A Catian’s Dream Chapter 1 (Part 1) [Fantasy][Sci-fi]


Part 2: [https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/c6tzdq/a_catians_dream_chapter_1_part_2_fantasyscifi/](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/c6tzdq/a_catians_dream_chapter_1_part_2_fantasyscifi/)

*Author’s Note:*

Hello there, folks! I decided to post my side-story in the *Halfbreed* Universe set about 2,500 years before the main story, depicting the first intergalactic interspecies relationship between Humans and the species that helped to uplift them: the Catians! I hope you enjoy it, this story gets steamy.

I am an erotica writer who has been active in the scene for several years on site like Literotica, HentaiFoundry, etc. A friend turned me on to this reddit as a potential place to post my ongoing novel series so I figured I’d post it here! If you’re interested after you’ve read the chapter feel free to check out my Patreon.


“So what do you think?” Felicia asked, flashing him a sultry smile that on Earth would have looked at home on the cover of a cheesy romance novel. For a Catian it merely looked like she was trying to make conversation.

“Of what?” Jon Koller asked, attempting to keep his vision glued to the desk and the ever growing heap of papers beneath him.

“My outfit.” She said, “Isn’t it just *perfect* for the decor?” Her voice was teasing.

Jon’s eyes flicked up to look at her as her tail swished rapidly behind her. The Catian was beautiful, with long red locks done up in a frilly ponytail, her yellow eyes shining with a mixture of intelligence and good humor. Her shapely build contrasted with the uneasy fit of her maid’s clothing: a red and purple ensemble that did indeed match the layout and color scheme of the room. Her skirt seemed to constantly ride up her thighs, displaying far more skin than would be appropriate for a normal maid… though Catians seemed to do things differently than Humans.

“Maybe.” He said, a tired smile growing on his face, “Where in the world did you get *that* thing?”

“Rikka loaned me her outfit.” Felicia cooed, preening herself. She swiped at her bare shoulder as if she was clearing dust.

“Ah.” Jon said, picking up yet another dispatch from the home government back on Earth and squinting at it. Due to the delay in reception, messages would often arrive in packs. “-So *that’s* why you look like you’re about to burst at the seams.”

Felicia laughed, twirling a curl of her hair in exaggerated coyness. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

Jon snorted and set down the document, ignoring the lift of her tail as the hem of her skirt rose. “Felicia, I think you may very well be the laziest mechanic on this side of the continent. Aren’t you supposed to… *work* at some point?”“Where’s the fun in that?” She asked, sticking her tongue out at him. She shifted her body to sit atop his desk, her rear facing him as she twisted her spine to look behind her. She acted like an Earth housecat: eternally trying to get her homeowner’s attention, no matter how invasive. “Anyway, I *did* come in here for work!”

“Oh really?” Jon asked, smacking her hand away as she reached down for his documents. “Stop that!”

Felicia giggled. “Your holoprojector’s on the fritz.” She bent over the desk, doing her level best to stick her cleavage in his face. “Here, let me get that for you.”

Jon laughed as the Catian fiddled with the small device on his desk. “Away with you, minx! Stop filching my stuff and get some actual work done for once!”

Felicia let out a melodramatic sigh and sat up on his desk. “Why? I like talking to you more than polishing your hovercar’s crankshaft.” She simulated the action, cupping her hands around an invisible rod and lifting it up and down, her wrist working a lather. Felicia’s eyes trailed to Jon’s as he smirked in bemusement. “Besides, the rest of the pryde is busy. And I’ve got the day off.”

“…Then why are you wearing your pryde-sister’s outfit?” He asked, signing yet another document affirming that the Human Embassy had received the Catian Council’s latest missive. It was always so hard to read the Catian’s particular symbology, even the official documents looked like catscratch.

Felicia’s lips pouted, “You don’t like it? I thought you of all people would appreciate its… *assets*, Jon.”

