[MF] Unexpected sex after the fireworks with an unexpected person

We spent the 4th of July evening in the backyard having some beers, playing in the pool and waiting for the night to fall so we could set off fireworks. My roommates consists of 4 others, one of them is my friend with benefits and I’ll just refer to her as my FWB throughout the story. We’re more friends than benefits though only having sex on rare occasion and have known one another since sometime in our teens. We have always been open to talking about each others relationships and sex life which at one time used to feel kind of weird but for the first time, I encountered a one night stand that I’d just prefer she didn’t know about.

Also enjoying the 4th with us was a few of my roommate’s friends that are mostly acquaintances to me and my FWB’s aunt. I don’t actually know her too well other than knowing that she’s 33 yrs old, the youngest of 5 siblings and a farm girl that raises horses mostly. I’ve always viewed her as a MILF since I first met her a few years back only seeing her around on occasions. Unlike me, she’s a bit on the wild side and still likes to party. If I had to describe her, I would say she’s physically attractive and crazy as a loon but really by crazy I just mean that she’s a bit wild, loud if not overly confident and very outgoing while I’m more chill, quiet and introverted.

Everyone’s enjoying the pool on that warm evening in their swim gear and I found myself hypnotized by her round, thicc butt trying to bust out of that bikini. So I may have flirted with her a little in between beers and she flirted right back for the most part but I think it would come off to any casual observer as if we are just joking with each other. At some point I thought that I had made the mistake of telling my FWB to “hook me up with your aunt”. She gave me a look then thought it was funny that I thought her aunt was hot to which she decided to embarrass me by doing just that. Except not quite in the leisure about way that I had hoped. She called out loud to her aunt so that everyone could hear and shouts “hey *aunt’s name! Mike’s over here staring at your butt and says he want’s to wrap his tongue around you like a tortilla wrap” and her aunt was like “what?” giving back that kind of weirded out expression that just made me sink into my seat while trying to pretend that I’m invisible. It was my only defense. My FWB continues her joke at my expense while giggling “yeah he told me what perverted things he wanted to do to you but he’s too chicken to tell you” As my pride turned to liquid and embarrassment set in, I attempted a serious telepathic session to my FWB by screaming for her to shut up in my head but it wasn’t working. Pretty soon they were making little jokes while glancing at me in between giggles. I could only hope that her aunt didn’t believe a word she was saying. The only other part of their mockery of me that I remember was hearing her aunt say “I don’t think he could handle getting broke in” which prompted my FWB to tell her “No, I’ve been there, done that and you can’t train what isn’t there” I’m thinking ‘ouch’ so I stood up and said “ok let’s not cut below the belt ladies” in my attempt to break up this mockery and took my humiliation over to the beer cooler.

Judging by their joking conversation at my expense, I realized that her aunt must have already been keenly aware that her niece and I were FWB’s and I can only guess as to how much detail my FWB ever shared with her. However I now definitely think all of that somehow actually worked in my favor and I even inadvertently caught it on camera, sort of. So I have this cheap security camera on my bedroom shelf on a 24/7 loop just in case something comes up missing because I keep all my valuables in my bedroom and plus I don’t exactly trust some of the friends and acquaintances that my roommates have over sometimes. It doesn’t have night vision but it certainly captured something unexpected that I may have otherwise brushed off as a dream. After the fireworks it took me quite some time to wind down and I stayed up all night following a hacking guide for my 3DS and installing home brew stuff on it. I finally get to bed around 5’ish in the morning. Seemingly sure everyone else was already asleep by then and no sooner had I drifted off it seemed than when I woke up to someone in my bed pulling my boxers down and I immediately thought it was my FWB. Seemed unusual for her this time of the morning and I’m like “what are you doing?” and hearing her speak I realized it was her aunt. I was shocked and excited at the same time.

