“Sometimes you just need to be held” [M/F][nosex][couple][takingcareofsomeone][idkjustreadit][L-word][justholdme]

“Sometimes you just need to be held”


Sorry guys, I’m feeling a bit needy and neglected today so this is what came out. It’s not very sexual at all but in my opinion very erotic. It’s a little inspired by a question I saw last week where someone asked what the most intimate thing you can do with someone besides sex was. Taking care of someone when they are hurt or sick was one of the answers.

My usual disclaimer because people can be dicks… I don’t edit these stories very much, I just write them down to get them out of my head so there will be tons of grammar issues. I don’t dwell on that stuff. I just want to get this stuff out of my head.

Enjoy, let me know what you think.


“You didn’t think it was that bad?” Marks voice was an angry rumble. He glared down at Melody. Melody was sitting on her sofa and held an ice pack to her face. She couldn’t help wincing at the anger and frustration boiling from Mark. Melody could slightly understand his anger but was too stubborn to admit it. Too stubborn and not used to someone caring enough about her to be this angry. She was so used to being on her own that yesterday, when a truck backed out into her, sending her and her motorcycle skidding, she hadn’t even thought to call him. When she finally did think about it when she was debated whether or not to actually go to the hospital. Mark was an E.R. doctor at the only hospital in town. She knew he was on call last night and didn’t want to bother him at work. A weak excuse but she clutched onto it convincingly.

She pretended not to notice him looking her over. Melody had a huge bruise on her cheek from where her helmet smacked into the road. Her arm was scraped up the outside, her ribs were bruised and hurt like hell if she breathed deep or, god forbid, sneezed. Her left leg had gotten the brunt of the fall and and a severe burn from the exhaust pipe. Melody had refused to be taken to the hospital so the EMT had patched it up and made her promise to take herself.

Mark picked up her clothes and held them up to her. She had thrown the leather jacket and jeans on the floor in the entry, too tired last night to get to her bedroom and change. The jeans were cut up the side from the EMT and scraped from the road, the arm and back of the jacket torn to bits. “Jesus Melody. At least you were wearing your helmet.” He threw the clothes on the coffee table. Mark ran his hands through his straight blond hair and looked down at her again. It looked as if she hadn’t moved since last night. Her bare legs were propped up on the coffee table, he could see a red tint on the bandage covering her thigh. Another bandage was taped to the inside of the same ankle. Her t-shirt was dirty, ripped, and entirely too thin in his opinion. She had smudges of dirt on her face, almost the same color as the bruise. Her black curly hair was in a messy high ponytail that had seen better days. Melody wouldn’t look up at him. She fiddled with the edge of her shirt, pulling at a thread then twisting it with her fingers when it came loose.

Mark let out a deep breath when he noticed the tears welling up in her puffy eyes. Melody licked her bottom lip and sucked on it nervously. Mark tried not to let out a heavy sigh as his anger deflated. He had learned already with Melody that his base instinct to do everything in his power to protect her only made her push him away even more. He tiptoed around her like she was a skittish animal at first testing her limits. Melody tended to keep people at arms length, then added a yard stick to the end of that. Mark didn’t pursue her because he liked a challenge, in fact he was so frustrated the first few weeks he had nearly given up. Melody was so unlike anything he had ever experienced. So far from the type of people he had grown up with, she was a reminder for him not to go back to the life he had grown up in. He wanted so badly to just take her in his arms and hold her until all her problems went away. She could melt into him and let him take care of her and he would never let anything hurt her again.

“I’m sorry.” Melody mumbled breaking Mark from his thoughts.

Melody felt overwhelmed and didn’t know how to respond to Mark. The thought of someone being upset because she was hurt seemed foreign to her. It was hard to accommodate for Mark in her life now. It seemed like no matter how hard she pushed him away and did stupid shit like this he still insisted on staying with her. It utterly confused her as to why. At first she had been downright rude to him. They had met when one of her clients, a young lawyer, had been hospitalized. Mark had treated her, Melody had been called to the hospital because they didn’t have an ASL specialist in house. Mark had been relentless and Melody’s client, bored from the weak long hospital stay, hadn’t helped the situation. Melody had made Mark work for that first date, not expecting him to actually call back after the awkward lunch in the hospital’s cafeteria. Instead the next day he had sent her a picture of a sterile glove blown up like a balloon with a time and place to meet for coffee. When she had replied no he sent her another picture of the glove with a frowny face, held by an adorable toddler in a hospital gown. The boy was frowning as well giving the camera the biggest puppy eyes ever. Melody had sighed and waited another five minutes before finally replying yes. She received back a picture of the boy with a red popsicle in hand and a huge smile plastered to his face. From there Mark had continued to chip away at her until she finally gave in. Melody thought about how he made her feel seen and couldn’t help but regret the way she’d acted. And now she couldn’t help the tears that welled up she was so overwhelmed from everything.

“You’ve got nothing to apologize for Melody.” Mark leaned down and kissed her on the forehead before leaving the living room momentarily. He came back with her hairbrush. Melody sat still on the sofa as he stood behind her and gently worked the hair tie out of her curls. Mark ran the brush through her hair till it was in some sort of order and pulled it back again for her. She sank into the seat, enjoying the feeling of his fingers running over her scalp.

