How an Engineer[M] met the goddes Persephone[F] (Part 2)

I stood in front of the mirror looking at my reflection. **(What’s different?)** I ask the reflection, staring into my eyes demanding an answer. **(No emotion) (Reading others is easy, I am me)** I think back on the day. My mind was focused and I worked more effectively than ever before. And when my mind wandered it would linger on her. Making me smile like an idiot. I remember Harper, a short beautiful girl from HR actually walking up to me today.

“You are smiling and you look super confident today what changed?”

**(I went to a strip club)** I think, **(don’t tell her that) (you can’t lie)**

I turn to look here in the eyes. **(What should I say?) (you have wanted to ask this girl out on a date close to a dozen times. This is a good opportunity!)**

“I see,” She said looking away from my gaze. “Definitely more confident but still as silent as always, whell enjoy the rest of your day” she waves at me and walks away, catching up with the rest of the office people leaving the factory.

**(maybe she wanted to ask you out)** I dwell on the possibilities **(the office personnel usually meet up for drinks on Wednesdays) (I won’t lie)** I remember looking over the factory workers, clocking off for the day and wonder how I would spend my evening.

I look back into my own reflection **(How do you replicate confidence?) (if I could replicate what she saw in me today I might be more approachable)** I think. The reflection scrutinizing me as intently as I was evaluating him **(Do something! Flinch, move, twitch, move your eyes, Fidget)** I got frustrated with myself. Walking back into my hotel room. **(Let’s go see her again)** **(No. that’s ridicules.) (She wants to see you again)** I stop dead in my tracts at that thought. My entire mind recoiling to silence.

“That’s not the truth” I whisper to myself. I look down at my upturned hands. **(But your fingers miss her skin) (My body craving her intoxicating scent)** my body ripples remembering her breath on my neck.

“Focus on the facts, not on what you feel. See with your eyes. Prepare for what you know is coming” I repeat the mantra walking back to the bathroom mirror. I look up at my reflection.

**(You want to see her again!)** I think at my reflection

**(Not just see. Touch, feel, caress and worship her)**

**(This isn’t rational.** **What if she is busy when I get there?)**

**(Than you buy her time)**

**(Will that be enough?)**

**(Only one way to find out)** I stare into my own eyes. Waiting for the decision to make itself, as if the answer would present itself given enough time.

“Prepare for what you know is coming” I repeat the words.

**(What would I need to do to prepare for tonight.)**

**(you would need to shave again)** I think again stroking my scruff on my chin**. (Odd usually my beard doesn’t grow this fast)**. Usual I shave every two days if not longer. **(You can’t see her like this) (your beard will scratch her flawless-beautiful-soft skin)**

**(Shower) (Shave) (brush teeth) (Moisturize) (Deodorant) (Body sent) (Dress) (and what then? Will you go to her?) (One step at a time)**

I get in the shower and wash thoroughly. Washing my hair and imagining her fingers in them.

**(I’s time for a haircut)** I realize **(it’s been more than two weeks since your last cut. Its growing unruly) (Nothing to do about it now. Ill cut it as soon as I get back home. I knew I would not be able to cut it the moment I started planning for this work Trip)**

I get out of the shower and towel dry myself. Combing my hair with my fingers. I wrap the towel around myself and go to shave. Dipping the shaving brush in the cream. **(A relic of a bygone age) (But this is how he taught you to shave) (this is how you will shave till your last day)** I think, my thoughts lightly dwelling on my grandfather **(What would he say?) (Would he approve) (He was always the hardest person to predict,** **showing compassion when I was sure my actions would be answered with anger.)** **(What would he say?) (Would he see the truth in her smile like I see it?)** Her smile fills my mind. I start smiling back at the thought and nick myself with the razor **(Dammit)** **(Focus on the facts, not on what you feel.)** I chastise myself **(Well that decides it then) (you won’t stop bleeding or a while still.) (and if it stops it will leave a mark) (she will see, thinking it disgusting)** I finish the ritual I already initiated. Even dressing in my best clothes and shoes full well knowing I won’t be going. I stand up looking into the dresser mirror. **(You are still bleeding)** I go to the bathroom and wash my face. Pressing a towel to my chin. I lift the towel and examine the cut. **(It’s not that bad.)** **(the severity isn’t the problem) (the profusely bleeding chin is)**

