The Teen Tease [Mf] [Romance] [Adultery] [True Story] she comforts me whilst we watch my girlfriend cheat

I drive my girlfriend Claire to the New Year’s Eve venue. We had been celebrating New Year’s Eve here for several years running since her mother’s 50th. I had thoroughly cleaned my car of last week’s antics with Eve… I parked up then walked around to open the door for her, offered her my hand, she instead passed me her clutch bag as she clung to the car door and climbed out of my car.

Claire stood up, brushed herself down, adjusting her tight fighting black gown dress and pulling it taunt over her curves. She took a step forward. A single strong strut subtly exposed her leg and thigh through the slit in her long black gown dress.

“How’s my hair?” she bent forward and preened herself whilst checking in my car wing mirror. Her long brunette hair was immaculate, curly and flowing over her tanned cheeks.

“You look amazing.” came my reply.

I had missed her dressing up like this. She had put such an effort on tonight, she was dressed to impress. She clung on to my arm, stumbling a little from the pre-drinking at her place, as she took hold of my bicep to steady herself.

“Are you sure you’re ok?”

“I wouldn’t have opened a second bottle if you’d showed up on time.” came her stark reply.

“I’m sorry I was running late” I apologised to her again.

“Well everyone’s already here, we’re late, Hurry up.”

We walked in unison into the venue. We looked like a power couple. Two youths in their prime, I held the door for her as she entered. We had arrived.

“What do you want to drink?”

“Just a water for now – I’m a bit tipsy” she laughed.

“Are you sure that’s all you want? Lemonade?”

“No, water’s fine… “ Her Dad waved at her, beckoning us over. “Actually don’t bother – there’s some at the table. I’ll come over and see you in a moment.

There was a long queue to be served, I stood at the bar. Dave was in front of me being served, a family friend who was close with her father. I knew of Dave fairly well – he was friendly and usually quick to invite me and others to join in, but something had changed. We shared a cigar at his 50th last year and spoke at great length about career paths and politics, he actually said he had great in-depth conversations with me.

“Hey Dave, fancy doing shots again? I owe you for that beer last time we were at yours!”

“No thanks, I’m too old for those… Just sticking to beer!” he slurred at me.

Then why did you just order 4 shots? Is what I wanted to ask him. I watched as he flicked open his wallet, took out a crisp fifty note, folding it in his fat thumb and fingers, taking a twenty something and a handful of scrap back in change. He then precariously started his journey carrying the tray of drinks back to his table where my girlfriend and her father were sitting. I glanced back at the table. She seemed to have forgotten about the water – unless Jesus was helping her out – she was in fact sitting at the table pouring herself to a glass of wine. I then quickly glanced at the contents of Dave’s drink tray: Two double pink gin and tonics, 2 pints of Stella wife beater, and 4 Jager shots…?

I wondered who the drinks we for and made a quick assumption: One for yourself: … your wife… my girlfriend’s dad… my girlfriend? What exactly are you planning to do…? I couldn’t hear the conversation from the other side of the room, but I could see everything. I watched as my girlfriends Dad danced with Dave’s wife. Dave didn’t seem to care. He had a better plan. As he arrived he cheered and gently placed the tray on the table.

I stood at the bar and ordered myself a double vodka lemonade for myself..

“Guess who?” I heard a whisper in my ear from a familiar confident young voice as I felt her tall long soft slender hands sliding over my shoulders covering my eyes.

“Like I have to guess… Megan” I smiled as I gently pulled her hands away from me.

Megan has always been a tease. She was a family friend who I’d met maybe 10 times in 5 years, but she had always been a flirt. She was a couple of years younger than me – but she had matured into a 6ft tall, maybe a size 8 or 10 woman with some very noticeable natural cleavage and model looks. She had Italian heritage from her father’s side…. Puberty had been kind to her and she looked years beyond her age. She was very intelligent and dressed well, both elegant and sexy but never dressing slutty like her friends her age.

“How are you?” She placed her handbag on the bar and hopped onto the bar stool next to me, crossing her lusciously long legs, pointing them in my direction as if she wanted me to see.

