Chloe: or Getting Over My Daughter’s Friend Jenna [MF]

I drove Jenna home after we cleaned ourselves up. She reached across my SUV and stroked my cock through my pants on the way there. I was so ready for round two. Just looking at her made me hard. Her skin had started to tan as the summer drew nearer giving her an olive complexion that complemented her freckles. She seemed so feisty and full of charisma that night. 

“That was fun.” I said as we pulled to her drive way where the party was still going. It wasn’t until I saw all of the girls’ and their parents’ cars that I remembered we might have to explain this absence. I felt a lurch in my stomach.

“No.” She replied with a teasing tone in her voice. “That was dirty. That was wrong.” She winked.

“What are you going to say if someone asks where you went?”

“I’ll just tell them I had a date.” she offered smugly. 

“Jenna, what are we doing?” I blurted out, unable to keep my thoughts and my words separate any longer.

“We’re just fooling around. No strings, No feelings remember?”

“Okay but what am I supposed to just fuck you whenever you want and act like everything is normal the rest of the time?”

“That’s exactly what you’re supposed to do Mr. K.” she said sternly. “Like I said this is just fun. No commitments, no romance.”

I reassured her that I could handle that but I knew that if this kept going I would wind up wanting something more like a traditional relationship with her. A relationship that could, for a million reasons, never happen. As I drove around the city waiting for Emily to call me for a ride I resolved myself that I couldn’t continue to fool around with Jenna. Someone was bound to get hurt. Maybe it would be Emily but honestly it was most likely to be me. 

“The next time she wants to hook up you’ll just tell her that you don’t want to do it any longer and that it was a lot of fun but its better that we call it off and move on.” I kept telling myself.

Another few weeks passed and the girl’s were entering their last week of senior year. Graduation was approaching fast and only two days after that Emily and Jenna were going to Europe for twelve days with a handful of other seniors from their summer soccer club. I wasn’t really sure what I was going to do with myself that week other than work and hit the gym. It had been a long time since I had that much time or a house to myself. 

Jenna’s parents threw another party after graduation though this one was to be much more for the teens than it was to be a family event. Sure the parents all came to the house and had a few cocktails and chatted with the boys and girls giving congratulations and asking about their college plans. It was very banal and I can’t pretend that these things were even remotely interesting to me since I didn’t drink. I had gotten sober after losing my wife and frankly without that social lubricant small talk is fucking painful and unpleasant for me. I found myself alone in the kitchen with Jenna as the gathering was beginning to transition from a family event to the teen kegger that was planned for the evening. We hadn’t been alone since she got out of my Lexus that night. 

She smiled at me sort of strangely. There was an awkwardness there. I wanted to speak but wasn’t sure what to say. As always she did the talking for me and I just went along with whatever she had to say. 

“Justin asked me to get back together with him today.”

“Oh.” I murmured.

“We’re both going to State and he’s going to be on the trip to Europe trip with me and I just think that maybe I should give him another chance.”

“That’s great.” I said flatly.

“So if I’m dating Justin then obviously I can’t… you know…” she said sheepishly. It was like all of her vibrant confidence had been taken from her. That sexy thick vixen that I had been fantasizing over for two months was just stuffed back into a box and Jenna presented herself so much differently.

“No of course not.”

“Jake. I really enjoyed it.”

“Me too.”

That was that.


A week later I was driving home from my after-work workout and realized that I had absolutely no groceries waiting for me at home. Emily had called me from Spain early that day. She told me how much fun they were having and that they would be seeing a professional team play that evening. She said that she and Jenna hadn’t been hanging out much that trip since Jenna was busy trying to find alone time with Justin. I was going crazy by myself but more so my dick was going crazy after it was awoken from its celibacy and teased by the fruits of a barely legal temptress then forced back into hibernation again without even getting to have actual legitimate sex with her. I needed to get laid. I had masturbated so much thinking of Jenna and all of the filthy depraved things that I could do with her and still have her keep her virginity and had found myself going back to my old standby porn favorites but honestly after she had reawakened my libido none of that was really doing it for me. 

