The Junior Prom, the night my life changed forever [FF]

So, I don’t know if any of you are familiar with my other stories, but this one is a bit of a departure for me. But it was an important moment in my life, and I wanted to share it with all of you. Obviously, names have been changed, but this was a very important moment in my life. I hope you guys like it as much as I did! ;)

“Bye lovebirds! Don’t get in trouble!” Haley said, as she and Cody left for the gym.

“Shut up!” I shouted over the thrum of the music. I was trying to play it cool, but I was terrified. I did not want her to leave me alone with Dustin, I didn’t want to be at this stupid prom, I didn’t want to be wearing this stupid dress. As Dustin’s rough hand grasped my cold, clammy hand, I wished with all my heart that I could be back in my treehouse playing Gamecube with Haley, far away from the school and the music and Dustin.

I wished Haley never set me up with him. Dustin was her brother’s best friend. He was charming, in his own way, and funny and nice enough. But he was rough, and smelly and, most importantly, a guy.

Haley had no idea how I felt about her. Which is not surprising, because I’ve never told her how I felt about her. In fact, quite the opposite. One night on a sleepover, she asked me what boys I like. All I wanted to say was, “no boys. Just you.” but I chickened out, and scrambled for some boy’s name. I almost said her brother’s name, but that would be way weird, so I went with Dustin instead. She winked, and the next day started dropping mad hints that I had the hots for Dustin, and one thing led to another, and now I’m at the prom with Dustin, heading out behind the school, probably about to make out and get felt up and god knows what else.

Dustin was completely quiet as he led me by the hand to the back of the school. He was sweating, and I could tell that he was nervous too. Who knows? Maybe I’ll like kissing Dustin. I’m crazy about Haley, but maybe I’m just confused, maybe a kiss from a boy will make everything clear and maybe I’ll be normal and happy and get married and have kids and live a normal life.

“Over here,” croaked Dustin, leading me towards a shed on the back of the football field, carefully avoiding the patrolling teachers, who were trying to prevent teenagers like us from doing what we’re about to do. We silently crept behind the shed, and Dustin stealthily checked the other side of the shed to make sure we were alone. He looked like a goofy James Bond, and I wish I could have laughed but instead I started crying. Still looking around the corner, he reached into his pocket and took something out. He turned around as I was wiping my eyes.

“Are you okay?” he asked, genuinely. Blinking, I saw that he had a flask in his hand.

“I’m fine, you doofus,” I sniffed. “I just got something in my eye.”

“You want some?” He said, unscrewing the top of the flask.

My first kiss, and now my first drink? Somehow, I always thought that Haley would be there for both, but she’s not. I take a long look at the flask quavering in Dustin’s hand.

“Sure. Yeah. Okay.” I stammer, taking the flask, and confidently I bring the flask to my mouth. My lips are greeted with fire, and fresh tears dampen my eyes as I hold a mouthful of cheap booze in my cheeks. Dustin giggled as I forced down the liquor, coughing and sputtering. I passed him the flask and he took a practiced swig before screwing the cap back on and replacing it in his pocket.

“Okay. So… are you… are you ready?” His voice quavered, and for the first time, I considered that I might be his first kiss too. I guess I had always assumed that he’d been with tons of girls, but he certainly wasn’t acting like it tonight.

“Yeah,” I said, straightening my dress. I felt like throwing up, but I coughed and put on my most confident voice. “Yeah dude. Shut up and kiss me.”

We were both crouched on our knees in the dirt behind the shed. Dustin shimmied closer until our knees were touching, and leaned forward, closing his eyes. I watched unblinking as his face drew nearer in the moonlight, his lips comically puckered. I could smell the booze on his breath. Our lips were an inch from touching when, this time, I did laugh. I put a hand to my mouth, stifling a snort.

“What?” Dustin asked, hurt, but wanting to get in on the joke.

“Nothing, I…” I stammered. “Nothing, I just thought of a joke that I… It’s nothing.” I cleared my throat, trying to get serious. “Yeah, let’s do this kissing thing.”

I started laughing again, and this time Dustin joined in with an awkward chuckle. I felt terrible for ruining what might have otherwise been, I don’t know, a sweet moment? Maybe? But the laughter really helped to cut the tension.

