Mother and Vice

I had known David my entire life. It was easy to call him my best friend, but I liked to think we shared a bond that was deeper than that. I wouldn’t go so far as to call him my ‘brother’ or anything – I certainly wasn’t that cheesy – but ever since we were kids, I always remembered looking up to him.

I was a planner, the kind of person who always spoke about what they wanted to do but was ultimately satisfied with just talking about it. David, on the other hand, was a doer. He was never happy unless he went out there and got his hands dirty or actually experienced the things he talked about doing. He and I made a great team but as we grew older, we also grew apart.

High school provided totally different experiences for both of us. He was popular, charming, athletic, and overall the guy everyone wanted to be. On the other hand, I was the kind of guy who kept my head down. I studied, went to sleep early, and unlike David whose weekends were spent at parties or at the lake with a new girl to experiment with, I spent most of my free time keeping my mother company while she and my father went through a particularly messy divorce.

David and I grew apart, though I always tried my best to keep communication open with him. He simply had better things to do. At least, that’s what I told myself.

When I entered college, I took it as an opportunity to reinvent myself. I wanted to be more outgoing, more aggressive; someone others would enjoy being around. I wanted to leave my high school self behind and be more like, well, more like David. That’s why it came as such a surprise when David himself reached out to me once I arrived on campus.

I meant that literally. I had been walking through the quadrangle when I felt someone grab hold of my shoulder. It was David. In the time since I had last seen him, he had grown taller and more muscular. He was almost unrecognizable from the boy I grew up knowing, but we reconnected instantly.

Over the course of the first semester, we quickly became as close as we had ever been. David’s father was able to pull some strings and we shared a dorm room together. Where I helped David with his homework and tried my best to keep him to his study schedule, he would drag me along to campus events where I was content with watching him chase a new girl at every chance he got. I felt like it was just like old time, for better or for worse. As I said, David and I made a great team. Part of that was each of us playing our position.

It was the week before Spring Break and I had just gotten packed to go back home. David hadn’t been back to our dorm room in two days but I expected him to show up any minute now, no doubt ready to tell me all the gory details of his latest conquest. I had not expected him to return sombre and broken-hearted. But I guess that even guys like David had it rough every now and again.

We both decided that it was probably for the best that David not go on the trip he had planned for Spring Break. Thankfully I was the thinker because David spent only a handful of hours over the next few days sober. He declared, uproariously so, that he was done with women and that they, as he so eloquently put it “weren’t shit” so he would rather spend his break with me. I wasn’t against it. In fact, I was quite happy.

I had nothing planned but to be back home with my mom. There wasn’t much else to do in the suburb she had moved to after the settlement with my dad. David ensured me that it was fine and, by the time we arrived home, he was back to his usual self.


Ever since the divorce my mom and I had gotten incredibly close. Almost uncomfortably so, in fact. She was cool, I suppose. She tried her best to be fun, at least. She was in her mid-forties but looked at least a decade younger. She had been a model in her younger days. Well a model, actress, fitness personality, and anything else that took advantage of the fact that she was prettier than most women. She never got famous but was quite popular for a small time. That was, until she got pregnant and settled down with my dad. She was able to live off the royalties of a few of the movies she had starred in a long time ago and spent most of her days working out, shopping, or sitting around with a bottle of wine. It was no wonder she was so happy to see us when we arrived.

It wasn’t more than a few seconds since David and I stepped out of the car that I heard her voice.

“Matthew!” she said, practically waking half the neighbourhood with her enthusiasm. She rushed from the front door, which I swore had been closed when we pulled in, and took my face in her hands to plant a kiss on my forehead. “I thought you weren’t going to be here ‘til this afternoon?”

I pulled away slightly, a bit embarrassed to be coddled in front of David. “We made up some extra time,” I said. “David and I took turns driving.”

My mom turned to David and placed her hands on her hips. She pouted and looked at him as though she didn’t recognize him. She was wearing a silk robe that hung loose around her shoulders and stopped at her mid-thigh. The front of the robe was open and underneath she had on a tank top that cut just above her navel to show off her tight, toned midriff. Other than that, she wore a pair of pyjama shorts that rode up between her legs in a manner that I couldn’t possibly imagine was comfortable. It was uncomfortable for me to see, at any rate.

