A Paladin’s Vows [FF] [Fantasy]

This story was written for the following prompt: A sorceress wants to seduce her paladin bodyguard. The only issue is that her paladin bodyguard is also a woman and her oaths prevent her from having sex with other women.


“Oh, by all the gods, let the place have a bath,” Alyssa moaned. “A week covered in filth is torture.”

Samarra sighed, tugging at the reins of their horse to direct them towards the small village inn’s stable. Alyssa sat sidesaddle behind her, fantasizing out loud about secluded hot springs and wondrous soap. Samarra had been through much worse in her training and a life outside city comforts. Her new ward, however, had not. Samarra was not used to having such talkative traveling companions, and in a little over a month together she had learned far more about the sorceress than she was really comfortable knowing. Alyssa was charismatic and childish, loved the luxuries of city living, was unreasonably beautiful, and Samarra was almost certain that Alyssa was trying to seduce her. And by Mordeth, it was trouble. The sorceress’s love of baths was legitimate, but it also provided her as many excuses as possible to be naked under the watchful eyes of her bodyguard. Samarra gulped at the memory of the first time it had happened – Alyssa throwing off her travel-stained clothes, revealing her supple, curvy body. She had smiled at Samarra and given her a look that she now recognized as come-hither before plunging into the creek by their campsite and scrubbing herself clean. She had watched Samarra with amusement as the paladin attempted to keep an eye on her without actually keeping an eye *on* her.

She shook herself out of the memory and stabled their horse as Alyssa hopped off, wincing at her saddle-soreness. There was already a crowd around the doors of the inn, and Samarra had to forcefully shove some of the more curious onlookers out of Alyssa’s way. This wasn’t that unusual – strangers were curious enough in these towns far from the main trading routes, and a knight escorting a gorgeous woman was bound to bring out plenty of gawkers.

The inn was small, low-ceilinged and dark, smelling of stale beer and the pig farmers that were the main economy out here. Curious eyes turned to stare at them as they entered, but Samarra felt the more malicious stares turn away as she followed Alyssa through the doorway. That was as intended. Even the stupidest rural bandit or thief would think twice about harassing someone who could afford armor and weapons of her quality. Though for this kind of rabble, her presence was more of a protection for them than Alyssa. She had seen the sorceress when she was roused, and Samarra knew she could leave a man a charred husk before he made two steps.

The innkeeper bowed inexpertly to the two of them, and said nervously, “What would your lordship and her ladyship be needin’ of my ‘umble inn?” Samarra took off her helmet, the gloom of the inn too much for her visor, and the innkeeper started with shock. “O-Oh! Your ladyship, beggin’ yer pardon, I never meant any ‘arm-”

Samarra held up a hand, stopping his flood of apologies. She had long gotten used to people assuming her male in the obscuring armor. “A room, please. Two beds,” she said, plunking a coin on the bartop. The innkeeper stared wide-eyed, the gold gleaming dully in the dim light. The coin probably represented more money than he’d ever seen at once, paying for even an overpriced room ten times over.

“O-Of course,” he said, finally finding his voice. “But- beggin’ yer pardon, I ain’t got any rooms with two beds, terrible sorry, I just-” He wrung his hands, babbling apologies, terrified of offering insult to them. Samarra opened her mouth to speak, but Alyssa was faster.

“I’m sure one bed will be fine, don’t you agree?” She smiled at Samarra and wrapped an arm around the paladin’s waist, leaning against her armored shoulder. Samarra flushed at the implication and was glad of the darkness as a few curious whispers traveled around the room. She opened her mouth to object, but stopped herself at seeing the blatant relief on the innkeeper’s face. She merely gritted her teeth as Alyssa negotiated a bath, dinner, breakfast, and a whole host of other luxuries. She was uncomfortably aware of Alyssa’s warmth on her arm, and was only too glad of the sorceress’s request for her to buy some soap. That was easy enough.

The fresh air did wonders to clear her head, and she headed to the room in a good mood, clutching a homemade chunk of soap she had bought from a peasant woman. She knocked on the door and heard Alyssa call, “Come in!”

