Coworkers (Part 3) [FM]

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

**PART 3**

I lean back in my chair and rub my eyes.  Its become tedious reviewing and pulling apart the latest costs log, trying to pull this mess I’ve inherited back into something resembling the original budget.  Karen’s timing is absolutely perfect as she peeks her head through the door to my office and asks:

“Hey, you got a minute?”

“Of course.” I reply, happy to minimize the spreadsheet that’s been giving me a headache.

Karen steps in and sits down across from me.  It surprises me sometimes how quickly I can shift out of ‘work mode’, as my eyes immediately fall to her chest.  Her shirt has been pulled down a bit and I stare at her perfect cleavage.  I can’t help myself as my mind immediately begins to imagine reaching out to pull at her shirt, revealing more.  I fantasize about trailing kisses along the top of her exposed breasts as I drag my fingers down further, exposing the top edge of her nipple.  My tongue follows.  

I shake my head lightly to snap out of it and look to her eyes.  I quickly reprimand myself, as it’s likely she’s here to talk about serious work issues and my lusting over her is not helping.

Its been weeks since the most incredible business trip of my life, and I still can’t compose myself around her.  Things have been busy at work, keeping the three of us apart.

“What’s going on?” I ask, putting on my best ‘business face’.

She leans in to whisper “I am so fucking horny right now and I can’t hold still or stop thinking about fucking your brains out.”

I had picked the exact wrong time to take a sip from my coffee.  An awful sound erupts from me as I snort in utter surprise, trying to hold in a laugh and a mouthful of coffee.  I try to compose myself after spraying a small jet of coffee back into my cup.

Laughing, she apologizes “sorry, I should have built up to that a little more”

“No,” I laugh in response as I wipe at my lips, “its just incredible how similar our minds operate.  I’m right there with you.  Especially with that shirt today.”  I nod down to the cleavage that had distracted me initially.

She smiles as she looks around and, finding nobody nearby, dips a finger into her collar and slowly pulls down, elongating her perfect line of cleavage.  

*Jesus, how does she have this effect on me?* I ask myself as I am already beginning to harden.  In response to her pulling at her shirt I push back from my desk to show.  She cranes her neck to look over my desk.  We watch in silence as the lump in my pants moves, her attention causing it quickly elongate across my thigh.  I reach down and squeeze myself…

“Stop,” she interrupts, “there are too many people here.  Somebody could walk by by any second.  Your door is open for god’s sake.”

I pull my hand away, disappointed, but she’s right.  I can get carried away too easily around her.  Its like my brain stops working – or at least the rational part of my brain.  “Then how do you propose we deal with this issue you’re having?”

“We don’t.” Karen replies curtly, deflating me both figuratively and literally.  “We just can’t, with how much shit we have to do, and with how much risk we’re dealing with here.”

Karen stands up to leave. “I just came by to tell you how I felt, not to have you do something about it.  We need to go slow.”

*Shit*.  I think to myself as she turns around and walk out.  *I need to calm down*.  Although in the back of my mind I do feel a little annoyed by the teasing only to be shut down so abruptly.

I sigh, frustrated with myself for apparently being unable to read her cues.   Frustrated with the situation in general.  The days since that fateful week have dragged on, and thinking about it, fantasizing about exploring this new situation, has set up permanent residence at the front of my mind.

I try to push it back as I pull the spreadsheet back up.  I have a lot of work to do and not enough time to do it.

Hours later I’m leaning into my computer, back hunched over with eyes squinting, struggling to focus.  I become more frustrated when my stomach growls because I’ve skipped lunch to get this mess cleaned up.  My door is closed.  I never close my door, but between Karen’s teasing this morning and this mess I’m trying to clean up, I just want to be left alone.  

There’s a knock at my door.  I look up to see Susan’s head at the window.  *Goddamnitmotherfucker.*  I wave her in.

“Hi Susan, what’s up?”  I ask, smiling.

My new boss walks into my office carrying a stack of papers.  

“Hey, so I just found these in my files.” she drops them on my cluttered desk, “more agreements and invoices I found related to…” she looks at the spreadsheet I have open “that.”

“Wait, more?”  I ask.  “How can there be more?  We’ve already…nevermind, just leave them there.  I’ll fold them in.” 

My head is about to explode.

“Thaaaaanks!”  She sings as she practically skips away, leaving my door wide open.

I stand up to close my door.  I think about slamming it as hard as I can.  I think to myself: *How the fuuuuuuck could this get any more…*

My phone rings.

*…ah, that’s how*.  I clench my fist as I walk over to look at my phone.  *Unlisted.  No fucking way.*  I push it to voicemail and settle back into my chair.  I take three deep breaths and click in a cell  to find another of Susan’s formula errors.  I look down to the pencil sitting on my desk and contemplate jamming it into my eye.

