Fucking a black widow – The night we met – part 1. [MF] [true story] [romance] [teasing]

She sat on the bed, reading from a list of the reasons I loved her from her birthday card. We were on holiday for the weekend with our two best friends for her birthday. We had been together for nearly 6 years.


*The night we met: I touched your hand and let go slowly because I didn’t want you to go.*

We had mutual friends, she had seen me around before. Me and her met for the first time in a nightclub on a Friday night. She was tall also, that’s what attracted me to her initially. She smiled at me, I smiled back, I looked into her gorgeous blue eyes that seemed to sparkle.

“Hey how you doing?” I shouted over the music as I leant forward, extending my hand.
“Hi!” she replied back nervously, taking my hand in hers.
“What’s your name?” I pulled her closer.
She told me her name. I leaned into hear her as I put my arm around her waist.
“Good to meet you.” I smiled at her, still not letting go of her hand as I told her my name. “You’re pretty tall!” I smirked at her.
“You too! I like tall guys!” She smiled back at me.
“I’m a sucker for tall blue eyed girls!” I shouted back at her and winked. My hand lingered in hers, my fingertips lightly touching her palm.
She clasped her fingers also, our fingertips touching as we pulled away smiling.
“I’ll catch up with your later!” I pulled away, heading back to my group of friends. I was already quite smitten with her.

*The night we met, you held my face in your hand, told me to slow down and follow your lead, then kissed me passionately. I said wow, that was a great kiss, I felt a spark. I knew I didn’t want you to leave my side.*

I was young and excited, I didn’t have much practise with kissing. I wanted to open mouthed kiss, but she said I was too sloppy and aggressive.

As we kissed on the dance floor, she pulled away, took my hand in hers. We sat on the chairs by the edge of the dance floor, it was a little quieter and we could hear each other better. We talked more, we eventually kissed slowly and sensually. She told me to slow down. She took my chin in her hand, put her hand on my chest, as I put my hand under her knee pulling her closer. Our kiss was slow and sensual, we ended with a smile to catch our breath, looked into each other’s eyes again.

“Wow, that was a great kiss! I felt a spark.”
“ Me too!” she smiled.
“So when are we going on our first date?”
“You tell me. You better text me first, I’m fed up with guys using me.”
“I’ll text you right now.” I did so. “Got it?”
“Yeah” she glanced at her phone and smiled.
“Great now you have to text me back in the morning!”

*“Don’t get with her man, she will break your heart.”*
My best friend was there the night we met, he had some part in helping to us get together.

He took my hand and pulled me away.
*“He’s coming back, I just need to borrow him whilst we get a drink!”*
He turned to me, yelling in my hear over the music.
“Bas Bas!” which was our private joke for ‘Be a slut’.
We had game, I was his wingman, our technique was to open as many doors as possible, by talking to as many girls as we could. This made us look more popular than we already where, other girls would look at us and assume we knew other girls, and from there meeting girls would just snowball.

… but I didn’t expect to find one girl that I wanted to keep. He was single at the time; his future girlfriend was there that night, but they were not together yet.

*“I’m telling you man, she’s cute but she’s trouble.” he slurred at me. “Don’t get with her man she’s no good for you!”*

He had tried to warn me. They were friends from college and he already knew her well, she actually had a crush on him, but then every girl did because of his outgoingness, confidence, and charm.

She came over to me, he took our first photo together of us as we spent the rest of the night talking and kissing until it was time to leave.


The next day, I was working a retail job at the time, which is how me and my best friend met. He was 2 months younger than me, I’d joked with him about when he turns 18 we would go clubbing. I never expected him to follow through, but I’m happy we did as everything fell into place a few months later.

I got and up headed to work. I sat in the staff room before my shift, phone in hand hesitating and trying to find the perfect text to send to her. I decided to leave it until my break as I put my phone in my locker and went to work. When I came back at my break, I had a text from her. I eagerly replied, and then a couple of texts later I was asking her out on a date: That evening, 7pm, we were going to the local cinema. Neither of us had ever been on a real date before.