I walk back to my bed taking off my shoes and belt. I lay down pressing the towel to my face. Staring at the ceiling I take a deep breath, closing my eyes bracing for the flood of thoughts all fighting and clawing for my attention. But all I feel is Peace. I was greeted with utmost silence, my entre being focusing on her. my mind replaying snippets of last night, the image slowed the music softer. **(Not a true memory)** I realize, but one filtered through desire **(no not just desire something else as well, something softer too)** I think while watching her sway to music I can’t quite make out, her hands gripping the pole above her head. Her head leaning back against it, eyes closed, swaying, smiling, fully nude. Her soft breast quickening my breath There is no one ells in the memory **(Odd)** I think
**(the club was fuller was it not?) (Does it matter?)** I wonder as she starts to spread her legs revealing herself to me. I look up to her face. She opens her eyes and stares directly into my soul. My eyes shoot open and I sit up. **(I will go to her tonight)**

I stand up and walk to the bathroom looking down at the bloody towel. **(not that much blood)** **(that’s good)** **(it will close soon)** I think looking at the cut in the mirror confirming that the bleeding has stopped. I look up at my eyes and find only resolute-determination. **(Good. It’s settled then).** I wash my face and walk back to the bedroom retrieving my money from the safe. I place them neatly on the bed. Four stacks $1, $5, $10, $20. All long dead presidents face up, neatly arranged. **(how much?) (enough for a VIP dance) (those only last 15min, will that satisfy my desire?) (to have her? for 15 min, fully nude with al her attention directed at you, will I survive?) (you only packed jeans! You will hurt her; she won’t enjoy it) (I could take enough for a couple of private dances.) (she will have to spend more time with you for the same amount of money.) (it’s not logical) (A test then) (Have her decide) (If she chooses the VIP room I will drown myself in her eyes and enjoy our time together) (and then I’ll leave) (Yes. Occupying her the rest of the night won’t be fair to her) (Decided)**

I take enough money for 1 VIP dance, the cover, three drinks, all my $1 bills and an extra $20 to break to singles. **(What if she is occupied the entire night?) (Or what if she doesn’t want to see me?) (then I’ll pay someone else to help me forget.) (will it work? Will I be able to forget?) (No)**

With that, I start to pack everything back into the safe. **(take your phone)** (**for what?) (pictures? Her number?) (stop that! That is wishful thinking)** I chastise myself while placing my phone in my pocket. **(Do I need to go over the directions again) (No. I still remember)**. I place my wallet, passport and the rest of my cash in the safe. I look outside **(It’s raining) (you will get wet) (you will smell like a wet dog) (It does not matter. I’m not able to stay away)**

I get to my car and drive to the club. 15 min of complete silence. I don’t even talk to myself. My mind waiting with shaking anticipation to absorb her and commit everything to memory.

I get to the club and the rain has subsided a bit. I get out and walk to the door. **(no need to run, you will still get wet. But this way you won’t look like an idiot)** I open the door and walk in and look around astonished. Empty. There are no names on the lineup and the DJ is missing. Not a soul in sight. The music is softly playing and nothing else. **(The club looked grander last night.) (My perspective was skewed, I was under her influence)** I look to the stage **(this place holds no emotion from me.) (It’s all directed at her)** I hear a chime to my right. I look over and see the bartender playing on her phone. **(get her attention)** I walk closer, making more noise than was necessary. No response. I clear my trough. No response. **(You will have to talk to her)**

“Hello there” **(General Kenobi)**

“O hi,” she says. “didn’t see you there. How are you doing?”

“great thanks” not saying anything else, craving an end to this conversation.

“Well it will be $10 entrance and I’ll need to see some ID.”