Jon’s mouth quirked, “Far be it from me to complain about your choice in wardrobe. Size issues aside, I think it’s quite becoming.”

“Does it make *you* want to becoming?” She said, shifting forward on the desk. Felicia leaned towards him, her breasts hanging like ripe fruits as she lowered her amber eyes, her smile deepening as she seemed to almost intimate a kiss.

Jon raised an eyebrow. He ignored the awful innuendo, collecting the latest reports from home and stacking them together on the table. He watched with growing amusement as the Catian provocateur became increasingly frustrated with his intransigence. He heard her let out a heavy sigh.

It had been like this for nearly half a year now. Ever since he had landed on Catia, Jon had been fending off increasingly forward advances from the pryde of natives living in his home, all of whom seemed intensely interested in this offworlder in their midst. The house felt more like a raucous family home than the living quarters of the diplomatic representative of nearly one third of Humanity.

Felicia was the worst of all: a living embodiment of the beauty of both her race and her gender, with a personality to match. She’d been assigned to his private villa as a mechanic, working and living in close proximity to him alongside the rest of her pryde.

Now, well into his tenure, John had grown accustomed to the hotheaded Catian’s impulsive and playful nature. She’d traded barbs with him that had left the both of them in stitches, and as she became more comfortable with him, that friskiness had seeped into her other interactions: a playful scratch here, a cloying touch there; momentary encounters that would last far longer than was needed to convey the importance of whatever they were talking about.

“You play too hard to get.” She said to him in the present, pulling down his papers with her slender fingers so she could look meaningfully into his face, “When are you going to stop and let someone catch you?”

“Isn’t that the point of the game?” Jon asked, gazing back at her. He was strong, athletic and handsome; back on Earth he had been initiated in the art of human courtship, but Catian romance was another matter entirely. He’d never thought that it would be the *male* who had to resist temptation and endure awkward flirting. “I play to win.”“You don’t play at all!” She said, shifting her seat so she was even closer to him. “Would you like to?” She whispered. Her tail swished seductively behind her: a red, wriggling thing with a little snow cap at the tip. He saw her eyes flick down to quickly skim the words on one of his classified documents.

“Felicia…” He murmured back, his voice going soft. She smiled at him expectantly, her lips mouthing the word, *Yes*? She leaned to within a hair’s breadth of his face. “You’re sitting on my workload.”

She huffed, leaning back off the table and standing up. Her voice was quiet and restrained, “I’m sorry for disturbing you, Mr. Koller. Have a good evening.”

Jon laughed, “If you’re going to be so sombre, at least try to make it more believable.”

“You’re an awful Diplomat, Jon.” She said, swerving her body around so her back was to him. She turned and stuck her tongue out at him from over her shoulder, “I’ll be in the villa if you need a chess partner later.”

“-Or a bed warmer.” He muttered under his breath as she left the room. The Catian was relentless. When Jon took his job as one of the NAA’s diplomatic representatives to the beings from beyond the stars, he had been informed of their people’s… ‘unique’ sex drives. After all the dramatics of the Catian exploration ship *Sachmis* nearly colliding with the big blue planet, it seemed natural that the governments of Humanity would establish a long-term relationship with their cosmic benefactors.

Jon had been fascinated by the tales of the Catian Engineering Officer Raina and her efforts to save the *Sachmis* with the help of Humanity’s combined space programs. Such advanced yet human-like creatures, whose blessing of technology had catapulted Human civilization centuries forward were beyond a passing curiosity… he just hadn’t been expecting such overt attractiveness to boot.

They were all gorgeous, this little pryde that had settled into his villa on the outskirts of the Catian capital. Apparently they were… not *sisters*, per se. Though the term was probably the closest one could come to classifying their connection. They were not directly related – or at least, a pryde did not require them to be blood relatives to be involved.