Got a nondescript video link below where you can audibly tell what went on from here if you put your headphones on. You can’t see much and the audio is funky due to the air conditioner running so I added subtitles for what I could make out and remember for convenience but I recommend wearing headphones and skipping to the last quarter of the clip. The first thing I realized after first watching this is that the way she talks and aggressively climbs on me has to be the result of my FWB at some point must have shared with her my fetish for aggressive, controlling women. I used to have my FWB do stuff like that by holding me down and pretend to force herself on me and that’s precisely what her aunt is doing so I found that kind of funny and wasn’t awake enough to realize it at the time. Unfortunately all you can see in the darkness is a figure climbing up on top of me and going to town using me like a cheap piece of meat and I loved every second of it. Although it went by so fast that I didn’t really have any time to think or even enjoy her as much as I’d like to have. The video seems long winded but the ending I thought was very hot. I love how she moans however at that point in time, I was so paranoid that she would wake everyone up that I didn’t get to truly savor the moment.

I’ll explain what’s going on in parts of the video. It’s just starting to get light outside so the video brightens up some towards the end. She climbs on top of me and I realize she only has a T-shirt on and rubs her pussy lips on my dick. The part where I complained it’s too tight was because she shoved me into her too fast then clenched up on me and it hurt like hell at first. I thought my dick was going to break. She quickly relaxed and started moving then it felt awesome after that. She has a really nice texture inside, not too wet, not too dry and I could feel her clenching and releasing her pelvic muscles as she rode me. BTW her ass and thighs are as firm and tight as they look. Likely from the years of working as a farm girl.

The clacking noise is my bed squeaking which didn’t help my anxieties about others in the house hearing us. Note to self: it’s time for a new bed. Then she started getting louder without a care in the world and I was a bit paranoid that my FWB would hear us because my door was wide open. I mean I didn’t know if she would be jealous or angry about me fucking her aunt but she got pretty loud towards the end. Her loud moans alone was making it increasingly difficult for me to hold out and just as I was trying to either pull out or slow her down, she told me to keep going and all I could do was grit my teeth and hang on for the ride because I was about to blow. Once she told me that she was cumming though she got even louder and like right in my ear so I tried my best to muffle her moans by kissing her but it didn’t really help and she bit down on my tongue by accident. I was already finished by that point and she just kept right on going and I felt like I do sometimes on a carnival ride where I just want them to stop it because I had all that I could take. Once she did though, she hopped off of me as quickly as she jumped on and went into the bathroom to wash up. She almost seemed annoyed that I was paranoid of my FWB hearing us and more or less told me to stop worrying about her and go back to sleep.

I thought maybe she would get back into bed with me after she cleaned up but she just walked straight back to the couch where she was sleeping. I fell back asleep and when I got up a couple of hours later is when I found out that everyone else heard us. My roommates acted a bit surprised by it, especially my FWB. Mostly because of our age difference. She’s 33 and I’m 22 BTW and my FWB seemed somewhat jelous or maybe just because it was her aunt, I dunno but she’s never been like that when I date other girls. So that’s what I had to deal with most of Friday with my FWB complaining to me about how she had to hear us have “sex all night long” even though it was only like 5 minutes lol. I feel somewhat embarrassed that everyone staying the night knew that we fucked as I suppose that would be something I’d prefer to keep private. Her aunt didn’t stick around long the following morning but I have since wondered and wanted to ask her what made her decide to sneak in my room and fuck? I can only assume by her actions after the fact that this was intended to be a one night stand but I remain hopeful that she’ll want to do it again sometime. Overall a thrilling experience. A little embarrassed by the fact that everyone knows. I really wish we could have done that while alone and with more time to spend with each other as it certainly would have been a lot more enjoyable.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/cb8f1o/mf_unexpected_sex_after_the_fireworks_with_an


  1. Now in case your wondering why I’d be interested in someone her age then all I can say is this is the reason: [https://i.imgur.com/nw0h5un.png](https://i.imgur.com/nw0h5un.png) Taken that day as she was dodging water balloons. She has some powerful thighs that look like they could crack walnuts while supporting a ghetto booty that you could set a 6 pack of beer on.

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