[MF] My first time getting nudes and doing a hook up.

Hello everyone, just found out about this subreddit and I read a few posts, which reminded me of a story that I would like to share with all of you. The story is about my first experience doing sexual things with a girl. This happened a month ago. And I wish I could go back to that day everyday. I will not put the real girl’s name in the story because I feel wrong in doing so without telling her about this, and she was very nice to me so I respect that.

A little background before the juicy story:

About me – Before this encounter that I had, I never been the best with girls, and I think that still stands correct lol. Back in early freshman and sophomore year of high school, I had a “girlfriend” but we never did anything except hug and kiss. The only real action I had, prior to my first sexual experience with a girl, was with my hand and good ol’ porn. I come from a household where my parents really never gave me “the talk” and they always told me never to have sex until I was married. I never have smoked or have drank either, so you can see what type of household I was raised in. **I was 18 when this story happened.** I am a white guy with black hair. Very fit and athletic. I just graduated high school when this story took place. I am the typical nice guy.

About the girl – Indian and so beautiful. She was vegan she told me. Black hair. A little on the chubby side. Very smart. And very understanding. She was the party type. She had past experience with doing “stuff”. **She was 18 at the time when we had our sexual encounter.**

THE STORY: So I was just starting summer break at the end of this past May. And all of my friends we bragging about their sex stories, and I had nothing to tell, I felt so awkward and left out, so I was hoping that I could get some action over the summer. I have had the app called, “Yubo” or “Yellow”, and I have been trying to talk to girls on there, most of them were dry with conversations. My hope was running out on the app and I was thinking of deleting it by the start of June. But one day, I came across a girl named Mia (NOT HER REAL NAME) who was 18 like me. She looked very pretty from the pictures she displayed. I swiped right on her, and surprisingly we matched. The next day I decided to send her a message saying “Hi” and she responded back. We did small talk for a while, and I asked her for her phone number. So then we started to text each other. Everything was going good. But then out of nowhere,

she asked, “Are you interested in a hu?”

My dumbass did not know what “hu” meant so I had to search in on Urban Dictionary for the meaning. When I saw it meant a hook up, I immediately got excited. My heart was racing. I told her that I would be down to do it. And then she asked me about my past experiences, to which I told her I have no experience. She said that was okay. And then I asked her about her past experiences, and she told me that she has done stuff, but she was still a virgin. And so the conversation from this point on was about what we would do during the hookup, from fingering, eating her out, touching her tits, giving me a handjob, and a blowjob. I was so looking forward to doing all of this. She did not ask about having sex. The only problem was that we were not sure where we would meet up and what day we were going to do it. She said that we could possibly do the hu in her car, at her house, or at my house. Doing the hu in her car did not appeal to me, it sounded like we would be too tight in the car. There would be no way for us to do the hu at my house because my mom does not have a job and she just works on things in the house. Plus I have a little brother too that we share a room in. So the only place we could do it was at her house. For a day, we initially decided to do it on a Tuesday, but her dad worked from home that day, so we could not do it that day, instead, we did it the next day.

But before that Wednesday I got some pre-action. We were talking Tuesday night about our hu the next day. I told her how I was so anxious and how I couldn’t wait for tomorrow. I thanked her so many times for doing this with me. She understood how it was my first time and she said that she would try to make it a great first time. And then out of nowhere,

she asked me, “How big are you?”

Once again, my dumbass thought she meant like how tall I am, so I responded saying, 5’9″. And she said, “Noooo lmao, how big IT is”.(For some reason she found my lack of knowledge on sexual meanings to be funny) And then I knew what she meant. So I went into my backpack, took out a ruler, went to the bathroom, took out my cock and measured it fully hard. And then responded to her saying, “It is 7″ long” and then she asked if she could see it. By this time I was shaking because I never sent a dick pic before. But before I could get a good pose for the pic, she sent me a nude selfie from her bathroom. Her phone was covering her face, she was wearing her panties, but she was topless. HER BREASTS WERE SO HUGE! And btw this was my first nudes from a woman too. I told her that her tits were amazing. My dick became even harder after she sent that pic. So now I knew I was totally ready to send my pic, I did, and she complimented about my dick. I asked her if I should shave my pubes cuz I am kinda hairy and she said to just trim down there, not to shave. And then she sent me a pussy pic. It looked like an Arby’s roast beef sandwich. I couldn’t wait to eat that meal. And I told her that and she laughed. Now with these 2 pics, I jerked off to them. I was planning on not masterbating the whole week to save my cum for her, but I just couldn’t help myself. I was stroking and stroking, finally I cummed into some toilet paper. I asked Mia what size her breasts were, and she said “36 DD”. I then trimmed my hairy crotch. Then took a shower, and then went to bed. But I couldn’t fall asleep because all I could think of was tomorrow and becoming a man. I got like 2 hours of sleep that night.

