Showing Me Off To Your Friends [M/f][voyeur][exhibition][toys][tied]

Showing Me Off To Your Friends

Usual disclaimer here. This was a quick write. I didn’t do much editing so there will be plenty of mistakes. I also wrote it in a completely different tense and went over it to change it so if there are parts that don’t sound correct that’s why. Enjoy and let me know what you think. Feel free to message me.


We had met several times already in different destinations. The first time was a weekend in New York. The second was a four day trip to New Orleans. We’ve had a couple stays in Savannah, once for a whole week. This time we are meeting up in a cabin in the Blue Ridge Mountains for an entire week. Your flight got in eight hours before mine so you got to the cabin first. You planned on getting supplies for the week and making sure the heater was on and it was nice and warm for when I got there. I messaged you when I got off the plane, then again when I got in the cab, and a final time when I was about five minutes away.

When the taxi pulled into the gravel road I could see you already standing on the front porch in blue jeans and a red flannel. Your hair is a bit long so it’s sticking out of the bottom of the knit cap you’ve got pulled on. Your hands are shoved in your pockets and the laces on your boots are undone, leading me to believe that you pulled them on in a hurry to get outside and greet me.

It has been snowing on and off for the whole morning and my boots crunched in the white snow when I step out of the car. I am wearing maroon leggings a bulky gray knit sweater and black boots. Being from Florida and not having spent much time in the snow I didn’t realize that the sweater I had picked out was not realistic. Sure it was comfy and great for traveling but the icy air cut right threw it and the black tank top underneath with the lacy black bra didn’t help a bit. I’ve got a wool cap pulled over my head, my hair is in a braid and a little bit of makeup on. I shiver immediately when the air whips around me sucking all the remaining warmth. Almost as soon as I am out of the car you are there, pulling me into a big hug. Your nose is cold as it nudges into my neck, your tongue and lips already tasting my skin as if you were starving for it. I giggle and push you back so I can pay and get my bags.

We walk into the cabin and I’m smiling up at you. You look a bit grumpy, maybe because you had to wait for me, maybe because I insisted that you not wait at the airport for 8 hours. I’m not sure yet, but I’m pretty sure you will get over it soon. I am barely in the door before you have me up against the logs of the cabin wall. Your kiss is deep and needy and bruising my lips. I gasp when you break the kiss to pull my sweater above my head. You growl at the undershirt, and I can’t help but giggle again.

You still haven’t said a word, just grunts and frustrated moans. “Your not even going to say hi or get me a drink first?” I ask with a smirk. You lean your forehead on my shoulder, looking down at my still covered breasts. Your fingers trace the edge of the material then travel down my arms to my hips. You hold onto my hips and let your fingers play along the top of my pants.

Finally you let out a sigh of frustration. “Hello little one.” You bring your head up and kiss my neck, just at the top of my jaw, below my ear. “Would you like a drink?”

I can’t help but smile at how you are holding back. I kiss your cheek, realizing how much I missed the feeling of your beard against my skin. “Yes please.”

You lead me to the kitchen where you already have coffee going and spaghetti almost ready for dinner. I sip on my coffee while you strain the noodles and make two plates for us. I grab a bottle of wine and two glasses and sit down at the table. While we eat we talk about our travels to see each other and things that we wanted to do during the week. We never get tickets or make plans that can’t be changed. We learned that the first time when we missed shows because we couldn’t get ourselves to leave the hotel room. We finish off the bottle of wine over desert.

Soon we find ourselves sitting on the couch. You have the lights down low and there is soft music playing. The logs in the fireplace crack and pop but create the perfect relaxing ambiance. I am sitting sideways on your lap, my head tucked under your chin and one of your arms is supporting my back. Your hand is on my outer thigh, rubbing it gently. Your other hand has a book in it that you are reading aloud to me. We are both completely relaxed and happy. Soon I have fallen asleep and you carry me to the bed. You lay me down and pull off my socks and pants, leaving me in bra, panties, and tank top. You undress and climb in beside me. I feel you kiss my closed eye lids and sigh. I am tired but I want to feel your touch. I turn to climb on top of you but you stop me.

I pout and I know you can see it in the slight light of the room. “But, don’t you want…” You cut me off by kissing my lips and gently moving me off of you.