But they were closer than mere friends, or even the patchwork connection of the few remaining tribes that Jon knew of, back on Earth. It was a bond that he had come to admire in his Catian hosts as they’d gleefully settled in alongside him in his secluded Embassy. Jon had been expecting to feel quite lonely during his stay, as one of the handful of humans living on an alien planet, but between fending off Felicia’s forward advances and fielding her Pryde-mates incessant questions about Earth and its inhabitants, he could barely find a moment’s peace.

The Catians were, in turn, *supremely* interested in Jon. The five women who made up Felicia’s pryde ceaselessly pursued him and his person like a pack of rabid lionesses. They stole his home movies and watched them without his permission; they devoured what Earth cuisine he’d brought with him, commenting incessantly to Jon’s face at the amazing deliciousness of his planet’s food; Felicia had even recently had the gall to ask him if he had any human ‘porn’ available for her to watch.

“You’ve got too many horror movies.” She’d pouted to him once, criticizing his collection of films that he’d brought from home in a vain attempt to cling to some sort of normalcy in all the madness. “Nothing but blood and death! Where’s the male nudity? Where’s the sexy screwing I’ve heard so much about?”“There’s more to our planet than the porn-” He began, but she cut him off.

“Is it true that you humans have gangbang stuff? Like, *multiple* guys, with one girl at once?” The eager look in Felicia’s eyes made Jon want to laugh. He struggled to keep his composure in the face of her flagrant enthusiasm. “Also, what’s ‘inter-race-shall?’”

“And just how in the world did you hear *that* term?” Jon asked, taken aback by the extent of the redhead’s pornographic knowledge.

“We were briefed.” Felicia said, puffing out her chest in pride. “The Catian first-contact teams did a thorough investigation of Human culture, which they forwarded to the homeworld government, who then told us when we were hired to help you.”

“…Then how do you not know what ‘interacial’ means?” Jon said. Felicia scrunched her nose.

“The teams said it had something to do with… skin pigmentation?” She shook her head, “I don’t get it. Why watch sex for the coloration? It’s the genitals I’m after.”“Thats kind of the point of-” Jon had to stop himself from getting into an in-depth explanation of the ins and outs of kinks with an alien. “Look, just keep your noses out of my movies, okay? I didn’t bring any porn with me. Besides, I’m not sure that kind of ‘inter-species interaction’ is all that conducive to better relations with our people, do you?”

Felicia had laughed at him. It was one of his first days on the planet, and he was still getting used to her people’s idiosyncrasies. “You don’t know Catians very well, do you Mister Ambassador?”

Now that he was six months into his stay on the planet, Jon was no longer under such naive illusions. The Catians were sex-crazed… at least, from a Human standpoint. He might have said they liked to breed like bunnies, but even bunnies knew when to take a break. Felicia’s touches, caresses and innuendos had only increased in fervor and frequency the longer she’d been around him.

Perhaps it was just a strange form of friendliness; a sort of ‘congenial welcome’ from a people unused to humanity’s more prudish nature. Whatever the reason, Felicia never missed an opportunity to tease him for his supposed fastidiousness. She bent over too far to reach for her tools, wiggled her rear when he walked in on her working on his car, bounced with exaggerated glee at his thanks for fixing the compound’s derelict air conditioning.

She made sure that her breasts bobbed in mesmerizing movements as she gazed at him, fluttering her eyelashes. She twisted her hips in a sexual manner, stuck her ass out like a shelf and leaned close to him whenever he was near, always hovering just on the edge of acceptability. It was like a game to her; even though Jon was doing his level best not to play.

The first rule of diplomacy was impartiality, and it would be hard for Jon to remain unbiased in the face of Catian statesmanship if he was simultaneously engaging in extracurricular affairs with the sultry felines.