“Feeling better?” Mark leaned over her and easily picked her up in his arms, very careful not to hurt her more. He walked her to her bedroom and gently placed her on the bed. “I’ll be right back.” Mark told her. Melody repositioned her left leg then closed her eyes. She could hear Mark in the kitchen, then the living room, and then the bathroom. She opened her eyes when he was on his third trip to the bedroom. He carried a coffee mug in one hand and a bowl in the other. The mug he sat on the bedside table, the bowl he handed to her. She smiled, granola, yogurt and blueberries, her favorite. “Eat.” Mark told her. She looked down at the food and took a small spoonful.

Mark watched her with a critical eye as she took the bite. “When was the last time you ate?”

Melody paused. “I don’t know, yesterday at lunch?” She took another, bigger, bite as Mark shook his head. “I was really tired when I got home, and it was late. I was just thinking about trying to get up from the sofa when you barged in.”

Mark reached down and pulled his backpack onto the bed. “I brought some supplies from work. You know, the only reason I knew about this was because I overheard the EMT who patched you up asking for you by name. He wanted to make sure you actually came in like you promised.” Mark talked as he pulled medical supplies out. “I’m going to clean these up but if they are worse than we can take care of here you are going to the hospital.”

“Yes Nurse Mark.”

Mark looked up at her, using a tube of silvadene to point at her. “That’s Doctor Mark to you.”

Melody rolled her eyes and put the now empty bowl beside the mug. Mark pulled the bandage away from her ankle and Melody looked away. He was quick and efficient, changing out both leg bandages carefully. He didn’t say anything but made satisfied noises as he worked. Next he pulled her shirt off and tried his best not to look at her breasts inside the red lace bra. Instead he probed her side, feeling around her ribs. Satisfied he moved on. There wasn’t much he could do for her arm, just clean it with antibiotic spray and let it heal on its own. Mark used a damp cloth to wash the dirt from her face, crawling into the bed and leaning over her to get a better angle. He gently wiped the dirt from her forehead and cheekbone. Melody winced when he brushed against the bruise.

“I’m sorry.” Mark’s voice was hoarse and deep. He gulped and cupped Melody’s chin, using his thumb to wipe away the tears.

Melody sniffled and wiped at her nose. “You shouldn’t be apologizing. You’re not the one who caused all this trouble.”

Mark kissed her unbruised cheek, “You didn’t cause all this, that asshole who backed into you did.” Mark pulled back from her. “Wait till I get my hands on that worthless…” Melody pulled his head down with her good arm and silenced him with her lips. Mark’s lips slid away from hers, he began placing very light soft kisses over her bruised cheek and down her neck.

“Besides, you’re all talk Mark.” Melody giggled. “Stick to patching people up, not trying to be the one causing it.”

Pulling his shirt over his head Mark gently moved to straddle Melody. “I’m all talk hunh?”

Melody looked up at him, trying not to smile. Admittedly she didn’t know much about Marks past, he didn’t ask about hers and she didn’t pry into his. From what she had seen she figured Mark wouldn’t, no couldn’t, hurt a fly.

Before she had met Mark Melody would have said sex wasn’t sex unless bruises were left. But since meeting him the sweet sensual ways he touched her had become a drug. She craved the way he softly nibbled on her breasts, the gentle way he kissed from her neck down over her stomach. The way that he licked at her pussy as if he lived for nothing else. He had completely made her rethink any sexual experience from the past. Right now he was looking down at her, and he actually looked angry, wiping the smile completely from her face.

Mark frowned. “Melody listen very carefully to me.” His voice was soft but with a hard edge she had never heard from him. She nodded her head up and down. Mark continued. “You will never ever pull a stunt like that again. For starters, riding without the correct gear, which is sitting in the front closet by the way. Then not going to the hospital and getting it properly taken care of. Melody that was just plain stupid. You’re lucky it wasn’t that bad. Did you even look at it? I mean you could have had broken ribs or…” Mark rested his hands on his upper thighs and leaned back. He closed his eyes and sighed, trying to regain composure. His eyes opened and when he looked down again it wasn’t anger Melody saw but hurt.

“Mark I…” Mark shook his head no and Melody stopped talking.

“Melody I am going to make this perfectly clear. I have kept my anger very in-check with you. You may not think it, but you deserve someone who cares about you and looks out for you.” Mark reached down and ran his finger on the lace at the top of Melody’s bra. He leaned down and kissed the same spots his fingers had just been roaming. He sucked on the exposed flesh and used his teeth too gently nip at her skin. Mark pulled the lace cups down so that he had access to her hard nipples. He kissed up her collar bone till he was nuzzling his nose into the skin of her neck. Melody shivered as the soft hairs on his chest tickled her pert nipples. Mark whispered in her ear. “Are you still listening Melody?” Melody nodded her head up and down. Mark kissed the corner of her mouth and tilted her head so she was looking him straight in the eyes. “For reasons even I don’t fully understand I love you Melody. You are everything I want and I’ll work for it if you make me, but I’m not going anywhere so you better get used to it.” Mark kissed her cheek bones tasting the salt from her tears on his lips. “Please, just stop crying Melody.” Mark begged.

Melody let out a watery laugh. “Will you just maybe…?” Melody sucked on her bottom lip nervously. “Will you just hold me tonight?”

Mark didn’t reply, instead he got up and helped Melody out of her bra and into a large t-shirt. he made her take two pain pills and drink the mug of tea. He turned off the lights and got into bed next to her. His arms circled around her, pulling her into him and the warm blankets. Melody’s soft breaths tickled the hair on his chest and he listened and felt her fall into a calm sleep. He brushed hair away from her cheek and traced his fingers over her features before kissing her eyelids. “Goodnight love.” He whispered.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/c5wr7m/sometimes_you_just_need_to_be_held