“Not tonight baby, you had a long day of traveling and I don’t want to tire you out. It can wait, I’ve got a lot planned for you this week. Besides I like how you fit in my arms so perfectly.” You brush the hair out of my face and pull me against you. I am asleep in almost an instant.

The next day we explore the town, getting back to the cabin around four. You look at your phone and then sit down on the couch next to me. Your hand rubs my knee. “Mia, I planned a surprise for you this evening.” I nod my head and bite my lip, excited but all the sudden nervous. “You see, I picked this place because I know somebody who lives near by. We’ve been talking for awhile and Mia, I want to show you off to him and a couple of his friends.”

I think for a moment. My heart is racing. We have talked about this before of course. I had expressed this fantasy to you almost at the beginning. We had also spoken about it becoming reality. “Is it safe?”

You put your fingers under my chin and make me look into your eyes. “I would never do it if I didn’t think it was completely safe Mia.” You stroke my chin with your thumb. “I hope you know that.”

I nod my head and lean back into the couch to think. You glance at my face then back down, trying not to press the issue and give me time to think. And I did, I sat there for some time thinking about consequences and if I wanted this that badly. “Tonight?” I ask.

You look at your phone. “If I text him, they will be here in two hours. There will be five of them.”

I suck my bottom lip into my mouth and think some more.

After awhile you take my hand. “Mia, it’s okay. I won’t text him and it’s fine. Please don’t worry about it.” You don’t look a bit disappointed and that’s what I like most about you.

I look down and then make my mind up. “No, text him. Please, I want this.” I tell you confidently. You mouth crashes against mine and you push me back into the cushions. I moan into your lips and your hand finds it’s way into my pants and your middle finger pushes against my pussy lips.

I am so much wetter than you expect. “My God, Mia.” You breath the words into my lips, then return to kissing me. I push my hips up into your hand needing more. You pull away clearly as sexually frustrated as I am. “Not yet.” You admonish me. You are standing up now and looking down at me. I frown at you but you just shake your head ruefully. “You’re adorable when you get mad like this but I want to save you for when they are here. Go get undressed and into the bath tub. I will be there in a moment.”

I got up and saw you reaching for your cell phone as I leave and my heart flutters from nerves. I let the water fill the tub while I undress. It is nice and hot when I pour in bubble bath and sink down into the water. My stomach is in knots from nerves and anticipation. I am just leaning back into the water when you come in the room. You hand me a glass of wine then sit down on a bench, scooting it behind the tub. The wine is sweet and soothing as I sip on it and we talk. We don’t talk this evening, instead focusing on what we had done this afternoon. You start to massage my shoulders and I close my eyes and relax, quickly finishing the wine. You take the glass from me and I sink lower into the soapy water. Soon you are leaning over, massaging soap over my breasts and stomach. You wash my hair gently, running your fingers threw it to get out the knots. I am a bit overwhelmed from your gentle touches since you have been so sparing with them since we got together last night. When you finally pull me up and out of the tub I feel like I am walking on air.

You lead me to the bedroom and lay me down on the bed then grab a bottle of lavender lotion and take your time rubbing it into my skin. Starting with my neck and shoulders, then down my arms. You spend significant time on my breasts before continuing down my stomach, turning me over and rubbing the lotion into my shoulders and over my backside. You pinch me slightly there, making me giggle, then rub your fingers down to my inner thighs. You massage the lotion into my pussy lips and mound above my clit. You don’t ever dip your fingers inside me or touch any of the places I want you to. It leaves me wanting and ready for more. I beg you, using my most persuading voice. You spank me and firmly tell me I have to wait. You continue to massage the skin just above my pussy and my inner thighs. I am moaning like crazy, whimpering, and repeating ‘please’ over and over, begging for you to make me cum. I look up into your eyes and you hold up one finger. I watch as you slowly bring it down to my pussy and swipe it one time over my slit. It is covered in my juices. I gasp as you stick it into your mouth, sucking on it then stepping away from the bed. I sit up on my elbows and frown giving you my best angry face, making you shake your head and chuckle. “So adorable.” I groan and throw myself back on the bed defeated.