That was why he resisted, why he ignored her jabs and let her call him a prude. It wasn’t that he wasn’t interested – he was *far* more interested than he cared to admit – but now was hardly the time to be engaged in romantic affairs when there were more than enough affairs of state to attend to. Speaking of which…

Jon reached over and tapped the button to the intercom. The holo image of an older Catian female swam into view. “Zanari? I’m available now.”The image of Zanari smiled. “Excellent. I’ll be right there, Jon.”

He nodded at her, flicking the button once more as the image dimmed to nothing. While he waited for the Catian Ambassador to arrive, he pulled out the latest casualty reports of the Talassian Plague on Earth. His lips curved downwards as he looked at the numbers: still high, but far, *far* lower than they’d been at the height of the epidemic, just before the Catians had arrived on Earth. Jon let out a low sigh, shaking his head back and forth as Zanari entered the room.

The *hiss* of the door to his office opening was the first indication of his counterpart’s arrival. Jon glanced up from his papers, a warm smile spreading across his face as he saw her enter. She swept into the room, seeming to almost glide across the floor.

Zanari was a bit older than Felicia, elegant and matronly where her sister was fiery and seductive. Her long, purple hair was done up into a conservative ponytail. Her body language was calm, collected and poised. She was dressed in traditional Catian stateswoman robes: a multifaceted and intricately designed web of interlocking patterns of purple, yellow and green that covered her shoulders and legs like a ballroom gown. It made every step of her Catian feet seem like a graceful movement, her back arching and her purple eyes shining as she entered. She looked for all the world as if she were in the midst of a stately dinner party.

She halted at the foot of Jon’s desk, just behind the guest chairs. She clasped her hands in front of her.

“Mister Ambassador.” She said. “It is a pleasure to speak with you again.”

Jon waved her off, “Oh, don’t pull that line with me, ‘Madame Ambassador.’ You and I are *far* beyond empty pleasantries at this point.” He smiled, gesturing for the chair in front of her. “Please, sit Zanari.”

She smiled politely and compiled, settling into her seat as Jon shuffled his papers around, mostly to look busy. The two stared at one another.

“You called on surprisingly short notice, Jon.” Zanari said, sounding uncertain. “Was there something your government wished to inform me about? I was not expecting another meeting so soon after our last one.”

“No, I doubt that you were.” He said, sitting back in his chair as he steepled his fingers. “-But neither was I expecting to have to juggle the logistics of a dozen medical transports heading to my nation’s only functional starport.” Jon caught sight of a slight smirk building on Zanari’s face, which she attempted to hide behind her hand. “…Something on your mind, ‘Madame Ambassador?’”

“How fortunate that the aid you requested arrived so soon, Jon.” She said in an innocent tone.

“You’re a hell of an operator, I’ll give you that.” Jon replied, chuckling. “I didn’t really expect you to make such waves in your own government over this.”

Zanari smirked. “You mentioned the Talassian Plague disproportionately affecting your nation’s population several times to me in the past. I felt that this was an easy means of improving relations between our two species.”

“*Part* of my species, at least.” Jon said, allowing an uncharacteristically honest grin to spread across his face. “You realize that the EU and the PAC will both be displeased with this. They’ll want concessions from your government to balance it out.”

“-Then it’s a shame that your Planet’s delegation refused to deal with the Catian Republic as a single body.” Zanari replied. “I can only speak for the nation I treat with… and the Ambassador whom I live with.”

“For the record: I still think it’s an odd custom.” Jon said.

Zanari shrugged in her overly formal manner. “Catians value close proximity in negotiations. It helps to… remove the formality of things.”

“Well, you and your pryde have certainly accomplished *that*, at least.” Jon said, folding his hands together. “Well, the North American Alliance – and *I* in particular – thank you. From the bottom of our hearts. This could not have been an easy thing for you to pull off.”

Zanari smiled, reaching across the table to put a comforting hand atop his own. “The Plague is a terrible thing, Jon. You and your people have suffered enough.” She kept her hand upon his for a moment longer than was necessary.

