Good Morning Little One[Wakeupcall][oldermale/youngerfemale][toys][mirror][pancakes][instruct]

“Good Morning Little One”

Based on a true situation mixed with a little bit of fantasy. I had to take an emergency trip and was woken up in the best way possible the morning after I got home. [Wakeupcall][oldermale/youngerfemale][toys][mirror][pancakes][instruct]

Usual disclaimer, this is not a professional work. I have tons of mistakes, barely did any editing. I write these to help with my writers block elsewhere and don’t spend a ton of time editing or fixing them. I just try to get them out of my head and like to share them with people who might enjoy them.

Enjoy and let me know what you think.


Thursday had been a long day of travel.Round trip from central Florida to upper Tennessee in less than two days was not my idea of fun. But when family calls I have to help take care of it. Listening to my cousin complain about her boyfriend for over 8 hours on the ride home was not ideal either. I usually sleep the entire time we are driving on road trips but not this one. It was late when we crossed the county line, after dropping everyone off I finished the short drive to my house alone.

Relieved, I finally drag my feet into the house around one a.m. I get the animals quickly settled, then go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I strip off my shirt and bra as I walk to my bedroom, leaning on the door frame to slip off my shoes. I pull off my pants and throw all of it into the laundry basket. I am naked now except for a pair of light blue panties. I pul my glasses on the desk before shutting off the lights plunging the room into darkness. I slide under my covers, letting out a satisfied moan and am asleep with in minutes of my head touching the feather pillows.


The sun is just rising over the tree tops surrounding my house when you pull in the driveway. On early summer mornings like today the birds sing happily as they search for breakfast in the pine needle covered forest floor.

I hadn’t answered your texts this morning so you assumed I was still asleep and decide not to knock or ring the door bell. Instead you let yourself in with your key quietly, opening the door. You are instantly greeted by my dog, a Great Dane named Melvin. You scratch him between his ears, making his tail wag and smack against the wall. You quickly grab a treat from the cupboard and toss it onto the sofa to keep him quietly occupied.

Making your way to my room, you take off your jacket and shoes, intending to check on me then sit down and watch the news till I woke up. Maybe making a pot of coffee and pancakes. You lean against my door frame, your hands in your pockets, and smile.. I am on my stomach, my arms are above me, snug under the pillow my head is resting on. I am also obviously mostly naked. My blanket is bunched up around my hips, showing my bare back and the top of my ass. The rounded sides of my breasts are visible, squashed against the bed. Your fingers itch to glide over my smooth skin, your lips wanting to play all over my body. You’re torn between letting me sleep more or laying down beside me and tempting fate. You loose the battle and inch towards my bed, undressing as you do, you climb into bed with me.

You start at my shoulder, running your fingers down until you get to my hip where you push the blanket down further. You love the feeling of my skin under your fingers and watch as goose bumps rise. Slowly you pull my panties off and toss them to the floor. You press your body against mine, your right arm snaking around my stomach, you slowly trace circles into the skin.

I mumble something in my sleep so you plant very light kisses on my neck, shoulders, and back, pulling my hair aside as you do. You take my right arm in yours and pull me against you, easily sitting me up and sliding me between your legs. My head is resting on your shoulder and I now begin to really wake up. Before I open my eyes I smell you and turn my head to bury it under your neck, nuzzling your beard and chest. I feel you moan and chuckle. “Morning baby girl.”

I open my eyes and look up at you. “Morning daddy.”

You kiss the top of my head. “How are you feeling this morning?”

I snuggle into you, getting comfortable. “Good.” I reply sleepily. Your fingers on both hands are still intertwined with mine and I try to hug them to myself but you won’t let me. “Daddy?” I ask you, trying not to sound annoyed. I pull a little bit but don’t try too hard to break away. I look up and see that we are perfectly framed in the floor length mirror on the far wall. You lift your right leg and hook your ankle around mine then do the same thing with the other. You pull your legs apart and it forces my legs open. I look at the mirror and hold my breath. I can see how far you have opened me up and how wet I am. I catch your eyes in the mirror and can’t look away. You give me a hungry look and I suck my bottom lip into my mouth.

You lift my hands up and place them on your knees. Our eyes still haven’t left each others in the mirror. You lean your head down and whisper in my ear. “Don’t move your hands when I let go.”