“Okay, for real this time,” I said, regaining my composure. “I want to kiss you.”

“I want to kiss you,” Dustin replied, and leaned forward, bracing his hands on the ground on either side of my hips and leaning in to my mouth. I leaned in too, and out lips met.

For a moment, our lips just touched and stayed there, unmoving, like two fish pressed together. I opened my eyes, but his eyes were still closed, so I closed mine too. I never kissed anyone before, but I’m pretty sure there was more to it than this. I started moving my lips, like I was chewing something soft, and he did the same. His face was scratchy with stubble, and eventually I had to breathe through my nose. The air was so sour, mixed with his subtle sweat and body odor and the more powerful boozy smell of his breath. But I stuck with it, rhythmically moving my lips against his in the dirt behind the gardening shed.

After a minute or two of this, I felt Dustin adjust his weight, He brought his hand up to my cheek, and pressed his mouth closer to mine. I had just remembered that his hand was in the dirt when I felt his tongue press against my lips, and I recoiled.

“Ah Dustin, your hand,” I said, wiping the dirt from my face.

“I… I’m sorry, here,” He said, pulling out a napkin. It was dark, but I could tell his face was flushed, and he was sitting awkwardly, trying to conceal a bulge in his pants.

“It’s fine, I got it.” I said, rubbing my face on the expensive dress Haley picked out for me. I looked at Dustin, and I felt something akin to guilt for ruining his night. There was no helping it, I was not into this. I didn’t know for sure if I was gay or not, but one thing is for sure, I wasn’t into Dustin.

“Dustin, I’m so sorry, I…” I began, but I felt a vibration in my purse. Fumbling, I pulled out my phone and saw that I had a text. It was from Haley. Immediately I flipped it open and read the message.

“Where R U. Can U meet me in the girls bathroom 2nd floor”

I stared at the message, and back at Dustin’s expectant face. “I’m sorry Dustin, I have to go.”

“Yeah,” said Dustin, clearly dejected.

I grabbed my purse and half-ran back to the school, grateful for the excuse to get away, but feeling awful. Poor Dustin. He is a sweet guy, and this night went really poorly for him. But right not Haley needs me, and there is nowhere in the world I would rather be.

I rushed down the hallway, but remembered that the 2nd floor is off limits for the prom, so I slowed to a stealthy walk. Peering around the corner, I saw Mrs Jennings walking the other way. As soon as she passed the stairwell, I slipped past her and headed up to the dimly lit second floor. The lights were off, but I knew the way to the bathroom. Sidling up to the bathroom, I pressed myself against the door and listened.

“Haley?” I hoarsely whispered, and gently rapped on the door. The knob turned and opened, and there was Haley. It was dark, but I could tell she had been crying.

“Cody?” I asked, and she nodded and quietly sobbed. I pushed in the door and wrapped her in my arms, and she shuddered subs into my dress. The door shut behind me, and we slid to the floor, and I cradled her as she cried.

I held her for minutes, and while I was sad that she was heartbroken, and filled with rage that Cody would do anything to hurt her, I was also elated, and exactly where I wanted to be.

Dim moonlight filtered in through the window, and after a few minutes her sobbing has quieted to a dull sniffle. I passed her a paper towel from the dispenser.

I turned to her so I could look into her face. I knew she needed me to say something, tell her that everything is going to be alright, that Cody doesn’t know what he’s missing, that he’s an idiot and that she is the most beautiful, smart, funny, talented, incredible girl in the whole world. I knew I had to say something.

Instead, I took her chin in my hand, and pressed my lips against hers.

I held them there, for an hour. Or a minute. Or ten seconds. I felt her stiffen at the touch. Suddenly realizing what I had done, I pulled away. I could taste the salt of her tears on my lips. Neither of us were breathing. I looked into her eyes, and my own eyes widened with the shock of what I just did.

I sat in stunned silence for a long time. For the first time with Haley, words completely failed me. My face flushed, and I found tears in my eyes.

