[MF][LONG] The best build up I’ve ever experienced..

This morning I was scrolling through Instagram and I saw that an old co-worker of mine just got engaged. From one second to the next I felt this rush of emotions. Excited, jealous, frustrated, and finally relieved.  This story was years in the making and I’ve been holding off on it for a while but I guess today would be appropriate to finally close this chapter.

I use to have this co worker named Michelle.

We met when we were training for a customer service position around 2 years ago. A group of about 15 people started on the same day, Michelle and myself were included in this group.  On our first day, they put all 15 of us in a conference room to introduce us to the supervisors, leads , and executives that we were going to be working with.

The room looked over a lake and the runway for departing and landing flights for the international airport in my city. The first thing I looked at was Michelle’s face. She had some mousy features with auburn hair and eyes that shifted between dark and light hazel, depending on the lighting or her mood (as I came to know later). Her lips were thick and full. And nice thick chipmunk cheeks. She sat across from me through the meeting. It took all the will my body can produce to not stare at her. I tried to be slick and go for the side, staring at empty space in her direction just to be able to have her in my peripheral vision. I’m more than sure that I looked like an idiot.

After the meeting was done, we were instructed to go to the training room where we’re going to spend the next two weeks.

We went through the company formalities and in the end of the meeting. I stood up and started walking towards the exit and prayed that she would stand in front of me so I can introduce myself.

Lo and behold she got in front of me. Right as I was going to say something I noticed what the conference table was hiding.

This wasn’t some girl that might be my age. She was a woman with curves that can cause traffic accidents by just walking down the street. Her tits were the perfect combination between perky and large. Her waist makes a Classic Coke bottle look like a one gallon jug of milk. Curves that shaped themselves at just the right angle. Her ass was the perfect combination between thick and curvaceous.

If you’re curious to know what I look like. I’m hispanic skinny, 5’7, black hair, brown eyes, tan skin. Most people on this sub tend to exaggerate about the size of their member, but it’s safe to say I’m a little above average. I posted a pic on my profile in case you’re extra curious.

I was in absolute awe. I’m not one to stare or gawk at women but from the moment I saw her in full form I felt something primal in me awaken. She unleashed a sexual energy in me that, till this day, has not been able to rest. Her scent was sweet and pungent. Her walk was intoxicating.

I wasn’t able to introduce myself at that moment because I wasn’t ready for the atomic bomb that is Michelle’s head to toe composition.

Later on that day during a break from training. We were instructed to take our chairs to our designated work stations. Michelle just so happen to be behind me. I had to turn right and she had to turn in the following row. As I turned she looked at me and said “that tie looks good on you”.

I fucking died.

All I said back was “my mom has great taste”.   

She laughed and that was the introduction to one of the most intimate and cherished friendships that I’ve been lucky enough to be apart of. From that moment until the day I left that job over a year and half later, we were inseparable.

Lunches, breaks, workouts, errands, complete understanding and influence in each other’s personal life. She knew my darkest moments and I’ve been honored with knowing hers. Our fears, dreams, and frustrations were exchanged back in forth with respect, love, and affection.

I developed a crush pretty quickly but I later found out she had a boyfriend. I’m not one to really shit where I eat so early on I decided to be friends.


That didn’t stop her from flirting with me and I with her. Every chance I got I would stare at her ass. When she would walk away from me I would whisper “walk slower so I can enjoy the view”. She would  always smile , laugh,….and walk really slow.

Our friendship grew as we spent more time together. We didn’t have the same taste in music or movies but our principles aligned perfectly. We agreed on anything and everything.

I’m going to list three incidents that happened between the two of us.

Michelle didn’t have a car, so on most occasions I would give her a ride so she didn’t have to spend money on Uber.

A little context for the following incident. Michelle would brag about her tits. She would playfully tell me how perky and amazing they looked without her wearing a bra. I would always just laugh and tell her “okay show me then”. She would just laugh.

At that point I just started dating someone.

On our way to her house she mentioned that she got her nipples pierced. The moment she said “I” “nipples” and “pierced” in the same sentence I was rock hard.

I just said that’s awesome and just asked basic questions like “did it hurt? Who went with you? How much did it hurt?”. She started talking about it and i loved her enthusiasm. We were getting close to her house and I didn’t want the conversation to end so I asked her if she wanted to come with me to get my car washed. She very quickly said yes.

We were in line for the car wash and she was still talking about her pierced tits. Things got interesting when she mentioned that she loved the picture she took of them. At the moment the entire atmosphere of the car changed. My heart was beating a million beats per minute, my hand started twitching, my leg started shaking. I can feel the blood rush towards the head of my cock.