Your phone dings, you look at it immediately, then back at me. “Mia, I put out what I want you to wear. Get dressed and wait in here for me. I’ll be back for you in a moment.” I nod up at you, my eyes wide because I am suddenly more nervous than ever. You walk back to the bed and pull me forward by the legs and hold my naked body against your shirt. “Are you sure about this, I can cancel without any problems.”

I take in a breath and let it out. “No, it’s just stage fright.” I explain. “I want this.”

“I know baby.” You kiss the top of my head. “Your going to love it.” You back away and leave the room and soon I can hear the sound of furniture being moved and soft music. I look at what you laid out and start to get dressed. A deep red bra and panties set, a while silk robe that barely covers my thighs, and short black heals. The front door opens and the sound of several low male voices can be heard from the bedroom. I want to go look but don’t because you told me to stay in the room. Instead I get dressed and sit down in front of the make up mirror. I don’t apply much makeup, just some light lipstick, and mascara. I brush out my auburn hair and leave it down for once, the curls forming into ringlets falling half way down my back. I love how it feels when you pull my hair or run your fingers in it and want to give you every opportunity.

The voices and music grow louder as you open the bedroom door. I catch your eyes in the mirror as you come to stand behind me. You collect my hair in your fist and pull my head back so I am looking straight up at you.

“Mia, I need you to do exactly what I tell you to. No more, no less.” Your eyes are hard but I know you are trying to reassure me by letting me know that you are completely in charge of what is going to happen, that I am safe. “You will not speak to those men or let them touch you. You are mine.” I nod, completely enthralled by you. A frown crosses your face and you tug on my hair a bit more. “Who’s are you Mia, I want to hear you say it.”

“I’m yours Sir.” I say softly.

You nod your head satisfied. “Good girl. Now stand up.”

I stand up and take your hand, following behind you out to the main living area. I notice that you have moved the couch so that it is against the wall and you have lowered the lights so that the men are partially in the shadows. Most of the light is showing on a big leather foot rest about five steps from the couch. There were five men who looked to be in their 40’s sitting on the large couch, each sipping from short glasses of scotch. They all smile at me or whistle as you lead me to the foot rest. Your hand squeezes mine reassuringly.

“Jesus, she looks amazing.” One of them commented to you. “Good work.” I look up at you suddenly nervous again.

“Gentleman, this is Mia. She is going to let you watch as I pleasure her this evening.” You look at them and put a hand on my shoulders. “No touching.” You warn them. They nod and some lean forward eagerly.

“Mia, take off your robe.” You command me. You sit down in a chair close by and watch me intently. I tentatively pull on the white belt and let it fall to the ground. The robe falls open and I let it slide from my shoulders. It lands in a silky pile on the floor and the lavender scent from my skin floats around the room. The men make sounds of appreciation but I still can’t look up at them. I can feel my nipples pushing against the fabric of the bra and know that the men can see them through the material. I stand there with my hands behind my back, my legs slightly parted.

“Mia, turn around and bend over.” You command.

“Yes sir.” I turn and bend over using the foot rest for support, sticking my ass out for your friends.

You stand up and come to my side. I rock forwards when your hand unexpectedly slaps against my ass. “Count.” You command.

I count to seven before you stop and begin to sooth my skin. You push my panties into my slit coating them with my juices. You rub the material against my clit, the most attention you have payed to it today, I moan loudly. You pull the material out and show the men how wet I am. They chuckle a bit making me wetter still. You pull my hair to get me to stand up and turn me back around, kissing me on the lips.

“Mia, sit down.” I sit down on the foot rest then you push me back so I am in the middle. You then take each of my feet and put them on the corners of the foot rest. I have to hold myself up with my arms behind me. You move to the side and my panty covered pussy is now fully exposed to the men.

“Mia, rub your panties into your clit. Get them soaking wet.” You tell me, whispering it into my ear. Your hand rests on my left knee reassuringly squeezing it before letting go.

I gulp and lick my lips but still move my right hand down to my pussy. I immediately push the panties against my clit and start rubbing. I moan and hear words of encouragement from the men on the couch. That spurs me on more than I thought it would and I rub my clit faster. My breath comes quicker and I know I am close to orgasm.

