Fetish & vanilla friendly custom erotic stories!

Fancy something a little steamy? I keep meaning to spread the word via more avenues and will make good on that today that I am open for commission work on a variety of themes! I take on furry and non-furry work as you please and am happy to write up near enough anything and everything! All characters for erotic work must be adults and of age, however.

E-mail: arianmabe@gmail.com

Base rate of 25 GBP per 1,000 words up to 10,000 words – longer stories have higher price bands and full information is available via the links above!

Please message me for links to work examples, which are available on Literotica and FurAffinity, among others! Also ask me about anything else you may like, such as editing, proofreading, critique (only available on request), character profiles or short snippets to accompany artwork.

Thanks for taking a look and have a great day!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/c6xv82/fetish_vanilla_friendly_custom_erotic_stories