Curvy Tourist [F]ound New York’s Finest [FM]

Sorry I haven’t responded to messages lately! I haven’t logged on much, got some personal shit going on. But thought I’d post a new story and some photos since I’ve written one up and taken a few pics this week. Hope you enjoy!

I’ve always had a thing for cops. I don’t know if it’s a man in charge thing, the uniform, the gun or what, but for as long as I’ve been old enough to understand what sex is, police men have always been my go to fantasy.

When I was in my early 20’s, I went on one of my first solo trips, this one to New York City.

I went to all the typical touristy things, saw the Brooklyn Bridge, Statue of liberty, walked around Central Park, went to Times Square, etc etc. I had a great time and loved (and still love) that I was by myself so I could set my own pace and go to all the things I wanted to do, when I wanted to. I also noticed the massive amount of police everywhere I went.

Being a single woman at the time, I decided if I was going to ever check off my cop fantasy, New York might be the best place to do it.

I didn’t want to just approach one on the street; I’m still quite shy about flirting unless someone starts the flirting, and I didn’t want to come off as some typical badge bunny, so I decided to post my fantasy online and see if I got any bites.

A simple message posted on Craigslists Casual Encounters. “Curvy tourist looking for New York’s Finest” I remember posting.

Within an hour I had over 100 replies, and by days end I had to remove the posting, overwhelmed with the amount of emails I got.

I went through them that night, deleting any that were not what I was looking for, one word emails or dick pics. I narrowed it down to about 5 guys and after chatting for a few hours, picked my man.

I can’t even remember his name now, so I’ll just call him Elliot, after one of my favourite fictional New Yorkers. ?

Elliot was a good looking guy around 25 years old, tall with dark brown hair and light eyes. We had a bit in common and he agreed to all the things I was hoping to get out of this role play experience. I was staying at a Airbnb, renting a room in a family house so couldn’t host, so we made plans to meet the next day at a hotel in Queens.

Elliot checked into a room and left a key for me at the desk. After collecting the keys, I tried to shake my nerves away, catching the elevator up. As I made my way to the right room, I was a bundle of excitement and nerves, fixing my hair or pulling at my shirt. My legs were shaking as I put the card key in and opened the door.

I could hear the TV was on and saw a pair of shoes by the entrance as I entered, and closed and locked the door.

“Who’s there?” I hear loudly as I freeze.

A man in full police uniform quickly stands up and is at the entrance of the room as I try and retreat.

“Don’t move” he says, as I put my hand on the door lock.

“I’m sorry, I must have the wrong room” I quickly say.

“How did you get in here?” He aggressively asked.

“They must have given me the wrong key, I’ll go back down and get the right one” I say as I again reach for the door.

“Hands up! I said don’t move” he yells as I raise my hands.

Elliot is aganist me in a flash, and strongly but gently pushes my hands up higher and aganist the wall.

“Did you come here to rob the room?”

I shake my head no.

“Do you have any weapons? Anything sharp on you that will cut me?”

I shake my head again and lightly say “no, I have nothing at all”

Elliot gets me to remove my shoes and he starts patting me down, telling me again not to move. I can feel his hands moving up from my feet, up the sides and back of my legs. He put both his hands on my ass and I lightly moan and move slightly.

“Did I say you could move!”

I stand as still as possible, biting my lip to stop myself from showing how much I’m enjoying this moment.

He continues to pat my behind, then moves up my ribs and back. He spins me around, keeping my hands aganist the wall, pulling my body out slightly. His hands run up the front of my legs, and then he gets to my inner thighs, going slowly up between my legs.

I want to melt into a puddle but I don’t dare move. His hand gets to the top of my thigh, and I close my eyes and tremble with pleasure as he pushes his hand aganist my crotch. He continues up my stomach, my arms and cups my breasts.

“I think you’re hiding something in here” he says sternly as he rubs my breasts. “I need to check closer”

“No, I swear, this is a misunderstanding. I’ve gone to the wrong room! I don’t have anything!” I plead.

“Take it off” he demands, pointing to my shirt.

I look him in his sexy blue eyes and nod. “Yes officer”

I pull my shirt over my head, and cross my arms over my chest, acting embarrassed to be standing infront of a stranger without a shirt on.

“If you act like you have something to hide, it will only make this worse for you” he says as he removes my arms from my chest and I let them drop to my side.

He once again cups my large breasts, investigating wonderfully. He turns me around quickly, and has unclipped my bra and spims me back so fast, I almost fall over. He removes the straps from my shoulders and pulls my bra off, and I instinctively pull my hands back up to cover myself. He grabs them, pushes them above my head, and my whole body aganist the wall.