I let her pick the film… She told me her friends-friend was sitting a couple of rows away from us so she didn’t want to look like we were on a date. I took it as a sign that she wasn’t that interested in me so I kept my hands away from her.

The film finished, It was a slow long walk back to her house, it took us about an hour of just talking. We held hands as we walked the backstreets hiding. We stopped in an alleyway by the library.

“Thank you for tonight.” she took my hands and smiled at me. “Close your eyes, I’ve got a present for you.”

Trusting her I did so, squinting a little. She got on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on my lips. I opened my eyes and smiled, it was such a cheesy move. I pulled her closer, holding her hips as we progressed to open mouth kissed slowly, her tongue darted in my mouth and we kissed passionately again for several minutes. I held her close, one arm around her waist, the other cupping her chin. I was falling for her hard.
“That was my first kiss sober.” She smiled.
“Me too.” I laughed. “How was it?”
“It felt more special…. It just feels right.”
“I thought that too..”

She learned into me for another kiss, we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. We walked and talked more, stopping every few minutes to kiss again, until we arrived near a church. Then she asked me where she saw us going, and told me more about what she wanted:
“I don’t want to lead you on.”
“What do you mean?” I questioned her.
“I’m going on holiday in 6 months’ time… I’m going to Zante.”

My best friend had invited me to Zante, they were going at overlapping times, I’d never heard of the place and I’d only known him for a few months so I politely declined. The place was a slutfest.

“I really like you but I’m not looking for a relationship now… I’ve also applied for you University…. I don’t really think long distance is going to work between us.”

I was heartbroken. I really liked her. I walked her home, we carried on laughing together, we got along so well. Talking to her was easy, she had a good sense of humour.

We arrive in the street outside her house.

“But… Maybe we could be friends with benefits? I don’t want to kiss you outside my house… “
But we did anyway.
“Oh no… my mother… shes watching from the window. God this is so embarrassing…”
I looked up and the curtains were peaking open.
“Did you tell them you were going on a date?”
“Sort of, I told them I was meeting a friend.”
“A friend huh?”
“With benefits” She winked at me. “I’ve had a lovely time tonight.”
“Me too” I smiled
“I really can’t wait to see you again.”
“I’d like that. Text me, we can sort something out.”

We shared a long kiss, she waved as she disappeared inside her house.

I walked back from her house to mine. My mind was racing – I really liked her. I was torn between the news she told me, I didn’t want this to end. I’d never had a girlfriend before and I was still a virgin. We text back and forth the next day. I was a member of a gym that was at the other end of her road. I finished my work out and she was “just passing by.”

We met each other near the gym. We went for a long walk together, exploring the local park, taking the long route back. A very long walk back, we were together for about 2 hours. We stopped near private tennis courts that were closed. It was hidden in an alleyway. We walked up the darkness, exploring it together. It was exciting – we hide in the dark holding hands. We looked so suspicious, leaning in to kiss each other while no one else was watching as if we were having an affair.

She turned to me, pressing her body close, her head on my shoulder as I held her tenderly. We kissed, our tongues intertwining, running my fingers through her hair as she stroked my back and held me close. I really was falling for her. Someone walked by, we jumped back in surprise.

“This looks so bad!” She whispered to me “Anyone would think we just had sex in the alleyway… We need to get out of here!”

We kept walking on, giggling at being caught doing something so innocent that felt so right… and then we found another nearby park. We sat in the darkness, on the floor we sat cross legged, her opposite me, then scooted towards me, almost straddling me in her jeans

“This is so bad!” she said to me. We were both very inexperienced and being driven by lust.
“Are you hard?!”
“Sort of… yeah.”
“Wow.” she laughed. “Do I turn you on?”
“Yeah you do.” I laughed.
“Well we can’t go anywhere… you can’t come back to mine.. Maybe we can go back to yours?”
“Not right now we can’t… my parents are home. Maybe another time?”

We just kissed as she grinded on me, both fully clothed but dry humping each other slightly. I kissed her neck, she smiled, pulled me closer. It was exhilarating, I’d never experienced this before. I really liked her.

It was getting late, we left the park and I stood on the kerb to bring myself down to her height, stopping to kiss again. She accidently head butted me in the chin!
“I’m so sorry!” she cried out
“It’s fine!” I laughed back, it wasn’t bad and it was an accident.

