Return of the Shadow Colletive – Ch 4 – (Star Wars, FF, Fingering)


It felt so strange being among Mandalorians. Orion didn’t want to be on Jakku: away from technology, without even a ship nearby. Even though she was uncomfortable, she realized the value of the chance that she had been given.

‘Many are dead who would have loved a chance like this.’ The young human girl moved through the tents of the small camp, looking for Luminara so that she could tell the leader of the strike team what a privilege it was, and she wanted to get away from Dorf for a while. Before they’d set off on the mission, Orion had been woefully unaware that someone could go on for thirty minutes about the differences between a thermal detonator and a plasma grenade and she didn’t want any more lessons. Orion got close to the tent only to hear something that made her stop in her tracks.

“Oh…”  The noise caught Orion off guard. Soon it was more than just moans and sexual roars. Her nostrils expanded slightly as the girl with brown hair set in a stylish bun leaned slightly closer towards the tent. Her nose caught the smell of sweat and sensual juices. It made her fingers shiver like they felt the needed to be working on a datapad or at least doing something. After her initial reaction, Orion looked away from the tent.

‘I guess thanking her can wait.’ The young woman took a step away from the tent and then heard a particularly lewd moan come inside from the small structure. Her mind attempted to visualize Luminara and just what Vauldrin was doing to the red and black skinned woman to make her make such a noise. The ideas made the technician’s legs tremble slightly.

Realizing that she hadn’t had any type of private time in nearly a week, the former Black Sun agent looked left and right. Her ears didn’t pick up on the sound of anyone else walking around in the area. She believed there were better times, but soon Orion realized that she didn’t even really have a tent of her own to her knowledge.

‘‘Alone time’ for a prisoner or whatever I am isn’t a concern for these guys,’ Orion thought as her eyes slowly moved back towards the tent whose occupants had put her on this path. She had never done what she was considering in public, but she felt like there was enough time. Plus, the noises still coming from Lumi and Vauldrin’s tent were making her heart flutter and her core twitch with awakening feelings. Glancing around one last time, Orion settled down in the shadow of the tent and then pulled on the zipper of her pants. As her clothing opened, the girl’s fingers slid down between her panties and her flesh. Her skin felt cool from the cold desert temperature. As soon as her fingers moved past the short bristles of her pubic hair and past her labia, the young agent knew that she would get warm enough pretty soon.

Orion sighed, her fingers stroking the flames of a fire that she hadn’t felt in some time. It felt so naughty, doing this publicly when anyone could come across her. ‘Please don’t let Dorf come looking for me.’ Orion thought, both because it would be so awkward, but also because he might get the wrong idea that she just needed a good dicking. As she moaned and pushed the image of Dorf away, her thoughts drifted to Vauldrin and Luminara. Her nipples stiffened against her light armor just at the very thought of Vauldrin’s now larger frame.

She wanted desperately to find out from Lumi how it must feel beneath the new Mandalore’s body. She felt a thrill of pleasure thinking about what it would feel like to have him bite on her ear and neck and rub his nose against her own while he pressed his cock deep inside her pussy. Orion’s fingers drilled her snatch deeper and she could feel her juices leaking out of her pink lips to drip down to the ground below.

“Nuawaahhh… Vauldrin…” She knew it was stupid making such noise close to the tent; but by then, Orion couldn’t help herself. If she had been braver or better yet, anyone but herself, she might have tried coming in and joining the two lovers and offering up her body. But all Orion had was her fingers and she had to make due. Her pussy felt squishy and wet as she probed deeper. The technical expert’s sex tightened around her fingers and her breasts felt tight as her breath started to come out in shuddering gasps. She felt the switch and was so close to flicking it when a pair of armored boots stopped right next to her shoulder.

“Dush dala.” *Bad girl*. Xerna’s voice seemed even scarier than usual as her voice stopped Orion dead in her tracks.

Orion snapped up, unaware of how risky her action was as she moved her hand out from her panties. “Xerna! I’m… I was just resting for a moment.” Orion reached to pull up her zipper.

“I don’t think so Black Sun scum.” The woman in blue and red armor growled out with the help of her helm’s speakers. Orion yelped out as Xerna’s armored fingers grabbed her by the hair and yanked her down onto her knees. The former agent thought that Xerna was going to drag her to Lumi and Vauldrin, but instead, she saw Xerna’s other hand reaching down to her codpiece and removing some of her plates before unzipping her own pants. Orion soon had a front row seat to Xerna’s clean shaven pussy. The female Mandalorian’s cunt glistened with her own juices and Orion looked up at the passion-less ‘T’ visor of Xerna’s helmet.