I don’t think I’ve ever been this turned on before in my life. He grabs both of my breasts again, and rubs them, playfully lifting each DDD cup up, checking to make sure I’m not hiding anything underneath.

“I’m afraid I’m going to have to arrest you for breaking into my room” he says.

“But you didn’t find anything, I told you this was all a mistake. Please, just let me leave now and you’ll never see my again!” I try

“Well….maybe we can settle this between just us” he teases.

He guides me over to the main area, and has me sit on the end of the bed. He pulls out a brand new pair of handcuffs. (We had discussed this the night before, he said he recommended he get a fake pair from a sex store or something, because the ones he uses day to day were very heavy and quite dirty)

“Lay down” said Elliot.

I do as he wishes and he gets on his knees beside me on the bed, pulling my arms up above my head, clipping one handcuff on my wrist, looping it around a corner of the headboard, and attaching the second half to my other wrist. It wasn’t the most comfortable position to be in, but my body was so excited I hardly noticed.

Elliot then had his mouth on my breasts while I whimpered to the feeling. He sucked and played with my nipples, biting them roughly, and made his way to my ears and neck, biting and licking me all over.

He stood up to the side of the bed I was bound to and unzipped his pants. He still had his belt still on, but as far as I could tell, nothing inside any of it. He pulled out his semi hard cock, and started rubbing himself infront of my face. He grabbed the back of my head with one hand and held his cock up with the other, forcing my lips around him.

He pushed his cock completely into my mouth, hitting the back of my throat and I tried not gagging while I adjusted my mouth to his hardness. Once I was able to handle him fully, he moved both hands to the back of my head and treated my mouth like it was a pussy, fucking it.

I seemed to be enjoying it as much as he was, being so wet and turned in now that I was finally being used by a cop. He continued to control the pace and fuck my mouth as he groaned and sighed.

His movements became more rough and I knew he was going to cum. I felt a shot after shot of hot cum fly out of him, and I swallowed it all, and played with the tip as he moaned while pulling out.

Elliot looked down at me as he was panting, trying to catch his breath, and said “good girl”, reaching down to give one of my nipples a playful slap.

He grabbed us both some water, while we both relaxed a few minutes on the bed. I was still however handcuffed.

Elliot rolled to my side and started playing with my breasts again, once he was ready. I moaned again at his teasing, nibbling on my neck and nipples, licking his way down my stomach. His hand found it’s way under my pants and underwear while he was playing with me, and we both moaned as he slid a few fingers into my dripping wet slit.

“Damn, you’re so wet!” he said as his fingers played with me.

“You must really enjoy breaking into rooms” he joked as I continued to get even wetter.

Elliot went to the end of the bed and pulled off my remaining clothes. He spread my legs and dove face first into my wet pussy.

I was in absolute bliss as this still uniformed police officer hit my clit with his tounge, sucked on it lightly and flicked it over and over. Anyone on the same floor as us could probably tell how much pleasure I was in at that moment, I was not holding back at all. He slid a few fingers into my pussy as he continued to lick and suck my clit.

I was moaning and shaking as he drove me to the edge, and I came much harder than I had in a long time. Wave after wave of pleasure ran through me as he kept flicking my clit until I couldn’t handle it anymore and closed my legs to get him to stop.

Elliot grabbed onto me and flipped me over so I was on my elbows and knees. I could feel the handcuffs ripping into my skin but was too excited to feel any pain. He took off his pants and underwear, keeping his uniformed shirt one, grabbing a condom, sliding it onto his now hard again cock. He put the tip to my wet pussy, and rubbed it around my clit. My toes curled as he teased my pulsing clit, and then he pushed himself inside me.

He grunted and I moaned as my tight pussy stretched to his cock and he spanked me telling me I was a good girl once again.

We both agreed we liked things a little rough, so I pushed my pussy back into him as much as I could, while he fucked me as hard as he could.

It hurt so good as he pounded into me. He reached down around my waist and used his fingers to play with my clit as he fucked my pussy, and made me cum again before he also came himself.

Afterwards he drove me up towards Manhattan where I spent the day in wet panties, smiling at every cop I saw. Some of my photos I have from that trip even show my wrists with a slight red ring around them. ?



  1. What a great surprise to wake up too. Again you just get me hard like no one else on this site.

    I would love to fuck you that way.

    Off to order a cop uniform online

  2. Another very sexy story. I had a sexy fantasy about doing a personal search. Never really got to do it yet.

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