“Is that little David?” my mom said as she studied him. “Look at you, all grown up!”

“It’s me,” David said. “You haven’t aged a bit, Mrs. Henry.”

“Call me Sarah,” she replied quickly. “Matthew’s dad and I got divorced a while ago.”

“Five years ago,” I interjected.

“That’s too bad,” David muttered. “You look great, though!”

“Thank you,” my mom said.

“So, am I gonna get a kiss too, or what?” David’s signature forwardness reared its head once more as he put on that tone of voice that I had heard him use many times over the past few months.

My mom laughed as she walked forward to give David a kiss much like she had given me. He wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her into the air, which made her cackle loudly though it probably wasn’t the most appropriate thing to do so early in the morning. “Can we take this inside?” I said as I walked to the trunk and popped it open so I could retrieve our bags.

“He’s so strong!” my mom said as I walked past but I tried my best to ignore the two of them as they continued to make a scene in the driveway.

“Are you going to help me with these or not?” I said to David as I tossed his luggage to him. I laughed as he was forced to let go of my mother to catch the package. She collected herself and wrapped her robe around her waist before she made her way back towards the house.

“Your mom is so hot,” David said once she was out of earshot.

“Yeah,” I replied. “Make sure and tell her that. She can’t hear it enough.”

“Maybe I will,” David said, laughing as he clapped his hand on my shoulder. He took his bags and followed after my mother. Once he caught up to her, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and they walked inside together.

I followed only a few paces behind and smiled as I noted that David certainly had bounced back from his broken heart quickly enough.

Once we were inside, my mother got busy making us breakfast. I told her that she didn’t have to but she insisted. She seemed to just be really grateful for the company, so we both sat at the small kitchen table while she made us pancakes and sausages.

“So how was college? I hope you haven’t been getting up to any trouble.”

“It’s been fine,” I said. “David’s the one that gets into trouble?”

“Is that so?” mother asked.

David sputtered, but I could tell he was glad to be the topic of conversation. “Nothing too bad,” he said. “Making memories, you know?”

My mother walked towards us with a plate of food in each hand. “Making memories, huh?” she smiled at David before she looked at me. “You should focus on making some memories of your own,” she said. “If you don’t, what’s the point of moving out to go to college in the first place?”

“That’s what I try to tell him,” David interjected.

My mother gave me a look that I recognized from when I was younger. “I get into trouble,” I mumble. “David would never know because he’s drunk half the time.”

“David!” my mother shot him a disapproving glare but there was a playfulness behind it. “Is that true?”

“No,” David said quickly. “I’m not drunk half the time. Forty percent of the time, tops.” He laughed as he looked towards my mother, obviously seeking her approval.

She playfully smacked his cheek before walking away. “Well,” she said, “I hope you don’t plan on getting drunk under this roof. I know your mother, young man, and she’ll be hearing about any mischief you get up to.”

“I’ll be on my best behaviour,” David said as he winked at me.

I shook my head as I bit into my breakfast. When I was done eating, I left David at the table to head upstairs so I could prepare it for us to stay in.

The house my mother had bought was spacious so I didn’t doubt that David would feel at home, even if he had to sleep on the ground in my room. I packed my clothes away and left David’s luggage on the ground next to the bed. I didn’t want to deal with his underwear, which I was quite sure he hadn’t washed before he packed them. Once I was done, I returned downstairs.

I could hear my mother laughing once I reached the foot of the stairs again. I peered into the kitchen to see her and David standing at the sink. They were cleaning up the dishes and she seemed to be enjoying whatever they were talking about quite a bit as she was giggling in a girlish manner. “What are you two talking about?” I asked.

“Nothing,” my mother said. “David was just telling me stories from school.” She turned to look at me. “He also said you boys don’t have much planned for your little vacation.”

“Yeah,” I said, “We’re just going to hang out, you know?”

“That’s what college boys like doing on Spring Break: hanging out with their mom,” my mother laughed. There was clear disapproval in her tone but I ignored it.

“Hey,” David said, “you’re not my mom.” He left the sink as he spoke but, on the way out of the kitchen, he playfully smacked my mother on the ass.