Samarra stepped inside and stopped dead. Alyssa was stark naked, sitting in a steaming bath in front of the fireplace, her legs dangling over the edge. Her ivory skin was flushed pink with heat, and Samarra’s eyes wandered, taking in her auburn hair, her ample breasts, her long, toned legs…

With difficulty, Samarra pulled her gaze away, a fiery blush making her face burn. “Come on in, the water’s fine!” Alyssa teased, laughing as Samarra stormed past her to the large bed. She only barely remembered she was holding the soap and tossed it behind herself without looking, furious at herself and Alyssa to varying degrees. She stripped off her gauntlets and threw them down, but began removing her armor more methodically, the long routine taking over her hands. She was sore and tired from riding all day, and frustrated, in more than one way. Her oaths had not restricted her very much. Her promises to be virtuous and faithful and charitable and kind were only reinforcements of her own ideals, her natural instincts to be good. And until now, the oath of celibacy had not mattered to her at all. Her few experiences with men before coming to the church had been disappointing, to say the least, and her vows did not prevent her from self-pleasure, recognizing it as a necessary natural function. The last month with Alyssa had changed things. The beautiful sorceress had awakened something inside her, filled her with confusing thoughts and desires. She had little privacy while traveling with a companion, but even when she had the chance to satisfy her needs, all she could see when she closed her eyes was Alyssa’s naked figure, and she would give up in despair. Beyond her vows, her order banned homosexuality, calling it unnatural. She had felt that was just and right, and fought against her own fleeting feelings, believing that they were a test for her to hold strong against. But this was not a fleeting feeling, and she was tired, oh so tired of fighting it.

So when Alyssa called out to her, teasingly asking for Samarra to wash her back, she stood up from the bed mechanically and walked over. Alyssa looked startled and quickly covered it with a smile, handing her the soap and holding her hair out of the way to present her wet back. Samarra took the soap and began to rub it across Alyssa’s shoulders, noting as if from far away the smoothness of her creamy white skin, the lack of scars and marks. Down she went, smelling the sweetness of the sorceress mixed with the sharpness of the lye soap. Alyssa was quiet throughout, only adjusting herself so that Samarra could reach different spots. Finally, Samarra rinsed the soap away, and Alyssa stood up, rivulets of water running down her body and over the shapely curves of her ass. It was quite close to Samarra’s face, and she straightened up as well, feeling strange. As long as she didn’t think about it, nothing was wrong. She was just helping her companion, and they were both women, so there was nothing to be embarrassed about.

“Do you want to take a bath too?” Alyssa asked as she toweled herself off. “I can heat some extra water. You must be as dirty as me.”

Samarra nodded after a few moments, not trusting her voice. A bath would be nice, to wash away some of the filth of travel and ease her sore body. And her fingers were a bit stiff as she plucked at the strings of her tunic, so it made sense for Alyssa’s slim hands to run over her body and loosen her clothes. She pulled away the tunic, unwrapped the cloth that bound her average breasts to her chest, and stepped out of her leggings with the help of Alyssa. She sunk into the lukewarm bathwater and sighed, even this a simple pleasure. Alyssa added more water, gloriously hot water, and Samarra melted into it, feeling the tension in her body ebb. She was bigger than the sorceress – a few inches taller and a good deal broader – and the cramped bath spilled onto the floorboards, but she didn’t care. Without a word, Alyssa found the soap and began to wash Samarra’s body, working over her toned muscles. Scars marked her from head to toe, the signs of a hardened and active warrior.

Samarra sat still, finding it harder and harder to keep this feeling of distance from herself. The feeling of soft, wet hands soaping up her body was difficult to ignore, especially when she knew who they belonged to. All it would take was single slip of the hands to her breasts or down to her thighs, a flirtatious comment, a kiss, and she would feel the wrongness, the ingrained repulsion of her own desires. But it didn’t come. Alyssa was careful, gentle with her hands, cleaning only to the edges of dangerous areas and stopping. She stood up, letting Samarra finish washing herself, and sat on the bed. Samarra scrubbed her short hair in the water and rinsed herself off, feeling that she had walked to the edge of a cliff with Alyssa pushing her forward, then stopped, and stepped back. And now, beyond all reason, she wanted to jump.

