Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.10: Kerina the Sleuth [f][huml]

In a few minutes Kerina was in sight of the Security Office, and her nerve failed her straight away. She almost turned and fled at the sight of the office, but using all her self control, Kerina told herself that is was simply a matter of priorities. She would go and look into where the condoms came from first. Yes, that's it, come back to the office later.

Anything not to see that gross guy, Pat, again.

No, no! Practicality; she wasn't scared of the security guard. She was in control. Okay, good. Confidently, Kerina set off to look for the pharmacies on University Campus.

Walking into the small pharmacy in the main plaza of the university, Kerina glanced around the little store, a couple of rows of shelves, and a counter at the far end. Kerina walked confidently up the centre aisle and spoke to the little middle aged lady at the counter.

"Hi there, how are you? I was wondering if you sell….uhhm… condoms' Kerina finished blushing a little.

"What's that?" the old lady asked confused. Surely she had misheard the question this sweet little girl was asking.

"I was just wondering if you s-sell condoms?" Kerina asked, feeling a little embarrassed now.

"Well yes young lady, we do." The old lady pointed to a large display on one of the shelves Kerina had just walked past.

"Oh…uh thanks" Kerina said feeling dismayed as she saw the large range they had in the store.

"What sort are you looking for?" the old lady asked trying to be helpful,"is he big or small?" she asked in a quieter voice.

"What? Oh no! I don't want to have sex," Kerina said embarrassed.

"W-well, why do you want them? What are you looking for?" The old lady asked in a confused voice.

"I was just wondering if you have any that you can, like, print your name on?"

"What the? You want to print your name on some condoms?" The old lady asked even more surprised.

"N-no, I am just looking for the place that does it…you see I already have some with my name on them, well I only have one left now."

"Oh dear, you used them all did you?" The old lady asked looking clearly flustered, shocked.

"No, you, you don't understand. Please can you just tell me where I can get some more." Kerina said, embarrassed, frustrated that she was looking so foolish.

Swiftly changing her opinion of what is obviously a girl of loose morals, the old lady's face became stony. "Young lady, I am not sure what you are into, but this is a proper store. We don't sell any of your sorts of filth here. If it will get you out of my store any faster, I would suggest you look at one of the sex stores that are supposed to be down on Lewis Street, or just go back to wherever you purchased your last lot from. Now please leave."

"B-but I , I mean, I…" Kerina stammered, made nervous by the stern voice used on her. Unable to explain herself, and becoming more tongue tied, Kerina weakly thanked the lady and almost ran out the door.

Kerina walked out of the pharmacy and towards Lewis Street. She had never been this way, but she had memorised the local streets before she moved here, so at least she knew where to go. She was not aware that it was the local sex strip, with adult stores, nightclubs and street mimes!

As she walked along thinking of her next step, Kerina heard a voice call her name.

"Kerina! Wait up."

Turning, she saw the recently familiar figure of Jack jogging after her. Great, just what she needs. This guy was turning up all the time; obviously he had a thing for her. She really didn't need this sort of attention, particularly now of all times.

"Oh hi Jack. Uh, I am sorry, but I am really busy at the moment, so we can chat later okay?" she said feeling bad for brushing him off, but really desperate to track down the source of the condoms.

"That's no good," he said looking genuinely upset, "well what are you doing? Maybe I can tag along?"

"Uh, I don't think so, I could be a while."

"What are you doing?"

"I am, well, it is hard to explain. Some people have been playing tricks on me, and they used a condom, and I am trying to find out where it was made so I can find out who it was. So I have to go to Lewis Street. So I could be a while, if I have to look everywhere."

A look of surprise quickly passed over Jack's face, and he had to fight to keep his face calm and not laugh as he reflected on the actual source of the condom's. "Are you sure you should go there by yourself?" Jack asked, "It is a bit rough there for a girl by herself."

"Is it?" Kerina asked uncertainly

"Yeah, haven't you been there before?"

"Uh, n-no not really," Kerina admitted embarrassed.

"Well come on, I will go there with you. I don't have any classes today anyway. Let me help okay? It will be fun."

Frustrated with Jack, as he obviously had a crush on her and was using any excuse to spend time with her, Kerina however decided to take him up on his offer as she felt more worried about Lewis Street being rough, a possibility she hadn't thought of.

"Okay, well let's go," Kerina said.

"You won't regret it," Jack lied, smiling on the inside