I watched as Dave handed his wife a gin and tonic, then my girlfriends Dad a stella and took the other for himself. My girlfriend gestured to the wine glass in her hand, but after some some quibble, she quickly knocked it back and Dave prompted replaced it with a Gin and Tonic.

“Yeah, I’m good, what’s new with you?” was my reply. I was still keeping my girlfriend in view over Megan’s shoulder but she had her back to me and her father was too busy looking at Dave’s wife’s cleavage to notice me.

I watched on as they each raised their glasses, touching them together to celebrate. Dave then gestured to the table, presenting the shots as if seeking their approval. I had no desire to go over and join in with them, I was mostly sober as I hadn’t been pre-drinking so that I could drive here, therefore I still had a long way to go if I was to want to catch them up, The fact that I’d just been ignored by Dave by not being offered a drink or invited to the table, made it quite clear that they didn’t actually want me to be part of the group. Besides, me and my girlfriends’ father were still not on great terms from the altercation that happened 2 weeks ago although we pretended to be. I still thought he was an arsehole only now I really was guilty of the cheating accusations that were previously false.

“Oh, not much, the usual, still at college,” she touched her hand to her chest, drawing attention to her own moderately sized breasts, just before she flicked her long black hair long back into place over her shoulder, “I’ve got a place at uni next year!”

It had been a few months since I’d seen her at the last social gathering and she looked better every time I saw her: Her blue eyes, high black stiletto heels, luscious long legs protruding from her under her red bodycon dress that hugged her slim slender figure showing off her curves – matching red lipstick also. She knew what she was doing.

“I’m happy for you! What are you planning to study.” I smiled at her, feigning an interest. I was being polite, but I was more preoccupied with what was happening at my girlfriends table.

“Chemistry.” She smirked at me “I love chemistry.” I could see out of my peripheral vision that she winked at me as she made that statement, but I pretended not to notice.

“Oh that’s cool. I enjoyed science back at school.”

“Yeah, you look like you know a lot about biology…” she giggled.

I smiled a little, her subtle undertones made it clear that was a flirtation, but I was doing my best to ignore her.

“Yeah, I wanted to study pharmaceuticals or something like that.” I didn’t respond in a way she wanted, I was trying to ease away from the flirtatious conversation. It wasn’t that I wasn’t interested in her – but this conversation was incredibly dangerous – she had no reason to be lingering around me. If anyone asked I would just say I was being friendly to her whilst ordering a drink at the bar.

She took a sip of her drink and smiled at me, peering over the glass as she sucked on her straw suggestively. “What are you drinking?”

“Vodka lemonade.”

“Oh me too! You have such good taste.” she smiled. Like she would even know – she had only recently been able to drink legally for a few weeks. It wasn’t a question, so I didn’t reply. I didn’t want to be rude, but I really didn’t want to entertain a conversation with her either.

“So what have you been up to? Still hitting the gym?” she leant forward and pinched my bicep playfully. I felt a little bad for ignoring Megan, but I still had my eyes on my girlfriend. I glanced at Megan, then over her shoulder back at the table. Dave was pointing to the shots again – they all very drunk, each of them with arms flustering in excitement and reluctancy. I watched as my then girlfriend over dramatically held hand to her mouth, then waved her hand from side to side as if rejecting the shots, I could almost hear the words coming out of her mouth, if she had been audible it would have been something along the lines of *‘Oh no no I couldn’t… Oh ok… if you insist’*. I watched as they each took a shot each from the table, heard them chant back from 3, and then simultaneous chugged back concoction of jager and red bull, which from experience I can tell you if you don’t already know, tastes like a mixture of toothpaste, vinegar, and smells like paint thinner. She angered me that she was still drinking, and what angered me more is that her Father was simply allowing it to happen.

I turned to Megan and smiled at her, devoting a bit more attention to her in an attempt to distract myself. “Yeah, I’ve been going quite a bit recently.” I tensed my arm, flexing a little. I wore a white short-sleeve shirt that glistened in the UV nights, I wanted to show off and I’d secretly hoped she would be here tonight.

“Well damn,” Her fingers still lingering on my arm “You look like a buff Ed Sherhan!” she smiled at me laughing as she moved her hand and squeezed the muscle of my forearm in her palm.

