Don’t Hookup With Your Sister’s Ex [fM] [Rough] [Rape Fantasy]

I was young when my sister started dated Jon. They seemed cute, she seemed happy, and being in their mid 20s, it was a natural next step for them to move in together. I missed her being home, we grew up close even with the age difference. They lived maybe 4 hours away, and from time to time, I’d visit for a weekend and it would be just like old times. We’d watch movies, paint our nails, girl stuff. Now, the only difference being Jon would be involved, he was friendly enough to me, but always somewhat creepy and silent. Just the occasional hug that would last too long, or he’d wear sunglasses indoors and always walk behind us, that sort of thing. They dated for about 2 years, and then they suddenly split. Jon and I had occasionally chatted through Instagram here and there, and we continued to do so after the breakup.

Later on, I started feeling better about my body. Posting more risky Instagram pics and stories, really just trying to catch the attention of other high school boys I crushed on, but it had quite an effect on Jon. He must’ve been 28 now, religiously watching all of my instastories, but never openly messaging or talking about them. I never thought too much of it. I finally felt cute, and attractive, and had plenty of other creeps to avoid to really care about Jon. One late night, I felt riskier than usual. I laid in bed, taking off my bra, and sliding my underwear just enough to show off my waist. I posted, almost immediately panicked and decided to delete it, but noticed I already had a single view: it was Jon.

I deleted it quickly, heart racing and feeling uncomfortable. A few minutes passed, and I get a notification. It’s Jon, asking “Do you shave?”

I almost threw up from the embarrassment. I quickly checked my archived stories to view the one I deleted, just confirming if he had maybe seen too much, but you could really not tell with the lighting. I sat in bed terrified about answering, but also worried about not answering. I felt almost obligated to. I had asked for it by posting the story. I sent a quick message, hands shaking, barely able to text at all. “Yes. I do. ;)” I hit send, and again immediately regretted it. It was a lie, I didn’t shave. He left me on read, and didn’t respond for the rest of the night.

A few weeks pass, and I’ve avoided posting anything else out of fear. Jon has still not responded, and I’m hoping that’s the end of it all, as no one else seemed to catch the pic before I deleted. I’m actually out shopping with my sister, Jon’s ex, when he decides to text me, outside of instagram.

“Hey. I really miss hanging out. No reason why we cant still be friends. Come out this weekend and I’ll buy you something nice”

A quick note, when Jon and my sister dated, I was constantly spoiled. He would buy me clothes, gift cards, pay for shoes, almost whatever I asked for. I would push the limits and always get what I wanted, but this text still surprised me. My sister had cutoff all contact with him. And as far as she knew, we were no longer talking either.

I wish i hadn’t responded, but I did. Whether it be flirtatious, or plain stupidity, I went along with it. I wasnt old enough to drive, I didn’t have my permit. I asked my mom for a ride on the pretense I was staying at a friend’s. Dropped me off at a bookstore where he picked me up. We grabbed food, walked around the mall, he bought me some clothes before he took me back to his apartment. As soon as the door locked behind us, his entire demeanor changed. It was late, he said. He took off my purse and set it aside. He asked me to go shower and put on something comfortable, and I did.

He didn’t say much at first. He grabbed my arm almost immediately into my pajamas, and pulled me into his room. The lights were off, the only source being the bathroom light I had left on. He groped me without saying anything, rubbed me over the cotton shorts I was wearing and I could feel him stiffen behind me. His breathing seemed erratic. When I began protesting, he pushed me down onto the bed face first, and pulled down my shorts and underwear. He grabbed me hips and placed me on his mouth for a while, I tried pushing him off. I knew we were likely having sex, just not this aggressively. He began unbuttoning his jeans while holding me in place, and said “I thought you said you were shaved, liar.” My heart sank in embarrassment, I couldn’t speak. With his right hand spreading my ass, he placed himself inside of me. I cried from how thick and rough he was. I had only used a vibrator beforehand, but here he was pounding without any regard to my sobbing.

It continued for the rest of the night. He’d toss me around his bed, make a few comments about how much I’d grown up, a few comments about my sister leaving him, but mostly grunts and calling me his “tasty little girl” – which was disgusting to me. I fought at first, but after a while I laid there and took it. I had posted the picture after all, and agreed to stay the weekend, and agreed to the clothes he bought me while he glared at my ass. I just assumed it wouldn’t be so rough.

That first night was the worst. He woke me up a few times and continued where he had left off. The next morning he bought me breakfast, took me to a movie, violently fingered me on the drive back to his place, where it progressed with much of the same. Always from behind. Always on all fours. Always commenting on how I hadn’t shaved and how much he preferred it that way. Always commenting on how much longer he had me to himself. And I would lay there counting the minutes. Bruised, hurt, sore and bleeding. I deserved this. He was just the lucky one to corner me first.


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