Kiss under my saree [MF]

So this incident happened when I was in the second year of my undergraduate studies. The atmosphere was rainy and the sun had not blessed the grass of ground for more than 15 days. It was the first week of July 2018. After two successive cloudy days without rain, I was rejoicing the weekend, busy playing PUBG, of course.

That’s when I received a small text from my mom’s old friend Ms Archana.

“In Nagpur today…meet me at 4 pm…Radisson Blu…”

Well, I was elated as I hardly receive any text. Ms Archana and my mom worked together before in the local newspaper as sub-editors. She left the job in 2017 and moved to Bangalore.

It was around 2.30 pm when I received Ms Archana’s message. This scenario was very unprecedented. Your mom’s old friend don’t usually text you. But she had texted and I had to text back.

I replied “OK”, without even thinking anything. That’s what 18-year-olds do, they don’t even think and act. My mom had gone somewhere with her car and wasn’t going to come around till 4 pm.

After I texted her, I died immediately in the PUBG game I was playing. I couldn’t focus on anything. I was lost in Ms Archana’s thought. She was the dream lady every boy lusts for. She was tall, fair and a very smart person.

She must have been in her 30s. She used to come around my house and would go to the office with my mom in my mom’s car. She didn’t live far from my home, just around my block in the Trimurti Nagar.

I used to see her in early mornings, all clad in plain cotton sarees with her face covered in a scarf. As she walked the block boldly towards my house where my mom would be waiting in her car. She carried a handbag around her one arm and a carry bag in another.

She used to wear the sarees professionally….the pallu used to be neatly pleated and the waist tightly covered. As she was tall she showed the world how to truly wear the sarees.

I used to stalk her through the balcony. She was aware of this and was never bothered of me. I would get to talk to her in evenings when she and mom would relax in the sofas after their tiresome office was over. My mom used to turn on the drama shows on TV which both I and Ms Archana hated. Often she joked about it and make me laugh when mom was not there. We used to discuss a lot of things happening around the world and world history. We had so many common interests.

On Sundays, I used to go to her house… I would help her with typing. She would learn about new software and coding through me. Sometimes I just played games on her pc. She used to sit beside me on the computer and we two would write her articles.

My mother did not like me going to Ms Archana’s house.

“She is using you, can’t you see? You are too Bhola!” My mother said once.

I was aware of this. But Ms Archana cared for me. She would scold me if I played games for too long..check my academic progress and even help me with homework.

I just kept thinking about her. I had forgotten that same lady had texted me to meet. Only an hour was remaining now, so I got out of the lazy bed. Washed my face and put on a full sleeve t-shirt and jeans. I did not have any fashion sense, but still, I looked decent. I had to get my mom’s Activa to start, as it had some issues. The Activa took much of the time and only 20 minutes were remaining to 4 pm now. Radisson Blu wasn’t that far from my house. I could reach there in under 10 minutes.

The day was cloudy. As I got out of the house, winds begin to flow violently. The traffic on the street hurried like it was gonna rain. Dust everywhere. The sky was filled with black clouds. But I was only thinking about Ms Archana.

February of 2017 is when Ms Archana left Nagpur. The reason because she didn’t get a promotion while my mom was promoted to editor of Marathi desk of that local newspaper. That’s what my mom told me. She left that newspaper and moved to Bangalore.

When I reached Pratap Nagar it began to rain heavily. Just another 2 minutes and I’ll be done, I thought and continued towards the hotel. But the rain was pouring down too heavy. It felt as if someone emptied the whole vessel abruptly.

On the next signal, I was caught between a city bus and a semi-truck. The semi-truck was overloaded with tin plates. The tin plates were bulging outwards and their slope pointed at me. For a whole minute, water kept on pouring me through that slope and I couldn’t move. I was shivering and water didn’t help me see through my glasses.

Anyhow I managed to get to the hotel. I went to the reception and asked for Ms Archana Gayakwad. The receptionist kindly told me the room number and I proceeded towards the lift. I was still wet, my hairs and my shoes were dropping water and making me shiver.

I was alone in the lift… thinking about her…all the time we two had spent together. And then I remembered the events of February 2017 when she left Nagpur.