The next day I woke up so tired. The plan was to either drive to her house with my mom’s car, or ride my bike to her house. My mom said that she needed the car that day, so I had to ride my bike. She sent my her address, and I kid you not, on Google Maps, it said the distance was 10 miles away. It would take me an hour to get to her house. I did not want to back out because of the distance, I could not miss this great opportunity given to me. I was not going to let distance stop me. I just told my mom that I was going to hangout with my friends and ride bikes around town. I got ready by wearing the best outfit I had. I brought deodorant, mints, and cologne to make sure I didn’t sink while we had fun. I followed the route on my phone to her house. I got lost on the way, but I figured out the way. Finally like 50 minutes later, I arrived to her house, she just said to text her when I get there, which I did. And she said to come through the back. This was the first time that I met her in person, we hugged and said hello. Then we went inside. She guided me to her basement, which had a couch and a TV and a few paintings down there. I asked her if she could get me a water because I needed to quench my thirst. And we sat down on the couch and we relaxed for like 15 minutes. I needed to catch my breath. And we just talked about college. She put on “The Office” on the TV because it was her favorite show. By this time I felt almost ready, I went to the bathroom to smell good with the deodorant and the mint and the cologne. I looked myself in the mirror and I smiled saying, “It’s go time.” I walked out and headed back to the couch. I said, “Mia, I am ready.” And she said okay.

I got closer to her on the couch, kinda like crawling on all fours to her. I got on top of her and we started to make out. We started out slowly and then we got some tongue action going, but before I knew it, I was giving too much tongue, she stopped and said, “Hey could you please just give a little less tongue?” When we stopped, I saw that there was a ton of salvia around her mouth from me haha. So then we continued, and I gave less tongue. She was a good kisser. I stopped kissing her for a moment, I looked at her, and I asked her, “Could I touch your breasts while kissing you?” And she smiled at me saying yes, as if she wanted me to do that in the first place. (Please keep in mind that this was my first time doing stuff and I asked whenever I wanted to do something. I did not just do because I wanted to make sure of her consent.) So I got to grasp those big tits of hers in my hands while making out with her, they were so squishy and they felt amazing to squeeze. After that, we stopped, she asked if I could get up. I did and she got up too, she took off her dress that she was wearing, only her bra and panties were on. I was getting kinda chubby at this sight. Then she slowly took off her panties and bra and right in front of me was a totally nude woman. I got fully hard from the view. She was just gorgeous! We then continued to kiss. Then the next question I asked was if I could finger her. She said yes. And so while kissing her lips, I stuck my fingers into what I thought was her pussy. Turns out, my fingers were too high and I was rubbing around the bottom of her stomach haha. We both laughed at this and she took my hand and brought it to her pussy. I first gently touched it because I never seen one in real life before. And then I started to rub around it. I stopped kissing her and all of my attention was on her pussy. My face was in between her legs and fingers were reaching out to her beautiful pussy. It was shaven a few days ago, there was visible stubbles above her pussy. And so I kept rubbing gently her pussy. I then stuck 2 fingers inside of it. And let me tell you, the inside was very wet. I started to bring my fingers in and out of her pussy. She started to moan. Her moaning turned me on so much. And so I started to go faster with my fingers, and I could tell that she was enjoying it a lot. I was rubbing her clit too, it hid behind her vagina hood, and doing that made her twitch. But my fingers got tired and so I had to stop. I was hoping that I could have made her cum from fingering, but she said that I didn’t. So the next thing I did was put my ass on her stomach (I still have clothes on.) And I fondled with her breasts again, that was so fun! I sucked on those nipples as well. Her breasts were so big that I couldn’t fully hold on in one of my hands. Throughout all of this, whenever I was done doing something, I would always compliment her about her body and how beautiful it was. And whenever I wanted to do something else, I would always ask her. Once I was done with her tits, it was time to start eating. I got back into the position I was in before with my head between her legs. Her pussy was just inches away from my face, and I slowly started to eat her out. This had to be my favorite part. I loved sticking my tongue inside of her pussy and swirling it around. I loved the fact that I was pleasing her while having fun myself. She moaned the loudest when I was eating her out. I also sucked on her clit and she moved a lot when I did that. Once again, I was unable to make her cum. But I had a great time playing with her.