“Haley,” I stammered, “I’m so…”

Haley rushed forward and planted her lips firmly on mine, cutting me off. She put a hand on the back of my head, pulling me closer and pressing her mouth on mine with unbelievable passion. I turned and wrapped my arms around her, pouring myself into her. Tears streamed down my face, and the world melted away around us. We were floating, flying, soaring. All there was, is and ever will be was Haley.

Suddenly, I was on top of her, kissing her, my tongue reaching out and pressing against hers, tasting her, drinking her in. She tasted sweet, like strawberries and cream, and I inhaled the fruity shampoo smell in her hair. Suddenly, I realized my hand was on her waist, creeping up her soft stomach and feeling the gentle outline of her ribs under the fabric of her dress. I creeped closer to her chest, my heart thumping in my chest, my head swimming from the alcohol but also drunk on Haley.

Suddenly, I feel her hand reach out and take mine. I freeze, terrified that I took it too far, and quietly cursing myself for my greed. I pull away from her lips to gaze apologetically into her eyes in the dim glow of the moonlight filtering through the window. I am greeted by a medley of emotions in her eyes, filled with a quiet intensity, still reddened with tears; deliberate and resolute, but also nervous and unsure. She held my hand on her ribs for a long moment as I drank in her eyes, taking in shuddering breaths and hardly believing what was happening.

After a lifetime, I feel a pressure on my hand as she guides me lower, down past her stomach to her waist, down to her thigh to the edge of her dress, then up again, resting my hand on the edge of her soft cotton panties.

My heart is pounding in my throat and my breathing intensifies. My head is swimming, and I feel like I’m going to pass out from the flurry of emotions coursing through my brain. I blink away a tear, which lands unnoticed on Haley’s cheek.

“Are you sure?” I whisper, unable to summon my voice. Haley nods, and smiles, and pulls my hand closer to her warm center. Cautiously, but with clumsy fingers, I rub the outside of her mound, and I hear a sharp intake of breath in response. I feel the warm wetness dampening my fingers through the panties.

“Please,” Haley whispers in my ear. Her warm breath on my neck raises goosebumps all over my body. “I need you, please.”

Shuddering, I lower my lips to hers and take her in a deep embrace. I pull her panties to one side, and probe the outside of her lips with my finger, delighting in the warm wetness. She moans needingly, muffled by my lips on hers. She wraps me in her arms, pulling me closer, holding me tight as I gently massage her lips, slick and expectant, warm and wonderful.

She pulls away from me. “Please.” She repeats, now breathless. She looks into my eyes needingly, pleading, begging for release.

Smiling, I happily oblige.

Planting my lips firmly on hers, I simultaneously slip my finger inside her. She moans into my mouth, arching her back against my finger. I move in and out of her in practiced motions, having imagined just this scenario a thousand times but never once dreaming it would ever actually happen.

Rubbing the palm of my hand against her clit as I slide in and out between her legs, I decide to add another finger. Her arms wrap around me as she is rocked with pleasure.

Panting heavily, Haley breaks away from my lips, and I cradle my head in the nape of her neck as I vigorously pump between her legs. “Oh my god,” she hoarsely whispers, “Oh god, I… I’m gonna…” Her words devolve into a low moan as her body shakes with waves of pleasure, and I struggle to keep pace against her convulsing body. Her legs tighten around my hand as my fingers burrow inside her, urging me closer and deeper as she cums on my hand.

Suddenly, with a final arch of the back and a choking gasp of pleasure, she slumps on the ground, sweaty and panting from the exertion. Similarly spent, I collapse next to her, cradling her in my arms, and using my non-sticky hand I gently caress her face and stroke her hair, planting a series of soft kisses against her shoulder, neck and cheek. Her breathing slows, and she nuzzles her head in the crook of my arm, allowing herself to be held. I bury my nose in her soft hair and breath in her fruity shampoo smell, and we hold each other for an eternity as the distant music thrums beneath us. I knew at that moment that nothing would ever be the same between us, and that our lives were about to get a hell of a lot more complicated, but at that moment, all there was, was Haley.



  1. Easily the best-written story I’ve seen on reddit, in any subreddit. Well done!

  2. You have a definite future in adult themed literature ! Well done again.

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