“Don’t give me that look bitch. You were having plenty of fun just a second ago. Now its time to help me out.” Xerna barked before she dragged Orion’s face in and barely stopped even when Orion’s nose was wedged up against her clit.

Orion wanted to push back, but Xerna’s grip felt like iron against her hair. Despite her anger, her body was still swarming with lust. Wedged up against the Mandalorian’s smooth pubic skin, Orion reached out with her tongue and started kissing and licking her way all along Xerna’s pussy.

“That’s at. A traitor and a slut. Who would have guessed haha.” Xerna said as her armored form leaned forward slightly. Orion kept up her work, willing it to be over but trying to take what small pleasure she could as she tasted out Xerna’s juices. Truth be told, the bitch’s juices weren’t that bad, but Orion was confident she would have enjoyed eating out any of the other Mandalorian girls compare to Xerna’s rough treatment. Finally, Orion felt Xerna’s legs tremble against her breasts right as the armored woman’s entire body started to convulse. The brown haired girl didn’t hear any moans but figured that Xerna could have muted her helmet to make sure she stayed quiet as she came. Passions squirted freely from the bitch’s cunt and by the time she was done cumming, Xerna’s juices had coated Orion’s mouth like a naughty paintbrush.

Orion let out another painful squeak as Xerna dragged her up by her hair. She was caught off guard as Xerna raised up her helmet about halfway to expose her lips and then planted them right against Orion’s cum-soaked flesh. The kiss was short and sweet and followed by a rough bite on Orion’s bottom lip. “Mrrmmmm. I always knew I tasted good.” Xerna said as she pulled back and readjusted her helmet. After that, she shoved Orion back down into the sand.

“Wish we had more Black Sun bitches like you around when we’re bored. Now get up. Dorf is looking for you to check out the com systems.” Xerna ordered the poor defeated girl still lying in the sand with the mando’s juices staining her mouth. Orion nodded, wiped her lips and zipped up her pants before following Xerna away from Lumi and Vauldrin’s tent. 


**Shadow Collective Fleet**

Savage was annoyed. When he was Mandalore, even the mandos who thought he didn’t deserve the title usually kept their mouth shut.

‘Now they’re all like squawking ravens.’ The former leader of the Mandalorian legion said as he prepared to bring the group to order. Even without his title, his visage alone helped keep some mouths shut, but eventually, he had to ignite his red lightsaber to bring the meeting to order. There were about a hundred people in attendance which included thirty people transmitting into the meeting via holo-transmission. Most notable of these individuals were Decca the Hutt, the Hutt most directly responsible for operations aligned with the Shadow Collective.

“Why have you called this meeting Savage?” Decca declared in slow guttural huttesse. Nearby, the commanders of the various Mandalorian clans looked towards their leader expectantly. Besides the Mandalorians and the Hutts, there was Quagar Golsite, a survivor of three First Order assassination attempts and the current leader of the Pyke forces who remained loyal to the Shadow Collective.

“It’s time to remind the galaxy that the Shadow Collective survives. We were nearly destroyed in the Clone Wars, but we survived, thanks to our strength and ability to adapt.”

“Savage. Now is not the time for speeches. Tell us your plan plainly so that we can decide on it.” Savage’s eyes blazed with sudden hatred. The Mandalorian leader Freyaic Vulk was the owner of the impudent voice. Nearby Vulk, Savage noticed Beshark Ordo. Once upon a time, Ordo would have smashed Vulk’s brains in for talking to Mandalore like that. No longer.
‘I made my decision, not I must live with it.’ Savage thought as he drew in a breadth and cut to the chase.

“We will throw down the gauntlet. I mean to attack the last Black Sun base on Falleen. We will take their treasury, plunder their home, and cripple their ability to threaten us ever again. To do this, we must put them off balance.”

“I would love to destroy the jewel of the Black Sun. But how do you plan on distracting them? Their spy networks are better than ours and we have no way to hunt them down.” Quagar squawked from inside his armored exoskeleton.

“We won’t be alone on hunting them down. My best agents and resources from Decca the Hutt have given us something to finish the war with Black Sun. We now have a list of their key agents spread out across over forty systems. These agents are the lifeblood of Black Sun and First Order operations in these sectors. I am going to give this list to the New Republic.”
As soon as he said the last two words, Savage got the reaction he was expecting. Half of the Mandos roared with disapproval while the other half: the ‘friendly’ half, said nothing. ‘At least Ordo isn’t aiming a blaster at my horned head.’ Savage thought grimly.