I kinda looked her, controlling myself, and asked her “do you want to show me?”. She was facing forward on the passenger seat but the moment I asked her that question she jumped and started facing me.

Her eyes were electric, the blouse was struggling to contain her breast, and a smile that can bring puppies to life crossed her face.

She pulled her phone out and the 15 seconds it took her to find the picture were the longest I’ve ever experienced.  

I was about to grab her phone but I told her I wanted to see it while we were under the water in the middle of the car. I wanted to have the windows closed and the water block the world and only leave the sexual energy that was building up.

She smiled and said okay. While we’re waiting we would look at each other and smile. She would laugh and I would laugh. We both knew this was a big deal.

We finally pulled up to the car wash, under the roar of the streaming water  she placed her phone in my hand. With the brightness all the way up I was able to get a first look of something I would recreate every night for the next couple of months.

She was laying down with the phone over head. The blankets behind her had  a white background with blue flowers. The light was coming from the upper hand left side of the picture. Her nipples were the perfect shade of pink and divinely proportional. They were the kind of nipples that you can lightly bite and lick and see the every little goosebump that surround the very tip.

She wasn’t kidding about how perky they were. She was laying completely flat and the phone was angled directly above her. However, her tits were so round and large that they casted a shadow towards the left side.

Don’t ask for a pic because I deleted it ages ago.

The piercing gave her beast a twinkle. It was amazing and it was more than I ever imagined.

I’m holding the phone, hypnotized, my cock was hard to the point where I can feel the pre cum drip down my leg. My leg itself was shaking and my hands were slightly twitching. Up until that moment I’ve never experienced this influx of primal lust.

I’m staring at the phone. In the silence that followed I realized that she really did want me. This wasn’t her just showing me her new piercing. This was her showing me what she can offer. These are the tits that I want you to lick, to caress, and kiss.

I gave her the phone back and said “impressive”. She smiled and just said “I know”.

I pulled up to her house. Before she got off I asked her “if were both single would have shown me your tits?”.

She smiled that smile and said “absolutely”

The second incident

By my 21st birthday me and Michelle still on the same floor but worked in different departments. We reported and worked with different people but would always have lunch together. No matter what.

It was the night of my 21st birthday my buddies from work wanted to go to bar, buy me a beer, and watch the NBA finals game that was playing that night.

I invited Michelle but she already committed to going out with her other co-workers. She gave me a Harry Potter themed desk surprise and Voldemort’s wand from Universal Studios so she’s already done more than enough.

By the start of the third quarter, the Cavs were up by 10. Lebron and Kyrie were playing with a ferociousness that wasn’t there the previous 4 games. Little did I know that this was the first win of their miraculous 3-1 comeback. I’ve had three beers and two shots at this point.

Michelle was texting me saying that she was a bit tipsy and how much of a good time she was having. At that moment I was in the bathroom taking a piss.

A little context, a couple of days ago me and my girlfriend at the time decided to exchange some nudes. I had a very well lit picture of my cock.

When I was in the bathroom, I was drunk, horny, and stupid so I decided to send Michelle a picture of my dick. Without even thinking twice about it I sent it.

It wasn’t until I got back to my table did I realize what I did. I immediately started to write an apology/excuse saying that the pic was meant for my girlfriend.

As I was writing this I got a message back from Michelle saying.


I was still drunk and feeling brave so I very bluntly said “send me a pic of your tits”.

Two minutes later I get a notification for a new pic message. There they were in all their fucking glory. Just as perfectly round and amazing as i saw them under the roar of the car wash.

At that moment however, I was hearing a different type of roar. All the blood my body can spare was rushing to the head of my cock. I felt my eyes dilate and my hands got sweaty.

A couple of minutes later I get a text back asking me where I was. I told her the bar. She didn’t have a car so she rode to where she was with a co worker. She wanted the groups to meet and tell her co worker that I was going to drop her off.

The logistics never panned out and she stayed where she was at. Sometimes I run scenarios in my head on how that night could have ended up but it worked for the better. We were both in relationships and it wasn’t right to go with it. We already crossed enough lines and anything else was wrong and inappropriate.

That night I got home, took of my pants, and gave my cock long steady strokes. My head glistened with pre cum while every vein running up my shaft was thick and pulsating.

After a couple of minutes of ferocious friction I release rope after rope of cum. I really didn’t think she could top the wand but she did.

Third incident

This is one of those things that just happened with everything going right.