I wet my lips and watch in the mirror as your eyes focus on my lips now. I see you take in a deep breath and close your eyes, trying to calm yourself. You return your gaze to mine and I can’t help but break into a big grin bringing a laugh to you as well. I’m never one to be serious, I claim it as one of my charms, and do my very best to make you smile when you are being serious. I chalk this one up as a win.

Your hands leave mine and travel up my arms. You reach for a bottle of water I had left by my bed the night before and unscrew the cap. You bring the bottle to my lips and I drink from it, wetting my mouth after just waking up. You lean over and kiss my lips softly at first then with more force, demanding more of me. My mouth opens for you, letting you push your tongue in to get more. I want to bring my right hand up around your neck and pull you towards me. My fingers grip onto your knee but I don’t move them, instead rubbing my ass into your cock. I’m so engaged in the kiss that I don’t notice your right hand until you are lightly stroking the outside of my pussy lips. I gasp against your lips and break the kiss. You start kissing my neck, sucking on the flesh and nipping at it. I look in the mirror again, watching all this happening to me, making me even wetter. Your fingers tickle my bare flesh and I can’t help but giggle.

“That tickles.” I squirm against you.

You growl into my ear. “Baby, you’ve got to stop moving. You’re going to make me loose control of this.” You turn my head to look in the mirror again. “Watch. Don’t move.” Your fingers return to my pussy lips and you continue to explore. Your mouth leans down and captures one of my nipples in-between your lips.

I let my body relax as much as possible, melting into you. You use your legs to pull mine further apart. My breast falls from your mouth. “Tell me what you see.” Your voice is soft and filled with sex.

I stare at us a moment before answering. “Your sucking on my nipple, hard. I can see bite marks on my neck and collar bone. My lips are all swollen from you kissing me so hard. My hands are on your knees and you are holding my legs open wide. Your fingers.” I stop because you just used your middle finger and inserted it inside of me up to your knuckle. Your thumb rubbing against my clit.

You nuzzle your nose against my ear, biting it softly and licking my neck. “What else?” You whisper returning to my breast. “Don’t look away little one.”

I take in a shaky breath. “Your finger…”

“Which one?” You interrupt.

“Your middle finger.” I am mesmerized watching you. “It’s almost all the way inside of me. Your thumb is rubbing my clit.” My fingers dig into your knees as you begin to move your middle finger in and out rubbing my clit at the same time.

“Keep going baby.”

I am breathing hard now, struggling to remain still like you told me to. My voice is soft. “I’m so wet Daddy.” I tell you in amazement. I can see my entire mound, my thighs, even your hand are covered with my juices. I cry out and throw myself back into you when you enter another finger. “You added another finger.” I gasp out. “I need…I need…”

“I know what you need.” your fingers move faster and I can’t think straight. I hear your voice in my ear. “You need to cum.” After a moment you keep talking. “Cum while I use my fingers too fuck you. Go ahead baby.” You encourage.

I cum hard on your fingers, my body convulsing, bucking on your fingers. You continue to pump your fingers into me slowing down but never stopping completely. I finally slump back into your lap, my pussy quivering. I take in big gulps of air to calm down, shivering. Soon the soothing sound of your voice registers in my ears. You are running a hand up and down one of my thighs your other caressing my cheek. I open my eyes and look up at you, trying to focus. You start to plant light kisses all over my face, ending on my lips until I return the kisses.

I start to get up but you pull me back down into your lap. I watch as you pull open the dresser by my bed and reach in to pull out the little bullet vibrator you keep there. You move me around so that I am straddling your hips, facing you. Then you gently push me down so that I am laying between your legs on my back. You take my ankles and pull me forward. Your cock is pressing against my slick mound. You push your cock down and rub it into the slickness of my pussy. The head grazing against my clit and rest it so that it is barely entering me. You bring the vibrator down and place it just above my clit, you flick the switch and look me in the eyes.

“What, did you think this was over with?” You ask reaching down to pull on one of my nipples. “We’ve got all day little one.” Your hands are now resting on my thighs. You squeeze them before sharply slapping the insides, near my pussy. “Don’t worry though, we’ll stop after a bit and I’ll make you pancakes.”

I look from your hard cock up to your face. “Promise?” I’m skeptical.

You laugh. “Promise.”