I found myself checking out every woman I encountered at Target that night while I was grocery shopping. God I swear that women were just sexier now than they were back in my days as a bachelor. Their skin looked more succulent. Their breasts were perkier. Their clothes were more revealing. And dear god, don’t get me started on yoga pants. It seemed like every woman I saw was wearing these tight spandex pants that lifted their asses to heavenly proportions. There was a group of college aged girls in the health food section all wearing form-fitting tanks and yoga pants and I honestly just stood and creepily stared at their curves. I had become THAT guy.

I placed the basket full of lunch meats, a loaf of bread, and pre-bottled coffee on the conveyor at the check out line and pulled out my phone to check an email. I heard the cashier ask how I was a muttered back a fine thanks without looking up. The email was from a potential client who had just opened some sort of yoga studio and healing center in the same shopping center that my branch was located. She wanted to meet with me to discuss a loan to pay for some advertising and a large display sign for her storefront. I replied to set a lunch meeting for the next day. That was when the cashier spoke up again.

“You’ve got some balls to wear that shirt in this town,” her high soft voice said assertively.

I looked up and saw a young woman with short blonde hair that was pinned back with yellow clips. She wore cat-eye style glasses and had one of those nose piercings that like a cartoon bull. She was cute on first glance but not exactly my type. She was petite. 

“Pardon me?” I asked confused.

“Bruins?” she replied. “This is Hurricane country sir.” Her voice was playful. 

“Oh,” I said now understanding what she was referring to the hockey rivalry that I unfortunately fell on the wrong side of for my new home in North Carolina. I was wearing a sleeveless Bruins practice shirt and athletic shorts. I’m sure I looked rough after leaving the gym. I hadn’t shaved recently so my graying stubble was in full effect and my hair was unkempt from my workout. “Brockton, Mass born and raised.” I replied with a playful mockery of the arrogance that others expect from fans of Boston sports. 

“I’ll let you slide on beating us in the playoffs then,” she smiled back. “Since you’re a hometown boy and all. As long as you don’t tell me you’re a Pats fan too.”

“Since long before Brady was around.” 

Her name tag said ‘Chloe.’ She was probably in her mid-twenties. After having a few more seconds to look her over I noticed something that would have been easy to miss on first glance; underneath the baggy red t-shirt she wore for work she was hiding a set of perky tits that looked absolutely huge on her small frame. Her shirt was tied up at the bottom just above the waistline of her jeans. Her hips were shaped nicely and she had a handful of ass that was small but definitely curvy for her stature. She was a knock-out.


I fumbled in my wallet to hand her my credit card. 

“Jakob Krecji…” she said reading my name on the card.

“I’m surprised you can pronounce my last name.” I blurted out impressed by her ability to perfectly manage the Czech surname of my grandfather.

“Lucky guess.” 

I was getting excited. This girl was clearly flirting with me. She was damn cute and the more I looked at her she was getting sexier and sexier. It must have been a generational thing that made me not notice her at first. Her heavily tattooed left arm and taste in body jewelry weren’t something I had ever found attractive before but for Chloe they were totally working. They gave her this dangerous air. An exotic feeling in a woman that could easily be the blonde-hair blue-eyed wholesome stereotype. It was an obvious expression of her fiery personality.

I paid up for my groceries and took back my card and the receipt. My mind raced nervously. What should I say? Could I even possibly ask this girl out? Should I even try? I hadn’t dated in nearly twenty-five years. How could I even know what constituted flirting anymore? 

“Have a good night, Jakob.”

“Just Jake.” I replied. “You too…” I paused to glance at her name tag pretending I hadn’t already noticed it. I was trying to play it cool but I sort of stammered saying her name as I got distracted by her perky tits.

I walked off towards the door pushing my shopping card and beating myself up in my mind like a goon whose best scorer just took a hit. I was overthinking too much. 

“So what?” I thought to myself. “Even if she laughs at you and says no you’d have gotten over the hump and tried.” 

