Just [F]inished paying off my student loans by performing at live sex shows!

I have posted a couple stories before about how I have performed at a club in Vegas having sex on stage for an audience (feel free to browse my post history). This week, I finished paying off my student loans in large part due to the money I made from these experiences. In celebration, I thought it would be fun to go through some of the numbers about how I paid off my student loans:

How I paid off my student loans:

7 cocks sucked

7 cocks in my pussy

7 cocks in my ass (including my first time!)

48 inches total of cock taken

13 loads of cum in or on me (3 in my mouth, 5 in my pussy, 3 in my ass, 1 on me)

1 “lost” pair of panties

250 people who have watched me get fucked

8 orgasms

6 different positions (that I can remember…)

5 cocks taken at the same time

5 mouths on my body at the same time

10 hands on my body at the same time

2 of the craziest, most memorable nights I have ever had

Any other numbers I can talk about? AMA!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/c32rh7/just_finished_paying_off_my_student_loans_by


  1. From the post I’m guessing you were an Accounting major? That’s quite a spread-sheet!

  2. Seriously, congratulations! I’ve wondered a few times since reading your stories how you got on, and so it’s great to hear!

  3. Congrats!

    I wish this is something I could do to pay off my loans, but alas, married, monogamous, straight, male. Not the greatest set of traits for one who wants to make money in the sex industry, lol!

    Being debt free must feel nice! Enjoy it!

  4. You’re my shero, and congrats! I’m moving to Vegas soon- I appreciate you!

  5. Is there an SO in your life?

    Does (s)he know about it? Would you want to be involved with someone who might have a kink for watching you or be in an open relationship?

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