The Inspection: Part 2 [D/s] [MDom/femsub] [SM] [Sens Dep] [Control] [No Sex] [HUML] [Costumes] Feedback Appreciated!

(The Inspection: Part 1 can be found here: [](

**The Inspection: Part 2**

*“Are you ready to be inspected?”*

The tiniest of sounds escaped her mouth. She wanted to say yes. She croaked a “yes” out loud and felt terrible. **Actually, I want to scream, Yes! Yes. Yes, yes! As loud as I can, yes! because the sound of your voice makes my skin crawl in such a delicious way. Crawl like my feet are stepping on broken glass. Crawl like I’m so interested in pushing the pain.** **Crawl like I need you and I need the things you want to do to me. Crawl – yes. Because I’m yours, you love me like this and I need you to…** She flexed her calves and pointed the toes on her right foot. The lack of vision had made all her other senses come alive. He stroked her hair, softly.

“What do you want?” – he whispered in her ear. ***I’m so into you, but I need you to say it. Please, please say it for me, liebling. I can’t do it without you, you know that. Don’t make me wait, don’t disappoint me.***

She tensed. “You know what I want”. Her voice was small.

*“Of course I do. I know exactly what you want, baby”*. His head over her shoulder, he very deliberately breathed on her neck.

She relaxed slightly, a tiny lessening of the tension as he kept stroking her hair.

He leaned into her again. *“But do you know what I want?”.*

She nodded, then shook her head, then nodded again. Uncertainly. He hissed slowly in her ear, *“I want to hear you say it”.*

Her body blushed in various places. *“I can’t”.*

*“Oh, yes you can”* – He traced a finger up the side of her neck. *“You’re going to. Use your words. That’s why you have the blindfold, so you don’t have to look at me and feel embarrassed when you say it. But you DO need to say it”.* He patted her head again. *“Be a big girl for me”*.

She chewed on her bottom lip for a moment, silent. He pinched a nipple. *“Say it”.*

*“I need some help”*, she said in a very small voice. Her cheeks bright red, her head lowered even with the blindfold, instinctive.

She could hear the smile in his voice as he answered, *“You see? That wasn’t so bad, was it?”* He kissed her neck, soft lingering kisses, dragging his lips across her skin and starting to lightly stroke her arms.

She swayed a little – *“I don’t like asking for help… I don’t like…….being dependent*”. **Please don’t stop.** She sighed, quick and fierce little breaths.

*“I know you don’t’*, he pinched the other nipple, *“but it’s important”.*

He took ahold of her hands and raised them. Raised them above her head to exactly the place she’d been thinking of previously and held them there. *“Big girls admit it when they need help. And you know you can always ask me”.* He looked at her slyly, reveling in the fact that she could see nothing, loving that the blindfold made her both far more helpless and also far more physically alert.

He moved to stand directly in front of her, staring at her face. **That mouth, oh! I want to fuck that mouth so badly**. His hands clenched as he drew back and looked at her. **Say it! So I can do it. Please, please, say it**. Then bringing his face to just inches from hers, he kissed her mouth and ran his tongue across her bottom lip and licked up the side of her face to her ear.

“So how can I help you baby?” he whispered.

Her head hung in shame, her chest was heaving as she gulped for air and tried to force out the words he wanted to hear. The words she did, actually, want to say, but jesus, oh so difficult to make herself speak them aloud.

“I want you to … to…… please just help me. Please”. Her tone had become a little whiny now; he could hear the need in her voice and it drove him on, drawing out his latent sadist. He knew the effort it took for her to verbalize what she wanted, appreciated how insanely difficult it was for her to ask for anything from anyone, how purposely vulnerable she was trying to make herself to him. For him. And he wanted more. **This need is so strong, it’s burning me**. **I need so, so much more, you have no idea little one. No idea at all, of all the terrible things I need to do to you.**

“I want to help you, liebling” – he ran a hand up her thigh, grazing her pussy and softly brushing her clit. She moaned and tried to lean into him, but he moved back swiftly, removing his hand. “Just tell me how. Tell me what you need”.

She looked both furious and dismayed, disappointed. Her brows furrowed, and he noticed her legs slightly drawn up now, alternately, one after the other, changing sides, changing rhythm – she was brushing herself, stroking her clit with the pressure of her thigh muscles, slowly and deliberately while he watched.

He let go of her hands, grasped her chin in his right hand and with his left halted the movement of her legs. “Stop it. Say it”.

She leaned towards him unsteadily and he allowed her a moment of respite, her head tucked under his chin, resting on his chest. He stroked her back and her hair lightly. “Say it baby” he whispered in her ear.

Her muffled voice was so soft he had to actively listen to hear her. “I need you to hurt me a little bit please”.

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