My mother gasped and turned around. David was smiling at her, and continued to do so as she smacked him about the head and shoulders. “That was very inappropriate!” she shouted. Despite her words, she couldn’t help but hide the half-smile that curled at the corners of her lips.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” David replied. “I got too carried away. I was having too much fun.”

“It better not. Don’t forget I have your actual mother on speed dial!”

Together David and I head to my bedroom. He spent the morning unpacking and took his dirty clothes to the basement where our washing machine was kept. Meanwhile, I took my old game console out from my closet and set it up. He was gone a long time and I thought nothing of it until he returned. “Hey,” he said, leaning into the bedroom with his hand gripping the doorframe. “Your mom’s going to chill out in the backyard and asked if you wanted to come.”

By this time, it was mid-morning and the sun was shining brightly outside my window. “Yeah,” I said. I tossed that controller that I had been holding in my hands unto the bed. “I’ll get changed and be down soon.”

“Alright,” he said and, no sooner than the words left his mouth, he disappeared. It was clear that he wanted to spend time with her, and I couldn’t blame him. She was the kind of woman he went for, judging by his taste in college girls, though she was a bit more aged than he was used to. I tried to put it out of mind as I got changed into my swim trunks.

David was already there when I made my way out the backdoor to where the swimming pool was. He didn’t have swim trunks but had stripped to his boxers which were black and form-fitting. He sat at the edge of the pool and I ran at his back before leaping over his shoulders. Me landing in the water splashed him, as I intended. When I surfaced from under the water, I expected him to retaliate but his attention was elsewhere.

My mother had emerged after changing into her swimsuit. She wore a black bikini that consisted of just enough fabric to give the illusion of modesty. The top of it struggled to contain her DD-sized breasts while the bottoms, though high-waisted, bit into her backside and left very little to the imagination.

She walked to the edge of the pool and crouched near to us. “One of you want to help me put on sunscreen?”

“I just got in,” I groaned, and turned my attention to David. “Maybe he can help you, if he manages to pick his jaw up off the concrete.” I splashed water at David once again and sank to the bottom of the pool. I saw him stand up and follow my mother to where the pool chairs were lined up. When I brought myself back up, I saw David waiting with a bottle of lotion in hand. He didn’t even pretend he wasn’t staring at her ass while she reclined the backrest of one of the chairs before laying on her stomach.

I pretended to swim about for a bit as I kept watch out of the corner of my eyes. David sat beside her and rubbed lotion onto his palms before he applied it. He moved his hands over the width of her shoulders and then down to the small of her back. When he was done, he rubbed it into her calves and then the rest of her legs. He got very familiar, moving his hands around her hips and into her inner thighs, though she didn’t dissuade him from being through.

While he did it, they talked and laughed together, though I couldn’t hear what they were discussing. It went far past the point where he had applied enough sunscreen but he continued until he was openly kneading the firm mounds of her backside.

I got out of the pool and approached the pair. “David, can you get me a towel from upstairs? I’m soaking wet.”

David looked up at me with a frustrated expression. “Uh, yeah. Sure, man.” It was clear that he preferred to be here with his hands firmly planted on my mother’s ass but he stood up and hurried inside. Once he was out of earshot, I sat on the pool chair next to my mother’s. “Mom,” I said, “can you not flirt with my friend?”

My mother rolled over onto her back and took the bottle of lotion in her hands. She didn’t say anything as she applied it along the length of her arms and over her torso. The fact that her nipples were erect, stiff to the point that they stood out against her bikini top, did not escape me. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said finally. “We’re just catching up. It’s just harmless banter.”

“Yeah,” David’s voice came from behind me. As he spoke, I felt the impact of a towel at the back of my head. “Harmless banter, homie. I’m not going to steal your mom away from you.”

“He’s probably just a little jealous,” my mother said. “I raised him to be such a mommy’s boy, you know.”

I stood up and blushed. “I’m going upstairs,” I said. “I’ll leave you two lovebirds to…banter.”