“I don’t really look anything like him except maybe the hair colour… but thanks I guess!” I found her a little forward and intimidating so I leaned back and laughed awkwardly, but I secretly liked the attention.

“But have you learnt to play the guitar yet?” She removed her hand to reach for her drink.

“Nope…” I had no intention of learning to play the guitar and I’d never expressed an interest in doing so.

“You should!” sucking on a straw playfully between sips “And get some tattoos as well, sleeves are hot!”

“Haha no… I’m not into tattoos.”

She laughed. “Where’s your girlfriend?”

“Yeah… she’s over there…. At the table behind you.”

“Oh… “ she turned around to face them, her curiosity satisfied as to what I kept looking at “Who’s the fat bloke she’s talking to?”

Dave was talking to her, he was animated and excited, I don’t know what he was explaining, but she was laughing with him, touching his arm. He then threw both his arms around her neck to embrace her, and she threw her arms back around his rotund torso in appreciation.

“What is going on over there?” Megan asked me, her voice heightened in interest.

“That’s just her Dad’s friend shes chatting with.” I almost rolled my eyes as I sipped at my vodka lemonade again but stopped myself from doing so.

Megan swivelled her stool sideways to get a better look at them and witness the shitshow that was about to unfold. I was still trying to work it out for myself. I thought nothing of it – but I was confused why Dave had brought her shots, and why she was still drinking. She was leaning into his ear and talking, her hand on his shoulder. I have no idea what they were saying but they were laughing together.

“Fucking hell, did you see that?”

“Yup… “I replied, I couldn’t take my eyes off her as I stared in disbelief, taking another sip at my double vodka lemonade… Dave had just taken my ex’s face in his hands then planted a kiss smack on her lips.

“Ew! Isn’t he like 50 something… and married?”

“Yeah he is…”

My girlfriend was still dancing and laughing with Dave, as he held her hips, he took her hand in his and span her around “I used to spin her around like that… she will want to go back the other way now.” And sure enough, after one turn, she insisted on going back in the other direction. “She’s definitely drunk. Watch her drop after this spin…” I was right again. I knew her so well. After she had spun one way then the other, she dropped to the floor to the tune of the hip hop Beyonce crap or whatever it was blaring out of the sound system.

“Fucking hell, where’s his wife?”

“She’s right there…”

“The skinny hot blonde?”


“The one talking and leaning into that other old bloke?”

“That’s my girlfriends dad….”

This was all happening metres away from my girlfriend’s father, who was intently talking with Dave’s wife. I have no idea what about, but the music was loud, and he had his arm around her close, hooking her in whilst he shouted into her ear.

“Fucking hell…? And why has he got his hand on her knee”

The two of them, my girlfriends dad, and dave’s wife, were sitting on the bench side by side leaning into each other as they talked. His hand was on her knee, he was too close for comfort.

“He’s drunk. He doesn’t care…”

“Is it just me or is this getting weird?”

“I was thinking the same thing… definitely fucking weird.”

“Hasn’t Dave got a son?”

“Yeah he does. He’s a few years older than me. My girlfriend used to have a crush on him.” I paused, trying to recall his name and appearance. “He looks a lot like his dad… especially now that he has a bit of a beer gut on him…”

We watched on as approached Dave picked up his Beer, downing the remaining half a pint, then turned to the approached my girlfriends Dad.

“Oh-oh.” Megan Paused. “Shit’s about to go down…”

“I doubt it. They’re good friends.”

Dave turned, leaned in to his ear. The two of them laughed at something. My girlfriends Dad took his hand off Dave’s wife’s knee momentarily to shake Dave’s hand, before he downed what was left of his Pint and handed it back to Dave who started gesturing at the empty glass as if to say ‘same again?’ followed by my girlfriends Dad making a thumbs up signal then sliding his hand back under Dave’s wife’s knee.

How could such a drunken idiot be ok with a friend, his age, old enough to be her father, man handling his daughter? Well – I guess he didn’t care… he was man handling Dave’s wife. I watched as my girlfriend turned around still dancing, moved a little away from the group. I could see her dancing with another slim, tall, slightly older man with dark hair… I couldn’t see who it was in the crowd of people, but I didn’t really care anymore. He had his hand around her waist as he leant in and was talking to her, his face was obscured from my view…

“People are fucked up… that’s not ok.”

