[FM] Hooked up with a work colleague, realized I’m kinkier than I thought [Part 1]

I’m a female grad student in the sciences. I’ve been to a handful of conferences over the past few years, but this summer was the first time I met and fucked someone at one of them. It also happened to be my first sex outdoors and led to a lot of personal realizations about my sexuality. It’s kind of a long story, but I had to do it justice, for reasons that will become obvious at the end. Feel free to skip The Set-Up section if you want to go right to where it gets physical.

**The Set-Up**

The week-long conference was my first time at one of the fancy, smaller meetings, where it’s mostly professors, and everyone gets drunk together and stays up late almost every night. As a bonus, it was located in a beautiful, remote, natural area. Technically speaking, I did know him (“S”) beforehand. Our advisors are collaborators, and for parts of our respective doctoral theses we’re working on different parts of the same big project. We’d been on a couple of big conference calls together, and emailed each other a few times to coordinate various aspects of our work. Based on these interactions, I thought he was reasonably attractive, pleasant to interact with, and competent at his work. However, I hadn’t felt sexually attracted to him, so I went into the conference not expecting anything, and not even thinking about the fact that I would be meeting him in person for the first time.

The first afternoon S and I set aside some time to go over updates on our parts of the project together. We got along really well in person, but there wasn’t any immediate sexual tension. That night we found the posse of fun grad students and both got pretty tipsy, so I started to get a better feel for his personality – kind of a goofy smartass, definitely my general type – but in the group setting, we weren’t really focusing our attention on each other, so again, no real sparks.

The second night we were drinking around the fire with the other grad students again, and he very casually dropped a D&D reference into the conversation. That was the moment when my lady parts started tingling. Not only was he my general type, but also specifically my sexual kryptonite: super-nerds with the flawless social skills and bold confidence to pass as normal. But I knew I needed to be super careful. At this point in my academic training, I’ve gone through formal sexual harassment training, read and signed several conference conduct agreements, and heard about too many scandals – including some involving my close friends – where people crossed a professional line they shouldn’t have and made people feel very uncomfortable at work-related functions.

Over the next two days and nights, I played my cards very carefully. I made sure I sat in on most, but not all, of the same sessions as S. I sat next to him at meals about half of the time. We talked mostly about science stuff during the day, but I always made sure to get him alone for a bit each night to talk about SciFi/Fantasy and gaming nerd stuff and life in general. During this time, I honestly had no idea if he was into me or not. He always seemed engaged in our conversations, but he was also very friendly and outgoing with everyone. Night-time drinking discussions with the larger group of grad students sometimes trended towards risqué topics, but nothing really inappropriate.

Going into Friday night, I knew this was my last and best chance. Everyone was drinking even harder than usual – there were no sessions the next morning, and the grad student posse had bonded quite a bit over the week, so we were all trying to make the most of our last night together. We made sure to buy several bottles of wine before catering closed down at 10 pm so we could keep going. After the fire finally died down around 11, a group of about ten of us walked to a beautiful meadow nearby to keep drinking and talking. The weather was perfect – warm enough for my short sundress, but cool enough to be comfortable – and it was so fucking beautiful. I live in an urban area with a lot of light pollution, so I’m not used to being able to see the that many stars.

Over the next several hours, people got tired and peeled off one by one. There were four of us left by the time the sky began to brighten again. As we headed back to the conference center area, and I realized that this was the moment of truth – could I socially engineer a way to get him alone and see if he’s interested, or would I be stuck pining over this guy who I probably wouldn’t see again for another year, if that?

When we reached the main campus area, the other guy with us said he was crashing and left. One down, one to go. S said he wasn’t quite ready to end the night and suggested going for a walk through the garden. The other girl and I both said yes, and my heart sank: there was no way it was going to happen now. I actually liked the other girl a lot and didn’t have it in me to blatantly ditch her, especially given that I didn’t even know if S wanted to hook up with me, and there just wasn’t going to be enough time left after that.

But just after we started off for the garden, the other girl tripped on something and fell down and started laughing hysterically. S and I looked at each other and both started laughing too: the girl was way more smashed that either of us had realized, and was now rolling around on the ground yelling random nonsense. We managed to get her upright again, and told her that we were taking her back to her room. We spent about 20 minutes getting her to the dorm building, into her room, forcing her to drink a large glass of water, and tucking her into bed – miraculously all without waking up her roommate.

As soon as we step back to the into the dorm hallway and S turned to me and asked, “So, do you still want to go for that walk?” I was thinking, FUCK YES I DO, LET’S FUCKING DO THIS, but of course I kept my cool and said something like “Yeah, sure, let’s go.” (Note: we also both had roommates asleep in our rooms, to save money on housing, so beds were not a viable option.)