As she opened her room door, I saw her- tall in red plain cotton saree with her hairs open. She had glasses in her hand.

I had drowned in her beauty. She was the dream lady. I wanted to hug her and never let go. But I couldn’t.

She smiled at me first.

Then her face turned yellow seeing me all wet and shaking.

“Oh Sumit, come on in fast!”

I entered the bright hall which was well furnished and looked exhaustive.

“Oh darling…you are shivering bad…you should have stopped somewhere…” she said.

“Sorry I didn’t know this was going to…..” Cutting me off, she quickly grabbed the bottom of my full sleeve t-shirt and motioned me to move my arms up.

She pulled the t-shirt up till my chest and then we both struggled to get the t-shirt off my arms as it had clinched my wet arms firmly.

Standing against me, her face was still yellow seeing me shiver. I felt happy seeing her care for me. She didn’t stop there and quickly assisted me to remove my torso and jeans. We both again struggled to withdraw the jeans.

“Even girls jeans are not this tight…” She said. And we both laughed.

I was just not realising that I was in my underwear. She threw my clothes on the sofa and went into the bedroom. I just stood there watching her bare back marked by shining border of her low cut blouse.

She brought with her two white turquoise towels and stood ahead of me, eye to eye. She immediately began frisking my wet hairs with one towel. She threw my glasses on the sofas too.

“Remove your underwear and wrap this towel around,” she said like a boss.

And I did. Lowered my underwear. It was firmly bound to my body because it was wet.

There I was all naked in front of my dream lady. She was still frisking my wet hairs with a towel with no concern that an 18-year-old was completely naked in front of her.

I wrapped the white towel around me but it was too short to complete a full turn. I held it in place with both my hands which couldn’t stop shaking. She was still brushing another towel on my hairs and checking with her hands if they had dried.

“You have unusually thick hairs…” She smirked.

The towel she used got wet itself and it was not helping to clean my wet hairs. And now she threw the wet towel on the sofa and clinched the towel around my waist and then began motioning that towel on my wet hairs but this time more violently.

I was just frightened of the thought if my penis erected. I remembered my old method of counting numbers from 1 to 100 as a preventive measure if my penis enlarged. The presence of another person in front of me, maybe, refrained my penis from getting enlarged which otherwise would erect even with the slightest thoughts.

Ms Archana was violently brushing towel on my head. She was close to my body. And because she was violently brushing the towel now, I began to move around. My penis touched the smooth pleats of her saree which sent a shivering impulse through my body.

The chemicals rushed through my body and I felt joy. Again the tip of my penis touched her smooth warm pleats and penetrated a bit between two pleats. I couldn’t control myself now and I knew it was going to enlarge. I started counting 1 to 100 but it did not help.

And when she stroked towel next time, she sensed something hard touched her groin. She looked down in disbelief and I moved two steps backwards from her, slightly embarrassed and slightly frightened as well.

“I am sorry Kaku(Aunt)” I said with a low voice, embarrassed to look her in eyes.

“It happens,” she said with a smile, putting a hand on my shoulder and then moved closer to me. Checked if my hairs dried and again began brushing towel on my head. More violently now.

Suddenly she slapped me.

“How many times have I told you not to call me ‘Kaku’?” She scolded me with a heavy voice.

“I am again sorry, Archana,” said I and we both laughed it off.

She was determined to dry my hairs and was focused on it. My hairs dried a bit and she was relieved a little.

The sofas in the hall room were now wet, the carpet floor was stained in brown and smelled dirty, hell I smelled dirty. My shoes lay there on the carpet leaking more water.

“How are you….” I was about to say.

“Shut up, pervert!” She said again cutting me off and I laughed.

Now she had a different idea. She went to the bathroom to see if hot water was available. It was. She held me by my hands and moved me towards the grand bathroom. My penis was still erected.

She had left the hot water tap open and now the tub was filled with hot water. Holding both my hands she sat me inside the tub. I felt good in the hot tub.

Now she tucked her pallu inside her waist and began applying shampoo on my head. She removed dirt particles from my head and rubbed my back and chest.

“Clean yourself, while I order more towels from the room service.” She said.

