My first orgasm [F]

Browsing r/sex, I see a lot of posts from women about not being able to orgasm and worrying it will never happen. That made me think about my own desperation to give myself my first orgasm.

It was 10 years ago, I was 19 and home from college for the summer. I was bored. I wasn’t dating anyone but had started mildly flirting with a guy I went to high school with. It hadn’t gone further than a brief makeout session at a friend’s house, but I was hopeful it would.

I was far from sexually experienced then. Kinda the quintessential “good girl” — straight A’s, captain of the volleyball team in high school, went to a good college. I dated in high school but the most daring I got was giving a blow job behind the school during a football game. My boyfriends back then gave me oral or fingered me, and I enjoyed it, but I was pretty sure I had never had an orgasm. I tried masturbating but no matter what I did, I never got that intense feeling or feeling of relief my friends talked about.

So I was home from school and waitressing at a country club. After work one day, I sent a few texts to see if anyone was up to hang out. The guy was out of town. My friends were working or with their boyfriends. I was on my own.

My house was dark. I don’t remember where my mom was, but I wasn’t worried about her coming home. I paced restlessly around my house, trying to find something, anything, to hold my attention.

I stopped at the door to our back deck — the hot tub! It was a rare summer night that was clear and cool, and I had gone on a long run that morning. Perfect.

I hurriedly changed into a bikini, already anticipating the warm water on my achy muscles. I snuck a bottle of wine from my mom’s wine fridge (who needs a wine glass anyway?), turned some music on the speakers, and pushed the cover off the hot tub.

I sank into the almost-too-hot water until it was up to my neck. I leaned back and closed my eyes. I thought of the boy, and our drunken make out that week. I wondered if he’d be any better than my past boyfriends at taking care of me.

Hmm. With one hand, I took a long sip from the wine bottle. With the other, I stroked down my neck to my bikini top. I traced the outline of my cleavage – my boobs were (and still are) on the small side, but a good halter top bikini can help that. My hand slid underneath the fabric of my suit, cupping my breast. My thumb rubbed over my nipple, which was already hard. I rubbed again, then pinched my nipple lightly between my fingers.

Oh. That felt good.

I took another long sip of wine and kept at my nipple — experimenting with stroking, flicking, tugging. I put the wine bottle on the edge of the tub so I could use both hands. My face was feeling flushed and I could feel my blood pumping through my body.

Without really meaning to, one hand moved down my torso to my bottoms. I spread my legs and gently danced my fingers over my clit through the bathing suit.

That felt even better.

I slid my fingers into my bathing suit bottoms, using my index finger to gently rub my clit. Small circles. Big circles.

I felt my breath quicken as the warm feeling spread down through my abdomen. But I knew this feeling. This as far as I got. I leaned back further and felt my shoulder scrape against a jet. Hmm. My mind flicked to something I had heard, some joke about a detachable shower head. A jet was the same idea, right?

I turned around and knelt on the seat, legs spread, and lowered so the jet was aimed right where I needed it to. The warm water gently pulsed against my bathing suit.


That time I said it out loud. Hopefully none of my neighbors were outside. More wine. I tried tilting my pelvis in a few directions. It felt good, so good, but not quite there. The angle wasn’t right.

Acting on pure instinct, with a hunger deep inside of me that was begging for more, I leaned back to sit on the seat, facing the edge of the tub. I kicked my legs over the edge, hooking my knees around the top.

My body hungrily sought out the jet. There it was. The water ran perfectly over my clit, pulsing against my sensitive body. I felt like every nerve was on fire. I hung tightly on to the side, letting my upper body fall back in the water.

The heat pulsed through me, again and again. I started to get lightheaded and weak. I felt an odd, intense, tightening sensation in my lower belly.

This is where I always stalled out before. I was determined to keep going, to feel what I knew my body was capable of.

My hand fumbled along the side until it hit the control panel. The jets had three settings and were currently on the lowest one. I desperately found the button to turn them up. I pressed it once.

Immediately, the pressure intensified. I couldn’t hold in the moan that escaped my lips. Holy shit this was amazing. I didn’t want it to end but god I needed to feel it. The tight feeling in my lower abdomen increased, getting tighter and tighter, lower and lower.

I needed more. It wasn’t enough. I found the control panel and turned the jets up all the way.

A jolt went through my whole body, from my clit to my toes. Before I really registered what was happening, the tightness uncoiled. A strange, almost exploding, sensation bloomed from deep inside of me and spread through my whole body. My hips were bucking and I knew I was crying out but gave no fucks who heard me.

I don’t know if it lasted a second or a minute or longer. When it subsided, I fell back into the water, gasping for breath. I came up for air, settling against the same jet that had just brought me so much pleasure.

I looked around in guilt. Had anyone heard? Would anyone believe good, sweet, girl next door Annie just did that?

As my breath finally slowed, my hand floated back under my suit top. I gently scraped my thumb over my nipple. My hips jumped. It was like a direct line to my clit. I felt myself smile as I closed my eyes, playing with my nipples. When would I be ready for round 2?

Man, I miss that hot tub.



  1. That was an incredibly hot story. It’s always interesting to hear about someone else’s first time.

  2. >Would anyone believe good, sweet, girl next door Annie just did that?


    Yes. Everyone needs to masturbate.

  3. Pretty hot story. Young girl in a bathtub using waterjets for pleasure is one of my favourite fantasies. Well written too

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