The time I [M] fucked a mil[F] stranger on the train

I live in a major US city and I take the train to and from work Monday-Friday. I usually hate the train, it’s hot, crowded, and there’s always some idiot that doesn’t realize they need to behave like a normal person in public. The funny thing is that in this story I’m recounting, I was an idiot that didn’t realize I needed to act like a normal person in public.

The one thing I’ve learned to love about riding the train and living in a big city in general is the fact that I see so many hot women of so many variations every. single. day. It’s fantastic. I find you can peek up dresses every time you walk up the stairs at these train stops, you can peek down the shirts anytime you’re standing and a girl is wearing something low cut near you.

I’m sure that comes off as kind of creepy but I don’t mean it to be, I’m just incredibly horny and every attractive woman I see I like to check her out if there’s an easy opportunity.

Well anyway to the juicy part of the story. It was a Friday night and I had to work until 7, not unusual but I was pissed I worked late and was more than ready for my weekend to start.

To describe me, I was 23 at the time, I’m tall, I like to think I’m handsome, kinda slim/athletic build, blonde hair, blue eyes, but easily my favorite thing about myself is my cock. I’m proud of how big it is but honestly more proud of how “handsome” it is. “It’s so big” is a great compliment from women and definitely and ego booster, but being told multiple times “your dick is beautiful” or “holy shit your dick could like be in magazines” is by far the best thing a woman has ever said to me.

Back to the story, I’m waiting on the platform, hot and grumpy and so ready to get home and crack some beers with friends. I know the train is gonna be crowded cause it’s a Friday and people use it to go out so I’m definitely annoyed.

I’m standing there waiting for the train to roll up and 15 ft away from me up walks a woman (about 30 would be my guess) she’s got brown hair and tan skin, about 5’4, and she’s wearing a TIGHT grey dress that is showing off her perfect body.

Her breasts are large and round and standing up perkily off her chest and she has a thick toned ass. This lady is a head turner and I wouldn’t believe you were into women if you didn’t agree.

So anyway I’m standing there kinda gawking at her, I wasn’t intentionally being obvious, the platform was kinda crowded, but I was absolutely stunned. Before I realize I’m just openly staring at her, I glance up her body and see she’s looking right at me, with a sexy little smirk.

I quickly gather myself, bury my head in my phone, and try to move on, thinking maybe I’ll get another chance to glance at her if she ends up getting on my train car.

So a minute or so later, up rolls the train and as I’m about to step through my doors a large group of 18-20 somethings run right in front of me and crowd up my car, forcing my to stand up against the door where I stand facing out.

At this point I’m pissed, it was rude but also just the fact that they chose my car was really annoying.

BUT, as the doors are about to shut, you’d never guess who comes running to my door and presses her body firmly up against mine. I said sorry as I awkwardly shuffled to make room but there was no where to go.

The doors shut behind her and the front of our bodies were pushed together. She looked up at me with a sexy glare in her eye and just said don’t worry about it.

As the train starts moving I’m still thinking this is some sort of fortunate fluke, the last thing on my mind was anything sexual because of the awkwardness I perceived. As we start heading to our first stop, I realize she has nothing to grab on to. We hit a couple bumps and turns and she reaches out for me for support.

Now she’s the one apologizing and I say no problem. During all of this our bodies are slowly grinding against each other naturally as the train wiggles down the track. Now I’m starting to get aroused and praying to god my dick stays under control… of course that’s usually the exact wrong way to not get hard.

As we approach the first stop, our bodies lurch forward and she firmly grabs my crotch. I immediately think it’s an accident but her hand doesn’t move as my eyes come down to meet hers.

There’s now no escaping her obvious intentions as she is looking up at me biting her lip and slowly rubbing my cock through my slacks. I was turned on to the point where it no longer mattered that I was surrounded by people I would’ve came right there if I wanted to. It felt like she was doing this for 10 minutes but as the train started to rumble forward again I realized that was only the first stop and it seemed no one had left the train.

I reach down to discreetly grab her breasts, this is when I noticed her nipples were as hard as my dick and could be seen clearly through her dress (I hadn’t even noticed she wasn’t wearing a bra) she leans into me and moans “holy fuck, you’re so big”.

This probably seems like bullshit but it’s not even something you would see in porn and in the moment it felt like a dream but it was really happening. At this point she unbuttons my slacks and reaches down with both hands. She’s got my dick pointing up, stroking it with her right hand and her left hand massaging my balls. After a couple minutes she looks down and spit in her hand that’s stroking me to lube it up a bit. I seriously nearly lost it right there but thank god I didn’t.

I’m tilting my head back surely about to cum because I’m so turned on. She then pulls this move I’ve never even thought of before but was so hot. She senses that I’m getting close and pulls her dress up and tucks my dick underneath it, pressed up against her stomach and pointing at our heads. She then continues to massage my balls and is now stroking me against her stomach from the outside of her dress.

Idk if that makes any sense but her stomach was warm and I could literally feel how toned she was and it wasn’t long before she was whispering in my ear “that’s it baby give me all your cum, I want it so bad right now” and I did just that, I must have shot 10 ropes all the way up to her tits as my knees buckled and I grabbed the back of her head and moaned in her ear. She kept looking at my eyes once I had finished and began taking droplets of cum from her dress and licking them from her finger (her dress had such a dark stain on it, kinda ridiculous)

I stood at a standstill for probably 30 seconds trying to gather myself as she carefully tucked me back into my slacks and refit my shirt and belt. I’m now coming back to reality and realizing what we just did in public. I look around and the train has mostly emptied, I didn’t even notice the stops. I kinda doubt anyone really saw what was going on but to this day I don’t really care.

This got long really quickly and there’s a whole lot more to this story and us in general. I found out she was 32 and her name was Kristin and I can tell some more if you guys are interested.



  1. I call bullshit. Really? She just jacked you off in the middle of a packed city subway? Come on man, this sub is supposed to be for stories that are real.

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