I could hear her talk on the phone. Shortly after, someone rang the doorbell.

“We are so sorry mam, we are out of towels for now,” said the room service maid.

“I want one quick” Ms Archana demanded.

“We are out of stock, the streets are filled with water…so we cannot make the towels available right now,” said the maid.

Without replying, she closed the door on the maid and ran towards me.

“Are you feeling good now?” She asked. I could sense in her toning that she meant it.

“I am good Achilles…” Sometimes when no one was around I would call her Achilles, complementing her strong character.

Around 20 minutes must have passed and I thought it might be the right time to start a conversation.

“Hey, how…..” I was to say.

“Shut up little princess! Have you no worry about your health?” She said angrily.

She bent and touched my forehead then my chest to check if I caught a cold.

She must have felt the high temperature and my runny nose.

“Ok, let’s get you out of water”.

She held my hand and took me to the bedroom. My penis was relaxed but the touch of her warm hands made another rush of chemicals.

Now the problem was we had nothing to cover me. My clothes were wet, the towels were wet and I had started to shiver.

She took out a long scarf from her handbag and began to dry my hairs with its one end. And instructed me to rub my body with other part of the long scarf. Well, the scarf was of high quality but very thin. It was able to dry my body but not able to dry my wet hairs.

Realising that I had dried my body she gathered the whole scarf on my head and tied it there.

Now the problem was that it was cold and I couldn’t stop shaking. Even my teeth were clicking. She was alarmed by seeing this and then quickly opened her large travel bag.

“Ok, let’s see what do we have- a dress for tomorrow night’s meeting, two sarees, two petticoats, three underwears and three bras” she was chattering as she browsed her travel bag.

She looked at me, smiled and I knew she came up with a solution.

She drew out a pair of red bra and panty of Marks and Spencers and held in my hand. Next, she drew out a yellow petticoat and a yellow saree.

“Well don’t just look at me, put them on, Sumit…”

I quickly put on the panty. Oh god, it was so comfortable. It was exactly my size. The softness and its warmth surged my penis to erect. I put my arms in the bra and struggled to pin it back.

“No, darling, no! That’s not the correct way to wear a bra ” she said and removed it from my arms.

“Pin it before and then put it on like your torso….” she explained.

I did and wow! She was right, with a minimal struggle I was in her bra and panty.

Now she put me inside the yellow petticoat and tightly tied its knot. She noticed the bulge in my groin.

“Ok, let’s do something about this…” she said.

She put her right hand on the bulge and the left one held my face.

“Look into my eyes, you are in front of a woman….calm yourself down…and breathe,” she said while moving her left hand behind my head.

She kept on repeating this”breathe…breathe deeply…” And it worked. The bulge was gone.

She jerked the yellow flowery saree to spread and a yellow cotton blouse fell on the ground. She put on the blouse on me and tied its hooks. The blouse was just a bit loose for me.

Now she picked up the fall end of saree and was about to tuck in when my phone rang in my jeans which was in the hall on the sofa.

I went near the sofa, picked up my heavy wet jeans and was surprised that my iPhone had survived so much water.

It was my mom’s call.

“Why are you not at home? She asked.

“I am at a friend’s room near Sai Mandir,” I said.

“Ok, wherever you are do not go outside. Heavy rain alert has been issued. The streets have flooded.”

“Don’t try to come home today, stay at your friend’s room and wait until tomorrow. Take care of yourself. Don’t go out”

And suddenly the phone hung up.

I told this to Ms Archana and I saw a grin smile on her face.

“It’s a good thing, then, isn’t it? We get to spend the night together” she said.

I smiled.

She now began tucking the saree, took the pallu around my body and put on my left shoulder. Made the pleats of the main body of saree and tucked it in my waist. She brought out a stylish pin from her box. Bent on her knees and pinned the pleats near my groin.

This movement again caused my penis to erect. Again she used the method of distraction and breathing to get my erection away.

Now she carefully pleated the pallu and pinned on my left shoulder.

I checked the classic clock on the wall and it was 4.45 pm.

There I was in her saree standing right in front of her.

“Something is missing you know.” She said and took out dupattas from her bag. She made balls out of the two dupattas and inserted inside the bra.