I turned around leaving my cart unattended to walk back to her register. She was ringing up a young couple who had their hands full with two toddlers. I was distracted as I remembered those days. She didn’t notice me as I walked back towards her. Not too late to turn back and bitch out. Something in me kept moving toward her though. Probably my dick piloting my body, desperate for the chance to have its way with the busty, tight-bodied, petite young lady regardless of her affiliation to a rival hockey team. 

“Chloe?” I asked meekly.

She turned her head towards me and smiled coyly. She ran a strip of receipt paper from her printer and grabbed a pen scrawling something on it frantically. She handed it to me. Her customers didn’t seem to notice that she had been distracted from ringing up their purchase as they fussed to keep their son in his seat.

“I get off at nine. Text me.” She said beaming at me.


It was 9:12. I stared back and forth at Chloe’s number on scribbled on a blank Target receipt and my iPhone. Hey? Hi? Whats up? Hello Chloe? What the fuck was I supposed to say to her? We didn’t text when I was courting women. Would I sound like a huge dork? I had almost resigned to not texting her at all. I had gotten her number, that was a victory. Maybe I needed to take baby steps. I sat the phone and scrap of paper down and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. My mind jumped to the image of Jenna bent over in my fridge in those shorts a few months before. My cock twitched. I thought of Chloe’s hips and my mind replayed the image running up her body from those jeans to her chest to her face. She gave me her number. My stiffening cock told me that she clearly wanted me. Don’t be a pussy, text her. 

*Me[9:41PM]: Hey, Its Jake.*

*Chloe[9:48PM]: Hi Jake. :)*

*Me[9:48pm]: What’s up?*

*Chloe[9:50PM]: Just got out of the shower.* 

*Chloe[9:50PM]: Can’t decide if I should put on PJs or get dressed to go out.*

This was so forward. She was confident. God, I love a woman who knows what she wants. I thought over my response for a few minutes saying “Play it cool Jake” to myself over and over.

*Me[9:54PM]: Where would you go?*

*Chloe[9:54PM]: Your place? ;)*

I smiled. This was happening. My cock sprung to life instantly. This was happening. She was coming over and we were going to fuck. “Oh god. We’re going to fuck.” This was happening. “Oh god,” I thought. I had no fucking clue what to do now. “This is happening.”

I texted her my address, she said that she would be over around 11:30. 


My jaw dropped. It was a photo of Chloe taken in her mirror. She had shed her glasses and pulled her short hair back into a ponytail letting the front part fall on either side. She wore a yellow sundress with purple flowers. One strap fell off the side of her shoulder. She was goddamned SEXY. Her dress showed off her creamy pale thighs. The left was adorned with a black and white tattoo of an Indian princess with closed eyes that cried as she lifted her head upward and the princess wore a rainbow colored feather in her hair. I definitely didn’t see that one before but my god did I want a closer look. 

*Me[10:24PM]: WOW!*

*Me[10:24PM]:Still coming over?*

*Chloe[10:34PM]:Just got in the car. Had a hard time deciding what to wear.* 

*Chloe[10:35PM]: Seems like I chose well.*

*Me[10:35PM]: Yeah you did.* 

*Me[10:40PM]: Hurry*

*Chloe[10:49PM]: I’m worth the wait ;)*

*Chloe[11:12PM]: Two questions. How old are you exactly?*

*Me[11:13PM] 45.*

*Chloe[11:13PM]: And you’re not married are you?*

*Me[11:13PM]: No. Are you?*

*Me[11:13PM]: And how old are you? Not that it matters.*

*Chloe[11:13PM]: Nope.*

*Chloe[11:14PM]: 24.*

*Chloe[11:22PM]: Which house is it?*

*Me[11:24PM]: Tan two story. No garage silver Lexus ES in driveway.*

I was rushing around cleaning up the place and trying to clean myself up. I had changed into an old Clash t-shirt and jeans. I ran some water through my hair but didn’t have time to shave. I was tossing old Subway wrappers in the garbage. The TV was playing SportsCenter quietly. The only light in the house that was on was the reading lamp by the sofa. I was trying to shove the garbage from the kitchen counter in the bin under the sink when I heard the doorbell. 

I looked at my phone. I had a missed message.

*Chloe[10:34PM]: Here. Nice house!*



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