**(ID? This is an 18+ club? I’m 31) (your wallet and Passport is in the safe in the hotel)**

“I don’t have any identification on me,” I say “Even if I did you might not recognize it. I’m not American”

“Then I’ll need to see your passport”

**(what part of “I don’t have any identification on me” doesn’t she understand?)** “I don’t have it with me. It’s at my hotel.”

“Sorry, then I won’t be able to let you in,” She says.

I stare into her eyes, not finding any sorrow there **(A lie then)**

**(Nod) (thank her) (smile) (leave)** I think

“Thank you,” I say turning to walk out **(Demand entrance) (Demand how? I don’t make the rules here)** I get outside and the rain is pouring down again. **(What if you got pulled over on your way here, you Idiot! What would you have said to the officer?)** I rebuke myself. I walk to my car with my hand going for my keys. **(Don’t get in the car)** I stop standing in the pouring rain. **(If you get in that car you won’t return) (Find a way in, there is always a solution to every problem)** I walk back into the building shaking the rain from my hair turning directly to the bartender. **(Think)**

“I’m here for Persephone. I was here with her last night. She will recognize me”

The bartender stares at me. **(Suspicion and disbelief)** **(She thinks you’re lying)** “She is the Girl with long dark hair. Big round earrings…” **(Beautiful body) (moves like a goddess) (eyes that might drown you) (a smile that would blind)**

“Yea I know her,” She says turning to the backstage door. ”Wait here I’ll go check” and with that, she disappears. I start walking around the bar area. And find a mirror against one of the walls. I comb my finger through my hair, getting rid of the access rain. I look down and directly into my eyes. **(Anticipation) (This would be the first test. If she doesn’t want to be near you she will deny it)** I pull out my phone to check the time. The only thing showing on the black screen is my own reflection. **(You forgot to charge it, you idiot)** I hear the door open and lookup. It’s the bartender, alone,

**(Focus on the facts, not on what you feel. See with your eyes. Prepare for what you know is coming) (even if the facts hurt)** I brace myself for the inevitable **(head up) (shoulders back) (look directly into her eyes)**

“So that will be $10, she’ll be right out, just getting ready.” **(or that)** I think. With relief, I sigh and give her the $10 and ask her to break the $20 into singles

“you came back” I hear from behind me. The excited voice sending chills of anticipation down my spine,

I turn around, my money forgotten. “How could I stay away?” I answer with a smile. She was dressed in black lace one-piece that started with a loop around her neck, continued down her breasts meeting above her naval cavity to finally dip over her nether loop back around her buttocks to her hips. She hugs me and my lugs fill for the first time that day. Everything melts away. She pulls back and looks directly into my eyes with a genuine smile **(She remembers).** We stood like this for a moment. I feel another set of eyes staring at us. I break my deep sinking gaze with her beautiful brown eyes and turn to the bartender. She just stares at us with her mouth agape. She snaps out of her own thoughts and, have forgotten her place, recounts the singles,

“…19,20. There you go” she says handing me the money

“I’ll take water with Ice” Persephone askes. The bartender hears and looks at her but for some reason does not register what she is hearing. **(Is she flustered?)** The bartender closes the register and walks away to the end of the bar. The two of us just staring at her in silence**. (comfortable silence)** I realize. The bartender turns back and notices us staring

“O the water**!”** she exclaims walking back to us. She quickly scoops ice into a glass and fills it with water.

“Sorry,” She says handing Persephone the glass.

“It’s Ok. I was going to let you finish” she turns to me and gestures for us to go sit. “Let’s go take our regular seats.” Stopping in the general area where we sat and talked most of Yesterday. “I can’t remember exactly where we sat,” she says with a frown.

“These two,” I say, pointing at our seats. **(I’ll sit wherever you want).**

“So I left right after you did last night.” She said settling into her seat. **(talk to her! Don’t let her carry the entire conversation) (What should I say?) (Focus on the facts)**

“I enjoyed our time together last night,” I say.