**Getting Physical**

We started walking to the garden for the second time, now just the two of us. This time the sun was rising and the sky was gorgeous. I thought – now’s the time to make a move – he’s clearly interested in spending time with me one-on-one when he should want to be in bed, so he’s probably down to at least fool around a bit. As we were walking down the path and chatting, I leaned into him and slipped my hand underneath his shirt and started lightly scratching his lower back, and I was elated when he responded by putting his arm around me as well.

When we reached the garden area, we sat down next to each other at a picnic table, facing outwards and leaning back against the table top. He reached down and started lightly stroking my leg near the hem of my dress as the conversation turned towards what seemed inevitable at this point. We covered the fact that we were both single and that neither of us had ever done anything like this at a conference before. As this conversation unfolded, he was still gently stroking my leg, and my dress was gradually riding up higher and higher. Soon I was sitting sideways with my legs across his lap. As he teased my inner thigh, he asked me what kind of stuff I like in bed, if I’d ever been tied up or choked or tried anything explicitly kinky. I’d told him that I’d been curious enough to read about BDSM culture and practice a bit, but I’d had never had a partner who was into it enough to try very much. He said that he tends to prefer a dominant role during sex, but he doesn’t have to every time. He then, very gently, while looking me right in the eyes, moved his hand up to my neck and said that for him choking isn’t really about cutting off airflow, just about applying a little pressure in just the right places, and that some people really like the sensation of a hand around their neck. If my panties hadn’t already been completely soaked through, that would’ve done the trick – apparently I have a submissive side to my sexuality that I didn’t know about.

I immediately swiveled around in his lap so that I was straddling him, and kissed him – first softly, then gradually getting more and more aggressive. His hands were all over my body. Then he pulled down the top of my dress and bra and started playing with my nipples. He asked me what kind of pressure I like, and start pinching them, gradually getting applying more pressure and gauging my reaction. It was more than I was used to, and definitely hurt a little at the end – but in kind of a good way? Again, I was learning things about myself. At this point it was full daylight, and the picnic table was pretty exposed, so I stopped him and told him we need to find somewhere more secluded.

We went into the garden and found a small spot that was surrounded on one side by a wall and two sides by tall hedges, so it was fairly protected from view. I laid down on my back on the ground and he knelt in front of me to eat me out. It felt good, but for whatever reason I wasn’t quite getting there, and I was getting a little impatient to move onto other things, so after a while I stopped him, got up onto my knees and coaxed him into a standing position and started giving him head, which I genuinely love doing. I’m not into aggressive face-fucking or gagging, but god – the taste and feel of cock in your mouth is such an amazing thing. I used my tongue to play with the tip, that spot just under the head, and the shaft, then took the whole thing into my mouth, moving up and down and squeezing the base with my hand. I was absolutely loving it. But I also really needed to get fucked, so after a while I got up and kissed him on the lips. I told him I hadn’t had any new partners since my last test, and asked if he’d been tested recently. He said the same for him and asked if I was on birth control, and I said I was. (In retrospect, I probably should’ve asked if he had a condom, but I just assumed he didn’t based on the situation. Whoops.)

I got down on my hands and knees, and S pushed my dress up around my waist and sank into me and began thrusting. It felt so fucking good – exactly what I had been wanting for the past few days. At one point he reached down and put his hand on the back of my neck and squeezed. At another he grabbed my pony tail and used it to pull me up a little. Bt the time I was close to coming, he was pushing my face and shoulders down into the ground, and I was enjoying all the sensations immensely. I reached up and gave my clit that extra bit of stimulation and came super hard. He pulled out and laid down next to me and was being super cute – cuddling, stroking my exposed skin, and saying nice things. After a few minutes of rest, I asked him if he wanted to keep going so he could finish and he told me that he already had, and we’d already had a conversation about it. Apparently I came so hard that I actually kind of blacked out – definitely not normal for me – the sleep deprivation probably played a contributing role in that.

But S wasn’t quite done yet – he moved down and started eating me out again – not something I would’ve asked for at this point, but he was very motivated and I wasn’t going to protest. I came again, fairly quickly this time. He wanted to keep going, but I was a little too sensitive, so I pulled up him up to be level with me. We both lay there on the ground for a while, continuing to cuddle and talk, blissed out and enjoying the afterglow. Eventually we got up and started to un-dishevel our clothes and wipe the dirt off my skin. Right as I thought we were about to leave to head back, he pushed me up against the wall and knelt down to eat me out yet again, and he supported me so I didn’t collapse and fall over as I came for the third time, legs trembling and barely able to hold myself up.

After that we wandered back in the general direction of the dorms, but weren’t ready for the morning to end yet. We stopped to linger in a nook of one of the buildings with meeting rooms along the way, chatting and joking in between long, sensual kisses. But there was another event going on that day, and soon the staff people for the conference center were starting to arrive for set-up, and that got a little awkward, so we moved on.