“We have.” Jon agreed, remembering the past for a brief, emotional moment. He began to feel uncomfortable as an awkward silence ensued. “-Felicia was in here a minute ago.” He said, changing the subject. “She was quite… *forward* with me.”

Zanari smirked, removing her hand from Jon’s and sitting back in her chair. “Oh. Was she, now? And how did you respond to her?”“Professionally.” Jon said in a flat tone. Zanari let out a low giggle.

“I apologize on my pryde-sister’s behalf. Felicia is…”“Insatiable?” Jon offered.“Curious.” Zanari finished for him. “You are the first Human any of us have ever met, and she is very much intrigued by you.”

“I’ve been here for six months already.” Jon complained, “I would have thought her ‘curiosity’ would have sputtered out by now.”

“Then perhaps you should not indulge her flirtations.” Zanari said, shrugging. “At this point, she sees it as a game you two play.”

“I wish she’d stop.” Jon said in a halfhearted tone, “It’s hard enough juggling an entire planet’s problems, isolated as I am at this villa. With her around I barely get any rest at all!”

Zanari didn’t bother trying to hide the smile this time. “…I wonder how serious you are about wanting her to stop.”

Jon rolled his eyes. “Don’t *you* start with me!”

“If you wish, I can have a talk with her.” Zanari said, a gleam entering her eye.

Jon let out an expulsion of breath. “This. This right here is why you people are a nightmare to negotiate with.”

Zanari put a hand to her chest. “Mister Ambassador! I take umbrage at the very idea!”

Jon chuckled. “Consummate Diplomat to the last.” He waved her off, “There’s no need to stay; this was not meant to be an official meeting or anything. I just wanted to thank you for the extra effort you put in, getting us those supplies. My country sorely needed it.”

“Humans and Catians are neighbors now, Jon.” Zanari said, standing to her feet in a single, elegant movement. “Moreover: we are friends. If your people need help, then we are happy to provide.”

“Don’t tell the EU or the PAC that fact.” Jon joked, “They’ll take you for all you’re worth.”“Hm.” Zanari said, tilting her chin, “You know, that doesn’t sound so bad… so long as it’s the right person doing it.” She held his eyes for a long moment.

“Go on.” Jon said, waving her off, “Before you start giving me flashbacks of Felicia.”“Perish the thought!” Zanari said, chuckling as she headed for the door.

“Zanari.” Jon called out, and the Catian paused at the door. “Thank you.”

She smiled and nodded, slinking through the door in her elegant manner. There was a certain, sultry symmetry to her footsteps. Even Zanari, as prim and proper as she was, could not help but add an extra sway to her footsteps. She – like the rest of her pryde – seemed hell bent on making Jon’s life as a Diplomat as difficult as possible.

As he finished off what little paperwork he had at the end of the day, Jon caught himself thinking more and more about Felicia and her silly outfit. *I thought you of all people would appreciate its… assets, Jon.* She’d said, flashing him those eyes she got when she was thinking of something dangerous.

“Maybe I do.” He said to no one in particular, a noticeable stiffness in his groin as he adjusted his pants. “Maybe I do.”

Setting his papers down with a sigh and an uncomfortable shift of his hips, Jon stood up and left his office, heading down the long hall of his villa to his large bedchamber. He was lucky none of the ladies of the pryde saw him as he moved down the hall. He was just about done with frisky felines and their predilection for nabbing his attention at all conceivable hours of the night.

He entered the master bedroom of the villa, a spacious interior set a ways away from the Catian’s shared living quarters on the opposite side of the house. The king-size bed in his room had a wide canopy around it, with red, silken covers encircling the exterior. Jon plopped down upon it, stretching back against the kryll-feather mattress and letting out a groan.

“Lonely, sailor?” Whispered a voice to his right.

