Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.9: Kerina Has a Shower and Gets Dressed [f][huml]

Kerina slept a troubled sleep. She huddled up in her sheets, turning in a deep torment. Flashes of things that happened through out the day – her birthday – kept playing across the theatre that is her mind. Waking up in the library surrounded by people with her breasts exposed and a dildo in her, waking in class having apparently wet herself, getting her head stuck in the sink of the girls bathroom, and finally giving the fat gross security guard a blowjob.

The soft squeak of the front door indicating Lisa's return home penetrated her sleep and gave her some measure of comfort. Kerina fell deeper asleep and dreamt no more.

"Hey sleepy head, are you going to wake up?" a sultry voice asked as Kerina awoke, a hand shaking her shoulder.

"Oh, uh morning," Kerina said giving a weak smile, looking up at her beautiful room mate. Lisa is 5'11 with long sandy brown hair, big brown eyes, tanned and pretty, Kerina could not help to admire Lisa's beauty.

"It's 10am. I am going out now, but you are usually up and doing your study or off to class somewhere by now, is everything okay? Did you get lucky last night?" Lisa teased cheekily.

"What? No!" Kerina stammered, blushing red, thinking of the blow job she had given, just a few feet from where they were now.

"Hmmm," Lisa said thoughtfully, "Well you have to get out more, girl. Anyway I will talk to you later."

"Okay, bye," Kerina said as Lisa walked to the front door, and with a final wave she was through it and gone, leaving Kerina alone in her room again.

Pulling back the covers, Kerina was surprised to discover she was naked. Thinking back she realised she had washed herself and jumped straight into bed, not even thinking about clothes. She was glad Lisa didn't realise she slept nude as she would have teased her no end.

Kerina swung her bare firm legs out of her bed and padded across to the small bathroom, the only door out of their room apart from the front door. Checking to make sure there was a towel, she turned on the shower, adjusted the water temperature and got in, eagerly soaking up the warmth of the water. It felt so good, running through her pretty light blonde hair, over her shoulders, down her sexy back, over the swell of her firm young breasts sitting high and proud on her chest, flowing over her firm buttocks and neatly trimmed young pussy, down her long athletic legs to her feet. She washed her hair vigorously, wanting to get all of the fat security guards seed out, and then soaped her body furiously cleaning herself.

After some time the water began to cool and she realised she had been in there for a long time. Turning off the tap she reached out and pulled a towel to her, and stood there with the towel wrapped around her, hugging in the warmth. Reluctantly Kerina began towelling herself, eventually drying herself and stepping out of the shower. Kerina walked out of the bathroom into the shared dorm room, wearing only her towel wrapped around her firm young body.

She looked around the small room, which she shared with Lisa. The front door standing in the middle of the wall to her left, a small kitchenette in the corner immediately to her left and a lounge chair and small TV set in the corner on the other side of the front door. To her right, in the other half of the room, sat the two single beds and two chest of drawers and a shared hanging closet. There really was little privacy in the room, apart from the bathroom, so Kerina was glad that she shared a room with Lisa. In fact at the moment, this was the only place she felt comfortable and safe.

Walking to the closet, Kerina swung open the door and choose a sensible white blouse from her half of the closet, and then she padded over barefoot to her chest of drawers. She pulled a pair of blue jeans from the bottom drawer (no repeat of the previous days embarrassments – she planned) and slid open her underwear drawer. Something was missing; she pulled out some socks, but oh! Her underpants were missing. She pulled out a nice simple white bra with printed red flowers on it and pushed her clothing around. Nope no underpants left. After quickly checking the other drawers and her pile of dirty clothes, Kerina realised that Lisa must be pulling another of her practical jokes.

Her thoughts turned back to the few harmless, but still embarrassing stunts that Lisa had pulled since Kerina had moved in here. Lisa had pretended to upload Kerina's information to a dating site and then had got her boyfriend, Ben, to pretend to respond to it. They had all laughed about it as it the trick was quickly revealed, but Kerina had her heart in her mouth in between. After getting to know Kerina, Lisa had started light hearted jabs about her needing to get out more, to meet boys etc. Kerina had endured it all, the same comment about her getting lucky anytime she got back to the room after 5pm, Lisa trying to set Kerina up with guys she knew as well as Lisa pulling Kerina's skirt down one time when Lisa's friends were over. They had laughed about it, but Kerina had felt embarrassed for days after. And now this!

Well, she was not going to be embarrassed today. She was determined to find out what was going on so she would just have to put up with no panties. Quickly getting dressed, finishing her outfit with a simple t-shirt, a hoodie jumper and socks, sandshoes and her Princess Aurora neklace, Kerina remembered that she would have to visit the security office to see if her bag had arrived from the library. Taking a deep breath, Kerina walked out of the dorm room and down the hall. It is a nice day, warm, sunny and lots of people around, enjoying the peaceful sunny day. Leaving the building, Kerina was certain she would solve this situation in short order.