We carefully avoided the main area with the dorm buildings, since our supervisors might be up and about already, and ended up in the meadow again. We moseyed around a little bit, and then after we’d been standing in one place for a couple minutes, I knelt down and he helped me undo his pants, and I started sucking his cock again. I enjoyed it even more the second time – without the frantic need to get laid, I was able to take my time and enjoy it even more. We were protected from the main road by a thick layer of trees and underbrush, but it was close enough that we could still hear cars driving by every few minutes, which added another layer of excitement. I grabbed his hand and put it on the back of my head, and he took more control over the pace and thrusting but never got too aggressive. Eventually he came in my mouth and I eagerly swallowed it down.

I stood up and he kissed me deeply. We stayed there for a short time, embraced in each others arms, before his hand started working its way under my dress and then panties. He teased the outside for a bit before going inside. At this point in my life, I had never come from being fingered, or any activity without direct clitoral stimulation of some kind – I literally did not think that it was physically possible for me – but that morning he proved me wrong. I don’t know if it was just the moment and how turned on I was, or if he’s really that much better at g-spot stimulation than everyone else I’d ever been with, but lord help me, there I was, standing up in that meadow, one of his arms pulling me tightly to his chest and holding me up upright, the other stroking me from the inside, and a small part of my brain going “what the fuck is even happening right now?” I came so hard I absolutely would’ve fallen over had he not been supporting me. And of the whole encounter, this is the part that I remember most vividly and that I keep coming back to when I think about it as I’m getting myself off: standing there afterward, aftershocks rippling through my body, breathing hard against his chest, his firm grip around my shoulders keeping me stable and safe atop my legs that barely worked, and then him sweetly kissing me on the forehead.

We stood there cuddling for maybe five or ten more minutes, before reluctantly heading back to the main campus area, arms still wrapped around the other. He had to catch a shuttle to the airport soon and had a long day of travel ahead of him, I was absolutely filthy, and neither of us had packed up our things yet, so we split up: he went to the dining hall to grab some food, and I went back to my room to shower. When I got to my room I was suddenly overcome with just exhausted I was, so after a quick shower, I set my alarm and laid down to nap for half an hour while he ate, showered, and packed up, intending to say goodbye to him and a couple of the other grad students before they got on the shuttle. But of course, I slept through my alarm, and by the time I woke up two hours later, when the postdoc from my lab (who drove both of us to the conference) knocked on the door to say we had to leave soon, I knew that he was already gone.

I quickly packed my bags and the postdoc and I got on the road in their car. The long drive back to our university was exquisite and excruciating. Some of the other grad students had put together a group chat midway through the meeting to share pictures and help people keep in touch, so I found his number that way and texted him, asking how he was doing and apologizing for falling asleep and not saying goodbye. We texted casually for a while, but soon slipped into teasing each other about still being relentlessly turned on, but being stuck in small/public spaces with coworkers. We wrote out a statistical model for the probability of us fucking over the time-course of the conference. The whole time I was maintaining casual chit-chat and science talk with the postdoc about how the meeting had gone, what the best talks were, plans for new research directions, etc. About halfway through the car ride, S boarded his flight, I apologized to the postdoc for being a rude passenger but that I was too tired to keep talking, and I immediately fell asleep for the rest of the ride home.

**The Epilogue**

Since then S and I have been texting back and forth, delving more into our respective sexual tastes and past experiences. (We’ve also been sending work related emails with our advisors cc’d, and seeing what kinds of innuendos we can sneak in without blowing our cover, which is super fucking hot.) He’s been helping me work out just how submissive I am and what kinds of power play I might be interested in exploring. At one point we were discussing porn preferences and he mentioned this sub as a place he likes to visit. He said he liked my writing style with regard to other stories I’d told him, and said it would make him happy if I wrote out our fling from my perspective and posted it here. Of course, wanting to be a good girl for him, I was happy to oblige. So if you enjoyed this story, you can thank me, but really you should thank him as well. And if you have any questions about his side of things, who knows: ask in the comments and he might even make his own throwaway account to answer.

Anyway, I have no idea when I’m going to see him again next, since we live in completely different parts of the country and we aren’t going to any of the same conferences for the rest of the year. All I know is that I’ve never been more motivated to apply for travel grants so that I can attend whatever meetings I want to next summer. And I am very much looking forward to my reward for finishing and turning in this assignment.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/cdptfa/fm_hooked_up_with_a_work_colleague_realized_im


  1. Fellow academic here. This sounds like one of my fantasies. That man sounds like a fucking dream, giving you that many orgasms! I hope you get ALL OF THE TRAVEL GRANTS! :)

  2. Whoah! This is quite the fascinating and naughty story. Indeed, your writing skills certainly help bring the story to life and some parts of me wish it was longer. Sometimes when we write, we don’t know what’s long enough or not, but with this story, I would not mind reading more if there was detail that you could go into.

    Nevertheless, thank you for sharing and I will “follow” you… judging on your continued “friendship” and frequent keeping in touch… I have a feeling you may meet sooner than the next scheduled conference or business meeting. Just a thought… Thank you for sharing and “S” thank you for encouraging her to share the experience with all of us.

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