Michelle mentioned that she wanted to go to Sports Authority to get some of the deals that were going down due to the company closing stores all over.

It was a Friday so I offered to give her a ride to the store and maybe buy something myself.

On this day she wore a sleeveless red blouse that hugged her breast and a striped pencil skirt with black flats (she doesn’t like wearing heals).

For the life of me I can’t remember what ignited what happened next. Over the course of the next couple of hours all we talked about what sex and what turned us on.

Hair pulling, ass smacking, her love of spit running down her tits from sucking cock, her love of eating ass and getting her ass eaten, sweat dripping down her stomach. She told me that the best fuck she ever had was with her ex boyfreind, he was fucking her in the ass while she had a toy stimulating her clit. That story gave me two relavations, that she’s a fein for anal and that she’s down to use toys.

She ended the story by saying “I’m down for fucking anything if I’m horny enough”. I asked her what kind of lube she uses for anal, I ask this just to calm myself down because if she kept talking about getting fucked in the ass I was going to crash the car, however, that question was a huge mistake because she said ” I don’t use lube, I get really wet and if it’s not wet enough then I just pull it out, suck it some more and put it back in”.

Good God Michelle you don’t fuck around when it comes to fucking around.

Having her talk about these things with that toxic smile of her almost made me crash while we were driving. We’ve always flirted but this was new territory. The whole car ride was electric.

We were driving down a major road and I playfully asked her to show me her tits. She just laughed and told me to fuck off. Remember we were both in serious relationships.

The car got quiet after I asked and I just kept my eyes on the road and tried to visualize myself diving head first into the arctic ocean. But something weird started happening in my peripheral.

She was tying her head in a pony tail and adjusting her position in the seat to face me directly. She was also messing with her blouse and unbuttoned the first couple of buttons.

Holy shit it’s happening. I started panicking because I didn’t want to stare directly into the sun. I asked her what she was doing and all she said was “making your day”. At that moment I thought about my girlfriend at the time and how good she was to me but I was 21 years old and had only been one with one person. I wanted to do this, I needed this, it was wrong for me to do it but it was my mistake to make and my conscience to live with the consequences.

I told her to give me 5 minutes. She said too bad and pulled them right out (thank God my windows are tinted because again we were in a MAJOR road in rush hour). I didn’t look. This is not the way I wanted it to happen. If I was going to make this mistake then I’ll make dam sure it was better than a sneak peak.

I told her to wait and she said fine. I was able to get off the main road and find this abandoned industrial lot. I parked, turned on the light inside the car and got ready for the show.

She smiled. What I remember most about this moment was that smile she gave me right before she showed me. That smile showed that she wanted this as much as I did.

Then came the fireworks. They were absolutely perfect. Round, pink, perky, they are the archetypical cum on me tits. I was in awe. She moved her shoulders up and down to make em bounce a little bit. I appreciated the attention to performance detail.

I reached out and looked at her for a nod of approval. She gave it to me. Jesus Christ they were firm, completely cupped in my hand. My hand ran across her nipple and they were stiff and at attention. Goosebumps were forming all around the pink of her nipple. My fingers pinched them and I remember her breathing getting a little heavier. I didn’t stop and kept circling her nipple wotht my fingers. What she said next absolutely killed me.

” Do it a little faster, that feels good”. I complied with the order. After about a minute of that I stopped and she put the girls away.

I dropped her off at her house which wasn’t that far from where we were. She looked at me and said “I love you.” We usually say that to each other but this time was different, this time it meant more.

That was the last time me and her ever had any physical contact. We never talked about that car ride ever again. I left the job about 5 months later.

We never had sex, we never got passed a freindly hug. I’ve been fortunate enough to be with very pretty women. I’ve had amazing sex but absolutely nobody has come close to make me feel the energy that she brought out of me.

Seeing her engagement post brings up questions of “what if” but that’s only natural. We have to grow up and move on. I will always be thankful for her love and affection. She was one of the first women that made me feel handsome and wanted. Her husband is the luckiest piece of shit on Earth and I was lucky to get a crumb of what he’s going to get for the rest of his life.

Love is a weird thing. What we did was wrong and I recognize that but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Michelle if you’re reading this just know that the moments we had are the ones that don’t fade and that will always bring a smile to my face.

Don’t send me an invitation. I will get trashed.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/c7svz2/mflong_the_best_build_up_ive_ever_experienced


  1. Loved your story, thanks for posting!

    Really makes me wonder if I’ve ever turned a man on this much! I sure hope so.

  2. This was a great story man. In some weird way I feel proud of you

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