Better man for her : DAY 1

She’s 3 years older than me, beautiful as can be, fit like an athlete should be, c cup breasts, perfect tight bubble butt, thick thighs, tan skin. She was always an object of my fantasies once I started to mature and care about girls. She was like any older bitchy sister who didn’t care for her little brother. She always chose the wrong man to be with, always ended being cheated on because she wouldn’t give them sex when they wanted. For she wanted more from a man, wanted to feel more from a man and mean more to a man than just sex. I watched and heard her cry again and again helpless as she couldn’t care less about me.

3 long years of this went by then she was out of high school with me being a sophomore, her unable to trust any man that came her way. Everyday getting lonelier and lonelier, I could see it on her face, in her eyes, the way she spoke, how she stayed in her room on weekends. Instead of going out dressed like the beautiful piece of ass that she is, tight jeans, black tank top with a black bra and plaid button up shirt. Now she’s only wears loose shirts and sweatpants with no makeup and not a care to deal with her hair. She gained a little weight but I only saw that as a good thing since her ribs would no longer show. Luckily for me she now only started to wear legging shorts, lime yellow so her pussy was visible in between her thighs with a white sports bra. So I could see her nipples and don’t even get me started when she’d bend over with her back to me.

She would almost always catch me staring many times but never said anything or stopped doing what she was doing. And just like that one day over the summer between sophomore and junior year it was as if she switched personalities. Talking to me, asking me for help and offering to take me places since I didn’t have my own car yet. We got to know each other pretty well and became very close, soon she was asking me to bring her a towel when she was showering. Asking to come in when I was showering and she’d make an excuse or start casual talk with me. We’d go for a drive and listen to music, eat dinner together in or out of the house, watch shows (on separate couches). It was honestly good to have a sister in my life for once.

All the while my desires and fantasies grew and grew, now to be clear I don’t think and to this day. She’s told me that all of this had nothing to do with the relationship we have now. She says that was all me after how I told her how I felt all along. It wasn’t before long that we started to sit on the same couch, night by night she got closer to me and eventually we’re sharing the same blanket. It was that night she first noticed my desires for her for I was hard as a rock with her braless chest covered by one of my shirts. She didn’t see it but she accidently felt it when grabbing for more blanket from my side. she only brushed it with her forearm but she knew what it was and so she quickly backed off and sat next to me but with her knees up. we didn’t speak or look at one another we just watched tv until she got tired and went to her room. Days went by and things were different but the same, she didn’t make eye contact and began to blush every time she caught me staring.

1 month in summer break left, parents were leaving for the beach since it was cheapest and wanted some alone time. They’d be gone for a week leaving us all alone in the house with the exception of her equally gorgeous best friend coming over now and then. My sister worked as a waitress at a Mexican restaurant in town and always came home exhausted. From the hours and dealing with shitty customers who’d treat her like some lower life form. On her days off she’d spend time with me and herself doing everyday chores and such as would I. then came the week, the week that would change everything.

Day 1:

She was off as it was a Sunday and so I was going to tell her how I felt, but she had to work that day sadly. To cover for someone else that decided not to show up and not call at all. She came home that night on the verge of tears and sat down on the couch.

“whats wrong? What happened?”

“some asshole threw his drink in my face because I got his order wrong even though his plate got mixed with his wife. All they had to do was switch but no, he screamed at me calling me names and how I was worthless. To make it worse my manager made me apologize to him and if I didn’t I would lose my job.” Now keep in mind our town is small and the job availability is rare. I didn’t know what to say, all this time I wanted to be better than those horndog assholes that broke my sister’s heart again and again. yet here I was wordless and powerless to help, no I told myself and told myself to tell her what I wanted.

“you’re not worthless, you may have been a shitty sister through the years but now. I couldn’t ask for a better sister.” She wiped her eyes and looked at me with a smile.


“yes really, go take a shower to relax and I’ll look for something for us to watch.”

“okay.” She wiped her face again smearing her makeup across her face before standing up and going upstairs. I thought to myself this would be the perfect time to tell her, but I didn’t want to take advantage of her emotional state. So 30 minutes pass and she comes downstairs her hair wet, wearing one of my shirts, and a pair of my boxers. “sorry I was supposed to do laundry today but”

“its okay” I said holding out a blanket for her. she smiled as she walked over and grabbed it and quickly nestled in the opposite corner of the couch. I was saddened by her decision as I thought I’d lost her trust. We were watching how I met your mother and so she quickly started laughing and then she slowly made her way to me again. My heart was racing until she leaned against me still wrapped in her own blanket and making sure her breasts didn’t touch me. She goes quiet and takes the remote and turns down the tv.

“why do you always stare at me?” I knew she knew damnit, I immediately went stiff my body went hot and I began to sweat. I also got a hard on from my imagination taking over as to where this conversation could lead to. I didn’t look at her, I couldn’t not this time, she didn’t stare at me or move. I couldn’t answer the way I wanted not this time not while I was so horny and hard I could bust a nut at the slightest touch her braless chest against my body.

“I just, was worried about you, because of how you were acting lately.”

“so you noticed?”


“you don’t have to sugarcoat it, I’ve gotten fat.”

“well no, I mean yes you gained weight, but I think. it’s. A good thing.”

“how so?” shit I thought, the first thing to come to mind was to tell her how it made her breasts look nicer and how her stomach looked more appetizing to lick for she didn’t look like skeleton anymore.

“because guys don’t like skinny girls.”

“you’re just saying that, besides no guys going to want me now. And even if he did he’d just want to fuck me and leave.”

“I wouldn’t” I stupidly blurted out from anger at the mention of other men touching my sister bringing her cries buck into my mind. I could feel her stare on me and her body tensed up and she once again drew away from me. she didn’t say a word; I was frozen stiff while she turned the tv back up and continued to watch in silence. Shit I just ruined it all now she thinks I’m a disgusting brother that wants to fuck her. I eventually relaxed and watched the show too until she went upstairs. She wished me goodnight and said I love you and I said the same. I went up to my room and blew a load like never before, I thought I’d pissed myself there was so much. I only wish I could’ve shot it in her pussy or mouth, or in her mouth, on her tits, ass, back stomach. I hated myself for thinking of doing something so lewd to my sister after what she’s been through.