I wrapped the towel around myself and retreated to my bedroom. Once I got changed, I looked out the window into the backyard where I had a clear look of the pool area. David and my mother had switched positions, now with him laying on his back as she applied lotion to his body. She was slow, deliberate in the way she touched him. It was as though she was inspecting his muscles when she carefully dragged her fingertips along his limbs before she traced them over his chest and down over his toned stomach.

I shook my head and booted up my video game so I could pass the time until David was done hanging out with her.


Several hours later, David and I were in my bedroom. It was late in the evening and we had been arguing over what movie to watch. We had the popcorn ready, as well as snacks, though David had eaten half of it during the conversation.

Finally, we settled on an old action movie we watched together when we were younger. The movie itself did not age well, but it was nostalgic to watch it with him, me laying on the bed while he sat at the foot of it. We were engrossed in the movie to the point where we were both taken by surprise when my mother knocked against the open door.

“Hey,” she said. “I left dinner downstairs, you two can eat whenever you want.”

“Thanks, mom,” I said.

“Wanna watch the movie with us, Sarah?” David asked.

My mother smiled but politely declined. “Sorry,” she said, “I have some errands to run tomorrow. Taking an early bed tonight.”

“Aww…alright.” David’s disappointment was evident in his tone of voice.

“My bedroom door isn’t locked, if either of you need anything but…try to keep it down, alright? Love you.”

“I love you, mom,” I said.

“Love you too, Sarah,” David called out as she walked away. He turned to me once she was gone. “Dude,” he said. “Did you see what she was wearing?”

“A robe?” I said, trying to focus on the movie.

“Uh, yeah,” David said as he turned his attention back to the television.

I wasn’t aware of when I fell asleep but when I awoke, the credits of the movie were playing with the television on mute; I must have been more tired than I thought after the drive we took. “Hey,” I said, thinking that David was asleep at the foot of the bed, but he was nowhere to be seen.

I stood up and walked to the doorway of my bedroom and was about to call for David when I remembered that my mother was asleep. I crept into the hallways and walked to the top of the stairs. It was late enough that without any lights on, it was difficult to navigate the house. It became clear that he wasn’t downstairs so I turned around and walked back towards the washroom to check if he had gone to the toilet.

On my way there, I passed by my mother’s bedroom door. It was slightly ajar and, normally, I would have walked right past. This night, however, my ears caught a familiar sound. It was a loud, wet smacking sound that I recognized immediately as the sound David made when he was making out with a girl.

I stopped and turned towards the door. I only had to wait a few seconds before I heard it again. I moved against the wall and listened intently. I could hear the sounds of kissing as well as speaking in hushed tones. When I peeked through the space between the door and the doorframe, I saw David and my mother standing at the foot of her bed in a close embrace.

David held her in his arms and they were kissing passionately. She was several inches shorter than him and stood on the tips of her toes so they could manage the feat. David’s hands were all over her body which was draped in a flimsy, silk negligee. The room was dark but I could tell that it was see-through, which probably spurred the aggression with which he pawed at her curves.

She held his face with one hand as he grabbed her backside and pulled her into him. They kissed once more before she looked down and I could hear her gasp loudly. Her forearm worked at his crotch and she kissed him now with even more enthusiasm. I couldn’t see what was happening because of the way they stood but I knew she had David’s cock in her hand. He always bragged about it and more than a few of the girls he had been with were open enough to confirm that he was, indeed, quite impressive.

I watched for several minutes as my mother alternated between kissing David and looking down at his cock while she stroked it. Finally, she leaned in close and pressed her breasts against his torso while stroking vigorously. I could hear the wetness of his precum as she slid her fingers over his cock and David wrapped his arms around her waist. He grunted loudly and she gasped. I knew he came, which made it all the more arousing when she brought her fingers to her lips and slowly sucked on them.

They kissed once more and I left before David thought to return to the room. Before I made my way back to my bedroom, I went to the toilet and jerked off while thinking about what I had seen. When I returned, David was sitting at the foot of the bed with controller in hand after booting up a game.

“Wanna play?” he asked, offering the second controller to me.

“Yeah,” I said. “Sorry for falling asleep earlier.”

“No problem, man,” he said as I sat myself on the bed behind him. “Don’t sweat it.”


1 comment

  1. This is a story I’m being commissioned to write. It’s not complete but, you know, everything in its own timing.

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