Quick Cash (Teen, Mature, Outdoors)

Writers Note – So, I have been suffering from Writers Block for a while, and this is the first longer piece I have finished in months. It’s not perfect, but constructive criticism is definitely welcome, as well as ideas for stories in the future. Let me know what you all think, and I hope you enjoy!

Everyone in the small town knew that Mr. Miller was loaded, but Miranda’s best friend had told her about a way to get on the right side of the older man, and his bank account as well. It didn’t take much to get the teacher to tell her exactly what he wanted.

“Ah, Miranda! I remember you! You’ve grown quite a bit! You’re friends with April, right?”

“That’s right!” Miranda had answered. “I hear she ran into you at the grocery store recently.”

“Indeed, I did!” Mr. Miller said with a laugh. “And if you heard that, then you probably heard about our little arrangement?” The young woman’s face flushed red as she glanced down, unsure of how to approach the subject further. Mr. Miller laughed again, enjoying the younger woman’s obvious discomfort. “Not to worry my dear, I only offer THAT to former students I enjoyed having in class.” After a brief pause, he continued, “Students, like you, Miranda. I assume that’s what brought you here today? Are you in some kind of financial trouble?”

“Well… Sort of.” Miranda mumbled. The truth was, she wanted out of her parent’s house, and she had found an incredible apartment, but she couldn’t quite afford the down payment. After talking to April, she figured this would be the best way to get what she wanted. “April told me, you offered her a hundred dollars to, well…” Her voice trailed off, unable to finish the sentence with Mr. Miller staring at her, his grin getting wider as she spoke.

“To suck my cock, I believe, is what you were going to say?”

There it was, the idea was in the air, and she intended to capitalize on it.

“Yes sir, for doing that. And I was wondering-”

“Sorry, say again Miranda? My old ears don’t hear so well these days. I’m going to need you to speak up!”

His mirth caused his large belly to shake, even as his eyes scoped out the brunettes shapely legs, barely covered by tight denim shorts.

Embarrassed and angry at his laughter, Miranda felt herself becoming bolder and decided to spit it out. “I said, April told me you offered her one hundred dollars to suck your cock. Sir.”She added at the end, remembering how much of a stickler her former teacher was for manners. “And well Sir, I am in need of some money as well, and so…”

“Go on.” He encouraged her, his eyes full of lust now as he seemed to undress her with his eyes. “You want me to offer you money as well, for the same kind of favor, is that it? Go on then, how much do you need?”

“Three hundred dollars, Sir. I can do some work around the house for you to make up the difference, or whatever you need really.”

“Whatever I need hmm? Well Miranda, what I really need… Remind me, you turned eighteen during your senior year, right? So you must be almost nineteen now?” Miranda quickly nodded her head, her eyes still roaming the lawn, eager to look anywhere except directly at him. “Good to hear. Well Miranda, what I really need is a beautiful young woman to fuck. I will gladly pay you the money you need, if you would be so kind as to take those shorts off, and pay your old teacher back some of the attention he gave you. How does that sounds?” He watched as the young woman thought about it, her body squirming only turning him on more. “And, as a nice little bonus, I’ll up your pay to five hundred. Does that grab your attention?”

The shocked look on her face told him it did, and Miranda soon confirmed it. “Five hundred dollars? Just to have sex with you? Only once? Or will this be a more than once kind of thing?”

“No ma’am, only this once. But, I do have one stipulation. You strip down, right here in my yard, and climb on top of me. I just want to enjoy the view of you fucking yourself on me.”

Fuck! Miranda thought. This is all getting a bit out of hand… “Do we have to do it out here? What if someone sees? Couldn’t we get in trouble?” She asked, her gaze going back up the road, her words ringing hollow as she realized how far out in the country Mr. Miller lived.

“Trust me, sweetheart, no one else will notice! Now then, I am very busy, so if you want to do this, then go inside and grab the blanket off the back of the couch, so I have something nice to lay on.”

After a moment of indecision, Miranda decided to go for it. She headed on the front porch, glancing back as she went inside to see the old man stripping down. She quickly came back outside to find Mr. Miller sitting comfortably on a nearby lawn chair, his cock resting half erect against the inside of his leg. He watched as the young woman approached, laying out the blanket on the soft grass. When she was done, she met his eyes, suddenly realizing it was her turn now. Mr. Miller watched as she grabbed her t-shirt and pulled it quickly over her head. It wasn’t long before Mr. Miller was laying on his back, his eyes hungrily consuming the body of the young brunette as she stepped over him, straddling his body.

Wow, this old pervert has a bigger cock than I would have ever imagined! Miranda thought to herself, lowering her young body down onto her former teacher’s cock, groaning as his thick shaft spread her pussy lips open. The older man’s hands wrapped around her hips, pulling her down tighter against his body, until her shaven mound was pressed tight against him. Miranda took a moment to adjust to the feeling of fullness, something she had never experienced with any of her boyfriends, until she felt his hands began to push and pull against her, silently encouraging her to grind against his lap.

The two of them lapsed into a series of grunts and moans as Miranda abandoned herself to the fullness emanating from deep within her, very quickly moving her body in such a way that Mr. Miller no longer needed to guide her, his hands-free to explore her body further.

“Fuck, fuck! Mr. Miller, I’m getting close. I’m going to cum on your fat cock!” She moaned loudly into the sky, her head thrown back and her face turned to the wind.

“Fuck yeah!” He groaned, his own hips thrusting up to meet hers. “Me too! Fuck, I’m going to cum deep inside your pussy you little slut!”

No one had ever talked to Miranda that way, and she was horrified at the way her body responded to his words. With a scream that echoed across the yard, her hands grabbed onto his shoulders and she pumped her hips forward several more times, finally slipping over the edge, even as Mr. Miller slammed his cock into her, his cum splashing her insides.

Miranda collapsed onto her former teacher’s chest, her legs quivering against his sides as she came down from the most intense orgasm of her life.

“Well hey there, Tom! I didn’t know you were stopping by today!

Her eyes shot open at the sound of Mr. Miller’s voice, and her head whipped around to see Mr. Peterson, her former principal standing five feet away, a grin on his face.

“Thought I’d swing by and see what you were up to you old coot! Looks like a came at an interesting time.” Looking around, Miranda was horrified to realize that her clothes were spread out nearby, and Mr. Miller’s cock was still resting comfortably inside of her pussy. “Hi there Miranda, very nice to see you!” He grinned, his eyes taking in the view. How did we get ourselves in this particular situation?

Before she could say anything, Mr. Miller answered for her.

Miranda here needed some money, so we came up with an agreement. Five hundred big ones to get to enjoy her incredibly tight pussy for myself. A price well worth something I’ve wanted to do to her for years!” The two men laughed, ignoring the young woman as she wrapped her arms around her body, her body barely responding to her desires to get up and leave.

“Five hundred huh?” Mr. Peterson pulled out his own wallet and leafed through it, producing several hundreds of his own. “That seems a fair price… What do you say Miranda? Willing to get fucked some more? I’ll pay as well.

As embarrassed as she was, Miranda couldn’t deny how helpful another few hundred bucks would be. Finally, she pushed herself off of Mr. Miller, and stood between the two men, her eyes meeting both of theirs.

“Yes sir.” Was all she could say as she watched Mr. Peterson begin to unzip his jeans.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/c8sht2/quick_cash_teen_mature_outdoors

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