“Yeah… but she will say It’s just banter…” I sighed. “It’s not like it’s going to go any further. It was just a kiss on the lips. She does that with family all the time…”

“Ok… that’s weird anyway… Are you going to say something?” She asked me whilst I paused to think as I sipped my drink. Part of me didn’t care enough to fight for her.

“What am I meant to say? It’s her dad, and that guys been a friend for over 30 years, and my girlfriend… she will say nothing inappropriate is going on with her dad watching.”

“Yeah but still…” she protested and paused to sip her own drink. I was still watched as my girlfriend bathed in the attention of other men.

I was a little lost with a thousand yard stare into the distance; I started daydreaming momentarily.

*I thought about the last time I fucked my girlfriend nearly 2 weeks ago and how she punched me in the face after she came… and then I thought about fucking Eve last week. How sweet her pussy tasted and how much pleasure I found in watching her pussy squirt all over my cock for three times… and then I smirked to myself, selfishing thinking that my girlfriend had sat in the car seat earlier tonight, the exact spot where Eve had left a puddle of Cum last week.*

“Hello?” Megan waved her hand in front of my face.

“Huh?” I shook my head, waking up again as I looked at Megan, straight in the eyes.

“I said are you ok, but you just kind of zoned out and didn’t reply…”

“Oh I was just remembering something… amusing… that’s all… “

“You deserve better than her.” She didn’t break eye contact, she looked straight in to my soul and reassuringly put her hand on top of mine and patted.

“Are sure you’re ok? You look really upset.”

“Yeah… I’m fine.” I patted her hand back. I knew this was dominating body language, whoever got the last touch won, and I wasn’t going to let any woman one up me again…

“You don’t look ‘fine’” She paused for a moment, withdrawing her hand… “Got any cigarettes left?”

“Oh, there we go…” I laughed, “I knew there was a reason you were being nice to me!”.

“No!” she protested,

“Yeah I’ve got a new pack, I’ll spare you a couple… I need some fresh air after that anyway…”

“Alright, well I’ve only got 3 left, but I would have offered you one!”.

We headed outside, shutting the door, trapping the music inside. I could still hear the muffled music, but It was a relief to be able to hear myself think, I sucked in the cold night air, the cool breeze was refreshing.

“Here.” I flicked open the cigarette box as I handed her a Marlborough. “If you click the side, they become menthol… I’ve got like 200 of them from Amsterdam.”

“Amsterdam? Oi oi, when did you go there?”

“I thought you knew – we went there last week? She put it all over Instagram.”

“Oh, I came off all that social media shit years ago.” taking a lighter from her handbag, she lit up,

“Who went, was it just you and her?”

“Yeah us and another couple.” She handed me her lighter “Me and my mate took the girls there as a surprise for their birthdays which are one day apart.”

“No way! Aw, I bet she was thrilled…”

“Yeah, you could say that.” I replied sarcastic reply, cigarette dangled from my mouth as I struggled to light it.

“What do you mean?”

“Nothing… She was thrilled… “ as the sparks lit the fire burned, I pulled on the cigarette, nicotine flowing through me and calming me down.

“If she was so pleased… why did you pause?” She raised her one eyebrow at me quizzically, then gently nudged me with her elbow.

“Go on, there’s more to this story than you’re telling me…”

I drew on the cigarette again hard, this conversation was getting awkward, I didn’t want to tell her what really happened.

“Not really, I can’t really tell you everything that really happened.”

“Aw c’mon, please?” She touched her fingers to my forearm as she walked them upwards.

“Nah it’s a bit embarrassing… and I’m not drunk enough yet!” I told her as I brushed her hand away.

She took a step closer into my personal space, staring up at me.

“Pretty please?” she whispered seductively, lips pouting as she blew out smoke.

My eyes darted down to looked at her lips quickly, I briefly wondering what she would taste like… in more ways than one…. I couldn’t help but notice her glowing glossy red lipstick reflecting the moonlight… the red which was now staining her cigarette filter.

