The first time I was paid to have sex [FM]

For the last three years I’ve been working as a sex worker in my hometown. It all started my first year of college. I got to college as a pretty prude girl who had only had sex with my one boyfriend at that point. After a little exploration and meeting fun people, I quickly opened up and was having a blast. I went from only having quick, lights-off missionary sex with my high school boyfriend to threesomes and all kinds of crazy stuff.

Christmas break was coming up and I was talking about plans with my roommate, who we had gotten pretty close, and she told me she was going to stay around campus and work to save money. Up to that point all I knew about her work was it was at night and she’d come home around like 2am – I assumed she was a bartender and didn’t want to talk about it.

The night before driving home for break we were sitting around drinking horrible box wine and talking about life when she dropped the bombshell of what she did for work. She was an escort for local dudes and a few guys at the school and talked about how she made great money. I was totally shocked and had no idea. But, when I started thinking about it, it made sense. She had a totally amazing porn-star-ish body = she was like 5’0 and 90lbs with pale as hell skin and bleached hair. She exuded sex – hell, I would’ve slept with her!

Anyways, she starts telling me how she makes a few hundred a night hooking up with guys, they always wear condoms, it’s almost always pretty fast and easy and I was intrigued considering I was broke as fuck. We start chatting more about details and how it works – she works with a service that sets stuff up and takes a cut, they screen the dudes and track you to make sure you’re safe so if something goes wrong, the cops are there right away. It seemed like a pretty sweet deal and she was like pushing me to give it a shot. I will try almost anything once, so I said hell yeah let’s set something up.

She put me on the phone with the service, which is some woman in an apartment in NYC I think, and she ran through rules and what it is and etc etc, and how they advertise on boards and represent people nationally. It sounded pretty legit an my roommate had been using them since she turned 18. I went through all their steps and uploaded some pictures and she said she’d call me when something came up.

The next day I was packing up to head home for the holiday and got a call like right as I was about to start driving. It was the service talking about how they had a guy right then looking for someone that matched my description that was nearby and did I want to take the call – it sounded like Uber haha. I sat and debated for a second and then said fuck it, the money would be really nice.

I got to the address that I was given and it was a small house like four blocks from my college. I felt like I should’ve changed into something sexier – I was wearing tights and a hoodie – but part of me was hoping it would get called off and I could just drive home. I got a text telling me to respond every hour to let someone know I was safe, and it was cool, but a lot could happen in an hour – I felt like that was more of a way to find my body if the shit hit the fan.

I knocked on the door and there was some awkward fumbling and the door opened to a guy who wasn’t bad looking really. He was older, maybe 40ish, and balding a bit, and a bit chubby, but overall not horrible. He seemed nice. He invited me in and I kind of scoped the place out for murder tools, and he was charming and a tried to be funny, but fell flat a lot.

I asked him if he called escorts a lot, and he said it was his first time, I told him it was his lucky day, because I was a seasoned professional so he should just relax. We drank some water and he asked me if I wanted to go change. I was pretty unsure what I’d change into, I didn’t even bring in a bag, but I suddenly had some inspiration and said, yes, be right back.

In the bathroom I quickly rifled through his shit looking for STD meds or hidden scalpels. All seemed ok. I took off my hoodie and tights and tried my best to make my old comfy bra and granny panties look sexy, then got some inspiration from a show I recently watched. I dropped to the ground and did some push ups hoping to pop my veins out a bit and look skinnier. I did about 20 before I thought it was stupid and stopped. My abs looked a bit tighter, but my hair was trashed. I pulled it back and decided fuck it, let’s do this.

I stepped out and discovered the guy sitting on the couch fully naked, and redirected my wtf to a coy a smile. He patted next to him. I sashayed weirdly to him and sat down. He instantly went for my neck, kissing and licking me with his broad tongue, it was very odd. Before I could cringe at that, he had his free hand stuck between my legs and was massaging my pussy lips in a way that did nothing for me.

Slow down, I told him. He was already standing at attention. His dick wasn’t bad, it was like six inches, but curved to the left a lot. He had a pretty bad circumcision scar.

I wanted to get into it more, so I slipped out of my neon green undies, and told him to go down on me. He lept at the chance and buried his mouth between my legs. He was actually damn good at oral. Very quickly I was dripping wet. He started working one hand and rubbing my g-spot. It was better than my ex for sure.

He kept going down on me, and I felt like if he did, I’d cum hard – so I let him. I was panting and sweating at this point and couldn’t control my moans. He was in heaven too it seemed, he was moaning while licking my clit. I ran my hand over his head and told him not to stop because I was going to cum. I get VERY wet when I cum, like borderline squirting, more like gushing though. When I cum for real, you know it, and this was very much for real. I came hard and gushed all over his face and squirmed into a little ball panting hard on the couch. He was kind of laughing and asking if I was ok. I nodded yes.

He got on the couch, and I laid out flat and he slid on top of me. I was soaked from my knees to my waist and everything was insanely sensitive. When he slid his dick inside of me, it was like a bolt of lightning. I told him to go put on a condom and he went to the other room and came back tearing it open. I helped him slide it on and then asked him how he wanted to fuck me. He said like we were.

I laid back and he hovered over me, sliding his cock inside of me, I was still so sensitive I gasped. He started rapidly fucking me, then lifted my legs to his shoulders and turned sideways and was hitting my g-spot with each stroke. It felt legitimately amazing. With a few minutes of it, I’d cum for sure.

He leaned in and kissed me, and I kissed him back. I held tight to his ass as he fucked me, he started sweating and panting. He gasped suddenly and yelled as he came inside the condom. I pulled him close and wrapped my legs around him and said, yes yes yes yes.

He smiled and walked away, tossing the condom, and telling me how amazing that was, and I was coated in sweat and soaked from my belly button to my knees with my own cum. I smelled like sex and condoms. He asked if he could venmo me the money, and I said sure and gave him the info. It hit my phone a minute later as I was pulling on my clothes.

I said thanks and dipped out of the door $150 richer. That was my first client, he was also like my first through 15th because we hooked up twice a week for the next month before he told me he got a girlfriend and had to stop, so then I started seeing other clients more often. I ended up getting a roster of guys and would see them about 5 times a week.

Fuck yeah, no student loans.



  1. Only $150?

    Sounds like you should have paid him for how good HE was LOL.

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