“This is madness, Savage. I helped you acquire that list. It cost a fortune and it should stay with the Shadow Collective.” Decca grumbled in alarm.

“I agree.” Beshark flatly declared, finally breaking his silence. “The New Republic is weak. Better to keep the list for ourselves to defend what is ours; not to help the weakest power in the galaxy.

“Are you not a Mandalorian Beshark? We defend what is ours, yes, but we do our best work when we are on the attack. Our window to use this information effectively is short. Nothing can stand against a Mandalorian army but even we can’t break through the defenses of the First Order. Not without help.” Freyaic and Beshark exchanged a quick glance between one another as Savage continued.

“When I give the New Republic the information, they’ll open up a new front against the First Order. Using them will give us the chance for a fair fight against the First Order and those Black Sun traitors.” The call to action against those that had cost them blood got the Mandalorians back into the fire. Many had lost parents and children, husbands and wives and many others when Black Sun revealed their treachery. Any chance to bring vengeance against the criminal organization was one that many among the Mando’ade would gladly join in on. Savage pressed his advantage further as he saw nods of acceptance spreading throughout the armored crowd. 

“We will no longer hide in the shadows. The Mandalorians will lead this fight, not because we are the only ones who can, but because it is what we do best. We will rip apart the Black Sun citadels and reap their credits. Those mindless drones of the First Order will wish they stayed in whatever forsaken hole they came out of. By our might, we will reduce them to ashes and cement our place in a new galaxy of our making.” As he finished, the roar of the people who had adopted him ages ago was enough to sound like the roar of a dreadnaught’s engines. Warriors lifted their blades and blasters, prepared to leap into the fray one last time for the former Mandalore.

One face wasn’t cheering, and Savage quickly waved an armored hand across his podium to quiet the men and women clad in Mando armor.

“What say you Decca the Hutt?” Savage barked out the question. Almost in unison, the various makes and models of over fifty hardened Mandalorian commanders turned towards the holographic image of the Hutt.

Bulbous cat-like eyes looked around the assembled warriors before settling down back on Savage. “You know what is most important to us Savage Oppress. Give us plunder and new routes to trade with, and you shall have the support of the Hutts,” Decca said towards her colleague. Savage nodded and then looked over the Mandalorian and Pyke mercenaries assembled below him.

“Tell your soldiers, it is time for War.” Savage declared. The reply that the assembled warriors gave him was one more united battlecry made from voices strong as iron. Satisfied that at least for the next month he would still have his army, Savage left the gathering chamber.


“That’s right, they escaped in a TIE Fighter, but they didn’t jump to lightspeed in time.” Barriss told her daughter.

“Why not?” Luminara asked, her holographic image settled right in front of her mother’s kind face.

Barriss smiled and looked off to see Savage returning to their living quarters. Through the Force, she had felt what had transpired at the meeting, but it still warmed her heart seeing the barest of grins on his face to announce his success.

“The pilot wanted to be the one to find his droid. He may be crazy, but he wasn’t about to just run back to the fleet at D’qar. I’m not sure but he also may have picked up a guest. The transmission was garbled a bit so I can’t say for sure. Find them both if you can, but the pilot is most important. Map or no map, *she* says he’s the Resistance’s best pilot.”
“We’ll find him, mom,” Luminara replied, confidence and resolve covering her words like armor.

“Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum. May the Force be with you.” Barriss said before she clicked off the transmitter. After that, she rose up to stand before Savage.
“I haven’t seen you smile in a long time.”

“I wasn’t,” Savage said, his face returning to its normal state of weathered focus. “I’m sure Decca is not happy, but the rally masters and captains support the action. Now we just have to make sure the list gets to *her* safely.

“It will. Well not her directly, she’s on D’qar at the moment. Everyone is on high alert since Hux and the *Finalizer* went to Jakku. Don’t worry, she’s already set up one of her most trusted agents to take the list and give it to her allies in the Republic.”

“I hope you’re right-“ Savage and Barriss turned at the same moment as the doors to their private quarters were blasted open by heavy fire. As the heavy durasteel doors banged off the ground in front the pair, four flash grenades bounced into the open space. Savage’s left hand reached out, collecting the grenades together while Barriss created a force bubble around the explosives. A potentially blinding light erupted inside the small bubble but the threat had been countered. Seconds after, both husband and wife leapt forward to engage their enemies, lightsabers at the ready.