She perched herself across his bedspread like the world’s greatest showman. Her hip was arched, her bare legs laid out in alluring synchronicity as the tip of her tail twirled behind her. Her yellow eyes held to his, the narrow slits widening as they took in the scope of her chosen prey. She lounged upon his bed, her careless posture nonetheless displaying her conspicuous presence in the room.

The Human diplomat stared for a moment at his unexpected bed partner. “…Can I help you?” He asked, breaking the silence.

Felicia smirked, “Maybe.” She shifted position next to him, taking care to display her long legs as she made a point to stretch to her fullest extent. She was still wearing the maid’s outfit. “*Mmmh*! Whatcha doing?”

“Getting the hell off my bed.” Jon said in a testy tone; he stood up off the covers, turning to face the crouching Catian. “Like you should be doing. Off you louse!”

Far from heeding his directive, the ‘maid’ reclined against the mattress. She planted her head in a dainty way upon his favorite pillow and folded her arms behind her head. “…Why?”

“Don’t get cute, Felicia.” Jon said, tugging at the hem of his collar as he slowly unbuttoned his dark suit jacket. “You shouldn’t be in here.”

Her eyes lit up as a mischievous smirk spread across her face. “You think I’m cute.”

“Oh for the love of-” Jon had to turn his back on her to hide the smile that built upon his face.

Felicia sat up on the bed, her chest pumping outwards as she lifted her spine in a feminine curl. Her shock of red hair fell like silk curtains behind her head. “What’s wrong with me being in your bed?”

Jon snorted, “Besides the potential for an intergalactic incident?” He tossed his jacket onto the nearby dresser, undoing the cuffs on his white dress shirt. “The fact that it’s mine, and I was the one who was intending to sleep on it.”

Felicia’s eyebrow rose. “You call having sex an ‘intergalactic incident?’ Is that a weird Human saying?” The dangerous smile never left her face.

“It’s about to be.” Jon said, maintaining eye contact with her. “…What are you doing here, Felicia?”

To her credit, she managed to keep the almost-innocent tone in her voice without wavering. “What’s it look like I’m doing?”

He let out an exasperated huff. “Not respecting people’s personal space, for one.”

Felicia let out a laugh. Jon watched the twist of her long tail as she flashed her fangs at him. “You keep referring to that thing: ‘personal space.’ It doesn’t exist; it’s just another one of your weird human abstractions.”

“Tell that to the walls of this master bedroom.” Jon responded, gesturing around him. “By that logic, why bother having any rooms at all?“

“Why do you think my pryde-sisters and I all sleep in the same bed?” She fired back. She seemed to be taking particular glee in goading him. “If I had my way, you and I wouldn’t need any walls.”

Jon let out a chuckle despite himself. “Come on Felicia, what’s up? You’ve never gone so far over the line like this with me, before.”

The Catian tilted her head, “What do you mean? Isn’t it obvious why I’m here?”

John let out an exasperated sigh. “It is. Painfully so; that’s why you need to get out of here before one of your sisters catches us, and thinks something is really going on between us.”

“What’s wrong with that? We’d just be having sex.” She shrugged, her bare shoulders shifting the red covers. “Heck, give me ten minutes, I’m sure I could get one of them in here with us.“

Jon had to pinch his forehead to work out the frustrating knot that built in his brain. “That is so not the point, I don’t even know where to begin.”

“How about we begin with a blowjob?“ Felicia said, that dangerous smile crossing her lips once more. “Something tells me you’d enjoy one from a Catian.” Jon had to suppress a laugh when Felicia flashed her fangs once more.

“All right,” he said, undoing his belt. He noticed Felicia’s eyes were drawn to where his hands were fiddling with the buckle. “You’ve had your fun, now scram. I need a nap.”

But Felicia didn’t move. “No, I *haven’t* had my fun. That’s the whole point, Jon.” She pulled herself up off the bed, crawling towards him on hands and knees. She pursed her lips, her eyes lidding low. Her ears pulled back behind her head. “…Why don’t you come into bed with me?” She breathed.

