would be much less obvious than him. The only other one was Haley, as she had really set her up for the humiliation in the girl's bathroom, but Kerina found it hard to believe of Haley. Frowning she decided she would have to keep thinking about it.

Jack was sitting on a chair in the sun. It was a nice after noon and he was enjoying himself. More than he thought he was going to. He had always had a bit of a twisted mind when it came to things sexual, but this opportunity with Kerina had let him try some of his more twisted ideas, when he never imagined he would ever have had a chance to do so.

In fact, his success in damaging Kerina's reputation in such a short time had given him the confidence he needed to really try harder. And he had come up with some great ideas.

Jack smiled at a pretty brunette as she walked past, and sighed, breathing in the fresh air. Life was good he decided, swinging Kerina's missing keys on his index finger. Crossing his legs, he soaked in the sun, watching the entrance to the security office, about two hundred meters away.