“Blast them.” The first Mandalorian they encountered said before Savage separated his head from his neck. Blaster fire erupted in the space as the helmet rolled around Savage and Barriss’ feet. Undetered, both the former Sith and former Jedi charged in against the seven other assassins.

Barriss’ green lightsaber flashed through the smoking air of the battle. Even at her age, she still carried immense skill and precision into battle. Ducking beneath three blaster shots, she landed a glancing blow at one fighter’s knee and then yanked his blaster from his hand and into her vacant left grip with the Force. Raising her blade up, she deflected two more blaster bolts before blasting the now unarmed Mandalorian dead center in his helmet.

“Blruarahgh!” The corpse crashed to the ground and Barriss directed her focus to fend off a storm of blaster fire from two adversaries still alive in front of her.

What Savage lacked in the finesse his wife had, he still made up for with brute strength. Like a wild rancor, the Nightbrother charged in towards four warriors clad in heavy Mandalorian armor. His red blade fleshed, cutting one foe’s leg clean off before he leapt and crashed into a soldier carrying a disruptor cannon. Savage planted his knee into the man’s neck and then force gripped another enemy up from his feet. Dragging him through the air, Savage impaled the doomed man on his crimson blade. The man didn’t make a sound, but soon, Savage’s ears picked up on a frightful hissing noise before his brain realized what was happening.

The man beneath him aimed the flamethrower’s gout of liquid flame right at the former Mandalore. Dodging back, Savage was able to plant the dead man in between himself in the flames, at least mostly. Tearing off his burning jacket, Savage was about to kill the man with the flamethrower when two shots glanced off his shoulders. Howling through the pain and drawing upon the force once more, Savage leaned down to the right, hurling his lightsaber at one target while using the dark side to crack the windpipe of the other figure.

The last surviving target shoved away the ruined body of the man he had set ablaze and leveled his disruptor back at Savage. Spent and without his lightsaber, Savage’s eyes glared at the man about to kill him. He recognized Freyaic’s armor and helmet right before the Mandalorian commander pulled the trigger. The blast never left the weapon. Instead, the pulse of disintegrating energy was lodged inside the deadly device, and Savage and Freyaic watched as the weapon disintegrated in front of both of them.

“How?” Freyaic said before looking at Savage and reaching for a heavy blaster at his side. Savage was ready this time. He yanked the blaster from Freyaic’s grip and turned it on its master. One single blast was all it took to reduce the traitorous mando’s neck to a glowing spot of slagged flesh and bone. The leader of the Vulk clan was dead before his armor clattered against the floor of Barriss and Savage’s quarters.

Barriss moved forward toward her husband. All the assassins were dead, but both had suffered a number of blaster wounds from the engagements. Savage ignored his own wounds, instead focusing on powering up his wife’s own healing abilities so that she would be healed up first. “I’ll be fine Savage.”

“I didn’t think he had it in him,” Savage said as he looked at Freyaic’s ruined corpse. “How did you stop the blast?”

“Heh. You should pay attention to your daughter more. During one of her visits to the temple, Lumi said that one of the students figured it out and taught her. I’ve been practicing it with C-3PX for months.”

Savage grinned and embraced Barriss. For that moment, he simply focused on his wife, the woman who had kept him from the darkness for so many years now, had raised his children, saved him when he had lost his son. He didn’t think he’d be any good to anyone if he lost her. He heard movement nearby and readied his lightsaber before lowering it as he recognized the individual.

“You’re useless! Where were you?” Savage growled at the golden protocol droid who had his blaster rifle at the ready. The droid somehow looked a little sad as its photoreceptors looked over the carnage in its master’s quarters.

“Monitoring the operation on Jakku as ordered Master.”

Barriss smiled and rest her hand on Savage’s shoulders. “It’s fine. We’re both fine.”

“Come on. We’ll patch up in the bedroom. C-3PX clean this mess up and start doing some digging. There may be other traitors aboard the ship. Hunt them down. We can’t afford anyone stopping us now.” Savage growled to the droid before turning to carry his injured wife from the living space.

When his Master left, C-3PX’s body slumped forward just an inch before he put away his blaster and started making a pile of the Mandalorian bodies. “Ever since his Maul left me with him, it’s just been one cleanup after another. And not even the fun kinds.” The droid complained while also searching among the dead Mandalorians for any weapons he’d like to use to optimize his arsenal.