My phone rings again.  Unlisted again.  Push to voicemail again.  

*I’d probably get at least a week of medical leave* I think as I pick up the pencil.

Phone again.  Unlisted.  I snap the pencil in half and pick up the receiver.

“What.” I answer, uncharacteristically short.

“Whoa,” comes the voice on the other end “sorry, I can ask someone else if you’re too busy”

*Shit.*  “Sorry Karen, I didn’t know it was you.  What’s up?”

“I’m in the storage room downstairs.  I have a few heavy boxes I need help moving to get to some files.  Seriously, I can ask someone else if you…”

“No, no I’m sorry.  I’m happy to help.  I’ll be down in a minute.”  I interrupt.

*I need to get the fuck out of this office anyway.*  I get up and walk out of my office.  I’m heading towards the stairs, walking by Susan’s office as I hear her call out: “Hey Mark, there’s another…” I keep walking, picking up my pace as I pretend not to hear her.

I jog down the stairs, still worked up, and turn down the hall towards the file storage room in the basement.  I reach for the door handle and find it locked.  I jiggle it and knock impatiently on the door.

I hear steps inside, walking up to the door, then a click as its unlocked.  Karen peeks through the crack as she opens it.  

“Thanks for coming so quickly.” she says as she lets me in, taking a second to look up and down the hallway before closing and locking the door behind me.

*That’s odd*,  I think to myself.  

I’m blindsided when Karen grabs my shirt and pushes me up against the wall, hard, and mashes her mouth onto mine.  She bites at my lips and tongue like a hungry animal, hurting me.  Quickly her hands go to my belt and loosen it.  She’s practically grunting.  

“No fucking way” I say as I push her away from me.  

Her expression changes immediately as she back up.  She looks confused, a little hurt.

“If you only knew the day I’ve had.  And on top of that I’m not going to be teased and then just dropped so abruptly because you’re afraid of moving too quickly”  I say angrily

“Mark, I’m sorry, I…”  she starts

“And I’m certainly not going to let you be the aggressor here.”  I interrupt as I walk towards her, staring into her eyes.

Her expression shifts quickly from confusion to a combination of fear and excitement as I grip her hips with my strong hands, pushing her backwards into a table. I grab a fistful of her hair and roughly turn her her head upwards.  I look at her face, her eyes are wide and her mouth hangs open.  I crash my mouth into hers and return the kiss, just as hungry and aggressive as hers.   I tighten my grip on her hair as I plunge my tongue into her mouth, pushing at hers.  Our teeth click together as I continue to kiss her forcefully.  She whimpers as I bite her bottom lip and pull away, stretching it slightly before I let it go.  

“What’s that you were saying earlier about fucking my brains out?” I ask as I reach down to the front of her pants.  

I pull hard at the button and it pops.  I may have broken it.  I let go of her hair and hear a nearly inaudible whine escape her lips.  I pull with both hands, forcing her zipper open.  *No panties* I note to myself, *Nice.*    My hands reach behind and under her hips as I wrap my fingers into her waistband.  I pull roughly, peeling her pants from her body.  It takes several hard jerks to pull them over her hips and bubbly ass.  I continue to pull down hard on her pants, exposing her legs, the force almost pulling her off the table.  I rush as I pull her shoes off and in one quick motion I yank her pants over her feet and throw them to the side, now inside-out.  

I straighten up and stare at her, my eyes washing over her bare lower body.  Up her legs to her now exposed pussy as her legs slowly spread.  I watch her squirm as I reach to my belt, unfastening it as I continue to stare at her nakedness.  I unbutton my pants and open the zipper in one motion.  She quietly gasps as I expose my rock-hard cock, pulling my pants to mid thigh.  Taking a step forward, I wrap a tight fist around myself and point it directly at her sex.  With my free hand I force her legs wider.  Lunging forward, I press the pulsing head of my cock into the soft flesh between her pussy and asshole and slowly pull it upwards, maintaining pressure as it slips between her lips and brushes roughly over her clit.  She yelps.  I look down noticing her wetness covering my head before I draw it back down over her clit and pause at her opening.  

“I’m going to need you to be quiet.” I say, giving her no time to respond as I plunge myself inside her.  

She’s soaking wet, but I still need to push hard to run my full length into her, bottoming out.  A long moan escapes her lips.

“Shhhhhh.”  I say as I raise a finger to my lips.

I pull out slowly, until my cock is completely free.  Still looking down, I see that I am covered in her.  The light from the room reflects off the wet surfaces of the veins and ridges of my cock.  I re-position myself at her opening and push my body into her as I penetrate again.  She moans, more quietly now, when I bottom out for second time.  I push her legs apart as wide as they will go and grip the underside of each thigh with my strong hands to hold them open.  She leans back onto her elbows and slowly licks her lips in anticipation.