She dried herself on a towel and stood in front of the fire, enjoying the heat on her bare skin. She heard Alyssa stand up and move to be next to her, and they stood together in front of the flames. Samarra knew that if she turned, Alyssa would be there, naked, ready, and willing. And her vows, her faith, her honor would be gone, like so much dust in the wind.

She turned.

Her lips met the sorceress’s in a clumsy kiss, filled with a blinding, unknowing need that shocked Alyssa to stillness. Decades of repression poured out into a touch. For her, this paladin had thrown it all away.

Alyssa’s arms wound around Samarra’s hard body, her experienced lips turning the uncoordinated kiss into another, and another, and another, until they were stumbling to the bed together. The sheets were coarse and scratchy, but neither of them noticed as Samarra’s weight pinned Alyssa down, growing more sure with each brush of their lips. Her hands wound in the sorceress’s damp hair as passion stole the breath from their lungs. Alyssa’s touch slid down her strong back to squeeze her ass, relishing in the sensation that she had held back from earlier. As her hands roamed further across the paladin’s body, Samarra began a tentative exploration of her own, feeling the incredible softness of Alyssa’s skin under her rough, calloused hands. The sorceress moaned softly into her mouth when Samarra reached her breasts, emboldening the paladin to knead the supple flesh. She didn’t know what she was doing, not really, but she *wanted* Alyssa and she couldn’t resist her urges anymore. She tried to do what she did to herself, rolling the nipple with her thumb as Alyssa’s tongue pushed forward and she accepted it into her mouth.

There were so many new sensations bombarding her that she didn’t know what to focus on, but the hot tingle in her belly seemed like a good one, especially as Alyssa’s hand slipped between her toned thighs and teased over her slit. Samarra tensed above her, her gasp muffled by the sorceress’s mouth, but she could feel Alyssa’s fingertips spreading wetness over her swollen folds. Her body wanted this oh so badly, and she wasn’t inclined to object when a digit slipped inside her, using her slick juices to push deeper as her inner walls clamped down around it. Alyssa’s free hand wove in her short hair, holding her in the string of breathless kisses as her knuckles pressed flush against Samarra and she added another finger that made the paladin groan. The sorceress’s hands were slim and delicate, well-suited for casting intricate magic and even better for curling inside Samarra’s tight, silky heat. Samarra pulled away from her mouth, resting her forehead against Alyssa’s and just taking shaky breaths as she struggled to adjust to the feeling of someone else’s fingers inside her. Alyssa’s green eyes stared into hers from inches away as her hand worked into a slow, deliberate pattern, her thumb finding Samarra’s hard clit with each thrust. Her fingertips moved along her swollen front wall as they pushed in and out at a faster pace, rubbing against a particular spot that made the paladin’s breath catch. A feeling of hot pressure began to grow in her stomach as Alyssa continued the motion, familiar and strange all at the same time. When she had been with men, they had never brought her to the peak that she could reach on her own. Alyssa was driving her there faster than Samarra ever had, and the feeling threatened to be tenfold what her own fingers could do. Involuntary noises slipped from her lips for the first time, little gasps and moans that the rising pleasure forced out of her.

She was scared when she felt her climax near. She had faced down a half-dozen men without fear, but the unknown looming past that brink terrified her. It felt like she would break into pieces if that tension inside her finally snapped. She buried her face against Alyssa’s warm chest as a choked whimper escaped her, and the sorcerer petted her hair, whispering soothing words as her fingers kept moving in a devastating rhythm.

She let out a hoarse cry when she finally fell over the edge, the sound barely muffled by Alyssa’s breast. Burning waves of pleasure made her spasm, her legs clamping around the hand between her thighs. It was so much more pleasure than her own touch had ever given her, overwhelming every nerve, every muscle, every ounce of control she held over her body. Low moans spilled out as the sensation went on, and on, finally ending with her collapsed on top of the soft warmth of Alyssa. She felt empty, and exhausted, and far, far more satisfied than she’d ever been. The hand on her head held her close, still gently stroking her hair as her heart slowed and she remembered how to breathe.