Jon knew in that moment that he was in a very dangerous situation. “Felicia, you know that I can’t.”


A nervous thrill ran up Jon’s spine. “*Because* I’m-!” He had to stop himself, take a breath and slow his heartbeat. “Because I am a diplomatic representative to your people. I represent my nation as its voice on this planet.”

She could disarm him with just her yellow eyes. “Why does that matter?”

It was like explaining flying to a fish. Jon’s heart began to pump a bit quicker; there was a strange heat in the room. “Because as a diplomat, I need to be impartial when dealing with your people.”

Felicia nodded her head in agreement. “I completely agree, I just don’t get what that has to do with us. I’m not the Catian government.”

*You sure negotiate like them.* Jon thought. “No, but you *are* a Catian.”


“And… a-and that complicates things!” Jon said, throwing up his hands. “I’m here on Catia for more than just a sightseeing tour; it’s neither right nor proper for me to get involved with the people I’m trying to establish a working relationship with. I need to maintain a professional environment while I’m here. To say nothing of the fact that we-” He trailed off, holding back from pointing out their respective species.

Felicia tilted her head, “Am I just a ‘work relationship?’”

“What? No! I- *ugh*…” Jon let out a heavy sigh. “It’s not that, but I can’t just-”

“Am I not attractive to you?” She asked, sounding genuine in the question.

Jon just barely managed to contain the urge to laugh. She was pushing all his buttons like the precise keystrokes of a master pianist. He could feel the heat in his face rising, the fluttering nervousness building in his stomach. “You know as well as I do that that’s not true. You’re beautiful, Felicia, I just-”

“Then… why haven’t you asked me?” Her voice was soft, her face searching as she blushed, her shoulders sinking lower as she adopted a submissive body posture. “I waited for you to make a move. I tried dropping hints and showing off, but… you’ve never taken the bait.”

“It’s not that simple for Earthlings, Felicia.” Jon said, his breath coming out heavier than he intended. He felt stifling in his dress shirt. “I can’t… Humans don’t just mate with every person we see.”

“Why not?” She said, planting her bum against the mattress as her hand reached out to brazenly feel his chest. “Someone like you, Jon…” Her fingers traced the muscles on his core. “You could have half the women on Catia!”

“I don’t want that.” He said, his eyes lidding as he saw the hungry way she looked at him.

“Then… what do you want?” She replied. He didn’t answer. They passed a few moments in silence, the only sound coming from the alternating sounds of their breathing. Jon felt her fingers trail slowly downward-

*Knock knock knock*.Jon practically jumped out of his skin at the hesitant knocking at the door.

“Who is it?” Jon called out.

“Mr. Koller, it’s Sereana.” The low-toned voice of one of Felicia’s sisters said through the door. “Did Felicia talk to you? We were going to get some groceries and wondered if you-”

“I spoke with him, Sirri.” Felicia said, ignoring the pleading look Jon gave for her to keep silent. “He said he didn’t want anything.”

There was a long pause at the door. “Um… okay?” The Sereana said, “Are you two- uh… alright in there?”

“Perfect.” Felicia said, standing up off the bed and taking Jon’s chin in hand, turning him back to face her eye to eye. He could feel her perky breasts pressing against his chest. “Don’t wait up, yeah? I think Jon and I will stick around here for a bit.”

“Okay…” The voice said, sounding somewhat put off. “Well try not to make too much of a mess, okay Fel? You know how much Rikka hates having to change the bed sheets every morning.”

“Duly noted!” She called out, turning to Jon and making a twirling motion with her index finger near her temple, her face contorting in mockery of her pryde-sister’s words. “Now where were we?” She said, a feline smile curled onto her face. “I had a question for you.”

“You have me at something of a disadvantage.” Jon replied, casting a wry glance down at his stomach as her hands began to unbutton his shirt from the bottom. He batted her hands away, but she merely took him by his wrists and brought them to her waspish waist.

