New Orleans work trip [MF]u

My work is boring. I work for a software company and manage operations of implementation for our product directly to customers. Fortunately, I don’t have to travel much anymore and can pretty much work from home. Occasionally, I do have to travel and this particular time, I traveled to New Orleans. I use a typical travel tool, getting reduced prices on really decent hotels, and I was able to book a good hotel fairly close to the French Quarter. This particular hotel was a really cool boutique hotel that served good food. Comfort and good food were really all I needed for a successful work week.

Quick segue and background: I’m a 41 year old man, married with kids. I’m painfully dissatisfied with how certain aspects of my sex life have turned out in life. “Why won’t I divorce?”, I always get asked. We used to be religious and she still is… I don’t want to hurt her. In addition, I want my kids to have a happy childhood. I’ve made the choice. I also have chosen to stray, which destroyed me when I first did it. I’ve learned to occupy a space that allows me satisfy my needs while still being the best dad and husband I can be. A little cognitive dissonance, you say? Walk a mile in my shoes, friend. I used to be judgey, as well.

I have been an incredible athlete who let myself go, a little, in 2018. I determined to stay in shape, stay relevant. I woke up that first morning in New Orleans and did my push ups and went to work. After a rather boring and brutal boring work day, I relaxed at the hotel bar. The previous night, I had the gumbo and it was fabulous. The server gave me my favorite cocktail: Sazerac (America’s oldest cocktail) and I ordered gumbo again and considered my day a success. It was a good boring routine cadence that often repeats itself on my work trips.

Then, she showed up.

She, too, was in town on business and meeting her friends, as well. I’m really a man’s man. I flew for the Marine Corps and have always been involved in the professional fighting scene. I have a rugged look and think I intimidate women more than anything, on first appearances. So, I keep a respectful distance and rarely step into a situation where I make myself a fool. So, when she sat directly two seats away at an empty bar, I didn’t immediately initiate.

She’s a parent as well, time has revealed; and married. She has athletic legs and a very trim shape with little breasts. All I knew when I saw her is that she had incredible eyes and a beautiful smile. She was over 10 years my junior and perfectly dressed. She was occupied by her phone, mostly, and it kept chiming. I knew I wanted to talk to her and risked the failure of rejection. Fortunately, I know New Orleans, and told her the best restaurants to take her friends and where to go to have fun. We chatted through my meal, but eventually she got up to go. It was a successful social interaction and I left it at that. I thought she left for good, paid for my meal and went to my room to get some sleep. I repeated work the next day and almost didn’t even go out for dinner. I had brought my golf clubs and was going to play a famous course the next day. I couldn’t wait to play this course…

It was 6:00 PM on a late March night in New Orleans and I was hungry. I did my push ups, went downstairs to the concierge and was inquiring about the best gumbo near the hotel.

Then, the hotel doors across from me opened up and she walked out.

It was like slow fucking motion when she spoke: “Hey it’s you! Want to go out?” Rudely, I ignored the concierge and replied to her, “Yes, I do.”

You know the rest of the story, but let me tell it.
We walked aimlessly into New Orleans, talking to each other and looking for a place to hang out. A homeless man intercepted us, “Hey you’re pretty! But you’re not,” referring to her beauty and my looks (for the record, I’m a handsome man). I retorted, “Fair enough.”

That reply made her laugh. I made her laugh a lot that night. The Marquis de Sade once said, “Conversation, like certain portions of the anatomy, always runs more smoothly when lubricated.” We finally settled on a bar to get lubricated.

She ordered a drink and I got a PBR. We opened up and the conversation flowed easily, for the most part. At times, I allowed it to get awkward as I was nervous (I was fairly certain she was going to fuck me) but we switched bars and I flowed back into my game. I’m not a natural ladies man, but I’m charming and interesting enough. And she was lonely…

After ordering more food and Sazeracs, we wandered to a karaoke bar. This is where I fucking shined. We agreed to some shitty drinks she ordered (whisky and pickle juice) and I gave her shit for it. She laughed again. Flying for the Marines had prepared me for this moment, especially my time in Japan (where I lived and breathed drunk karaoke). I had the entire bar clapping with a very choice and rare “Baker Street” selection and she was smiling from suckable ear to ear… we had brushed up against each other earlier but now, as I returned to the bar, I put my hand on her lower back.

She put her hand on my inner thigh and caressed me.

After my dumb suggestion to go dancing she countered, “want to just go back to the hotel?”!Giving me a squeeze, she said that. “Yes, I do.” I took her by the hand and took her back to her room.

After we peed, and sanitized for sex, we laid down on the bed in a drunken stupor. We held hands again and I leaned over to kiss her. We kissed and groped. I pulled down her spandex pants and we disrobed each other. I rolled on top of her and we began dry humping our bodies together… our genitals stiff and moist through the friction of her pussy growing wetter.

Still drunk and fumbling, I mashed my cock into her pussy and began stroking. She moaned and I talked sexual shit to her as I mashed body on body missionary… we continued clasped hand and caressing and kissing and I pulled out. Without even talking, she eagerly jumped up and presented herself in doggy— arching her ass and pushing back with her wet ass. I obliged her hungry cunt and hungry soul and pushed my cock deep. I held her ass against me and began to pump.

She’s a whisperer and whimperer. She’s not a screamer, but don’t let that detail fool you, the reader. She’s the wettest, horniest and most sexual woman I’ve ever fucked, and I claim this based on subsequent meetings. Not this night. This night was a drunken bumblefuck. But I did slam her ass hard and then pushed her to the prone position and she pushed back. “You like that little girl?” “Yes, Daddy!” Thats just some shit we say to each other to sound sexy and we said it. I pulled out and jizzed all over her ass. I clean led her up and we went to sleep.

I woke up again later in the morning but, feeling the whisky, got up to pee… the bathroom was extremely echoey, and how many of you have been there with gas? I must have waited 10 minutes grab my cheeks to squeak out the most farts I’ve ever had. You could have heard these form the next two hotel rooms over….

After cleaning up, I walked out to her naked body and got back into the spoon. After whipping my drunk dick into some shape, it took good rigidity when it sniffed the opening of her wet pink lips… I put it in and she assisted by pushing back… she moaned and reached back in the spoon to grab my head to kiss her.. we pumped and fucked again, and again I switched to missionary, feeling her pink little boobs against me. I switched to prone and finished in her crack again.

A few hours later, I got her number and left. But before I left, I asked to burY my nose in her ass and eat her pussy in the prone. Now, in the early morning light, I saw her incredible ass. My god, what an ass. No wonder it felt so good!!! It was the perky ass of a cheerleader and track star. After kissing her pussy and her mouth and dragging myself away, I left her.

She told me later she didn’t want me to leave. We have since maintained an awesome affair which led to a much more coordinated and sexy fuck session, even though we live 1,000 miles away from each other.

Needless to say, I missed my tee time and was glad to do it. Sometimes, better stuff just pops up and kisses you on the mouth.


1 comment

  1. Dude…. for a Marine you have some awesome words. Sorry wasn’t being disrespectful but you know the whole leatherneck image … just teasing. Awesome story.

    And as someone who has indeed walked in your shoes and continue to … no judgment whatsoever. I’d read more of your stories so tell them.

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