“Oh, c’mon you know you’re going to get me in trouble stop teasing me… people might get the wrong idea.”
She laughed and took a step back. She was a troublemaker, I think she wanted to start rumours.

“Haha. Maybe this will help.” She looked both ways before reaching in to her hand bag, slid out a bottle of Smirnoff, unscrewed the cap, poured a large double shot into her lemonade and then mine…

“Megan…” I laughed “Are you trying to get me drunk?”

“What?” She smirked, “It’s just a little thank you for letting me ponce cigarettes.” she winked at me. “

“I like your style…” I smirked at her as I picked up the glass.”

“Cheers.” she held her glass up “To a happy new year.”

“Cheers” I smile at her as we clink our glasses together. We both sipped at the same time, knocking back a fairly large gulp of spirit each.

“So… Amsterdam?” She laughed and let out a slight cough.

“Fine if you really want to know… but there isn’t much to say.”

“Go on. This party is shit and I could do with some entertainment… what happened?”

“I took her there for her birthday, we got in an argument, she slapped me, then we went on a canal did some sightseeing and….”

“Woh woh woh – back up. She slapped you?”

“Yeah, but she was kind of upset about her mother and the…”

“That’s not ok. She slapped you? What like play fully?”

“Uh… Well… no not really.” I squirmed “ My lip was bleeding. It was a punch actually….” I exhaled letting the guilty justifications and smoke leave my lips.

“Fucking hell. Who does that?!” Megan was equally shocked, maybe all this was a bit much and too personal to be explaining to her.

“There must have been a reason… like what happened were you arguing or…”

She paused again, as if she had found an answer. “Wait – did you hit her first? Is that why?”

“No, I’ve never hit her. Ever.”

Megan paused, taking another drink as she shook her head “So what did you do to piss her off then?”

I paused to sip on my drink also, I didn’t really know the answer to that question either. “We had been arguing but we made up and went to bed and…”

“So, she hit you when you were asleep?” She questioned whilst she took another sip on her now triple vodka.

“Well we weren’t asleep yet, we had just finished talking.”

“Mhmm…“ she hummed, raising her fingers to make quotation signs “Talking” she laughed.

“Yeah we were talking and… ”

“If a guy took me on holiday I’d be doing a lot more than just talking…” she interrupted me with a laugh “and I wouldn’t be slapping him either! “ She paused to draw on her cigarette again ”Well not unless he’s into that sort of thing of course.” she laughed.

“Haha well I thought we would be like that, but she’s not really into much stuff…”

“Do you like slapping? What are you into?”

So, our conversation was moving on to sex. She was attractive but this whole situation felt a little uncomfortable.

“That’s… a bit of a personal question… “ I laughed hesitantly, sipping on my vodka lemonade.

“So?” she smiled.

“Well … I guess it depends.”

“I’m still trying to learn the ropes myself…” she smiled “Literally.” She winked at me.

“Yeah… we tried that sort of stuff a few times.”

“How was it?.” she laughed, dragging on her cigarette again, looking both ways to make sure she wasn’t being caught.

“If you’re going to do that sort of thing, just make sure you have a safe word… “

“Are you two kinky?”

“Not any more…. We used to experiment. Now we’re barely intimate. I don’t think we’ve even kissed or held hands once this whole evening.”

“Is she the only person you’ve been with?”

I paused for a moment. With the alcohol flowing through me and the inner guilt building up inside I just wanted to blurt it out… Do I tell her about Eve? The second girl I’d ever been with – the one night stand that I had sex with last week?

“Yes. She is the only person I’ve ever been with.”

“That’s really cute.” she smiled, “You must really love her.”

“Yeah…” I sighed. “Usually…” I muttered under my breath as I flicked the ash away from the Marlborough.

“Do you parents know you smoke?” I was trying to change the subject.

“My mother does, she doesn’t mind… but my dad hates it.”

Her mother was also fond of me, said that me and her daughter looked cute together… I knew she would approve had the circumstances been different. She was a bit of a flirt also, so it was easy to see why like mother like daughter… She was also a bit of a milf and a cougar; despite being in her early 50s, whilst her dad was in his late 30s – he was a good looking half Itallian Stallion as she had previously affectionately referred to him as. They had been together for nearly 20 years,

“Where is your Dad anyway?”