“Yeah me too. You were so nice I liked it. I woke up this morning feeling great about myself” she replies to my surprise **(I made her feel good about herself?) (My man)** suddenly the volume of the music goes up. She looks over my shoulder at someone, irritation in her eyes. I lean in. She looks back at me and smiles. I need to tell her that she had a massive impact on my day as well.

“the continuation of my experiment of last night….” I break off. My train of thought shattering like glass as she takes my arm in her hands. I look down at my arm. **(How perfectly her hands fit around my bicep) (Look at her, tell her)** I look up into her eyes. Another thought shatters. **(what was I talking about) (I needed to tell her something?) (Something important?) (How can she make me feel this way) (Feelings, you were talking about your feelings)**

“… I had a lot more confidence today?”

“That’s great” she smiles genuinely **(No she doesn’t understand) (uses your words make her understand)**

“I fell asleep almost immediately last night,” I say **(yes this is important that never happens)**

“Hmm,” she hums an affirmative while taking a sip of water. I notice a small piece of ice slip over her lips. **(Lucky piece of ice)**

“No. that never happens,” I say dragging my hand across my face. “Usually it’s noisy inside my head. You brought calm”

“Well, I’m glad I could help” She leans in and nuzzles my neck. Her fragrance, Frangipani flowers burst into my mind. **(That’s what her smell reminds me of!) (Fitting! its flower’s scent becomes more intense at night)**

“You smell nice” she whispers in my neck.

“You smell like sweetie… flower” I mumble **(Great I forgot how to English)**

She pulls back to look into my eyes and smiles. **(A small hint of confusion) (What can I tell you?)** I think **(I don’t even understand that sentence)**

“I’m so glad it’s empty tonight. Now I get to spend time with you” **(The test. Ask her) (Not yet) (there need to be other people)**

“Hay, explain the rules to me again. How much am I allowed to touch you?”

“Well you can touch me wherever you want as much as you like, but you can’t touch my pussy” **(Vulva)** my mind automatically interjects.

“That actually makes sense. Guys aren’t great at keeping their hands clean.”

“Yea I know. Even when I’m on stage naked I’ll make sure to only touch the extreme outside of my pussy. Because this floor is dirty” she says pointing to the floor beneath us “We walk around here and transfer the dirt and stuff to the stage and crawl around up there. You have to be very careful”

“Yea that’s why I was astounded when you said there were guys that would want to lick you! It’s just dirty!” I say **(You would lick here if she would allow it) (Shut up you are weird)**

“I know right” she laughs. “umm we can’t sit in your laps, that’s for lap dances, and definitely no kissing”

“Those are reasonable” My excitement threatens to burst at the prospect of openly touching her. “So what did you do today. Before coming here, I mean” I ask with genuine curiosity.