After a while, Samarra lifted her head, blinking as she looked up at Alyssa. The sorceress was smiling, but it was a little strained, and Samarra wondered why until she realized her entire weight was resting on her. She rolled to the side and Alyssa followed, draping an arm over Samarra’s side as she brought their faces close for a hot, lingering kiss. Samarra was surprised by the passion until the sorceress’s leg moved over hers and a slick heat pressing against her thigh made the reason obvious. She pulled away from Alyssa, fear and uncertainty returning to her chest.

“I-” Samarra had to clear her throat after not speaking for so long. “I haven’t…”

“I know,” Alyssa murmured, briefly brushing her lips against the paladin’s. “It’s okay. Do you want me to teach you?”

After a moment’s hesitation, Samarra nodded, and the smile she received made her heart thrum. Alyssa’s hand found hers and guided it up her creamy thigh, all the way to the hot, swollen flesh between her legs. The sorceress inhaled a little sharply as she moved Samarra’s fingers up and down, letting her feel the extent of her womanhood. It was entirely without hair, unlike Samarra’s, and incredibly smooth to the touch. It was only after a while that Samarra realized her hand wasn’t being led anymore. She was rubbing it all on her own, marveling in the sensation of slick skin under her fingertips. Alyssa’s breath quickened as Samarra grew more confident, parting her folds to find her clit. Alyssa let out a gasp when she brushed against the hard nub, then rewarded her with another when Samarra’s fingers homed in on it. She began to hesitantly rub over it, doing what she would to herself but to the beautiful woman laying in front of her, who moaned in unashamed pleasure under the attention. The walls were probably far too thin for how loud she was being, but Samarra didn’t care. It gave her a strange thrill of pride to be able to return the favor.

“Gods that’s nice,” Alyssa groaned, clutching at Samarra’s shoulder. “But- use your mouth. Please.”

Samarra shifted towards the foot of the bed, nervousness flaring inside her again as Alyssa lay back against the pillows and spread her legs, putting her perfect, glistening folds on display. Samarra leaned in on her hands, a small shiver running through her as she brought her face to Alyssa’s heat. She could smell the sorceress’s arousal, and a tentative flick of her tongue gave her the taste. It was strange, but not unpleasant, and she licked along the length of her slit, collecting her juices as Alyssa moaned again.


Hearing her name called out in pleasure was another thing she’d never experienced before. It spurred her into more, lapping at her lover with inexperienced haste until Alyssa’s hands tangled in her hair and guided her head. The sorceress whispered and murmured and moaned instructions to her, teaching her how to pleasure a woman until Samarra got the hang of things and the directions turned into gasps and cries. Alyssa clutched tightly at her, wrapping her legs around Samarra’s head as her breath came shallow and fast. The paladin worked her tongue incessantly, ignoring the growing soreness as she used the muscle in unfamiliar ways. Alyssa’s pleasure was all that mattered, and Samarra got what she wanted when the sorceress moaned loud enough for the whole inn to hear. Her stomach tensed, her thighs trembling around Samarra’s head as a rush of hot juices filled the paladin’s mouth. Samarra swallowed it down without a thought and kept going, lapping and sucking until Alyssa was limp, her chest heaving.

After a few moments, the sorceress pulled Samarra up to lay beside her, and they lay in the heat of each other’s bodies, nuzzled close together. Alyssa made a gesture that extinguished the fireplace and plunged them into a warm, comfortable darkness. Samarra laid her head on her lover’s breast, letting the steady beat of Alyssa’s heart drown out her worries.


If you enjoyed this, you can find more of my work at r/macktosh. All comments and criticisms are welcome.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/cc6rxx/a_paladins_vows_ff_fantasy

1 comment

  1. …I really want these two to work things out, they seem so sweet together.

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