Ch1 – Unexpected Falling Out

He still found it difficult to understand how lucky he was to have got married to such an amazingly beautiful and sexy woman. It had already been 5 years since they both had married each other, having met at college given the same circle of friends and race being asian. Having becoming a couple in university which eventually lead to them getting married a few years later. Where by now they were both in their late twenties where his wife was but a year younger than him.

None of their mutual friends had understood just what it was that his wife Rienie saw in him. He was nowhere close to her league at all, not with her olive sun kissed skin, her beautiful face, graceful hourglass curves to her body, long never ending legs. Yet for some reason she chose to say yes when this average looking man had asked her out on a date and eventually to be a couple. Many of her friends had said she could do better, but she brushed them all off saying that he was the perfect man for her in her eyes.

Still now as they lived at one of the middle income affordable apartment block projects in New York, they were more than happily married to each other. Yet there was one thing that she had not realized about her husband’s true nature at all. In fact at the very heart of him he was and cant but have a raging inferno of a desire to know that his wife was being enjoyed by other more superior men than him. That she and her lover would be enjoying each other sexually while thinking that he was clueless to their affair. He desired so much to have his wife either become a hotwife or for their married to turn into a cuckolds marriage but he kept his tongue silent. As he knew that if he brought up this subject to her, she would never be able to understand as straight laced as she was now. That and he has yet to find or see anyone that he would be burning with need and want of having his wife spread her legs for them.

That was until a few months later when during an annual dinner that her company organized and he attended the dinner as Rienie’s plus one. As the night’s event went on eventually it wasnt difficult to notice someone a dashing and handsome young white man that kept looking at her through the night from here and there. It wasnt hard to notice given how hard the intensity the man was staring at Rienie. As the husband then decided to sneakily just observe this white young man that was focusing too much entirely on his wife and had not noticed at all that he himself was being stared at. He was good looking, tall, a lot more well muscled that showed he goes to the gym a lot.

Having aroused the husband’s curiosity of this young man, where as he started to talk and mingle with some of the other office colleagues of his wife that he had met before he carefully steered the conversation in a certain direction. As he innocently mentioned that he noticed a new guy amongst everyone here in the ballroom tonight nodding his head in the direction of that young man.

“Ah you mean Michael….Michael….Richardson wasnt it? Yes he just joined the firm not too long ago actually! He’s just finished university so he’s probably around 21 or 22? But still you best be careful haha! Everyone has seen the way he looks at your wife in the office and how keeps talking with her!” One of them said while the rest just laughed and agreed seeing and being amused at the way that young guy was trying to hit on his married colleague in the office. They knew nothing would come off of it seeing as they saw how much Rienie loved and adored her husband, so the thought of her cheating was so far off of their radar and thoughts.

*So…his name was Michael then? And he has a thing for my wife?* The husband thought as he pretended to listen in to the others conversation. He couldnt help then but have erotic thoughts and images pass through his mind, as he imagined his wife together with Michael. To his surprise and quickly beating heart he found that he was getting turned on by the things he was imagining Rienie would be doing with that younger man. The husband could feel the confidence and arrogance that was inside of Michael just by the way he walked, held himself and how strong of an intensity that he was staring at Rienie.

*It’s him! It has to be him! I found him!* He thought with excitement as his own cock was now rock hard in his pants at finally finding the right man that he wanted the most to screw his wife. He was incredibly turned on by the fact as well that he was having these thoughts even as his wife lovingly held onto his arm. She had no inkling at all to the truly perverse and dark thoughts that her husband was imagining her in.

As the night went on and eventually with how the event ended where as he was driving them home in his car while she slept in the passenger seat. He was already planning and thinking on how he was going to get his wife to give in to her sexual needs and let that young man absolutely ruin her. Rienie he knew absolutely enjoyed having sex and that underneath all of her good nature and innocence that she projects. That she truly had a huge sex drive, that was what he thought but it was just that he wasnt able to make her release her true-self. Where as they stopped at a red light at an intersection and seeing Rienie was still soundly asleep in the passenger seat, He fished out his phone from his pocket. Thumbing on it as he scrolled until he found Instagram, opening the app as he typed in that young man’s name.

*Michael Richardson* Lo and behold he recognized that cocky young man’s face on the first profile display picture that popped up. No surprise where he saw that his wife was following Michael, given they were colleagues so just following one pretty much meant the other person would follow back. As the light turned green and setting his phone aside while once more continuing the drive back to their home.

*I’ll have to think this out thoroughly on how Im going to make things happen without the both of them realizing anything.* As he pulled the car up to the apartment block they lived at while turning into the ramp that heads towards the underground parking. For now he would be the caring and loving husband she thought he was. He had a lot of work to do to finally fulfil his biggest fantasy.