“I…” She was interrupted by the announcer calling her to the stage. She looked to the back of the club a bit irritated. “come let me dance for you” she said standing up and heading over to the stage. I could hardly contain my excitement. I sat down center stage directly in front of the center pole. She climbed on stage and started with her back to me gripping the hip-high-horizontal bar on the back mirror. With the start of her song she dips low and turns towards me straightening to her full height. Her eyes burning with renewed fire. She takes a sensual step forward rocking her body in rhythm with the music. Each beat timed to perfection with a thrust of her hips. That familiar sensation drawing me in. she leans in and grabbing the pole swinging around it once. Head back in pleasure, her long hair scattering her scent across the entire stage. Walking toward me and we quickly lock eyes before she throws her head and arms back catching herself on the pol behind her lowering herself while spreading her legs, inviting me in. She continues to lower herself keeping her heels flat on the ground until her back touches the ground. Both hands shoot up to caress her mound inches from my face. She gyrates her pelvis in pleasure. She rolled to her side and onto her hands and knees. She looks back at me over her supple buttocks charming my mind into oblivion. She moved her butt to the rhythm of the song stroking herself softly. Hands around the pole she pulled herself up dancing and swinging around the pole. Our eyes finding each other every chance they could get. Her every move radiating pleasure. Slowing down she locks eyes with me her hands caressing her sides up her body and over her shoulders pulling the loop of over her head letting it fall exposing her beautiful breasts and pale nipples. She dropped to her knees crawling towards me. But She didn’t stop at the edge of the stage, no she placed one hand on my shoulder than the other and dipped her head below mine bringing it up rubbing her cheek against mine, up and up she went bringing her head above mine. My lips instinctive followed her up brushing against her skin until my face was firmly planted between hear breasts She relaxed her arms pressing herself into me. Her sent and closeness fill me completely, her light flooding into the deepest recesses of my mind. Slowly she pulls away arching her back, placing her forehead to mine. I can feel her breath on my face and I lose the ability to think. Again she breaks away and dances for me on stage. That familiar ritualistic invocation binding me to her will. She uses the pole in ways that stir envy in the pits of my stomach. Dancing, twirling, gyrating, caressing, every move drawing me up from my chair but her hauntingly beautiful eyes pinning me, immobile. She turns away from me giving me a slight reprieve from her enslaving smile. She bends down at the hip dropping her outfit to the floor and stepping out of it completely naked. She explores herself with her hands and I dare not blink for fear that I might wake from this dream. She gracefully falls into my lap her legs straddling me perfectly. She laces her fingers at the back of my skull, thronging her head back in pleasure as she grinds herself on me. Every downward thrust grounding us in mutual anticipation. Her eyes shoot open and she gracefully slides of me and back on the stage. Standing on all fours she spreads herself for me. Inviting my senses to explore her complete. She moves her pelvis to the rhythm. And before I know it she is back in my lap. This time I let my hands explore her and they do so with vigorous eagerness. And before I can touch my fill of her she rips herself away from me again. Back on the stage, there she dances until her set finishes and she smiles at me moving back to fetch her discarded belongings and outfit.

I stand up breathing in deeply trying to compose myself and to stop my heart from exploding. I start walking back to our “usual spot”. She lightly hopes off the stage and walks towards me. Still fully naked, clothes in one hand. A light sheen of sweat covering her body. **(that was amazing)** she walks up to me standing too close. She bends down and starts to get dressed, she is about to cover her breasts when she notices something. **(She is saying something)** my heart drumming in my ears makes it impossible to hear her. I collapse into my chair, afraid I might do something stupid.

“I’ll be right back,” she says **(no wait!)** I want to yell but I stop myself. And with that, she disappears. I focus to calm myself. I start making out music in the background. **(Was there music playing while she danced or did the seductive sound radiate from her golden skin?)** She is gone for quite some time but the effect she had on me does not subside. I sit alone in the club, not even my mind dares interrupt the silence except for the errand thought to remind me to breathe and to try and calm my heart. After a while, two more gentlemen enter the club taking a seat far to my left. They glance at me nervously probably wondering why nothing at all is happening. The announcer calls a girl to the stage and she dances more for the amusement of the others tan for me. Two more girls exit from backstage and take the other two men to the privet booths. I feel her exit the dressing room, I don’t know how but I know it’s her. **(Don’t look.) (You might not survive another encounter like that)** I think while I turn towards her. She has changed into a new outfit. A beautiful peach colored one that sparkles as she walks towards me

“I changed fo…” she stops herself “This one sparkles. See,” She said as she turns on the spot.

**(Did she change for you?) (was that what she was going to say?)**

“Wow” I hear myself say “this one is definitely better” She sits down next to me.

“I have matching sparkling shoes in my car, that would go nicely with this outfit” **(Don’t let her leave again)**

“No these are perfect,” I say

“What these old shoes,” She says throwing one magnificent leg over my lap. Pointing at her shoes. My hands instinctively go to her legs.

“ooo” she exclaims. Throwing her leg off me. My hands recoiling **(What did you do wrong!)**

“No, NO! it was good,” She says seeing the panic in my eyes “it’s just if you’re going to rub my legs rather do this one!” she says throwing the other leg over my lap.

“I would rather have both,” I say leaning down and scooping the other one up as well. My left hand stroking her one leg from knee down and my other hand stroking her thigh.