I pull her hips towards me, pulling her slightly off the table as I start fucking her.  I am thrusting hard and fast.  I feel my balls smack and mash up against her asshole with each hard thrust.  I feel her tighten, her pussy clamping down on my hard cock each time I pull out, almost as if she’s trying to keep me inside her.  

Everything about her feels incredible.  I try to focus on my other senses to distract from from the feeling of her hot, wet center hugging me tightly as I saw into her.  

I listen to the rhythmic wet splashing sounds as I pump into her.  The knocking of the table against the wall.  

I focus on smell, her scent filling my nostrils, making me mad with lust.  

I look to the convergence of our bodies, seeing her lips wrapping around me, pulling and pushing alongside my cock.  I see her wetness spreading between us, running down the sides and between her asshole and the pounding of my balls.  

Taste.  I immediately feel an overwhelming urge to taste her.  Quickly I pull out and drop to my knees.  I don’t think twice as I plunge my face into her soaking wet pussy.  Immediately my face is covered in wetness as I press hard into her.  More quiet moaning.  I can’t breath as I lap at her opening, I run my tongue deep through her lips and taste her.  I pull back holding a lip gently between my teeth.  I stretch it out and release, watching it pop back into place.  

I lean back and look her over.  Starting at her face, her waiting eyes looking down at me.  My eyes move down her center-line and I focus on her clit, standing proudly showing her arousal.  Further down, I follow the gentle curves of her pussy lips forming a thin, perfect oval.  I follow the drips of her wetness down further.  My eyes lock onto her asshole.  Slightly darker than the rest of her skin.  The lines converging at the center of her tight hole.  I watch as she pulses, her muscles tightening, snapping me out of it.  

I cover her asshole with my mouth.  My tongue paints her with broad up and down strokes.  I push at her, feeling the tight edge of her opening on the tip of my tongue with each stroke.  

“Uhhhhhhhnnnggg.” she groans involuntarily, long and loud.

I stop and look up at her.  “Seriously, you need to be quiet.” I admonish as I rise.  

I stand and lean over her to cover her mouth with mine.  I make her taste herself as I lick at her lips.  

Down below I maneuver my hips to find her again and easily plunge back inside.  I wrap my arms under her legs to pull her apart again.  She moans into my mouth.  I fuck her, resuming the hard, fast pumping from before.  

After minutes of hard but silent fucking I freeze at a sound from the door.  *SHIT*, someone is jiggling the doorknob.  Karen’s eyes find mine and widen.  *SHIT.* She mouths.

I am deep inside her.  My hard cock pulsing at the walls of her pussy.  We hold as the rattling of the doorknob continues.  

I slide out of her, slowly lifting my hand to her mouth.  I cover it, squeezing at her cheeks and pressing down to keep her quiet.  I plunge back into her hard and deep.  Her eyes widen and she looks at me in a panic.  I continue to pump inside her, a few more strokes and her eyes roll back, accepting me.  She releases a muffled moan into my hand, causing me to press harder.  I look into her eyes and bring my finger to my mouth as I quickly pull out and push back into her.  A rush of adrenaline pumps through me, urging me to fuck her harder than before.  If someone has a key we are completely fucked.  The fear heightens my arousal and I pump faster.  

Finally we hear footsteps walking away and back down the hall.  The rush remains though, as the adrenaline still courses through our veins.  I release my hand from her mouth causing to inhale sharply and begin panting.

“Keep fucking me…don’t stop..I’m gonna cum”

My hand slides around the side of her face, around to back of her head.  I cradle her head and pull thick strands of her hair between my fingers and squeeze as I continue to fuck her.

“Ooooohhhh fuuuuck” she moans.

I feel her muscles tense, her pussy tightening around me.  Her body bucks under me.  I hold her hair tight with one hand and push her leg back with the other to keep her still.  Her body fights me as she cums hard.

The hard contractions of her pussy hugging my cock nearly causes my legs to give out.  I fight though and don’t slow the pace of my fucking.  I feel it.  My heavy balls pull up against me.  My shaft pulses hard as my orgasm rushes, starting somewhere near my tailbone then radiating though my entire body.  Karen is still coming down from her hard orgasm, but feels me stiffen.

“Don’t fucking pull out..don’t stop fucking me…I want your cum inside me” she growls

She squeezes me and the underside of my shaft throbs hard.  I try to hold on, but I feel the release as a river of cum is loosed within me.  I can almost follow it as it rushes through me, pumped hard by the throbbing of my cock.  Karen and I moan in unison as I fill her, adding to the warmth.  I pump load after load into her, groaning and panting as I convulse.  

The throbbing slows.  I slide all the way into her and stop.  I hold deep inside her and fall on top of her as we catch our breath.  We’re breathing hard, almost in unison.  

“Ohhh, I needed that.” She coos

“You have no idea” I reply as I kiss her softly.
