[FM] My co-worker* was an escort

have posted a few Escort stories and I keep remembering new stories. I went through some personal issues several years and without getting in to it all too much, I’ll just saw for a couple years, I spent way too much time and money seeing escorts. But, I do have a lot of great memories and some hot stories.

So, I’m working at a downtown office building. And the firm I worked for had some cooperative business with the firms in the building. So, I’m at a meeting and there is a new woman I have never met at the meeting. I introduce myself and then I notice she has some really great tits but she is wearing clothes that hide them. So, I’m intrigued.

She is also very petite maybe 5’1”. She has red hair and sexy freckles. I also discover during the meeting that she has a wicked sense of humor and she’s pretty sarcastic. I like all of it!

I’m chatting her up and we got a couple dirty looks because we are making some quiet sarcastic comments to each other during the meeting. I’m wondering why I have never seen her before.

The meeting breaks up and I have to go back to my office. About 15 minutes later I went downstairs for a smoke (I have since quit! Hooray!). So, I go outside and the cute sarcastic redhead is there just about to finish a smoke. I said something I thought was funny (don’t remember) and she laughs. But, she heads back inside.

Over the next couple weeks I’m taking smoke breaks like crazy trying to see her again and continue our talk. I keep missing her. But, then for several days in a row, I see her outside smoking and she is always on her cell phone in a heated conversation each time. She seems like she is pissed off.

But, she kept looking over and catches me checking her out. She sort of waves with the phone and rolls her eyes like she can’t believe the other person on the line.

One day, the same thing is happening. But, she is almost done smoking. So, she is going back inside and she sees me and smiles and says “Hey!” There was more to it than a regular smile. Or maybe I’m imagining it. But, I thought maybe it was sort of a tease.

Over the next couple weeks I see her only a few times. We did get to talk once just for a few minutes and she says she is quitting. I said something lame like I’ll miss her as a smoking buddy. She laughs a little too hard. She puts her hand on my arm and looks right at me and says “well maybe I’ll see you out sometime.” Then, she goes inside.

I had no idea what that meant. See me out? Like out at the bars? Outside the building? What does that mean? Did that touch mean something? This is the sort of crap men go through trying to interpret women.

I’m disappointed. So, I had already dabbled in the escort industry by then and was still trying to find my way and learn how to find providers. A couple months go by and I’m online and I see a new ad. It’s pretty tame but I thought maybe I would check her out.

I try a couple calls and get no response. I forget about it. A few days later I decided to try again. This time I text. I get a response back quickly. We chat a little and I ask if she is available. I was able to give her my user name on this website where providers advertise. She says hang on. I’m guessing she looks me up. She texts me back and says she is available but doesn’t have a room. Well, I had a short window of free time and I made some excuse and told her maybe next time. Just a few minutes later, she texts back and says do you know Julie (not the real name)? Julie is the name of another escort I saw once before. So, I say yes I know her. She says I’m getting out of the shower, can we meet at her house.

I’m running out of room and will have to continue in part 2

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/cfdi34/fm_my_coworker_was_an_escort


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