“He was at the bar when I saw him last, then I saw you.”

She peered through the windows, arching her head from left to right to try and get a better view of what was going on back inside.

“Yeah last time I saw him… he was talking to Sarah at the bar… I don’t think he will be coming out here any time soon.”

I looked through the window again, My girlfriend was still dancing in a group as her dad watched, both of them drunkenly stumbling around. I turned my back to the window, I didn’t want to keep watching.

“Yeah… it sucks that him and my mum are getting a divorce.” she sighed.

“Must be pretty tough for you at home.” I sympathised with her.

“Oh, he’s moved out and they haven’t been happy for years.” she looked at the floor awkwardly, pointing her stilettos as she stretched her legs.

“Ha… I know how that feels…”

We sat in silence for a moment, both feeling a little depressed at the difficulties in our lives, I was day dreaming of better times and replaying in my head the mind blowing sex that I’d had with eve last week… Megan was facing me, but I had my back to the window. In many ways Megan looked quite similar to Eve… Long black hair – blue eyes instead of green, taller, probably much less experienced…

Suddenly Megan stood up, leaping towards the window “Oh no fucking way!”

“What!” I panicked a little. For a moment I thought I’d been talking my thoughts out loud.

“Look at the window. Now!”

I looked back through the window again. My girlfriend was kissing another man. Or at least that’s how it looked. She was passing an ice cube from his mouth to hers.

I could only see his outline but he was older, but tall, athletic, black hair. There was something vaguely familiar about his features, I couldn’t quite place my finger on it but I felt like I recognised him from somewhere…

“Who the fuck is that?!” I couldn’t see clearly through the condensation and strobing party lights.

“…That’s… my Dad…” came Megan’s slow replied, she was in disbelief herself.

I couldn’t believe this was happening either. Was I fucking invisible or something? Did no one respect me enough, or did people think I was so fucking blind and unable to see exactly what was going on?

“Fuck… I’m sorry.” I felt bad for her as she watched her own father kissing a younger woman, almost young enough to be his daughter… if he had conceived her as a late teenager himself.

“Why are you sorry? It’s not your fault and he’s single… your girlfriend however… Why is her Dad just letting her get away with this?”

“It’s just a game isn’t it… they’re not kissing… it’s not cheating…”

“Oh come on! Open your fucking eyes!” She blurted out at me. “They’re kissing with an ice cube between their lips – take the ice cube away and they’re basically making out!”

I watched, it hurt but I enjoyed the pain. I couldn’t peel my eyes away. I didn’t feel saddened, it felt different. Like she was a stranger, like she was someone else, or that we were finally even. It relieved my guilt a little to see her with someone else. The pain I caused myself, had hurt her, and now it was coming back to me to complete the full circle.

“Her dad hates me. He’s drunk as fuck. I don’t think he gives a fuck about anything right now and he won’t remember any of this in the morning…” I turned away from the window, I walked out of view, leant on a bench then stared at the floor as I drew hard on the cigarette then simultaneously sighed and exhaled smoke. I probably looked like I was about to burst into tears, but I was also numb and felt nothing. Nothing but I was angry, I just didn’t know it yet.

I heard Megan’s heels gentle tapping the pavement as she slowly stepped towards me, then carefully she sat down next to me, putting her arm around me gently.

“You don’t have to stay with her you know…”

“Yeah… I do… at least for now…”

“Why? What’s holding you back?”

“We have a summer holiday booked and a deposit down for another in autumn… “

“Cancel the holiday then.”

I laughed. “I don’t think it’s that easy – she’s the lead passenger. Even if I got a refund she wouldn’t give it back to me.”

Megan took her arm from me, thought for a moment as she pulled on her cigarette . I glimpsed at her long flowing her, and looked on as the smoke flowing from her lips plumed and danced in the moonlight. Megan really was a beautiful young woman with a good heart.

“Sue the bitch then.” she cackled with a wicked sense of humour.
I laughed. “Oh c’mon… I’m not going to do that… not after all we have been through… besides all our friends are mutual, if we split up I’d have no one.”