We held hands and headed in the direction of her home…. Taking a shortcut through an alleyway. A shortcut that I’d never forget…

We stopped in the alleyway, obscured from the main road by a tree.
“I really like you.” she said to me.
“I really like you too.” was my reply.
We kissed yet again. I pushed her against the wall, lifting her up. She raised her leg as we continued grinding on each other, kissing passionately and becoming increasingly heated and horny.
“Oh fuck I wish we had somewhere private to go!”
“Me too… I want you so bad!”
We carried on kissing for several minutes.

“Stop stop stop…” She pulled away from me. I stopped of course.
“What’s wrong?”
“I need to tell you something.” I was a little worried with what she was about to say, “I’m a virgin.” She sobbed, putting her head in her hands.
“Aww bless you… That’s ok.”
“Really? That doesn’t turn you off?”
“No – why would it?”
“Because guys don’t like that, I thought you’d think I don’t know what I’m doing…”
“Honestly it doesn’t bother me… I’m a virgin too” I confessed to her.
She looked up at me and smiled.
“Yeah… I thought you were.” she smirked.
“Just the way you kiss. You’re so sweet, I can tell you’re new to this.”
“Well… Maybe one day we can have some fun working things out together.” I laughed, she laughed too.
“I don’t want you thinking I’m a slut… I’ve never done anything like this before… I’m not normally like this…”
“Me neither. I’ve not kissed that many girls, and I’ve never gone any further.”
“You’re a really good kisser.” she said to me.
“Well… You taught me well” I smiled back at her.
We kissed some more.

“Can you do something for me?”
“Maybe… depends what it is?”
“I find you ten times more attractive when you’re wearing Vans, can you wear them again next time?”
She perplexed me a bit with that request… but from then on I always wore vans.

“Really? Is that all? Sure I can!” I laughed.
“Is there anything you want me to wear?”
“Oh… lots of things…. “ I laughed.
“Oh really? Like what” she whispered.
“No it’s a bit weird… I don’t know if I should tell you.”
“Pleaseee” she pouted.
“I promise I won’t laugh!”
“Fine… I have a bit of a nylon fetish… “
“Huh? What’s that?”
“Like I’m kind into girls wearing tights or stockings.”
“Oh, is that it? “I’ll wear stockings or tights next time we meet, how about that?”
“That would be hot…”

Going on the to a rooftop view with you 6 days after we met and telling you I love you and I’ve never felt this way before

Friday, we met at a club
Saturday, we went on a date.
Sunday, we made out like there was no tomorrow.
Monday and Tuesday, we took a break from seeing each other.

Wednesday, she texts me:
Hey, I’ve got tickets to the city, want to come with me?
She had been visiting universities with her parents that day and the tickets were still valid.
Sure I replied.

We made our way to station. Eventually went to the roof top bar didn’t go to the city very often. The view from the top was romantic. I’ve never felt this way before, I was overcome with love and emotion as I cuddled her:

“I love you.”
“I love you too.” she said it back to me.

It was far too soon to be saying that to each other. We were so loved up and smitten with each other, we took a selfie by the Fountain of us kissing. It would become the background photo of my phone for several years, until it was updated with a picture of us kissing over the Amsterdam canal.

We went for a meal at TGI’s – I’d never eaten there before either. The meals were kind of expensive, but she insisted on paying. Therefore, I got the same cheapest thing on the menu thing as her : A BLT sandwich but I hate Salad and wasn’t keen on mayonnaise. I’ve never ordered it since. We ordered two slushies, mine blue hers red. She preferred mine. We swapped and ended up both getting blue slushies for the next round.

We head home, I walked her back to her place, and then I walked back to mine. I couldn’t wait to see her again.


Even years later I treasure all of those memories and time we spent together, and many more. I don’t think I could have asked for a better date. I was so in love with her even from the first moment we met.

I just want her back. Why did I have to go and fuck everything up? Something’s fucking wrong with me.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/c8pr6c/fucking_a_black_widow_the_night_we_met_part_1_mf

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