I felt magical when she did that. I could feel the warmth of that saree.

We stood there looking at each other in silence.

“Hello, Ms Archana. How are you?” I asked in a very girly voice and we both began to laugh.

She noticed that I wasn’t shaking anymore. She checked my temperature and then embraced me.

“I missed you Sumit,” she said still in each other’s arms.

“And I missed you too, ARCHANA”

She motioned me to sit on the bed.

“You shouldn’t have left us like that,” I said to her.

“I wanted to grow and my ideas were not getting any attention. If I hadn’t I would not have reached the CEO position in my current newspaper in Bangalore.”

We chit-chatted for half an hour.

She called the room service and demanded coffee. Shortly the coffee arrived. It was still raining. We decided to sit in the balcony with water coming down from the sky just a few inches from us.

We sat on chairs and had our coffee. The rain had stopped for that moment and we could hear the chirping of birds.

“This is the most joyous moment of my life! With you by my side, I am the happiest person in this world!” I said.

She smiled from her heart. She held my hand, lift me up from my chair and sat me in her lap.

She placed her arms around me and we both began humming the song

Ek main aur ek tu! Dono mile is tarah! Tan man me Jo ho Raha hai, wo to hona hi tha!

Her smell had bound me to her body and I wanted never to let go of her.

She kissed me on my neck and began to tickle my waist.

“Hey, stop! I”ll do the same to you if you don’t stop.” I said to her.

“You can’t young lady, I am stronger than you. Get out of my hold first!” she challenged me.

I tried to get out of her grip but she was way too strong. The harder I tried to get out of her grip, more intensely she caressed my belly.

I could only laugh when she did this and she began teasing me.

“Come on girl, don’t give up,” she said and laughed.

I gave one last try and she tickled my belly with all her fingers. I moaned like a girl and both my legs went high.

“I give up, I give up! Stop now!” I said.

She raised me up from her lap…and stood behind me…with her hands still around me…on my belly…licked my neck…moved her tongue up…towards my ear and said

“Let’s go one more time,” she said with naughty intentions.

With that, she tickled me with all her might. I closed my eyes…threw my arms around in pleasure…shook my head and threw my legs in the air.

She now clinched my abdomen…lift me up from the floor and spun me around her axis. My body was weightless. I felt great joy.

After one rotation she stood me up and removed her arms from around me. Came closer to my ear and whispered:

“Let’s stop now”

I collapsed on the chair…closed my eyes.. enjoying the sensation throughout my body.

She sat beside my chair and said

“I feel good now”

“I am in heaven!” I replied.

We stayed in silence for a minute.

“There’s an El Classico match today,” I said suddenly.

We rushed to the bedroom and turned on the TV. It was now 6 pm and the game had just started. I sat on the bed and asked her to sit in my pleated lap. She sat after removing the pin from my saree pleats. I put my arms around her and placed them on her waist. We watched the match… gently massaging her waist.

On the first goal, we kissed each other and were happy watching the intense match. Outside the hotel, the rain started again…but heavily now…with lightning and thunder. Though she was a strong woman, she feared sudden thunderstruck. Every time it made a loud noise, she moved and hugged me tightly.

At the half time, she ordered snacks and we enjoyed the second half till the last whistle. We cursed the referee for being partial to our team but our team won on the last whistle. We jumped in the bed and kissed passionately.

It was 8 pm now, the match had ended but pumped our adrenaline levels. We both wanted to jump around. She tuned to a music channel…’ love me like you do’ began playing.

She immediately held my hand…we both got out of the bed…and stood facing each other close…she placed my right hand on her waist and my left hand on her shoulder. She had taught me previously some steps of couple dance. We began dancing…. slowly… slowly…

Having the same height, I looked in her bright eyes. In the climax of the song I spun her and then bent on her. Our hearts raced like horses. Eyes locked in each other…I wanted to kiss her and the song ended. Suddenly a heavy beat song followed and we both began jumping like idiots.

Exhausted…we fell on the bed … holding each other’s hands…eyes still locked.



  1. That was a good price of writing keep them coming. Loved the twist. Want to read more.

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