You do too. “Mia, you need to stop.” I keep going for a couple more seconds, it feels so good. “Now.” you say louder and firmly. I stop now, panting, my body singing with want.

“Got a little more training to do there.” One of the men commented. I look up and am surprised to see that they all have their cocks out, stroking them slowly. I quickly look back at you and you nod your head to reassure me.

“Mia, take your panties off.” I reach down and hook my fingers in the sides and pull them slowly down my legs until they too land on the floor. “Stand up and give them to one of them.” Your eyes are trained on me, watching my every movement. I stand up and look at all the men on the couch. I then walk towards the man who I think made the training comment and hold out the panties. He smiles at me and takes them and I watch as he wraps them around his cock, putting the part that is soaked from my juicy cunt over the head.

“Come back and sit down Mia.” I turn and you are now straddling the foot stool. I sit down and you pull me against your chest pressing my thighs against yours so I am once again spread open for the men. I lean back against you. “Good girl.” you compliment me.

“Thank you, daddy.” I murmur in your ear. They wouldn’t get the pleasure of hearing me say daddy. That was only for you. You know it and I feel you grind your cock against my ass to let me know.

With out warning you pull both my arms back and tie them together behind my back with the silk tie from my robe. “Could you please fix the ties on her legs?” I hear you ask one of the men. He comes forward and ties my legs to the front two posts on the leg rest. I test them and they are snug enough that I can’t move but not biting into my skin. “Are you okay?” You ask me. I nod my head yes and you kiss my neck as I lean back into you. Your hands come up to my breasts and massage them over my bra, kneading them roughly. You then pull my bra down and free my breasts so that you can get to my nipples. You take them in each hand and squeeze, making me gasp and my back arch into your touch. It’s almost too much for me. The denial of your touch from the last day and a half to now all of this has me on edge. I cry out and squirm in frustration.

“Please?” I beg loudly.

“Please, what?” you demand, twisting my nipples again.

“Please make me cum Sir.” I beg.

“You want to cum in front of these strangers?” You ask. I know you are teasing me, playing into my fantasy but I don’t care.

“Yes, please.” I beg again, knowing what you want to hear. “I want to cum in front of them.”

You lean your head down and say into my ear. “Beg them baby girl, beg them to let me make your little cunt cum.” you grind your cock against me again. “What do you think boys, should I make her cum?”

I gasp and look out at my audience. “Please.” I beg them. “Please let me cum for you.” I push my hips up and towards them, promising them a nice view.

“Let her cum. I want to see her tight cunt quiver.” One of the men called out. I heard agreement and moaned in anticipation. I feel you smile against my cheek. Your right hand finds my pussy and you use your fingers to pull my lips apart. The men moan at how wet I am and comment about how tight I look, how my pussy is begging to be fucked and how good it must feel. You comment back to them but I don’t know what you say because at that moment two of your fingers enter me while your thumb touches my clit. I lift my hips up to get more.

I can hear the men encouraging me and you whispering in my ear. “Cum, baby girl, cum for daddy.” I cum hard screaming out as I do. My body shakes and my thighs are covered in wetness. As I come down from the high, breathing hard and whimpering in your arms your fingers slowly push in and out of me, causing little shudders all over my body. “Good girl.” you murmur into my ear. “Did you like that?” Your hand is now splayed out over the top of my shaking pussy.

“Yes sir.” I manage to say. Your hand leaves my pussy and I feel cold water at my lips. I drink from the bottle wetting my dry throat. “Thank you.” I tell you for both the water and the amazing orgasm.

“Should we keep going?” You ask. I nod my head yes.

You stand up from the foot rest and untie my arms. You let me fall back and then take two more ties and tie down my arms to the other posts above my head. You are looking down at me, looking into my eyes. “Do you trust me right now?” You ask.

“Yes.” my voice is quiet. You then use the robe tie and place it over my eyes, tying it behind my head. I can’t see a thing. I had to rely on my ears now to figure out what was going on around me. I tense up but remember you said you wouldn’t let anything bad happen, I believe that wholeheartedly, so I settle back and try to relax. The first thing I feel is something plastic press against my clit. It starts to vibrate and I realize that you have a vibrating dildo pressed against me. You rub the shaft of it against my slit getting it very wet. Then I catch my breath as you slowly push it into me. My hips grind against it and I moan louder than ever. The room soon fills with my moans as you begin pushing it in and out of me in a torturously slow pace.