“When we were briefed on Raina’s reports of your species, she said…” Felicia blushed, “She said you Humans had stamina in all the right places. A lot more than Catians do. Is that true?”

“How should I know?” Jon said, laughing. “I haven’t slept with a Catian.”

“The experiment is on, then.” Felicia replied, sticking her tongue out at him. They swayed back-and-forth, in tune to one another’s movements. “Why won’t you let me kiss you? I promise I won’t bite… deeply.”

Jon, having long since lost his dignity, smiled back at her. He squeezed her hips. “No one’s stopping you, Felicia. You invited yourself into *my* private room.”

“Only because you won’t just take me, and be done with it!” She protested, pressing herself tight against him, her chest squishing into him. Her hands went about his cheeks, her crimson hair trickling down her face, giving her a wild appearance. Her long, red cat ears were pointed directly at him, like searchlights in the darkness. There was a determined look in her eyes. “You… you *realize* I can’t just fuck you, right?”

Jon couldn’t help but smile at the absurdity of the situation. “Then what do you call this?” He said, looking back at her. The two paced in an almost circle as her back came to the door and his to the bed.

“*Seduction*, you ceaseless tease!” She growled, “I can’t… Catian women can’t make the first move on men! If you don’t want to do it, that’s your choice! I can’t force you to, no matter how much I want to!” She shook her head, seeming to be frustrated at his intransigence. “I’m at my wits end with this! Do you want me to do a little song and dance?” Her thumb stroked his cheek. “If you want me, you just have to ask.”

“Do *you* want me?” He said, his face growing serious.

“*Yes*, you dolt! Why do you think I’ve been teasing you like this, this whole time?” She let go of his face, her hands running down his shoulders as she squirmed in his grasp.

“That’s not what I asked.” He said. “There’s a difference between wanting to have some fun, and…” his hand shifted slowly up her spine. “If I am going to cross this bridge, I don’t want to just ‘have fun’ with you, Felicia.”

She let out a low sigh. “I know, Jon.” She whispered, breathing deeply through her nose. “You’re more than just that. I like it when you smile at me, when we all sit together on the couch and watch one of your silly movies.” She stroked his stubble. “You make me happier than I ever would have thought an alien could. Living with you and the rest of the Pryde is just so… easy.”

She took a shuddering breath. “You- your scent is like wildfire in my belly. I can’t get it out of my head, even when you leave the villa I can smell you on your clothes, on your sheets. I…” her face reddened. “Every time I’m near you I get so *wet*, thinking about your arms wrapped around me.” Jon’s hands circled to grasp her bare biceps. The warm connection of him caressing her skin caused the Catian to shudder. Finally breaking the taboo of touch, she placed her palms around each of his arms in turn.

“I picture your broad shoulders circling me, covering me with your warmth and your smell. I imagine your muscles pressed against my skin as you have sex with me in every way I can think of. I’ve gone to sleep each night for the last month touching myself, dreaming about what I’d do if I could just *get at* you-”

Jon leaned forward, placing his mouth atop her own and stifling her words. Her fingers tightened on his body as she pulled herself against him, her bare skin and ripe breasts rubbing against his shirt. He pulled back from the kiss, watching her blush, her mouth opening as she gulped in air. “You only have to ask…” She murmured, her voice dropping in pitch to the weak sound of an echo.

“Would you-” Jon began, and Felicia pounced on him, planting a barrage of kisses on his face as she threw herself against his frame and knocked him flat on his back upon the bed. In moments her hands were tugging on his shirt, all but ripping the obstructing apparel off as she straddled him at the waist. She bent herself over Jon, keeping as much of her half-naked body pressed to him as she could. Her breasts were like warm globes against him, her nipples causing a wonderful friction as they dragged across his bare chest.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/c6tyrk/a_catians_dream_chapter_1_part_1_fantasyscifi


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