“Wait that tickles,” She says placing her hand between her leg and my hand shielding herself.

“I could stop?” I answer.

“No, please don’t, but you will have to scratch me every now and then,” she says with a smile removing her hand. **(Scratch her) (Would you dare?)** I look down at my hand now flat against her inner thigh. I slowly bring my fingers in, baling my hand. Her flesh giving way under my fingers. I rake my hand up her thigh and a small “Yes” escapes her. A small whisper. We spent a good 30 minutes like this just talking. **(She is more relaxed than yesterday)** I realize as the conversation lingers more on her amazingly multifaceted life than anything else.

Three more guys walk into the bar. I look over to them and they openly stare at the beautiful goddess reclined on my lap enjoying herself while here animated speech radiated more beauty from her. **(They want her) (no they want what you have)** The guys sit down and instinctively all three cross their arms over their chests **(Guarded) (They want themselves separated from what they are experiencing and seeing here) (they think themselves above and better this place)** I smile when one of the guys fails to conceal another stolen glance at us. The night continued like this, the tree men would laugh and spend money and cheer the girls on stage but they revealed their private feelings to me with every glance at the goddess on in my lap. **(Confusion, they wonder how you achieved this) (desire, they want her) (no they want wat the two of us share together) (they want her to genuinely laugh in their presence) (they want her to want them to touch her)** I look op t Persephone and follow her gaze to the stage, my fingers playing on her skin. **(I wonder if this is what Beethoven felt when he first wrote and performed the “Moonlight Sonata”)** My subconscious picks it up before my waking mind catches on

“You like watching the girls dance” it’s more a statement than a question

“Hmm,” she hums an answer slightly spreading her legs giving me more access to caress the insides of her thighs **(You are getting close to breaking a rule)** I think as I trace the hem of her outfit on the inside of her thigh, her skin there is burning hot. I look up and catch all three men openly staring at her **(Anger)** there is cynical laughter in the back of my mind!

“Don’t look now but the guys behind you are pissed.”

“What? Why?” She says turning to look at them all three instantly looking away. This time I laugh out loud. **(Cowards)**

“Because you are with me”

“I’ll quickly go fetch some of the girls to see to them,” She says moving to get up.

“That won’t work” I instinctively grab her legs. Her absence would ruin me. “ they want you, Three other girls were already over there”

“But why?”

“Because they want what they can’t have,” I say with anger slipping into my voice. I see her notice, smile and relax back into me.

“That’s too bad,” She says looking back to the stage. **(You just laid claim to her and she accepted)**

“I need you to decide something for me”

“yea what is it?”

“I brought enough money for one VIP dance”

“Ooo,” she smiles “You want me to dance naked just for you?”

“Or I could use the money for a bunch of private lap dances” I say and she looks up in earnest contemplation. **(what will she choose?)**

“No spend it on private dances that way I get to spend more time like this, with you” my heart painfully stops in my throat. “You’ll leave after the VIP dance and it will be over to quick.” **(She now claimed you, and you didn’t object)** She looked back at the lineup on the monitor behind the DJ and saw that it was her turn up next. She got up to get ready. Walking to the backstage door. The other three notice and I see them sit up with anticipation. A smile spreading across my face.

She got on stage and two of the three guys practically run the stage. The other keeping his distance. I stay seated were I was. The seen from last night repeating itself flawlessly. She dances for them and they are enraptured. They were mesmerized and I pitied the poor souls, knowing full well what effect she had on you when you sat to close to her stage. Our eyes would meet and I saw her get flustered. A pink glow creeping into her cheeks **(This is new)** When her set was done she locked eyes with me and got off stage not bothering to go backstage or getting dressed. I see two of the other men trying to get her attention. But she was a huntress and I was her prey. Nothing would distract her from her hunt. And I would gladly die by her hand. She walks past me to the privet lap dance booths. Walking in first I follow. She pushes me down into the couch.

“Take off your belt,” she says, slightly out of breath, sweat still glistening on her skin.


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