The next thing I know when I stopped eating her out, she demanded me to lay back on the couch. She started to loosen my belt and I helped her with getting my shorts, underpants, and my shirt off. I was lying completely naked with my back on her couch. I had I pretty hard boner. The tip of my dick was pointed towards me while I was lying. And she said, “It’s your turn to have some pleasure.” She started off by stroking my dick. It felt pretty good because finally someone else was doing the work of stroking it instead of myself. But the pace at which she stroked was too slow for me, I was getting softer. So every once and a while I would help her out. I didn’t mind at all, she did me the favor by letting me have fun with her body. I did not care about myself getting pleasured. After a while, she stopped, and then she started to suck me off. This felt really good, she was very good at sucking. And the crazy part while this was happening, was that she stopped. Looked at me and said, “I like it when guys are forceful with me while giving blowjobs. So you can put your hand on the back of my head and force me to go however fast I wanted her to go.” And I was like wtf hell yeah! So I forced her to go faster because that felt really good on my dick. A few times through, I felt like I was going to cum, but I just couldn’t. I really felt embarrassed about that. I think it was because my dick is only sensitive to the stroking of my right hand. So then she stopped. I felt so bad. But I did want to cum. So I told her to lie on her back and I sat my ass her stomach again. I began to stroke my dick and use my left hand to squeeze one of her tits. I did this for like 10 minutes. I was getting really close to cumming, I could feel it. I told her that and she got up and then went on her knees, bent in front of my dick. I continued to stroke and I felt like I was going to cum, I told her that, she put her mouth on my dick and I cummed inside of her mouth. I cummed for like a good 5 seconds straight. And when I felt done, I pulled my dick out. And one more shot of cum came out and went right into her left eye and in her hair as well. I felt so bad for doing that. I apologized and she said it was no big deal.

Keep in mind that all happened while Michael Scott was on the TV screen yelling and stuff haha.

So then we put our clothes back on. I thanked her like 500 times for giving me an unbelievable experience! I told her that her body was amazing from head to toe. And I also said thank you for being understanding about my lack of knowledge about what to do and how to do stuff when it comes to sexual acts. I said I’m sorry that I couldn’t make her cum and I am sorry that I didn’t cum for her. She was fine with everything and she said that she enjoyed it too!

The last thing I asked her that day was if we could do it again before we go off to college. She said yes, she would be totally down.

So I rode my bike home, all of that took like an hour and a half. I got home and I told all of my best friends that I finally got some action. They were all happy for me.

Mia and I continued to talk here and there. We sexted a few times. But haven’t seen each other since that awesome day.

But like a week later she asked me this, “Are you dtf?”

Once again, I had to search up what that meant. When I saw it meant down to fuck, I instantly thought yes. We both never had intercourse before. I wanted to get some more action from her, but for some reason, my heart said no. It just didn’t feel right to me. It was not her in any way, it was more about a self conflict for me. Whether or not I should go do what seems fun or listen to what my parents barked at me for years. I listened to my parent’s words. And it was hard for me to tell Mia no because she was so nice and kind to me for the hookup. But once again, she was totally understandable about the situation. I made sure to tell her that it was not her that made me not want to do it, it was myself.

And ever since she asked that question, we have not talked. I feel sad that we don’t talk anymore and I do not know if my decision not to have sex with her will come back and haunt me. I hate living life with regrets, and I feel like I might regret that decision.

Thank you to anyone reading this story. If took me a couple of hours to type out. I hoped you enjoyed it as much as I did. Btw check out my profile if you want to see my body ;)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/cemgri/mf_my_first_time_getting_nudes_and_doing_a_hook_up