I guess I just love older women [Part 2] [MF] [Cheating]

So I’m back. Check my history for Part 1.

Since I last posted, things have progressed, and tamed, and ramped back up. I’ll try to get to it all.

After the blowjob, things got a little weird. She didn’t come over for a while, and it was hard to tell if she regretted what had happened, or if she thought I did. To be frank, it was super on edge. Was she going to say something? Had she found Jesus and now she was going to confess her sins and all would be revealed? What was going on? Should I text her? Should I say something to my wife that she should invite her mother over? Jesus Christ, this is why you don’t let your mother in law suck you off, you god damn idiot!

Well, thankfully, after a few months of not seeing her, a visit was planned. I didn’t have to bring it up, I didn’t have to ask, and Cheryl was on her way. She’d be coming on Saturday and we’d all go to a music festival in town. Hokay.

Thursday, I decide that I’m going to clean up the yard some ahead of company. I figured people would be in the pool and I had been neglecting a lot of the landscaping. I take a weedwacker to what I thought was just some weeds growing up the retaining wall and, guess what? Poison ivy. Smash cut to Saturday, Cheryl is on her way, and I’m doped up with Benadryl trying to combat the poison ivy. Awesome!

Cheryl arrives and I hear her downstairs saying her hellos and whatnot. I put on some lounge pants and a t-shirt and head down. She has a perfect poker face. She expresses sympathy regarding my plight, asks if I’ll be staying home, and says she is sorry I’ll miss out on the festival. Okay, we’re playing it this way? That’s fine. I’m sorry too! I hope you have a great time. Everyone leaves.

I head back upstairs, get back in to bed, and get back to binge watching the first season of Stranger Things. I think I fell asleep, but after what seemed like only ten or fifteen minutes, but in retrospect may have been as much as an hour, I hear noises downstairs. Oh shit. In my Benadryl haze my brain decides Cheryl told my wife what happened and now they’re all home and going to confront me. She was just as much to blame as me! This is bullshit!

I get up and head to the bedroom door to head downstairs and face the music. When I open the door, though, who do I see standing at the base of the stairs, holding a pie box? Cheryl.

“Oh hi! I just told [wife] that I wasn’t feeling so well, and I said I’d drop this off here for you and then head for home.”

Poker face.

“Oh great, thanks so much! I actually thought you guys were all back and the festival must have been canceled or something.”

Poker face right back — I’ve poked your face, I can play this game.

Cheryl plops the box down on the counter and says “Okay, well listen…”

Here we go.

Cheryl: “I’ve been meaning to talk to you, I really wanted to apologize with the way I kind of broke things off … or didn’t let things get going … or whatever.”
Me: “Broke things off? How do you mean?” I came down the stairs.
Cheryl: “Well you know I just sort of avoided you and I … I think the term is I ‘ghosted’ you?”
Me: Laughing “Oh is that what that was? That was your way of breaking up with me?”
Cheryl: “Well I don’t know if I needed to break up with you, but you know what I mean. I just kind of put a stop to things.”
Me: “I had no idea, I just thought the next time you came around we’d pick up where we left off.”
Cheryl: “Oh really now! And where exactly did we leave off? I seem to remember one of us having a very good time and the other…”
Me: “The other what?! They came home! It wasn’t like I intended…”
Cheryl: “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever.” Laughing “I’m going to get going, I…”

I panicked. I wanted to at least get back to the flirty stuff. This is bad.

Cheryl: “Hmm? Oh … yes you’ve told me…”
Me: “And I like the jeans.”
Cheryl: “Oh really? Why thank you!” smiling.
Me: Courage time. “I love that tight little ass of your’s.”
Cheryl: “Oh boy.”

By the time she hit BOY, I was on her. She had pulled the aggressive move on me, so I pulled it right back. I also pulled her ponytail back as I moved in, tilting her head back so I could kiss her long and deep. This time I wasn’t wasting any time, I slid my hand up her trunk and wrapped it around one of her tits, I felt her let out a little sigh in our kiss.

Now it was decision time. There is no way we can do this here, right by the front door, where we’ll have no time to hide if someone comes home. On the other hand, there will be questions if Cheryl is … hanging out with me in our bedroom. So I scoop her up and take her up to my office. It has a lock on the door and enough junk that I can conceivably say I was showing her something or other. Either the poison ivy and Benadryl really had me dragging, or I was getting weaker, but getting her up the two flights of steps was not as smooth and suave as I had hoped. But, I didn’t drop her, and I got her there.

We burst through the door, and I put her on my desk and turned to lock the door behind us.

[To be continued].

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/c0eeop/i_guess_i_just_love_older_women_part_2_mf_cheating


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