I sat quietly for a moment, I was ranting and speaking too much about myself. I watched as Megan slowly moved her hand back towards me, placing it on my knee. I didn’t object, I appreciated her comfort. “You’d still have me.” she spoke quietly but confident, rubbing her hand up and down my thigh.

“Thanks” I smiled as I put my arm around her shoulders.

She put her head on my chest, I closed my eyes for a few seconds, my head spinning from frustration and alcohol. It felt so right… but it was so wrong… this level of desirability, reminded me of what I used to have with my current girlfriend. It was so taboo and dangerous to be holding her. I rubbed the bare skin of her arm for a few seconds, I could feel her hair standing on end but maybe it was just the cold weather… she nuzzled into my chest a little further, I kissed her forehead gently whilst she moved her hand a little higher, I could feel the blood rushing below me, I was enjoying this too much…

She looked up at me seeking approval, her sweet blue eyes meeting mine, I looked at her, she smiled back, her tongue darted to her lips quickly as if she was subconsciously moistened them in preparation of a kiss. I looked at her glossy red lips once more, she seemed to be puckering them ever so slightly and pouting, I felt her hand move up to my neck and she as she scratched the back of my head as if she was about to move her lips to meet mine…

“But I doubt that.” I pulled away and stood up.

It was too risky. Coming to my senses I realised that this could escalate far too quickly – especially with my car being only a few minutes walk away in a wide open park with lots of places to hide… Her dress would have made easy access too…

“Why?” she seemed startled

“Well for a start, we see each other like once or twice a year….”

“Well actually, before all that shit in there happened… “ she pointed her thumb to the window behind,

“I was going to invite you two to my birthday party in a few months’ time… but now after seeing her with my dad… I’m not so sure I want her there…”

“You know I’d love to… but people would get the wrong idea….”

“We’re having a gathering at my mother’s house and then afterwards, I’m going out clubbing for the first time…” she laughed “ Well, my first time without fake ID anyway…”

“Sounds fun, but you know I can’t.”

“Why not? Give me your phone a second… I paused, raising one eyebrow at her. It’s not that I didn’t want to stay in contact with her, but this was all so dangerous. “Come on – I’m not hitting on you – you’re taken and I’m gay remember? I only like other women. I’ve actually got a girlfriend at the moment and she will be there too… and she’s two years older than you!”

It was a good enough excuse. I passed her my phone, she put her number in and started calling herself. I looked at her and smirked, she had won me over. “Now you have my number, so even if you can’t come, maybe you can meet me at the club after…”

I looked at her. For a younger woman she was very confident and persistent.

I finished my cigarette, then stubbed it out in the flower bed near by.

“And what if I can’t make it?” I folded my arms confronting her.

She stood up, our eye level meeting again, but only because she was wearing heels and I was sitting down.

“Then I’ll hunt you down…” she poked my chest gently,

“Tie you up… “ she paused, poking me a second time as she smiled

“aaaaand I won’t release you until you’ve until you learnt the guitar…” She winked at me as she stomped out her cigarette on the floor.

“Ha good one… ”

“But right now I really need to be pee…“ She giggled “I’ll see you back at the bar.”

“Yeah I’ll meet you back in there.”

She turned and walked back inside. I got a great view of her figure as she sauntered, bag swinging by her side and heels tapping the floor in quick succession. She could have easily been walking a catwalk, legs crossing in front of each other, she must have known I was ogling her slim hourglass body and long flowing black hair, she put on a show strutting her long legs as she flicked her hair from side to side. She opened the door, the blaring music returned briefly, she looked back at me and blew a kiss. I smiled. What a fucking tease she was…

I turned around and walked the rest of the path in the opposite direction, lit another cigarette then stared up at the moon, watching my smoke dance in the moonlight as I tried to contemplate the current state of my life. It was a full moon, which always had a reputation for making people act a little crazy and promiscuous.

I didn’t know what was going on with Megan, she was sending my mixed signals. We found each other attractive, but there was no way I was going to do anything about it and especially not whilst I was in a relationship. Besides I had enough guilt from my last one-night stand, but at least me and Eve were no longer in contact after she had decided to not reply to my texts and ghost me.



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