Most anticipated sex ever! [MF]

Courtney and I had known each other quite literally our entire lives. Our parents were best friends and introduced us very early on. We lived in different cites so we didn’t see each other that often. But as we got older and social media began to come into existence, we kept in touch.

So fast forward to just before my senior year of college. I had lost touch with Courtney over the years and one day a friend request from her pops up on Facebook. It had been a while since I last saw her, but she had really turned into a beauty. Court was about 5’ tall and very skinny. Not much at all in the way of tits, but she had a nice round ass that sprouted to skinny little legs. She had nicely tanned skin from living in New Orleans and dirty blonde hair. So we reconnected and started talking all the time. She was just getting ready to go off to her freshman year of college in Florida. So we talked all summer. I even got to see her in person when her and family came in for a week to see family. We were able to sneak away and kiss for a little while. It was incredible. After all these years we had built up a great bond.

So we stay in touch over the school. We had both really developed feelings for each other. We sent each other dirty pictures and tried to webcam sex a few times. She dated a few guys at her school and I dated a few girls at mine. This went on, us talking a lot and it often times getting naughty, until right before her sophomore year. I had been working at my first finance job since June and had some money. I planned a trip down to see her.

At this point on our relationship we had only been physical once and that was merely just kissing. But, with the help of technology, we both saw a lot of each other. We talked a lot about what it might be like when we finally were able to be together. So the time had come and I was on my way down to see her. The whole way down I was equal parts nervous and excited. I imagined finally being able to kiss those pouty lips and squeeze her tight little ass. I did my best not to get to aroused on the plane ride down.

I land in Florida and make my way to the baggage claim. Coming down the escalator I see her. She was wearing a tight white t shirt and cute little jean shorts that barely covered her ass. I run the rest of the way down the escalator and pick her and hug her. We deeply kiss and we both feel sparks fly between us. I grab my bag and we head to her place. She was driving and we held hands the whole way home.

We pull up to her place and she leans in to kiss me.

“I’m so glad you are here”, she says.

“I know, I’ve been waiting for this for so long,”

The anticipation at this point was bubbling over. We walked to her place and she led me on a quick tour. She had a roommate named, but she was not there at this time. The toured ended with her room where I put all of my stuff down. I gently closed the door and picked Courtney up and laid her on the bed.

“I’ve waited long enough, I’ve got to have you!” I said before deeply kissing her.

“Please take me then!” She says as she unbuckles my pants. She slides my pants off while kissing me and immediately starts to jerk me off. I pull away a little to get her clothes off. Luckily it was easy on my part being that she was not wearing a bra or panties. Now being both naked. I lifted her up and laid her all the way onto the bed. She was already dripping wet and had no need for foreplay. My now rock hard cock slowly separated her tiny pussy. She had trimmed down leaving just a little fur. I worked my mouth down to her cute little titties and squeezed that ass I had dreamed about for a year.

I pounded away at her pussy and with every stroke she moaned louder and louder. I would be surprised if the whole apartment complex didn’t hear her. Obviously with my anticipation,my stamina would not be long. Luckily, right before I was about to cum, I felt a huge gush come from Courtney. She nearly screamed and grabbed the back of my head while she came only seconds before I did.

As we lay there under the covers cuddling, we talked about all the years this was in the making about how the rest of the weekend would be mind blowing for the both of us.

To be continued…..