My breaths are more moans than anything else by now. “Faster.” I beg. The word is changed into a gasp at the end as you hit a certain spot inside me. My hands grip the legs of the foot rest and I raise my hips up.

Your breath is hot against my ear. “Nobody could hear you Mia. If you want it you need to say it louder and be more convincing.”

I cry out, about to loose my mind. “Faster!” I cry out. “Please. Please just fuck me faster.” You don’t say anything just slowly increase the speed that you are pushing the vibrator into me until I am writhing with pleasure. Just as slowly you bring the speed back down and to a stop. You leave the dildo inside of me. I feel another vibration against my clit, not pressing hard barely at all, just enough to keep me going crazy.

I hear something by my head, then you speak from the same spot. “Open your mouth Mia.” I hesitate but then do as you say. I feel a cock press against my open lips. “Good girl.”

I can hear the pleasure in your voice and know that this is your cock. I moan around your cock enjoying the feeling of you using my mouth for your pleasure. You’re not rough like you could be, knowing how nervous I am and not wanting to take advantage. I feel your hands playing with my breasts, pinching my nipples and teasing the hard tips. It’s not long before I am cuming again. The vibrator in my pussy starts to move slowly in and out again, tight inside me after my orgasm. I can feel breath against my wet thighs and it turns me on more knowing that it is very unlikely that it is yours. I hear groans from the couch and imagine the men watching me, their cocks in their hands enjoying the sight. I feel your grip on my breasts tighten and you grunt as your push into my mouth faster and more urgently. I do my best to suck on your cock without the use of my hands, flicking my tongue around eagerly. You pull out and shoot your cum over my breasts and into my open mouth. I savor the last of your cum as you hold your cock against my lips, the last of your cum leaking onto them.

I cum again, my hips bucking against the vibrator until it is turned off and the thrusts slowly stop. I am gasping for breath, every nerve in my body is on fire. I feel like all it would take only one more touch to send me into another shaking orgasm. It takes me a moment to come back to my senses. I open my eyes to realize that you have taken off the blind fold and are softly kissing all over my face.Your murmuring soothing words into my ears, telling me how proud you are of me and how well I did. My eyes focus onto yours. “There you are little one.” I smile up at you. “Are you okay?”

There are still sounds coming from the couch and I lay on the foot rest doing my best to catch my breath. I listen and hear a couple grunts and know the men who hadn’t already, were currently cuming themselves. Even though all this noice is around us I am solely focusing on you. You are running my hair between your fingers, soothing me as my body returns to itself.

Soon you gently untie my arms, helping me to sit up and lean against you once more.

One of the men is kneeling in front of me. His hand is still on the vibrator inside my pussy. My eyes lock onto, my breath catching at the sight. He takes the vibrator out of me and holds it up to his lips, running his tongue over it, licking off my cum. “You taste divine.” He is still pumping his hand over his cock but I can see his cum is running down the shaft already.

“Thank you.” I manage to stammer out. He winks at me then moves back to the couch and sips his drink watching me intently.

You come around and untie my completely helping me to stand up on my very shaky legs. Your arm comes around me protectively and you usher me to the bedroom, supporting me the whole way.

I turn around before we enter the bedroom and smile back at your friends. “Goodnight.” I give a little wave and they all call out their own farewells. Compliments and praise’s fallow us the rest of the way and I can’t help but smile. My cheeks are tinged red from embarrassment but I still smile.

You lay me down in the bed and pull the covers over me. Sitting on the edge of the bed you look at me and grin at the look on my face. “Did you enjoy that?” I nod me head vigorously. You reach out and cup my chin in your hand. “I’ll be right back.” You promise, kissing my forehead. You open the bedroom door to leave but turn around first. “You did so good little one.”

I settle back into the pillow and listen as you talk with the men for a time. Then I hear the front door open and shut then the beeping of the alarm being set.

You walk past the sofa into the kitchen and grab two bottles of water and some strawberries from the fridge. You see the silk tie on the floor and grab it up smiling. You have full intentions of getting my cunt wrapped tightly around your cock soon. After a small snack and a breather of course.



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